openstack swift saio unittest error - unit-testing

i'm trying to install openstack swift object storage by this link
on centos 6.5
i think i did everything correctly, but when i'm trying to run unit test script its showing my these errors,
and i have to say that before this there was a lots of confilicts whit python packages in version number, i had to uninstall some the packages and the reinstall the corresponding version to fix this,
here is the detail when i'm running unit testin on swift


How to find which R package version should be used for shiny server deployment?

I just started to use rsconnect in my company, and tried to deploy a shiny app from my windows machine. The server comes with R 4.1.0, and one of the packages requires to install terra.
I have tried multiple R package repos from Rstudio dev-cran with different dates to install terra, and tried version 1.2-10, 1.3-4, ... all the way to the latest version.
However, none of them was able to be uploaded, or installed during deployment.
For the versions before 1.4, the error was
Uploading bundle for application: 335...Error: node stack overflow
Execution halted
while for versions above 1.4, parts of the error were
The requested URL returned error: 407
RStudio Connect cannot download a package because the R package repository (for example, CRAN or RStudio Package Manager) cannot be accessed.
This happened to other packages too, but the issue was usually resolved after I uninstalled and re-installed with a different repo. But for terra, I was not able to find a repo to fix the issue.
Any suggestions for the next step?

Tensorboard for Tensorflow.JS under Windows 10

I spent long time trying to figure out how to install and run Tensorboard on a Windows 10 machine, for projects that are using Tensorflow.JS
Has anybody ever made this work? If so, please share the steps.
I have Tensorflow.JS working fine with my GPU under Windows 10, but I cannot find any documentation for using Tensorboard under the combination of Windows + Tensorflow.JS
Windows 10 64-bit
Node.JS v14.17.3
Python v3.8.9
Tensorflow v2.5.0
Tensorflow.JS v3.8.0
I'm using #tensorflow/tfjs-node-gpu, with RTX3080Ti, which works fine.
The documentation here shows how to integrate tfjs in node with the tensorboad. But it requires tensorboard to be aldready installed.
When using it tensorflow with python, tensorboard comes as a dependency of the tensorflow package. But using it in js requires to install the tensorboard package as a standalone package.
pip install tensorboard
So far, pip is the only way I think to install tensorboard. If the command fails, it probably must have to do with the python version, but it can be changed easily

Versions of Python & Spark to work with VS Code Notebooks

I'm developing scripts for AWS Glue, and trying to mimic development environment as close as possible to their specs here. Since it's a bit costly to run a Notebook server/development endpoint, I set everything up on local machine instead, develop scripts on VS Code Notebook, due to its usefulness.
There're some troubles with Notebook setup due to incompatible versions between installed Python & Spark.
For Python, I have gone through some harsh time to clean up, and its version is 3.8.3 now
For Spark, I use the manual method with version of 2.4.3, since I plan to use Scala alongside at later time. I install the findspark package to load that version as expected.
And it doesn't work! The error was TypeError: an integer is required (got type bytes)
I've searched around, and people said to downgrade to Python 3.7 using pyenv, and I got 3.7.7 installed but still had the same error
As a last resort, I tried pip install pyspark. it's Spark 3.0.0, and works fine, but not as expected.
Hope there's someone have experiences of this matter
A better approach would be to install the glue dependencies on docker then ssh into that docker container using VS code to mimic exact glue local dev environment.
I've written a blog about the same if you like to refer

How to downgrade in Laravel Framework? (5.6 to 5.5)

I have a project which is done with Laravel 5.6. But My current server doesn't have php 7.1 installed yet. How is it possible to downgrade to Laravel 5.5?
I also down graded my project also, but then I was getting ton of errors. But most of them were about unfamiliar key words and unsupported packages. So, success depends on your project’s dependencies and also your effort.
Follow these steps.
Backup your project
Change the value of Laravel version inside the composer.json to Laravel 5.5
Delete vendor folder
Run composer install
** By then you will have to take care of any issues in your own code because there should be new functionalities in earlier versions which
is not used in older.
Go to this page and do the instructions in reverse order

ionic serve not compiling typescript

I started working on this project on my home PC on Windows 10 using the latest version of Ionic CLI and Typescript and ionic serve works perfectly there.
However after cloning the exact same project to my work PC with Ubuntu which is also running the latest version of Ionic, I get this error when I try to use ionic serve:
"www" directory cannot be found. Please make sure the working directory is an Ionic project.
So obviously now on this PC it's not compiling the Typescript before running it. Somehow on my work PC it thinks this is a plain JS project?