I am having trouble installing Orange3 from github on openSUSE 13.1.
I have all requirements installed: gcc, g++, python 3-devel, pysci, pyqt4devel etc.
I followed these instructions, everything seems to work (with many warnings when compiling), however when entering in Orange.canvas, there are no widgets at all. It seems they have been missing on installation/compilation.
Any idea about what I did miss in the install or requirements?
Thanks for the -l3 options.
All the widgets get the same error on import
File "./Orange/widgets/utils/overlay.py", line 10, in <module>
import enum
ImportError: No module named 'enum'
Could not import 'orangecontrib.datafusion.widgets.owsamplematrix'``
I am not Python specialist, I will check for this module ..
I'm trying to run a code in python2.7 on windows os that uses sentiment analysis
from vaderSentiment.vaderSentiment import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer
analyzer = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer()
and I'm getting this error
ImportError: No module named vaderSentiment
Can anyone help me with this?
Assuming you solved this one as it's from 7 months ago, but for anyone else searching for it:
Go into terminal/cmd and paste the following:
pip install vaderSentiment
More info on VADER: https://github.com/cjhutto/vaderSentiment
from vaderSentiment.vaderSentiment import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer
#note: depending on how you installed (e.g., using source code download versus pip install), you may need to import like this:
#from vaderSentiment import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer
read the comment in a code
Try running your file with Python3 instead of just python. Sometimes when you have different pips/pythons installed on your computer you might have vaderSentiment installed in python2 when you need to run it in python3.
I would like to have a script invoke numpy from a c++ embedded python runtime by setting the runtime path to know about the numpy module located within site-packages.
However I get the error:
cannot import name 'multiarray'
from \Lib\site-packages\numpy\core__init_.py on the line
from . import multiarrray
I have tried to set the os.path to be xxx\numpy\core but it still cannot seem to find the multiarray.pyd file during the import statement
I have read through similar questions posed but none of the answers seem relevant to my case.
I am using Python 3.4.4 (32 bit) and have installed Numpy 1.11.1 using the wheel
python -m pip install numpy-1.11.1-cp34-none-win32.whl
Completed without any errors.
Seems like the failure message maybe more general than just an incomplete PYTHONPATH?
Also think it might be broader than Numpy in that ANY .pyd based package that is imported from the embedded environment will have this problem?
Any help appreciated.
Did you ensure all your NumPy includes: \numpy\core\include\numpy\ were present during the build? That's the only time I get those types of errors was if the build couldn't find all the NumPy includes... although during embedding I found that the numpy entire directory (already built on your build machine) has to be inside a directory under Py_SetPath(python35.lib;importlibs); assuming importlibs is a directory with NumPy inside and anything else you want to bundle.
Seems like the answer was to install python 3.4.1 to match the python34.dll version of 3.4.1.
I am current getting the error
ImportError: cannot import name gof
when importing theano.
>>> import theano
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#3>", line 1, in <module>
import theano
File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\theano\__init__.py", line 63, in <module>
from theano.compile import (
File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\theano\compile\__init__.py", line 9, in <module>
from theano.compile.function_module import *
File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\theano\compile\function_module.py", line 16, in <module>
from theano import gof
ImportError: cannot import name gof
I am using python 2.7.10 (). Theano is installed using pip install --upgrade --no-deps git+git://github.com/Theano/Theano.git.
Hope to get you suggestion to solve this problem
Most of the time, when I see this error, it is caused by those 2 errors:
1) A syntax error in Theano. Update Theano and make sure to have no local modifcation. I nerver saw this error in the master of Theano, but just in case.
2) When there is multiple version of Theano that are installed.
In both case, remove all version of Theano. Do it multiple time to be sure there is none left. Then install again.
From memory, this always solved the problem when it wasn't a syntax error during development (but not in the master version of Theano that you use)
This ImportError can be caused because Theano is unable to compile the gof module itself. If this is the case, you will see an error message that looks like "Exception: Compilation Failed (return status=1): C:\Long\Path\...\mod.cpp:1: sorry, unimplemented: 64-bit mode not compiled in".
Fixing With Conda
If you are installing theano into a conda environment, make sure that you have a C compiler available to that environment.
The command
conda install m2w64-toolchain
will provide a C compiler to your environment that's isolated from the rest of the machine.
After the m2w64-toolchain package is installed, import theano should work
Fixing Manually
If you are installing Theano yourself, two points from these threads may help:
Install the bleeding edge version of Theano
Install libpython from http://www.lfd.uci.edu/%7Egohlke/pythonlibs/
I assume you're using Windows 7 or later.
If you have installed Python Anaconda, then open Windows Powershell or Command Prompt and type conda install mingw libpython before typing pip install theano
Alternatively, if you don't have Anaconda, download those packages from
Then open Command Prompt, navigate to each folder and type python setup.py install
Now run Python and import theano
Possible errors:
If you get the RuntimeError: "To use MKL 2018 with Theano you MUST set "MKL_THREADING_LAYER=GNU" in your environement" then
Go to Control Panel > System > Advanced system settings and select "Environment Variables".
In the "System variables" section, make a new variable name MKL_THREADING_LAYER and set its value to GPU
If you get other kinds of errors, then try the following:
Make an empty file called .theanorc (a file extension without a file name) in your home folder C:\Users\<username>. If you get the error "You must type a file name" then see stackoverflow.com/q/5004633
Open .theanorc and write this:
cxx=C:\<path to Anaconda>\Anaconda3\MinGW\bin\g++.exe
Run Python again and import theano. If it works, then you can probably delete .theanorc
In my case, the fix was to install a python build that's callable as a shared library:
PYTHON_CONFIGURE_OPTS="--enable-shared" pyenv install 2.7.15
I'm, working on Windows 8 and I receive this error when launching my python program on pycharm:
ImportError: No module named Qwt5
refered to the line: "import PyQt4.Qwt5 as Qwt"
the program always worked till today, and the IDE still suggests me Qwt5 as a module to import when pressing CTRL+SPACE, so it seems is still recognized.
I checked the Qwt5 folder and there is the __init__.py file
I use Python 2.7.9 an is correctly selected as Python Interpreter
I've already tried to remove the packages and reinstall them.
Someone can help me?
i tried this and working.sudo apt-get install python-qwt5-qt4
I just installed mvpa2 module on my ubuntu 14.04, Python 2.7.6. following the instruction at http://www.pymvpa.org/installation.html using sudo aptitude install python-mvpa2
Command import mvpa2 works well, but when I run from mvpa2.suite import * , I get the followin warning in my terminal:
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sklearn/pls.py:7: DeprecationWarning: This module has been moved to cross_decomposition and will be removed in 0.16
"removed in 0.16", DeprecationWarning)
And also fallowing error:
TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'rho'
Appreciate your help!
actually this warning comes from the import done by mdp, which PyMVPA optionally uses... you can safely ignore it (no upgrade of PyMVPA would help anyhow), because even if it gets completely removed, then mdp would simply skip that import and you would remain 'golden'.
That problem is due to an incompatibility of the python-mvpa2 and scikit-learn versions. You can check more details on that in this page, because depends on which scikit-learn version you have what will be the parameters to call a given function.
A short solution is to uninstall your python-mvpa2 and scikit-learn, and install them directly from their github repos:
[python-mvpa2] https://github.com/PyMVPA
[scikit-learn] https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn
I just did it and now the example doc/examples/som.py (for my case) is working perfectly.