Opencart filemanager doesn't work - opencart

Standart Image Manager isn't working.
When I choose some picture, it just opens in the browser, in console I have no errors. Any suggestions?(other functions don't work either, for example reload open image manager without css)
Please someone help)

My js in .tpl doesn't work because my hosting turned on some plugin pagespeed that off scripts in views -_-
Add this pagespeed_no_defer="" to script and it will work.


Is there a way to use the python model "webbrowser" with Heroku?

I am working on deploying a django app to heroku and I am having trouble with the webbrowser module. The function initially creates a pdf from html using pdfkit (this part works fine). Afterwards, I use '''webbrowser.open_new_tab''' to render the pdf in a new tab. This works perfectly locally, but not when I deploy to Heroku :( I checked the Heroku log, and it indicates that the pdf is being properly compiled and that the webbrowser command is successfully called, but alas, a new tab is not opened... Are there any suggestions on how best to tackle this issue? Perhaps I am missing an important environment variable that allows me to open new pages on the user's browser?
Thank you,
-- Carter

Sitecore advanced upload option is missing from admin panel

I was trying to upload an image using Sitecore [Version 6.5] media library to my existing sitecore website. I see the Advance Upload Files option is completly missing. Later, I tried to install a default sitecore instance and I see the Advanced Upload option is there. But it is completely missing to the existing sitecore website.
Here, is the snapshot of my site where the Advanced upload option is completely missing:
And here is the snapshot of my default sitecore site where the Advanced upload option is there:
To fix this, I tried to change couple of configuration files. But still the same issue. The Advanced upload files option is completely missing. Did you face the same type of issue or if you know how to fix this issue, can you please share your thoughts. Or if I need to change any of the configuration files, then can you share your thoughts about that change of any of the configuration file?
Upload files (Advanced) button is hidden in 2 cases:
Folder does not use Media Folder template. Just check your folders - maybe they use standard Folder template instead of Media Folder.
Upload.Classic setting is set to false. Open /sitecore/admin/showconfig.aspx and look for Upload.Classic value. When it's set to true, Sitecore uses flash upload instead.
If none of above is the case, maybe you have some custom code which hides Upload files (Advanced) button from you editors.

Cmsplugin-Nivoslider plugin for Django-CMS

I am new to Django-CMS, I have successfully installed Django-CMS on my Ubuntu 12.04 (64-bit OS). I want to add Nivo Slider on my web page using Cmsplugin-Nivoslider. After following steps mention in, I am able to install cmsplugin-nivoslider on my Django-CMS. After syncdb, migrate and collectstatic commands, I am able to see nivo folder with js, theme and css files in my static folder, but I am not able to see anything on my Admin Panel related to Nivo Slider. Please tell me, do I need to do any further steps to use nivo-slider, How can I put that slider on my page ? Please guide me..
Thanks in Advance.
From the Admin interface, Add or edit a Page, you should have available a plugin for slider if the chosen template has a block &/or placeholder tag. Configure gallery from there.

CF10 developer on IIS7.5 / WIN7 - CFM files run ok - but can't see .GIFs

Can anyone help with this strange problem.
I have just installed CF10 developer on Win7 which is using IIS7.5.
Installation went smooth, and can browse .cfm files no problem and connect to datasources no problem .. BUT: even though I can browse all my local cf sites, none of the sites will display images or styles for external .CSS files.
So, I get the site, content from the database, and all the functionality of cfm files being parsed OK, but no styles and no images.
If I browse directly (pasting the filepath in the browser) to one of the images I get a 404 error - file not found - even though the .gif file does indeed exist in the directory.
So, basically, I can run CFM files, and browse a local site built in coldfusion, but none of the images or externally referenced css files will be "found" by the browser/IIS.
Can anyone help?
Thanks in advance if someone can..
Sounds like an issue with those mimetypes, please see the following for information on installing the static content role to IIS and enabling those mimetypes to be served.
No Mime Types Option in IIS 7
Be sure to enable static content in IIS 7.
Had two occurrences of this problem lately.
See here:
Try restarting the IIS server. Close all browsers and restart.
You need to determine if it is a CF issue or an IIS issue. Try the following:
Check to see if this is an issue with images not being served vs broken paths to the images. There may be CFML code that is creating links to invalid locations.
If the locations are valid then it would be an issue with IIS not server image files.
Also check to see if there is a similar issue with JPEG and PNG files. If JPEGs and PNGs show up, this suggests an IIS issue.
Also try creating a simple HTML page that has an image on it. If it has an image on it, this suggests a CF issue

Template Editor Script

Is it possible to find any open source template editors.. i wanted my site users to edit the contents of module as well as css. Once they click the edit, it should open a specific module or file name.. so the users can change the css and content and then click ok. Then after refresh the change in css and content should be reflected..
I am looking for something similar to the one in Wordpress Admin panel..where you can edit different files like header.php, style.css etc..
Any available scripts or demos or plugins or examples would be very helpful, as i can customize them to my needs
You can use html editor like fckeditor or tinymce and on server side save as php file and css file.
I on my site use JQuery rte editor and JSON RPC (Ajax -> PHP).
Finally i figured out the answer.. Some of them are
they allow you to embed in your site.. and allow the users to edit the template of pages.