I design custom travel guides. I am going crazy trying to find a way to insert offline zoomable maps in them. I use indesign CC. So far all I have managed is to embed google maps in the document and export it as an interactive pdf, but it needs internet connection to load the map.
Is there any way to insert offline maps in the document? I would be willing to switch to another software or export format if needed.
I don't know about designs but If you want offline maps then you should use TileMill.Also if you want to explore other options, see this question. Not sure if this will be helpful to you but if you get someone to extract the PNGs for you, I suppose you could make it work.
Google’s 2017 map documentation does not say how to specify a split screen, lower part map, upper part streetview. Please, is this possible within a Google-map URL, and if it is, how?
Since you haven't give any more information about the language you use, im just gonna link the documentation from google.
Since its still usable, the realtime examples work and they haven't said a word in changelog or else, I would assume its still working.
Here you can get to the overall Google API Documentation
As an exmaple for the question, Google made a realtime Example with documentation, here in JS.
Also, even if its not possible to do in a short way, you can simply build two synchronized boxes. It just would take more effort.
I have the need for a web tool that would enable me to rearrange quickly a list that I would input in a field as plain text, and then rearrange the elements using drag and drop, and then export again in plain text.
I know it's easy to program but if this was already done in a simple web tool, I would be delighted.
There doesn't seem to be any pre made, dead simple tools for this, but most free todo list apps have this functionality. Trello, ToodleDo etc are good examples.
In Google Analytic, I notice that it is possible to replace certain URI parameter to words that you want by using search and replace filter like the following example below.
e.g. www.example.com/abc/product_id=3 -----> www.example.com/abc/product_name=shampoo
Currently I've got a list of over 1000 products in my hand, instead of creating 1000 search and replace filter, what would be the most efficient and maintainable way to go solve the problem?
I've done some digging and notice that custom dimension could be the solution, however it would require me to modify the the JS code on the FTP sever which I dont have permission on. What other solutions do I have?
If it is not possible to show it here would there be any kind of tutorial that I could follow through?
Really appreciate for the help, Many Thanks
This is not a complete answer, but it's certainly more than a comment.
Besides the tedium of writing this out by hand, I can think of two options available to you.
Firstly, you could use the Google Analytics Management API (https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/config/mgmt/v3/). By constructing a set of commands, you could quickly iterate through your list and create the required 1,000 search and replace filters.
Secondly, if you were to use Google Tag Manager you would be able to create a Custom JavaScript Variable that takes the page path and compares it to your list. This variable could then replace the Page field before the hit data is sent to Google Analytics. This may sound more complicated, but it would allow you to pull your solution out of Google Analytics and into the flexible world of JavaScript.
Note that if you rewrite the product_id to a product_name once, you will have to maintain that cross reference every day and keep it in sync with what appears on the website -- make sure you have an automated solution or it will quickly get out-of-sync and be more of a mess than before.
An alternative is to do the search-and-replace on the reporting side.
I know Analytics Edge or Analytics Canvas products could easily do this, or you could just download into Excel or Google Sheets and do a series of lookup formulae.
is that it is possible to use an image map instead of google map. how can we do
Thank you for any help
You need to ask some specific question, not an open one. Mention what you are trying to do. How you are planning it to do. Do some searching on web and study the basics before asking a question.
For your question the answer is "YES you can". But you have to do lot of things by yourself. You need to have a large image (collection of images) with required information. Then you have to map and display them with viewing coordinates and zoom levels etc.... Study how Google do it(search web for that).
I am trying to make a few interactive graph visualisations in my Django web application using Python. I found Graphviz and was able to output a static graph (as a .png image) on my application using Pydot (Python interface to Graphviz's dot language).
However, I am looking to make my graphs more interactive, like being able to highlight nodes when passing my mouse over it, making the nodes click-able, dragging the nodes to a different location and zooming on the graph.
Is there a way I could do this in Graphviz? Or in general is there way to make an interactive graph for my Django application without having to use Flash? I don't want to use flash since I'm not that familiar with it and also since I want to visualise a fairly large dataset.
Try The Javascript Infovis Toolkit. It is all implemented in a browser canvas, so no Flash is needed, only a decent browser with support for the <canvas> tag. Graph visualization examples are here, here and here, other demos are here.
There is Canviz (source). However, nodes are not yet clickable (they were in an older version that used image maps. The code base has changed and now the rendering is happenning client side using javascript, which is why clickable links is not yet re enabled.
This is the best I found, however they are plenty of others.
mxGraph (Not free)
You can use D3.js for graph visualization (see here for examples of graph visualizations in D3js, and look at How to Make an Interactive Network Visualization).
For back-end (if it is necessary to have something more than just a json file to represent the graph - i.e. if it is large), then you can use a Python module for graphs, NetworkX.
Side note, here is my simple interactive graph visualization example:
You can do something like this very simply just with DOT and HTML.
Generate client-side maps and overlay them over your PNG images. (Insert the map code into the HTML page.)
dot test.dot -Tpng -o test.png -Tcmapx -o test.map
SVG exports are directly clickable.
It seems like an approach that fits what you are trying to do might be to use svg in the browser an/or javascript. I think most of the modern browsers support SVG and would allow you to do some pretty cool interactive graphs. The server could provide a json feed of the datapoints needed to render the graph. I don't know off hand the tools that are available, but I've seen some pretty cool graph demos constructed without flash through client-side approaches.
As an alternative, you could pre-render a bunch of graph images that the user would likely view and then just fetch those as the user interacts with the graph. This might work if the graphs don't change that frequently and if the number of alterations that the user would make is small, but you'd have to re-render every time the graph changes.
I've did what you are trying to do not too long ago. The context was visualizing a gnarly SalesForce schema.
First thing, graphviz is only good for plotting, not really for drawing. You can generate SVG, but I could not get it to work with I.E. after a considerable of (what turned out to be fruitless) effort.
I DID find this Java Applet ZGRViewer to suffice, and while applets feel a bit dated for my taste, it worked very well cross browser.
I basically hand coded a process invoking service that generated the dot files and ran them thought (dotty, is think?) - the visulazation applet reads the native dot file format.
I also came accross something that I thought about for a V2 (which never happened) - it is part of the AJAX control toolkit - Seadragon.
If you want to see the code in ASP.NET, I can post it.