Are floating point errors deterministic? - c++

One of the big got'chas of floating point numbers is that some of them cannot be exactly represented in binary. This can make them difficult to work with. However what I'm curious about is whether or not subtle or not-so-subtle errors in floating point are deterministic. Can somebody predict them for example? Here's one example of a random number generator that could take advantage of floating point errors:
#include <cmath>
float constant = M_PI;
float generate()
static float state = 1;
state = state * constant;
return state;
One would have to know the implementation, the hardware, the compiler settings and so on, which makes it quite difficult to predict what the results would be. Or is my thinking flawed?

Floating point "errors" are deterministic. There is a 1:1 mapping between input and output values for a given operation. Your example will produce the same output sequence every time.
That said, there could be a floating-point implementation or ten out there that will produce different sequences, but this is not something you can consider "random" (i.e. a source of entropy).

Every floating point representation defines the composition of a floating point variable (which part is the mantissa, which part is the exponent, which part is the sign, etc) and the behaviour of every operation.
In any implementation you might choose, it is therefore possible to predict the result of every floating point operation, if you know its operand (or operands) That characteristic is the definition of determinism.
So, yes, floating point operations are deterministic.
Different implementations (compilers, host systems, etc) do support different floating point representations. So there is some variation of results between implementations. However, it is still possible to predict the result of any floating point operation, if you know how floating point variables are represented, and how operations work.
The fact not everyone knows enough about floating point types and operations on them does not make them non-deterministic. Nor does the fact that not everyone can describe the complete set of operations in a complex algorithm. The knowledge is readily available and, with enough effort, understandable well enough so effects of all operations on all possible operands can be reliably predicted before doing the operation.
There are buggy implementations of floating point out there, which do not comply with their own documentation. For example, look up the pentium FDIV bug - where some early pentium CPUs implemented floating point division incorrectly. Even those turned out to be deterministic, once it was understood what the operations actually do.


Precision of floating point operations

Floating point operations are typically approximations to the corresponding arithmetic operations, because in many cases the precise arithmetic result cannot be represented by the internal number format. But what happens if I have a program where all numbers can actually be represented exactly by IEEE 754 single precision? Consider for example this:
float a = 7;
float b = a / 32.0;
float c = a + b;
float d = c - a;
assert( d == b );
Is it safe to assume that within this and similar cases, the result of the numerical calculation is identical to the exact arithmetic result? I think this sort of code would work on every actual machine. Is this correct?
Edit This question is not about what the standard says, but rather about the real world. I'm well aware that in theory one could create a conforming engine where this would fail. I don't care, but rather I wonder if this works on existing machines.
No as the c++ standard does not require floating point values to be stored in the IEEE 754 format.
"Real" machines are quite careful in implementing the standard exactly (just remember the Pentium division bug). But be careful to check, the i386 line of machines did use some extra bits in its registers, which were cut off when asigning to/from memory, so computations done only in registers gave different results than if some intermediate results where spilled to memory.
Also check out David Goldberg's What every computer scientist should know about floating point arithmetic.
In any case, it doesn't make any sense to "round" (or otherwise mangle) a number that can be represented exactly.

floating point processor non-determinism?

Without getting into unnecessary details, is it possible for operations on floating-point numbers (x86_64) to return -however small- variations on their results, based on identical inputs? Even a single bit different?
I am simulating a basically chaotic system, and I expect small variations on the data to have visible effects. However I expected that, with the same data, the behavior of the program would be fixed. This is not the case. I get visible, but acceptable, differences with each run of the program.
I am thinking I have left some variable uninitialized somewhere...
The languages I am using are C++ and Python.
Russell's answer is correct. Floating point ops are deterministic. The non-determinism was caused by a dangling pointer.
Yes, this is possible. Quoting from the C++ FAQ:
Turns out that on some installations, cos(x) != cos(y) even though x == y. That's not a typo; read it again if you're not shocked: the cosine of something can be unequal to the cosine of the same thing. (Or the sine, or the tangent, or the log, or just about any other floating point computation.)
[F]loating point calculations and comparisons are often performed by special hardware that often contain special registers, and those registers often have more bits than a double. That means that intermediate floating point computations often have more bits than sizeof(double), and when a floating point value is written to RAM, it often gets truncated, often losing some bits of precision.
Contra Thomas's answer, floating point operations are not non-deterministic. They are fiendishly subtle, but a given program should give the same outputs for the same inputs, if it is not using uninitialized memory or deliberately randomized data.
My first question is, what do you mean by "the same data"? How is that data getting into your program?

c++ and matlab floating point computation

Could someone tell me if c++ and matlab use the same floating point computation implementations? Will I get the same values in C++ as I would in Matlab?
Currently I have these discrepancies from translating my Matlab code into C++:
Matlab: R = 1.0000000001623, I = -3.07178893432791e-010, C = -3.79693498864242e-011
C++: R = 1.00000000340128 I = -3.96890964537988e-009 Z = 2.66864907949582e-009
If not what is the difference and where can I find more about floating point computation implementations?
Although it's not clear what your numbers actually are, the relative difference of the first (and largest) numbers is about 1e-8, which is the relative tolerance of many double precision algorithms.
Floating point numbers are only an approximation of the real number system, and their finite size (64 bits for double precision) limits their precision. Because of this finite precision, operations that involve floating point numbers can incur round-off error, and are thus not strictly associative. What this means is that A+(B+C) != (A+B)+C. The difference between the two is usually small, depending on their relative sizes, but it's not always zero.
What this means is that you should expect small differences in the relative and absolute values when you compare an algorithm coded in Matlab to one in C++. The difference may be in the libraries (i.e., there's no guarantee that Matlab uses the system math library for routines like sqrt), or it may just be that your C++ and Matlab implementations order their operations differently.
The section on floating point comparison tests in Boost::Test discusses this a bit, and has some good references. In particular, you should probably read What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic and consider picking up a copy of Knuth's TAOCP Vol. II.
Matlab by default uses a double floating point precision, a C float uses a single floating point precision.
The representation for floating points is the same between the two, and is either processor or I believe a standard. But as mentioned, floating points are extremely fickle, you always have to allow for some tolerance. If you do a complex operation, such as the one below, you will frequently get a non-zero number, despite algebra telling you otherwise. The stuff under the hood between how operations are done with matlab and c will allow for some differences. Just make sure they are close.

Floating-point comparison of constant assignment

When comparing doubles for equality, we need to give a tolerance level, because floating-point computation might introduce errors. For example:
double x;
double y;
x = f();
y = g();
if (fabs(x-y)<epsilon) {
// they are equal!
} else {
// they are not!
However, if I simply assign a constant value, without any computation, do I still need to check the epsilon?
double x = 1;
double y = 1;
if (x==y) {
// they are equal!
} else {
// no they are not!
Is == comparison good enough? Or I need to do fabs(x-y)<epsilon again? Is it possible to introduce error in assigning? Am I too paranoid?
How about casting (double x = static_cast<double>(100))? Is that gonna introduce floating-point error as well?
I am using C++ on Linux, but if it differs by language, I would like to understand that as well.
Actually, it depends on the value and the implementation. The C++ standard (draft n3126) has this to say in 2.14.4 Floating literals:
If the scaled value is in the range of representable values for its type, the result is the scaled value if representable, else the larger or smaller representable value nearest the scaled value, chosen in an implementation-defined manner.
In other words, if the value is exactly representable (and 1 is, in IEEE754, as is 100 in your static cast), you get the value. Otherwise (such as with 0.1) you get an implementation-defined close match (a). Now I'd be very worried about an implementation that chose a different close match based on the same input token but it is possible.
(a) Actually, that paragraph can be read in two ways, either the implementation is free to choose either the closest higher or closest lower value regardless of which is actually the closest, or it must choose the closest to the desired value.
If the latter, it doesn't change this answer however since all you have to do is hardcode a floating point value exactly at the midpoint of two representable types and the implementation is once again free to choose either.
For example, it might alternate between the next higher and next lower for the same reason banker's rounding is applied - to reduce the cumulative errors.
No if you assign literals they should be the same :)
Also if you start with the same value and do the same operations, they should be the same.
Floating point values are non-exact, but the operations should produce consistent results :)
Both cases are ultimately subject to implementation defined representations.
Storage of floating point values and their representations take on may forms - load by address or constant? optimized out by fast math? what is the register width? is it stored in an SSE register? Many variations exist.
If you need precise behavior and portability, do not rely on this implementation defined behavior.
IEEE-754, which is a standard common implementations of floating point numbers abide to, requires floating-point operations to produce a result that is the nearest representable value to an infinitely-precise result. Thus the only imprecision that you will face is rounding after each operation you perform, as well as propagation of rounding errors from the operations performed earlier in the chain. Floats are not per se inexact. And by the way, epsilon can and should be computed, you can consult any numerics book on that.
Floating point numbers can represent integers precisely up to the length of their mantissa. So for example if you cast from an int to a double, it will always be exact, but for casting into into a float, it will no longer be exact for very large integers.
There is one major example of extensive usage of floating point numbers as a substitute for integers, it's the LUA scripting language, which has no integer built-in type, and floating-point numbers are used extensively for logic and flow control etc. The performance and storage penalty from using floating-point numbers turns out to be smaller than the penalty of resolving multiple types at run time and makes the implementation lighter. LUA has been extensively used not only on PC, but also on game consoles.
Now, many compilers have an optional switch that disables IEEE-754 compatibility. Then compromises are made. Denormalized numbers (very very small numbers where the exponent has reached smallest possible value) are often treated as zero, and approximations in implementation of power, logarithm, sqrt, and 1/(x^2) can be made, but addition/subtraction, comparison and multiplication should retain their properties for numbers which can be exactly represented.
The easy answer: For constants == is ok.
There are two exceptions which you should be aware of:
First exception:
0.0 == -0.0
There is a negative zero which compares equal for the IEEE 754 standard. This means
1/INFINITY == 1/-INFINITY which breaks f(x) == f(y) => x == y
Second exception:
NaN != NaN
This is a special caveat of NotaNumber which allows to find out if a number is a NaN
on systems which do not have a test function available (Yes, that happens).

Strategy for dealing with floating point inaccuracy

Is there a general best practice strategy for dealing with floating point inaccuracy?
The project that I'm working on tried to solve them by wrapping everything in a Unit class which holds the floating point value and overloads the operators. Numbers are considered equal if they "close enough," comparisons like > or < are done by comparing with a slightly lower or higher value.
I understand the desire to encapsulate the logic of handling such floating point errors. But given that this project has had two different implementations (one based on the ratio of the numbers being compared and one based on the absolute difference) and I've been asked to look at the code because its not doing the right, the strategy seems to be a bad one.
So what is best the strategy for try to make sure you handle all of the floating point inaccuracy in a program?
You want to keep data as dumb as possible, generally. Behavior and the data are two concerns that should be kept separate.
The best way is to not have unit classes at all, in my opinion. If you have to have them, then avoid overloading operators unless it has to work one way all the time. Usually it doesn't, even if you think it does. As mentioned in the comments, it breaks strict weak ordering for instance.
I believe the sane way to handle it is to create some concrete comparators that aren't tied to anything else.
struct RatioCompare {
bool operator()(float lhs, float rhs) const;
struct EpsilonCompare {
bool operator()(float lhs, float rhs) const;
People writing algorithms can then use these in their containers or algorithms. This allows code reuse without demanding that anyone uses a specific strategy.
std::sort(prices.begin(), prices.end(), EpsilonCompare());
std::sort(prices.begin(), prices.end(), RatioCompare());
Usually people trying to overload operators to avoid these things will offer complaints about "good defaults", etc. If the compiler tells you immediately that there isn't a default, it's easy to fix. If a customer tells you that something isn't right somewhere in your million lines of price calculations, that is a little harder to track down. This can be especially dangerous if someone changed the default behavior at some point.
Check comparing floating point numbers and this post on deniweb and this on SO.
Both techniques are not good. See this article.
Google Test is a framework for writing C++ tests on a variety of platforms.
gtest.h contains the AlmostEquals function.
// Returns true iff this number is at most kMaxUlps ULP's away from
// rhs. In particular, this function:
// - returns false if either number is (or both are) NAN.
// - treats really large numbers as almost equal to infinity.
// - thinks +0.0 and -0.0 are 0 DLP's apart.
bool AlmostEquals(const FloatingPoint& rhs) const {
// The IEEE standard says that any comparison operation involving
// a NAN must return false.
if (is_nan() || rhs.is_nan()) return false;
return DistanceBetweenSignAndMagnitudeNumbers(u_.bits_, rhs.u_.bits_)
<= kMaxUlps;
Google implementation is good, fast and platform-independent.
A small documentation is here.
To me floating point errors are essentially those which on an x86 would lead to a floating point exception (assuming the coprocessor has that interrupt enabled). A special case is the "inexact" exception i e when the result was not exactly representable in the floating point format (such as when dividing 1 by 3). Newbies not yet at home in the floating-point world will expect exact results and will consider this case an error.
As I see it there are several strategies available.
Early data checking such that bad values are identified and handled
when they enter the software. This lessens the need for testing
during the floating operations themselves which should improve
Late data checking such that bad values are identified
immediately before they are used in actual floating point operations.
Should lead to lower performance.
Debugging with floating point
exception interrupts enabled. This is probably the fastest way to
gain a deeper understanding of floating point issues during the
development process.
to name just a few.
When I wrote a proprietary database engine over twenty years ago using an 80286 with an 80287 coprocessor I chose a form of late data checking and using x87 primitive operations. Since floating point operations were relatively slow I wanted to avoid doing floating point comparisons every time I loaded a value (some of which would cause exceptions). To achieve this my floating point (double precision) values were unions with unsigned integers such that I would test the floating point values using x86 operations before the x87 operations would be called upon. This was cumbersome but the integer operations were fast and when the floating point operations came into action the floating point value in question would be ready in the cache.
A typical C sequence (floating point division of two matrices) looked something like this:
// calculate source and destination pointers
if (type1!=UNKNOWN) /* x87 stack contains negative, zero or positive value */
if (!(type2==POSITIVE_NOT_0 || type2==NEGATIVE))
if (type2==ZERO) npx_pop();
npx_pop(); /* remove src1 value from stack since there won't be a division */
else npx_divide();
if (type1==UNKNOWN) npx_load_0(); /* x86 stack is empty so load zero */
npx_store(dstpointer); /* store either zero (from prev statement) or quotient as result */
npx_load would load value onto the top of the x87 stack providing it was valid. Otherwise the top of the stack would be empty. npx_pop simply removes the value currently at the top of the x87. BTW "npx" is an abbreviation for "Numeric Processor eXtenstion" as it was sometimes called.
The method chosen was my way of handling floating-point issues stemming from my own frustrating experiences at trying to get the coprocessor solution to behave in a predictable manner in an application.
For sure this solution led to overhead but a pure
*dstpointer = *src1pointer / *src2pointer;
was out of the question since it didn't contain any error handling. The extra cost of this error handling was more than made up for by how the pointers to the values were prepared. Also, the 99% case (both values valid) is quite fast so if the extra handling for the other cases is slower, so what?