Scope of a C++ symbol - c++

AFAIK, symbols are useful to prevent multiple parsing. If both a.h and b.h include c.h, a
#ifndef C_H
#define C_H
// c.h definition would go here
will prevent c.h from being "parsed" (I believe it's not the right word) more than once.
However, I have seen something like
#ifdef WIN32
in other people's code. That symbol must have been defined somewhere else because a search for
#define WIN32
in the whole project returns empty. My question is: where are these symbols actually defined? Does the OS keep something similar to a pool of symbols that different programs can use to query for OS or other processes properties?

There are two options where those which are not in the code itself can originate from:
The compiler suite itself sets it as a default when you start compiling your code.
You give the compiler (or preprocessor, to be exact) a list of those definitions when you compile the code (or your IDE project preferences do, when you are using an IDE. For example, in Visual Studio 2013 you will find those when you open Project > Properties > Configuration Properties > C/C++ > Preprocessor > Preprocessor Definitions).
In general, those definitions are not only used for the reason you describe (as include guards), but also to enable or disable code based on the platform you develop for - for example, you can have code branches only compiled for windows, or only if you are using a 64 bit compiler.

You might want to take a look at some predefined compiler macros

AFAIK this is part of the compiler you use.

The Microsoft C++ compiler internally defines some macros such as WIN32, that's why it's not defined in any particular header. So when you build a source file with VC++ the stuff in inside #ifdef WIN32 gets compiled, but not on say Linux gcc.
Also your nomenclature is a bit off -- these are called preprocessor macros, not symbols. The names of the variables, functions, etc in your code are symbols.

Each compiler has a list of defined macros. MSVC defines WIN32 when compilation target is 32-bit Windows.


BOOL redefinition after including minwindef.h

I am a newbie in C/C++, just in case :)
I have cloned an older protocol stack solution written in C with one main class in C++ imported it into VS
(Visual C++ 2017 v 15.9.5 targeting Windows SDK 10.0.17134.0) it compiled correctly and working.
Now made a C++ solution (windows console application) created a folder lib copy pasted all those .h and .c files into lib added the path to additional include directories and also in linker additional library directories.
Building the Solution throwing tones of errors. the one I am trying to fix now is:
One of the header files contains type definitions
typedef uint8_t U8;
#ifndef BOOL
typedef U8 BOOL;
but this is conflicting with minwindef.h from windows kit. though I #include types.h getting C2371 'BOOL': redefinition; different basic types
in the whole solution, I want to use this definition of BOOL and all other ones defined in this header.
How should I solve the issue? Or in General in case of using C codes in C++ projects what settings and MACRO (e.g. extern "C" in methods) should I follow
I don't know anything about the library you're trying to work with, because you did not tell us what it is. But I can make some guesses:
The code did not used to interface with Windows code at all;
By creating a Windows C++ application you have added Windows dependencies;
The Windows dependencies (well-known for poisoning the namespace with short names like BOOL) are conflicting with the library's code (which is doing the same thing with its BOOL macro, when defined, and its BOOL type alias, otherwise).
This isn't really to do with C vs C++ or anything like this, and there's no general fix you can make. You can either try to get rid of the Windows dependency (do you need that header for your task?) or you can patch your library not to touch BOOL (after making sure that Windows's BOOL is what you need it to be).
And use this as a good lesson not to pollute namespaces!

Py ILM Base not compiling on windows

I've downloaded the latest copy from Latest Open EXR repo and compiled most everything without any problems. However, when I get to PyILMBase it fails.
There are two distinct issues with my attempts:
Error C2491 'PyImath::FixedArray::name': definition of dllimport function not allowed PyImath (...)\src\pyilmbase-2.2.1\PyImath\PyImath.cpp 41
and an import to unistd.h that kind of gets addressed Here
my question being, has anybody successfully compiled this for windows? It seems odd that I can't find any specific info about that compiling error. Am I missing something in the way that C++ works?
This project makes extensive use of whatever it is that causes the error C2491, so going in and changing it would be a little complicated
IlmBase is compiled as a shared library. A shared library must provide their function declarations in order your program can find them.
It's perform by declaring them as dllimport or dllexport depending on the situation.
__declspec(dllimport): imports the implementation from a DLL so your application can use it.
__declspec(dllexport): tells the linker that you want this object to be made available for other DLL's to import. It is used when creating a DLL that others can link to.
These keywords are generally handled by a single macro. In your case PYIMATH_EXPORT.
These lines are from PyImathTask.h
#if defined(PYIMATH_EXPORTS) // create library
#define PYIMATH_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
#else // use library
#define PYIMATH_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
So, because you want to make these functions available from your application, you must add PYIMATH_EXPORTS as a preprocessor definition.
Actually, PyIMath's properties mispells it - they've write it as PyImath_EXPORTS - ...
To fix that, in vs2015, go to the PyImath's properties > Configuration Properties > C/C++ > Preprocessor > Replace PyImath_EXPORTS by PYIMATH_EXPORTS.
It's probably the same thing for PyIex...

Source files in Release, header files in Debug

We appear to have developed a strange situation in our application. An ASSERT is being triggered which should only run if _DEBUG is defined, but it is being evaluated when the application is compiled in Release mode.
ASSERT is defined in a header file, and is being triggered from another header file, which is included into a source file.
On further inspection, the source file is indeed running in Release mode (_DEBUG is not defined, and NDEBUG is). However, the header files have _DEBUG defined, and not NDEBUG.
According to conventional wisdom, #including a header file is equal to cutting-and-pasting the lines of code into the source file. This would make the above behaviour impossible.
We are compiling a large, mixed language (Intel FORTRAN and C++) application in VS2010. This problem also occurs on our build server, though, so it doesn't seem to be just a VS2010 'feature'.
We have checked:
All projects are building in Release.
The affected cpp files do not have any unusual properties being set.
There are no files in our solution manually defining or undefining _DEBUG or NDEBUG.
We have established the above behaviour by including clauses such as:
bool is_debug = false;
#ifdef _DEBUG
is_debug = true
and breaking on the point immediately afterwards.
We are running out of things to test - about the only things that I can even hypothesise are:
Some standard library or external include is redefining _DEGUG and NDEBUG, or
Something has overridden the #include macro (is this possible?).
EDIT ----------------------------------------------------------
Thanks in part to the #error trick (below), we've found the immediate problem: In several of the projects the NDEBUG and _DEBUG are no longer defined. All of these project were meant to have inherited something from the macro $(PreprocessorDefinitions) - but this is not defined anywhere.
This still leaves some awkward questions:
The source file that was causing the above behaviour does have NDEBUG defined in its project settings, and yet the header files they include don't (although VS2010 does grey-out the correct #ifdef blocks).
If the PreprocessorDefinitions macro is inherited by all C++ projects (which it appears to be), then why isn't it defined anywhere?
My usual approach to problems like this is, to look where the symbol is defined or an #ifdef is used and then put `#error Some text´ in it. This way already the compilation process will break, instead of having to wait and run it. Then you can see what really is defined.
You could also add such an #ifdef - #error combination right where the assert occurs, then you can be absolutely sure what the compiler thinks should be valid.
The assert routine is available in both the release and debug versions of the C run-time libraries. Two other assertion macros, _ASSERT and _ASSERTE, are also available, but they only evaluate the expressions passed to them when the _DEBUG flag has been defined.
In other words: either use _ASSERT(...) or #define NDEBUG, so you don't get asserts in Release builds.
OK, the problem turns out to be because NDEBUG and _DEBUG are missing from the Properties->C/C++->Preprocessor->Preprocessor Definitions on several projects. Whether they were always missing, or whether they had originally been included via the $(PreprocessorDefinitions) macro is unclear.
Thanks to #Lamza, #Devolus and #Werner Henze - all of their input was useful, and the eventual problem was depressingly mundane.

Show an error (in Visual studio), when someone tries to use STL in a current .cpp or .h file

In our company sometimes we write .cpp and .h files, which are used in projects for old WM (we use Embedded Visual C++ 3.0 or something for this) and in more modern code (VS 2010).
This Embedded Visual C++ does not support STL.
So if one of developers, who works in VS2010, changes a file, which is shared, and adds some function, which uses std::vector, for instance, on his side everything will be OK, but the build (which is quite long) will fail.
So to see this mistake sooner, I would like to add something like
#if defined(%%STL%%)
in all files, which are compiled with old toolset. In this case the developer could see compile time error even in VS2010.
But I could not find what I can put instead %%STL%% there.
Any ideas? Or maybe someone knows a better way how I can do this?
Based on a comment to the question, you could go through each of the header files that aren't supported and see what symbols they define for their include guard. Then check for those symbols being defined.
E.G. The Microsoft C++ header <algorithm> defines _ALGORITHM_ so you can check for that:
#ifdef _ALGORITHM_
#error("<algorithm> included")
A bunch of these could be collected up and put into a single header file that you could include in each shared source file, at the end.
There is quite a nice solution (at least I do not see pitfalls)
%%STL%% should be _STD_BEGIN
this macro is used for "namespace std {" in VS stl implementation


I am developing on an existing C++ COM DLL with VS2008.
the compiler says:
"More than one global threading model defined"
in my StdAfx.h i got this define:
I initialize COM with this:
but i can't find a define for _ATL_FREE_THREADED. the compiler warning indicates that both must be defined somewhere. but i don't know where to find the _ATL_FREE_THREADED.
any ideas why i get the compiler msg?
thanks juergen
Those symbols are defined inside atlbase.h and atldef.h which reside along with other ATL headers - you can look there and see that there's some simple logic for detecting whether one of those symbols has bee set already and setting a default one.
it does sound like you code somewhere defines _ATL_FREE_THREADED. You could sprinkle...
#pragma message ("hi")
... between various include files to see if you can find the one that defines that macro. Before you do that though, have you checked to make sure it's not defined in the project properties (both at project and at cpp file levels)?