Training data structure and access - c++

I'm writing up an implementation of backpropagation for a feedforward neural network in C++ and I'm using the Armadillo library. Right now, I'm loading training data with the method load for the class matrix in the Armadillo library. Two questions:
1) Is this a reasonable choice for storing pre-formatted (CSV), numeric data that fits into main memory (<2GB)? Certainly there are better ways to do this than others and it'd be nice to know if this is not a good practice. Part of me feels like this isn't a good choice for holding the data as there are likely more data-ish structures/frameworks (like I should be accessing some SQL database or something). Another part of me feels like numeric data is by definition just matrices so this should be wonderful.
2) I need to sample without replacement from a data set in my implementation and I see two routes: either I could shuffle the rows of the data set or shuffle an array that indexes the data set. There is a shuffle method for the matrix class in the Armadillo library and I'm suspicious that what is shuffled is addresses and not the rows themselves. Wouldn't that be just as efficient as shuffling an indexing array?

1) Yes, this is fine and it's how I would do it, but note that Armadillo matrices are column-major and thus you may need to transpose the CSV that you load. If your data is sufficiently large that it won't fit in main memory, you could consider writing a custom CSV parser that looks at the data in a streaming sense (i.e. one point at a time), thus reducing your RAM footprint, or you could even use mmap() to map a file full of packed doubles as your matrix and let the kernel work out what needs to be swapped in when.
2) Because all matrix data is stored contiguously (i.e. double* not double**), shuffle() will be moving the elements in the matrix. What I generally do in this type of situation is create a vector of indices and shuffle it:
uvec indices = linspace<uvec>(0, n, n);
// Now loop over each shuffled point...
for (uword i = 0; i < n; ++i)
// access the point with data.col(indices[i]) and do whatever
(The above code isn't tested, but it should work or easily be adapted into something that works.)
For what it's worth, mlpack ( does have a not-yet-stable neural network infrastructure that uses Armadillo, and it may be worth your time to check out; the link below is to the relevant source directly, but poking around on Github and the mlpack website should reveal better documentation.


Need to quickly subset a very big ncdf using a set of coordinates

I have a netcdf file which contains a float array (21600, 43200). I don't want to read in the entire array to RAM because it's too large, so I'm using the Dataset object from the netCDF4 library to read in the array.
I would like to calculate the mean of a subset this array using two 1D numpy arrays (x_coords, y_coords) of 300-400 coordinates.
I don't think I can use basic indexing, because the coordinates I have aren't continuous. What I'm currently doing is just feeding the arrays directly into the object, like so:
ncdf_data = Dataset(file, 'r')
mean = np.mean(ncdf_data.variables['q'][x_coords, y_coords])
The above code takes far too long for my liking (~3-4 seconds depending on the coordinates I'm using), and I'd like to speed this up somehow. Is there a pythonic way that I can use to directly work out the mean from such a subset without triggering fancy indexing?
I know h5py warns about the slow speed of fancy indexing,
netcdf probably has the same problem.
Can you load contiguous slice that contains all values, and apply the faster numpy advanced indexing to that subset? Or you may have to work with chunks.
numpy advanced indexing is slower than it's basic slicing, but that is still quite a bit faster than the fancy indexing directly off the file.
However you do it, np.mean will be operating on data in memory, not directly on data in the file. The slowness of fancy indexing is because it has to access data scattered through out the file. Loading the data into an array in memory isn't the slow part. The slow part is seeking and reading from the file.
Putting the file on a faster drive (e.g. a solid state one) might help.

Efficient (time and space complexity) data structure for dense and sparse matrix

I have to read a file in which is stored a matrix with cars (1=BlueCar, 2=RedCar, 0=Empty).
I need to write an algorithm to move the cars of the matrix in that way:
blue ones move downward;
red ones move rightward;
there is a turn in which all the blue ones move and a turn to move all the red ones.
Before the file is read I don't know the matrix size and if it's dense or sparse, so I have to implement two data structures (one for dense and one for sparse) and two algorithms.
I need to reach the best time and space complexity possible.
Due to the unknown matrix size, I think to store the data on the heap.
If the matrix is dense, I think to use something like:
short int** M = new short int*[m];
short int* M_data = new short int[m*n];
for(int i=0; i< m; ++i)
M[i] = M_data + i * n;
With this structure I can allocate a contiguous space of memory and it is also simple to be accessed with M[i][j].
Now the problem is the structure to choose for the sparse case, and I have to consider also how I can move the cars through the algorithm in the simplest way: for example when I evaluate a car, I need to find easily if in the next position (downward or rightward) there is another car or if it's empty.
Initially I thought to define BlueCar and RedCar objects that inherits from the general Car object. In this objects I can save the matrix coordinates and then put them in:
std::vector<BluCar> sparseBlu;
std::vector<RedCar> sparseRed;
Otherwise I can do something like:
vector< tuple< row, column, value >> sparseMatrix
But the problem of finding what's in the next position still remains.
Probably this is not the best way to do it, so how can I implement the sparse case in a efficient way? (also using a unique structure for sparse)
Why not simply create a memory mapping directly over the file? (assuming your data 0,1,2 is stored in contiguous bytes (or bits) in the file, and the position of those bytes also represents the coordinates of the cars)
This way you don't need to allocate extra memory and read in all the data, and the data can simply and efficiently be accessed with M[i][j].
Going over the rows would be L1-cache friendly.
In case of very sparse data, you could scan through the data once and keep a list of the empty regions/blocks in memory (only need to store startpos and size), which you could then skip (and adjust where needed) in further runs.
With memory mapping, only frequently accessed pages are kept in memory. This means that once you have scanned for the empty regions, memory will only be allocated for the frequently accessed non-empty regions (all this will be done automagically by the kernel - no need to keep track of it yourself).
Another benefit is that you are accessing the OS disk cache directly. Thus no need to keep copying and moving data between kernel space and user space.
To further optimize space- and memory usage, the cars could be stored in 2 bits in the file.
I'll have to move cars with openMP and MPI... Will the memory mapping
work also with concurrent threads?
You could certainly use multithreading, but not sure if openMP would be the best solution here, because if you work on different parts of the data at the same time, you may need to check some overlapping regions (i.e. a car could move from one block to another).
Or you could let the threads work on the middle parts of the blocks, and then start other threads to do the boundaries (with red cars that would be one byte, with blue cars a full row).
You would also need a locking mechanism for adjusting the list of the sparse regions. I think the best way would be to launch separate threads (depending on the size of the data of course).
In a somewhat similar task, I simply made use of Compressed Row Storage.
The Compressed Row and Column (in the next section) Storage formats
are the most general: they make absolutely no assumptions about the
sparsity structure of the matrix, and they don't store any unnecessary
elements. On the other hand, they are not very efficient, needing an
indirect addressing step for every single scalar operation in a
matrix-vector product or preconditioner solve.
You will need to be a bit more specific about time and space complexity requirements. CSR requires an extra indexing step for simple operations, but that is a minor amount of overhead if you're just doing simple matrix operations.
There's already an existing C++ implementation available online as well.

MPI synchronize matrix of vectors

Excuse me if this question is common or trivial, I am not very familiar with MPI so bear with me.
I have a matrix of vectors. Each vector is empty or has a few items in it.
std::vector<someStruct*> partitions[matrix_size][matrix_size];
When I start the program each process will have the same data in this matrix, but as the code progresses each process might remove several items from some vectors and put them in other vectors.
So when I reach a barrier I somehow have to make sure each process has the latest version of this matrix. The big problem is that each process might manipulate any or all vectors.
How would I go about to make sure that every process has the correct updated matrix after the barrier?
I am sorry I was not clear. Each process may move one or more objects to another vector but only one process may move each object. In other words each process has a list of objects it may move, but the matrix may be altered by everyone. And two processes can't move the same object ever.
In that case you'll need to send messages using MPI_Bcast that inform the other processors about this and instruct them to do the same. Alternatively, if the ordering doesn't matter until you hit the barrier, you can only send the messages to the root process which performs the permutations and then after the barrier sends it to all the others using MPI_Bcast.
One more thing: vectors of pointers are usually quite a bad idea, as you'll need to manage the memory manually in there. If you can use C++11, use std::unique_ptr or std::shared_ptr instead (depending on what your semantics are), or use Boost which provides very similar facilities.
And lastly, representing a matrix as a fixed-size array of fixed-size arrays is readlly bad. First: the matrix size is fixed. Second: adjacent rows are not necessarily stored in contiguous memory, slowing your program down like crazy (it literally can be orders of magnitudes). Instead represent the matrix as a linear array of size Nrows*Ncols, and then index the elements as Nrows*i + j where Nrows is the number of rows and i and j are the row and column indices, respectively. If you don't want column-major storage instead, address the elements by i + Ncols*j. You can wrap this index-juggling in inline functions that have virtually zero overhead.
I would suggest to lay out the data differently:
Each process has a map of his objects and their position in the matrix. How that is implemented depends on how you identify objects. If all local objects are numbered, you could just use a vector<pair<int,int>>.
Treat that as the primary structure you manipulate and communicate that structure with MPI_Allgather (each process sends it data to all other processes, at the end everyone has all data). If you need fast lookup by coordinates, then you can build up a cache.
That may or may not be performing well. Other optimizations (like sharing 'transactions') totally depend on your objects and the operations you perform on them.

What is the most efficient (yet sufficiently flexible) way to store multi-dimensional variable-length data?

I would like to know what the best practice for efficiently storing (and subsequently accessing) sets of multi-dimensional data arrays with variable length. The focus is on performance, but I also need to be able to handle changing the length of an individual data set during runtime without too much overhead.
Note: I know this is a somewhat lengthy question, but I have looked around quite a lot and could not find a solution or example which describes the problem at hand with sufficient accuracy.
The context is a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code that is based on the discontinuous Galerkin spectral element method (DGSEM) (cf. Kopriva (2009), Implementing Spectral Methods for Partial Differential Equations). For the sake of simplicity, let us assume a 2D data layout (it is in fact in three dimensions, but the extension from 2D to 3D should be straightforward).
I have a grid that consists of K square elements k (k = 0,...,K-1) that can be of different (physical) sizes. Within each grid element (or "cell") k, I have N_k^2 data points. N_k is the number of data points in each dimension, and can vary between different grid cells.
At each data point n_k,i (where i = 0,...,N_k^2-1) I have to store an array of solution values, which has the same length nVars in the whole domain (i.e. everywhere), and which does not change during runtime.
Dimensions and changes
The number of grid cells K is of O(10^5) to O(10^6) and can change during runtime.
The number of data points N_k in each grid cell is between 2 and 8 and can change during runtime (and may be different for different cells).
The number of variables nVars stored at each grid point is around 5 to 10 and cannot change during runtime (it is also the same for every grid cell).
Performance is the key issue here. I need to be able to regularly iterate in an ordered fashion over all grid points of all cells in an efficient manner (i.e. without too many cache misses). Generally, K and N_k do not change very often during the simulation, so for example a large contiguous block of memory for all cells and data points could be an option.
However, I do need to be able to refine or coarsen the grid (i.e. delete cells and create new ones, the new ones may be appended to the end) during runtime. I also need to be able to change the approximation order N_k, so the number of data points I store for each cell can change during runtime as well.
Any input is appreciated. If you have experience yourself, or just know a few good resources that I could look at, please let me know. However, while the solution will be crucial to the performance of the final program, it is just one of many problems, so the solution needs to be of an applied nature and not purely academic.
Should this be the wrong venue to ask this question, please let me know what a more suitable place would be.
Often, these sorts of dynamic mesh structures can be very tricky to deal with efficiently, but in block-structured adaptive mesh refinement codes (common in astrophysics, where complex geometries aren't important) or your spectral element code where you have large block sizes, it is often much less of an issue. You have so much work to do per block/element (with at least 10^5 cells x 2 points/cell in your case) that the cost of switching between blocks is comparitively minor.
Keep in mind, too, that you can't generally do too much of the hard work on each element or block until a substantial amount of that block's data is already in cache. You're already going to have to had flushed most of block N's data out of cache before getting much work done on block N+1's anyway. (There might be some operations in your code which are exceptions to this, but those are probably not the ones where you're spending much time anyway, cache or no cache, because there's not a lot of data reuse - eg, elementwise operations on cell values). So keeping each the blocks/elements beside each other isn't necessarily a huge deal; on the other hand, you definitely want the blocks/elements to be themselves contiguous.
Also notice that you can move blocks around to keep them contiguous as things get resized, but not only are all those memory copies also going to wipe your cache, but the memory copies themselves get very expensive. If your problem is filling a significant fraction of memory (and aren't we always?), say 1GB, and you have to move 20% of that around after a refinement to make things contiguous again, that's .2 GB (read + write) / ~20 GB/s ~ 20 ms compared to reloading (say) 16k cache lines at ~100ns each ~ 1.5 ms. And your cache is trashed after the shuffle anyway. This might still be worth doing if you knew that you were going to do the refinement/derefinement very seldom.
But as a practical matter, most adaptive mesh codes in astrophysical fluid dynamics (where I know the codes well enough to say) simply maintain a list of blocks and their metadata and don't worry about their contiguity. YMMV of course. My suggestion would be - before spending too much time crafting the perfect data structure - to first just test the operation on two elements, twice; the first, with the elements in order and computing on them 1-2, and the second, doing the operation in the "wrong" order, 2-1, and timing the two computations several times.
For each cell, store the offset in which to find the cell data in a contiguous array. This offset mapping is very efficient and widely used. You can reorder the cells for cache reuse in traversals. When the order or number of cells changes, create a new array and interpolate, then throw away the old arrays. This storage is much better for external analysis because operations like inner products in Krylov methods and stages in Runge-Kutta methods can be managed without reference to the mesh. It also requires minimal memory per vector (e.g. in Krylov bases and with time integration).

Optimising C++ 2-D arrays

I need a way to represent a 2-D array (a dense matrix) of doubles in C++, with absolute minimum accessing overhead.
I've done some timing on various linux/unix machines and gcc versions. An STL vector of vectors, declared as:
vector<vector<double> > matrix(n,vector<double>(n));
and accessed through matrix[i][j] is between 5% and 100% slower to access than an array declared as:
double *matrix = new double[n*n];
accessed through an inlined index function matrix[index(i,j)], where index(i,j) evaluates to i+n*j. Other ways of arranging a 2-D array without STL - an array of n pointers to the start of each row, or defining the whole thing on the stack as a constant size matrix[n][n] - run at almost exactly the same speed as the index function method.
Recent GCC versions (> 4.0) seem to be able to compile the STL vector-of-vectors to nearly the same efficiency as the non-STL code when optimisations are turned on, but this is somewhat machine-dependent.
I'd like to use STL if possible, but will have to choose the fastest solution. Does anyone have any experience in optimising STL with GCC?
If you're using GCC the compiler can analyze your matrix accesses and change the order in memory in certain cases. The magic compiler flag is defined as:
Perform matrix flattening and
transposing. Matrix flattening tries
to replace a m-dimensional matrix with
its equivalent n-dimensional matrix,
where n < m. This reduces the level of
indirection needed for accessing the
elements of the matrix. The second
optimization is matrix transposing
that attemps to change the order of
the matrix's dimensions in order to
improve cache locality. Both
optimizations need fwhole-program
flag. Transposing is enabled only if
profiling information is avaliable.
Note that this option is not enabled by -O2 or -O3. You have to pass it yourself.
My guess would be the fastest is, for a matrix, to use 1D STL array and override the () operator to use it as 2D matrix.
However, the STL also defines a type specifically for non-resizeable numerical arrays: valarray. You also have various optimisations for in-place operations.
valarray accept as argument a numerical type:
valarray<double> a;
Then, you can use slices, indirect arrays, ... and of course, you can inherit the valarray and define your own operator()(int i, int j) for 2D arrays ...
Very likely this is a locality-of-reference issue. vector uses new to allocate its internal array, so each row will be at least a little apart in memory due to each block's header; it could be a long distance apart if memory is already fragmented when you allocate them. Different rows of the array are likely to at least incur a cache-line fault and could incur a page fault; if you're really unlucky two adjacent rows could be on memory lines that share a TLB slot and accessing one will evict the other.
In contrast your other solutions guarantee that all the data is adjacent. It could help your performance if you align the structure so it crosses as few cache lines as possible.
vector is designed for resizable arrays. If you don't need to resize the arrays, use a regular C++ array. STL operations can generally operate on C++ arrays.
Do be sure to walk the array in the correct direction, i.e. across (consecutive memory addresses) rather than down. This will reduce cache faults.
My recommendation would be to use Boost.UBLAS, which provides fast matrix/vector classes.
To be fair depends on the algorithms you are using upon the matrix.
The double name[n*m] format is very fast when you are accessing data by rows both because has almost no overhead besides a multiplication and addition and because your rows are packed data that will be coherent in cache.
If your algorithms access column ordered data then other layouts might have much better cache coherence. If your algorithm access data in quadrants of the matrix even other layouts might be better.
Try to make some research directed at the type of usage and algorithms you are using. That is specially important if the matrix are very large, since cache misses may hurt your performance way more than needing 1 or 2 extra math operations to access each address.
You could just as easily do vector< double >( n*m );
You may want to look at the Eigen C++ template library at . It generates AltiVec or sse2 code to optimize the vector/matrix calculations.
There is the uBLAS implementation in Boost. It is worth a look.
Another related library is Blitz++:
Blitz++ is designed to optimize array manipulation.
I have done this some time back for raw images by declaring my own 2 dimensional array classes.
In a normal 2D array, you access the elements like:
array[2][3]. Now to get that effect, you'd have a class array with an overloaded
[] array accessor. But, this would essentially return another array, thereby giving
you the second dimension.
The problem with this approach is that it has a double function call overhead.
The way I did it was to use the () style overload.
So instead of
array[2][3], change I had it do this style array(2,3).
That () function was very tiny and I made sure it was inlined.
See this link for the general concept of that:
You can template the type if you need to.
The difference I had was that my array was dynamic. I had a block of char memory I'd declare. And I employed a column cache, so I knew where in my sequence of bytes the next row began. Access was optimized for accessing neighbouring values, because I was using it for image processing.
It's hard to explain without the code but essentially the result was as fast as C, and much easier to understand and use.