Set Icon on Statictext Control - c++

How to Set and Icon on a StaticText Control in MFC ?
I am trying with :
The Line of code is executed. But the textcontrol is now showing the icon.
Am I missing anything ?

Make sure you dropped a Static Image/Icon control over your dialog instead of Static Text control.
You can verify from resource file:
CTEXT "",IDC_STATIC_ICON1,10,84,300,20
ICON "",IDC_STATIC_ICON2,102,137,20,20
First one is Text type and second is Icon. You should use second one.

CButton* btn


How does the MFC PropertyGrid control work in the dialog editor in visual studio?

In the visual studio dialog editor i can add a MFC Property Grid control to the dailog. How can i customize its content, and set options like allowing the user to edit the contents of it when the program using it is running, or how i can change the contents of it using c++?
When i add something like a button or and edit control it displays on the dailog box when the program is running, while when i add a MFC Property Grid the dailog isnt even being displayed.
Here is a picture of the visual studio dialog editor and a MFC property control grid in the middle of the dailog with contents i dont know how to change.
Simple tutorial of CMFCPropertyGridCtrl:
1.Create a dialog-based MFC project, drag a CMFCPropertyGridCtrl into it, and adjust the size. Then change the ID for the control to IDC_MFCPROPERTYGRID_TEST, and use Add Varible to add a variable m_propertyGrid to the control. Change the setting of Notify to True.
Description Rows Count refers to the number of rows in the description section below.
Enable Description Area indicates whether to enable the following description function.
Enable Header indicates whether to start the header.
Mark Modified Properties indicates whether to highlight the changes.
2.Set interface
Add the following code in OnInitDialog()
HDITEM item;
m_propertyGrid.GetHeaderCtrl().SetItem(0, new HDITEM(item));
Add content
Add the following code in OnInitDialog()
CMFCPropertyGridProperty* pProp2 = new CMFCPropertyGridProperty(
pProp2->AllowEdit(FALSE); //Editing of options is not allowed
The three parameters passed in when calling the constructor are item name, default options and description text.
Also, you could add drop-down menu:
CMFCPropertyGridProperty* pProp2 = new CMFCPropertyGridProperty(
pProp2->AllowEdit(FALSE); //Editing of options is not allowed
In addition, there are three similar projects:
CMFCPropertyGridColorProperty * pProp3 = new CMFCPropertyGridColorProperty(
_T("colour"), RGB(0, 111, 200));
CMFCPropertyGridFileProperty * pProp4 = new CMFCPropertyGridFileProperty(
_T("open file"), TRUE, _T("D:\\test.txt"));
LOGFONT font = { NULL };
CMFCPropertyGridFontProperty * pProp5 = new CMFCPropertyGridFontProperty(
_T("select font"), font);
Finally, This is the final program running interface:

MFC, Ribbons - CMFCRibbonButton with image: Always show the text

I've got an CMFCRibbonButton that displays a text and an icon. When I compact the ribbon, in the end only the small icon is shown.
Is there a way to tell the button not to get compacted into small icon state, but always show the text as well?
I tried pButton->SetCompactMode(FALSE); without success.
To be sure, CMFCRibbonButton::SetAlwaysLargeImage() is not what you are looking for? I ask, because when only an icon without text is displayed, it is usually the panel the button sits in that has collapsed. See CMFCRibbonPanel::IsCollapsed(). If you want to modify the behavior of the panel so that it won't collape, you could try to subclass CMFCRibbonPanel and play with overrides. The MFC Ribbon is not completely documented but my best bet is CMFCRibbonPanel::IsFixedSize():
class CMyPanel : public CMFCRibbonPanel
BOOL IsFixedSize() const { return TRUE; }
If this doesn't work you have to see yourself what happens in NotifyControlCommand or OnUpdateCmdUI when the panel collapses and modify the behavior as needed.

Embedded dialog in Tab Control cannot work in second dialog, MFC

I have following code which works in the main dialog, but cannot work in the second (or third) dialog. The thing is that I want each page of the tab control can show a embedded dialog, it's similar to property page.
First I create two dialog, IDD_DIALOG1 and IDD_DIALOG2.Then I change the style of them to child and border to None. After that I add CDialog class to each of them.
In my MainDialog.h, I have the following code:
#include "Dialog1.h"
#include "Dialog2.h"
CDialog1 m_para1;
CDialog2 m_para2;
CTabCtrl m_TabCtrl;
In my MainDialog.cpp, I use the following code to embed the dialo in the OnInitDialog:
m_TabCtrl.InsertItem(0, _T("TAB1"));
m_TabCtrl.InsertItem(1, _T("TAB2"));
CRect rs;
By using this way, It can work in this case. But if I want to use this method in my SecondDialog, the non-main dialog, it cannot work. Can someone help me out? Thanks in advance.
When you create a modeless dialog box, try this:
The second parameter of the Create function is a point to the parent window object (of type CWnd) to which the dialog object belongs. The return type of the GetDlgItem function is HWND.
See following:

How change edit control's text?

I have a button and text control in MFC dialog window, when I click on button, in edit control must be replaced for example "hello world".
but if I write
edit="hello wordl"
it doesn't change, how can I change?
First you should add a variable to edit.To do that right click on the edit and choose Add Variable... in Add Member variable Wizard change Category from Control to Value after that in the Variable name field type a name like m_EditValue then click finish.from now you can change the Edit Control simply by following code.
void CAboutDlg::OnBnClickedButton1()
// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
m_EditValue = L"Hello World";
Use the SetWindowText method:
edit.SetWindowText( _T("Hello, World!") );
First you need a CEdit member variable of the dialog. Use 'Add Variable' in the dialog editor. If you name this variable m_helloedit then in your button click function
m_helloedit.SetWindowText(_T("hello world!"));

CEdit control MFC, placing cursor to end of string after SetWindowText

I am using VC9, I've a CEdit control whose contents are reset to default test (say - "fill-in") at the click of a button and then I call SetFocus for the CEdit control. The problem is that the cursor blinks at the start of the default text, and i want it to blink an the end of the default string.
How can this be done?
You can use CEdit::SetSel to accomplish that.
CEdit* e = (CEdit*)GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT1);
e->SetWindowText("hello world");
e->SetSel(0,-1); // select all text and move cursor at the end
e->SetSel(-1); // remove selection
You can use CEdit::SetSel to accomplish that:
CEdit* e = (CEdit*)GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT1);
e->SetWindowText("hello world");
// e->SetSel(0,-1); // you don't need this line
It will place the cursor in the end of the string.
I had a strange finding but still relevant to it.
This solution did not work for me initially. Even after calling SetSel(-1) my cursor was moving to the top of the edit box.
Then I did some code reshuffle and it started working.
The learning was that if I update any other control after updating the edit control, the cursor will move to the top of the edit box. But if edit box is the last control updated, the cursor remains in the end of the edit box.
Like I had a code something like
Add text to edit & call SetSel(-1)
update static control
And the cursor would not stay in the end. But when I changed it to
update static control
Add text to edit & call SetSel(-1)
My cursor was displayed in the end of the edit box.
I had it on my mind since the day I had this finding to update the knowledge base here. Hope it helps some random soul whose cursor jumps to top of edit box even after calling the API.