what is the time complexity of this program? [closed] - c++

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I'm new to time complexity in algorithms.
This is the code for counting the number of words in a text file.
My problem is that every time my program prints one more than the actual count of words in the file, like if I have 11 words in my file it prints 12.
using namespace std;
/* main function */
void main()
ifstream inFile; //file file name
string fileName;
string word;
int count = 0;
inFile >> word;
cout << "Number of words in file is " << count<<endl;
//this file is for counting the number of words in a text file**

First thing first : Why is iostream::eof inside a loop condition considered wrong? This will answer your extra count problem.
Then, coming to complexity, since it will go though every N words till it reaches end of file, it will be done in O( N ) time
Also, void main() is not legal c++, main should return int


how to write correctly into multidimentional char array unknown amount of values but fixed amound of chars [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm sick and tired of solving why my ch[0] is of value "Thomas EdisonÇ#", when it should be "Thomas Edison"
int main(){
using namespace std;
ifstream in("U2.txt");
int n;
in>>n; //n=rows, so in every line there will be "name surname", time, money
char ch[n][21]; //I'm trying to get Name+Surname which must be 20 char long
in.read(ch[0], 20);
cout << ch[0]; //but getting Thomas EdisonÇ#
return 0;}
It works on one dimentional ch[21], but there's gonna be lots of values so I want to use ch[n][21]
Any other out of my box solution is welcome, I'm tired
You are forgetting that C strings need to be nul terminated
in.read(ch[0], 20);
ch[0][20] = '\0'; // add the nul terminator
cout << ch[0]; // now correct output

How to organize infinite loop with symbols analysis in it? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I need to organize infinite loop with symbol analysis in it. In C I used fgets(buf, N, stdin), suppose buf is buf[10]. User could type string of any length and I could analyze it by breaking down the input and examining parts of length 10. How can I implement this in C++ without using C libraries. Sorry for my English if you can't understand what I mean
In C++ you should std::cin to read from standard input.
// #include <iostream>
char buf[10]{}; // create array of 10 bytes filled with zeros.
std::cin.read(buf, 10); // read 10 bytes
// at this point you should check if std::cin.read succeeded.
// otherwise you will be reading zeros.
std::streamsize numRead = std::cin.gcount(); // obtain number of read bytes.
std::cout << numRead << " " << buf << std::endl; // some printing.

Remove whitespace in C++ string doesn't work [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have read these two questions already:
Remove spaces from std::string in C++
remove whitespace in std::string
For some reason, I can never get the solutions to work correctly. In my program, I collect input from the user and pass it to an std::string. From there, I want to remove all of the spaces in it. For example, if the user inputs "3 + 2", I would like it to change to "3+2".
What happens is, whatever is before the first string is kept. Here is my program:
#include <iostream>
std::string GetUserInput() {
std::cout << "Please enter what you would like to calculate: ";
std::string UserInput;
std::cin >> UserInput;
return UserInput;
int PerformCalculation(std::string Input) {
Input.erase(std::remove_if(Input.begin(), Input.end(), ::isspace), Input.end());
std::cout << Input;
return 0;
int main() {
std::string CalculationToBePerformed = GetUserInput();
int Solution = PerformCalculation(CalculationToBePerformed);
return 0;
So when I run this program and type in "3 + 2", the output is "3".
Here is my console:
Please enter what you would like to calculate: 3 + 2
Process finished with exit code 0
I cannot figure out how to resolve this. I even tried using a solution that involved using a regex to remove all the \s characters, and that gave me the same issue.
To read the complete line (up to terminating \n), you need to use e.g. std::getline(std::cin, UserInput);. Otherwise, you're currently reading text up to first whitespace character.

Extracting integers from a ID string [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm trying to get the number 001 from the string UID001 (The user will always enter "UIDnnn"). I tried using cin.get and cin.ignore with delimiters but with no results. What is the most effective way to extract the integers from a string?
Well, the simplest c++ standard compliant solution seems to be as mentioned in my comment.
Read the ID value as a std:string:
std::string ID;
std::cin >> ID;
Get the substring with the number part:
std::string numpart = ID.substr(3);
Convert it to a numerical value:
int idnum = std::stoi(numpart);
This is one of those places that scanf and company really work well:
scanf("UID%d", &number);
With iostreams it's a bit uglier, but I'd consider something like:
for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
char ch;
cin >> number;

Skip last K lines while traversing a file [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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A user had posted a similar question earlier this day which was very soon closed due to its vagueness. Thus re-posting the question in detail with a solution as I didn't find a specific article dealing with it on the internet.
The requirement is to read and print all lines of a file except the last K.
Suppose a file contains text as:
Hello there!
My name is
I like playing football
And if K is 2, then it should print all the lines except the last 2. i.e.:
Hello there!
My name is
Why not simply put lines into a std::deque and dump one element when its size is greater k ?
int main()
std::fstream fs;
std::deque<std::string> deq;
std::string str;
int k=2;
if(deq.size() > k)
std::cout <<deq.front()<<std::endl;
This can easily be solved by creating a window of size K and then traversing the file till the right end of the window reaches the end of the file. The basic steps being:
Traverse the first K lines of the file without printing it.
Open the same file using another stream object.
Now simultaneously traverse both the streams so that fisrt stream is always K lines ahead of the second stream.
Run a loop while the second first stream is valid. In the loop, read through the first stream as well and keep print the lines.
The code would be
int main()
fstream fs;
string str;
int K = 2;
while(getline(fs,str) && K>1)
fstream fsNew;