floating point processor non-determinism? - c++

Without getting into unnecessary details, is it possible for operations on floating-point numbers (x86_64) to return -however small- variations on their results, based on identical inputs? Even a single bit different?
I am simulating a basically chaotic system, and I expect small variations on the data to have visible effects. However I expected that, with the same data, the behavior of the program would be fixed. This is not the case. I get visible, but acceptable, differences with each run of the program.
I am thinking I have left some variable uninitialized somewhere...
The languages I am using are C++ and Python.
Russell's answer is correct. Floating point ops are deterministic. The non-determinism was caused by a dangling pointer.

Yes, this is possible. Quoting from the C++ FAQ:
Turns out that on some installations, cos(x) != cos(y) even though x == y. That's not a typo; read it again if you're not shocked: the cosine of something can be unequal to the cosine of the same thing. (Or the sine, or the tangent, or the log, or just about any other floating point computation.)
[F]loating point calculations and comparisons are often performed by special hardware that often contain special registers, and those registers often have more bits than a double. That means that intermediate floating point computations often have more bits than sizeof(double), and when a floating point value is written to RAM, it often gets truncated, often losing some bits of precision.

Contra Thomas's answer, floating point operations are not non-deterministic. They are fiendishly subtle, but a given program should give the same outputs for the same inputs, if it is not using uninitialized memory or deliberately randomized data.
My first question is, what do you mean by "the same data"? How is that data getting into your program?


If two languages follow IEEE 754, will calculations in both languages result in the same answers?

I'm in the process of converting a program from Scilab code to C++. One loop in particular is producing a slightly different result than the original Scilab code (it's a long piece of code so I'm not going to include it in the question but I'll try my best to summarise the issue below).
The problem is, each step of the loop uses calculations from the previous step. Additionally, the difference between calculations only becomes apparent around the 100,000th iteration (out of approximately 300,000).
Note: I'm comparing the output of my C++ program with the outputs of Scilab 5.5.2 using the "format(25);" command. Meaning I'm comparing 25 significant digits. I'd also like to point out I understand how precision cannot be guaranteed after a certain number of bits but read the sections below before commenting. So far, all calculations have been identical up to 25 digits between the two languages.
In attempts to get to the bottom of this issue, so far I've tried:
Examining the data type being used:
I've managed to confirm that Scilab is using IEEE 754 doubles (according to the language documentation). Also, according to Wikipedia, C++ isn't required to use IEEE 754 for doubles, but from what I can tell, everywhere I use a double in C++ it has perfectly match Scilab's results.
Examining the use of transcendental functions:
I've also read from What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic that IEEE does not require transcendental functions to be exactly rounded. With that in mind, I've compared the results of these functions (sin(), cos(), exp()) in both languages and again, the results appear to be the same (up to 25 digits).
The use of other functions and predefined values:
I repeated the above steps for the use of sqrt() and pow(). As well as the value of Pi (I'm using M_PI in C++ and %pi in Scilab). Again, the results were the same.
Lastly, I've rewritten the loop (very carefully) in order to ensure that the code is identical between the two languages.
Note: Interestingly, I noticed that for all the above calculations the results between the two languages match farther than the actual result of the calculations (outside of floating point arithmetic). For example:
Value of sin(x) using Wolfram Alpha = 0.123456789.....
Value of sin(x) using Scilab & C++ = 0.12345yyyyy.....
Where even once the value computed using Scilab or C++ started to differ from the actual result (from Wolfram). Each language's result still matched each other. This leads me to believe that most of the values are being calculated (between the two languages) in the same way. Even though they're not required to by IEEE 754.
My original thinking was one of the first three points above are implemented differently between the two languages. But from what I can tell everything seems to produce identical results.
Is it possible that even though all the inputs to these loops are identical, the results can be different? Possibly because a very small error (past what I can see with 25 digits) is occurring that accumulates over time? If so, how can I go about fixing this issue?
No, the format of the numbering system does not guarantee equivalent answers from functions in different languages.
Functions, such as sin(x), can be implemented in different ways, using the same language (as well as different languages). The sin(x) function is an excellent example. Many implementations will use a look-up table or look-up table with interpolation. This has speed advantages. However, some implementations may use a Taylor Series to evaluate the function. Some implementations may use polynomials to come up with a close approximation.
Having the same numeric format is one hurdle to solve between languages. Function implementation is another.
Remember, you need to consider the platform as well. A program that uses an 80-bit floating point processor will have different results than a program that uses a 64-bit floating point software implementation.
Some architectures provide the capability of using extended precision floating point registers (e.g. 80 bits internally, versus 64-bit values in RAM). So, it's possible to get slightly different results for the same calculation, depending on how the computations are structured, and the optimization level used to compile the code.
Yes, it's possible to have a different results. It's possible even if you are using exactly the same source code in the same programming language for the same platform. Sometimes it's enough to have a different compiler switch; for example -ffastmath would lead the compiler to optimize your code for speed rather than accuracy, and, if your computational problem is not well-conditioned to begin with, the result may be significantly different.
For example, suppose you have this code:
x_8th = x*x*x*x*x*x*x*x;
One way to compute this is to perform 7 multiplications. This would be the default behavior for most compilers. However, you may want to speed this up by specifying compiler option -ffastmath and the resulting code would have only 3 multiplications:
temp1 = x*x; temp2 = temp1*temp1; x_8th = temp2*temp2;
The result would be slightly different because finite precision arithmetic is not associative, but sufficiently close for most applications and much faster. However, if your computation is not well-conditioned that small error can quickly get amplified into a large one.
Note that it is possible that the Scilab and C++ are not using the exact same instruction sequence, or that one uses FPU and the other uses SSE, so there may not be a way to get them to be exactly the same.
As commented by IInspectable, if your compiler has _control87() or something similar, you can use it to change the precision and/or rounding settings. You could try combinations of this to see if it has any effect, but again, even you manage to get the settings identical for Scilab and C++, differences in the actual instruction sequences may be the issue.
If SSE is used, I"m not sure what can be adjusted as I don't think SSE has an 80 bit precision mode.
In the case of using FPU in 32 bit mode, and if your compiler doesn't have something like _control87, you could use assembly code. If inline assembly is not allowed, you would need to call an assembly function. This example is from an old test program:
static short fcw; /* 16 bit floating point control word */
/* ... */
/* set precision control to extended precision */
fnstcw fcw
or fcw,0300h
fldcw fcw

Are floating point errors deterministic?

One of the big got'chas of floating point numbers is that some of them cannot be exactly represented in binary. This can make them difficult to work with. However what I'm curious about is whether or not subtle or not-so-subtle errors in floating point are deterministic. Can somebody predict them for example? Here's one example of a random number generator that could take advantage of floating point errors:
#include <cmath>
float constant = M_PI;
float generate()
static float state = 1;
state = state * constant;
return state;
One would have to know the implementation, the hardware, the compiler settings and so on, which makes it quite difficult to predict what the results would be. Or is my thinking flawed?
Floating point "errors" are deterministic. There is a 1:1 mapping between input and output values for a given operation. Your example will produce the same output sequence every time.
That said, there could be a floating-point implementation or ten out there that will produce different sequences, but this is not something you can consider "random" (i.e. a source of entropy).
Every floating point representation defines the composition of a floating point variable (which part is the mantissa, which part is the exponent, which part is the sign, etc) and the behaviour of every operation.
In any implementation you might choose, it is therefore possible to predict the result of every floating point operation, if you know its operand (or operands) That characteristic is the definition of determinism.
So, yes, floating point operations are deterministic.
Different implementations (compilers, host systems, etc) do support different floating point representations. So there is some variation of results between implementations. However, it is still possible to predict the result of any floating point operation, if you know how floating point variables are represented, and how operations work.
The fact not everyone knows enough about floating point types and operations on them does not make them non-deterministic. Nor does the fact that not everyone can describe the complete set of operations in a complex algorithm. The knowledge is readily available and, with enough effort, understandable well enough so effects of all operations on all possible operands can be reliably predicted before doing the operation.
There are buggy implementations of floating point out there, which do not comply with their own documentation. For example, look up the pentium FDIV bug - where some early pentium CPUs implemented floating point division incorrectly. Even those turned out to be deterministic, once it was understood what the operations actually do.

Is there any way to make sure the output of the float-point the same in different OS?

Here is my codeļ¼š
int a = 0x451998a0;
float b = *((float *)&a);
printf("coverto float: %f, %.10lf\n", b, b);
In windows the output is:
coverto float: 2457.539063, 2457.5390625000
In linux the output is:
coverto float: 2457.539062, 2457.5390625000
Is there any way to make sure the output is the same?
The behavior you're seeing is just a consequence of the fact that Windows' printf() function is implemented differently from Linux's printf() function. Most likely the difference is in how printf() implements number rounding.
How printf() works under the hood in either system is an implementation detail; thus the system is not likely to provide such fine-grained control on how printf() displays the floating point values.
There are two ways that may work to keep them the same:
Use more precision during calculation than while displaying it. For example, some scientific and graphing calculators use double precision for all internal calculations, but display the results with only float precision.
Use a cross-platform printf() library. Such libraries would most likely have the same behavior on all platforms, as the calculations required to determine what digits to display are usually platform-agnostic.
However, this really isn't as big of a problem as you think it is. The difference between the outputs is 0.000001. That is a ~0.0000000004% difference from either the two values. The display error is really quite negligible.
Consider this: the distance between Los Angeles and New York is 2464 miles, which is of the same order of magnitude as the numbers in your display outputs. A difference of 0.000001 miles is 1.61 millimeters. We of course don't measure distances between cities with anywhere near that kind of precision. :-)
If you use the same printf() implementation, there's a good chance they'll show the same output. Depending on what you're up to, it may be easier to use GNU GCC on both OSes, or to get printf() source code and add it to your project (you should have no trouble googling one).
BTW - have you actually checked what that hex number encodes? Should it round up or down? The 625 thing is likely itself rounded, so you shouldn't assume it should round to 63....
The obvious answer is to use less precision in your output. In general,
if there's any calculation involved, you can't even be sure that the
actual floating point values are identical. And how printf and
ostream round is implementation defined, even if the floating point
values are equal.
In general, C++ doesn't guarantee that two implementations produce the
same results. In this particular case, if it's important, you can do
the rounding by hand, before doing the conversion, but you'll still have
occasional problems because the actual floating point values will be
different. This may, in fact, occur even with different levels of
optimization with the same compiler. So anything you try (other than
writing the entire program in assembler) is bound to be a loosing battle
in the end.

Should I use floating point's NaN, or floating point + bool for a data set that contains invalid values?

I have a large amount of data to process with math intensive operations on each data set. Much of it is analogous to image processing. However, since this data is read directly from a physical device, many of the pixel values can be invalid.
This makes NaN's property of representing values that are not a number and spreading on arithmetic operations very compelling. However, it also seems to require turning off some optimizations such as gcc's -ffast-math, plus we need to be cross platform. Our current design uses a simple struct that contains a float value and a bool indicating validity.
While it seems NaN was designed with this use in mind,
others think it is more trouble than it is worth. Does anyone have advice based on their more intimate experience with IEEE754 with performance in mind?
BRIEF: For strictest portability, don't use NaNs. Use a separate valid bit. E.g. a template like Valid. However, if you know that you will only ever run on IEEE 754-2008 machines, and not IEEE 754-1985 (see below), then you may get away with it.
For performance, it is probably faster not to use NaNs on most of the machines that you have access to. However, I have been involved with hardware design of FP on several machines that are improving NaN handling performance, so there is a trend to make NaNs faster, and, in particular, signalling NaNs should soon be faster than Valid.
Not all floating point formats have NaNs. Not all systems use IEEE floating point. IBM hex floating point can still be found on some machines - actually systems, since IBM now supports IEEE FP on more recent machines.
Furthermore, IEEE Floating Point itself had compatibility issues wrt NaNs, in IEEE 754-1985. E.g, see wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NaN:
The original IEEE 754 standard from 1985 (IEEE 754-1985) only
described binary floating point formats, and did not specify how the
signaled/quiet state was to be tagged. In practice, the most
significant bit of the significand determined whether a NaN is
signalling or quiet. Two different implementations, with reversed
meanings, resulted.
* most processors (including those of the Intel/AMD x86-32/x86-64 family, the Motorola 68000 family, the AIM PowerPC family, the ARM
family, and the Sun SPARC family) set the signaled/quiet bit to
non-zero if the NaN is quiet, and to zero if the NaN is signaling.
Thus, on these processors, the bit represents an 'is_quiet' flag.
* in NaNs generated by the PA-RISC and MIPS processors, the signaled/quiet bit is zero if the NaN is quiet, and non-zero if the
NaN is signaling. Thus, on these processors, the bit represents an
'is_signaling' flag.
This, if your code may run on older HP machines, or current MIPS machines (which are ubiquitous in embedded systems), you should not depend on a fixed encoding of NaN, but should have a machine dependent #ifdef for your special NaNs.
IEEE 754-2008 standardizes NaN encodings, so this is getting better. It depends on your market.
As for performance: many machines essentially trap, or otherwise take a major hiccup in performance, when performing computations involving both SNaNs (which must trap) and QNaNs (which don't need to trap, i.e. which could be fast - and which are getting faster in some machines as we speak.)
I can say with confidence that on older machines, particularly older Intel machines, you did NOT want to use NaNs if you cared about performance. E.g. http://www.cygnus-software.com/papers/x86andinfinity.html says "The Intel Pentium 4 handles infinities, NANs, and denormals very badly. ... If you write code that adds floating point numbers at the rate of one per clock cycle, and then throw infinities at it as input, the performance drops. A lot. A huge amount. ... NANs are even slower. Addition with NANs takes about 930 cycles. ... Denormals are a bit trickier to measure."
Get the picture? Almost 1000x slower to use a NaN than to do a normal floating point operation? In this case it is almost guaranteed that using a template like Valid will be faster.
However, see the reference to "Pentium 4"? That's a really old web page. For years people like me have been saying "QNaNs should be faster", and it has slowly taken hold.
More recently (2009), Microsoft says http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/498934/big-performance-penalty-for-checking-for-nans-or-infinity "If you do math on arrays of double that contain large numbers of NaN's or Infinities, there is an order of magnitude performance penalty."
If I feel impelled, I may go and run a microbenchmark on some machines. But you should get the picture.
This should be changing because it is not that hard to make QNaNs fast. But it has always been a chicken and egg problem: hardware guys like those I work with say "Nobody uses NaNs, so we won;t make them fast", while software guys don't use NaNs because they are slow. Still, the tide is slowly changing.
Heck, if you are using gcc and want best performance, you turn on optimizations like "-ffinite-math-only ... Allow optimizations for floating-point arithmetic that assume that arguments and results are not NaNs or +-Infs." Similar is true for most compilers.
By the way, you can google like I did, "NaN performance floating point" and check refs out yourself. And/or run your own microbenchmarks.
Finally, I have been assuming that you are using a template like
template<typename T> class Valid {
bool valid;
T value;
I like templates like this, because they can bring "validity tracking" not just to FP, but also to integer (Valid), etc.
But, they can have a big cost. The operations are probably not much more expensive than NaN handling on old machines, but the data density can be really poor. sizeof(Valid) may sometimes be 2*sizeof(float). This bad density may hurt performance much more than the operations involved.
By the way, you should consider template specialization, so that Valid uses NaNs if they arte available and fast, and a valid bit otherwise.
template <> class Valid<float> {
float value;
bool is_valid() {
return value != my_special_NaN;
Anyway, you are better off having as few valid bits as possible, and packing them elsewhere, rather than Valid right close to the value. E.g.
struct Point { float x, y, z; };
Valid<Point> pt;
is better (density wise) than
struct Point_with_Valid_Coords { Valid<float> x, y, z; };
unless you are using NaNs - or some other special encoding.
struct Point_with_Valid_Coords { float x, y, z; bool valid_x, valid_y, valid_z };
is in between - but then you have to do all the code yourself.
BTW, I have been assuming you are using C++. If FORTRAN or Java ...
BOTTOM LINE: separate valid bits is probably faster and more portable.
But NaN handling is speeding up, and one day soon will be good enough
By the way, my preference: create a Valid template. Then you can use it for all data types. Specialize it for NaNs if it helps. Although my life is making things faster, IMHO it is usually more important to make the code clean.
If invalid data is very common, you are of course wasting a lot of time on running this data through the processing. If the invalid data is common enough it is probably better to be running some kind of sparse datastructure of only the valid data. If it is not very common, you can of course keep a sparse datastructure of which data is invalid. That way you would not waste a bool for each value. But maybe memory is not a problem for you...
If you are doing operations such as multipling two possibly invalid data entries, I understand it is compelling to use NaNs instead of doing checks on both variables to see if they are valid and setting the same flag in the resultant.
How portable do you need to be? Will you ever need to be able to port it to an architecture with only fixed point support? If that is the case, I think your choice is clear.
Personally I would only use NaNs if it proved to be much faster. Otherwise I'd say the code gets more clear if you have explicit handling of invalid data.
Since the floating-point numbers come from a device, they probably have a limited range. You can use some other special number, rather than NaN, to indicate absense of data, e.g. 1e37. This solution is portable. I do not know whether or not is more convinient for you than using a bool flag.

Strategy for dealing with floating point inaccuracy

Is there a general best practice strategy for dealing with floating point inaccuracy?
The project that I'm working on tried to solve them by wrapping everything in a Unit class which holds the floating point value and overloads the operators. Numbers are considered equal if they "close enough," comparisons like > or < are done by comparing with a slightly lower or higher value.
I understand the desire to encapsulate the logic of handling such floating point errors. But given that this project has had two different implementations (one based on the ratio of the numbers being compared and one based on the absolute difference) and I've been asked to look at the code because its not doing the right, the strategy seems to be a bad one.
So what is best the strategy for try to make sure you handle all of the floating point inaccuracy in a program?
You want to keep data as dumb as possible, generally. Behavior and the data are two concerns that should be kept separate.
The best way is to not have unit classes at all, in my opinion. If you have to have them, then avoid overloading operators unless it has to work one way all the time. Usually it doesn't, even if you think it does. As mentioned in the comments, it breaks strict weak ordering for instance.
I believe the sane way to handle it is to create some concrete comparators that aren't tied to anything else.
struct RatioCompare {
bool operator()(float lhs, float rhs) const;
struct EpsilonCompare {
bool operator()(float lhs, float rhs) const;
People writing algorithms can then use these in their containers or algorithms. This allows code reuse without demanding that anyone uses a specific strategy.
std::sort(prices.begin(), prices.end(), EpsilonCompare());
std::sort(prices.begin(), prices.end(), RatioCompare());
Usually people trying to overload operators to avoid these things will offer complaints about "good defaults", etc. If the compiler tells you immediately that there isn't a default, it's easy to fix. If a customer tells you that something isn't right somewhere in your million lines of price calculations, that is a little harder to track down. This can be especially dangerous if someone changed the default behavior at some point.
Check comparing floating point numbers and this post on deniweb and this on SO.
Both techniques are not good. See this article.
Google Test is a framework for writing C++ tests on a variety of platforms.
gtest.h contains the AlmostEquals function.
// Returns true iff this number is at most kMaxUlps ULP's away from
// rhs. In particular, this function:
// - returns false if either number is (or both are) NAN.
// - treats really large numbers as almost equal to infinity.
// - thinks +0.0 and -0.0 are 0 DLP's apart.
bool AlmostEquals(const FloatingPoint& rhs) const {
// The IEEE standard says that any comparison operation involving
// a NAN must return false.
if (is_nan() || rhs.is_nan()) return false;
return DistanceBetweenSignAndMagnitudeNumbers(u_.bits_, rhs.u_.bits_)
<= kMaxUlps;
Google implementation is good, fast and platform-independent.
A small documentation is here.
To me floating point errors are essentially those which on an x86 would lead to a floating point exception (assuming the coprocessor has that interrupt enabled). A special case is the "inexact" exception i e when the result was not exactly representable in the floating point format (such as when dividing 1 by 3). Newbies not yet at home in the floating-point world will expect exact results and will consider this case an error.
As I see it there are several strategies available.
Early data checking such that bad values are identified and handled
when they enter the software. This lessens the need for testing
during the floating operations themselves which should improve
Late data checking such that bad values are identified
immediately before they are used in actual floating point operations.
Should lead to lower performance.
Debugging with floating point
exception interrupts enabled. This is probably the fastest way to
gain a deeper understanding of floating point issues during the
development process.
to name just a few.
When I wrote a proprietary database engine over twenty years ago using an 80286 with an 80287 coprocessor I chose a form of late data checking and using x87 primitive operations. Since floating point operations were relatively slow I wanted to avoid doing floating point comparisons every time I loaded a value (some of which would cause exceptions). To achieve this my floating point (double precision) values were unions with unsigned integers such that I would test the floating point values using x86 operations before the x87 operations would be called upon. This was cumbersome but the integer operations were fast and when the floating point operations came into action the floating point value in question would be ready in the cache.
A typical C sequence (floating point division of two matrices) looked something like this:
// calculate source and destination pointers
if (type1!=UNKNOWN) /* x87 stack contains negative, zero or positive value */
if (!(type2==POSITIVE_NOT_0 || type2==NEGATIVE))
if (type2==ZERO) npx_pop();
npx_pop(); /* remove src1 value from stack since there won't be a division */
else npx_divide();
if (type1==UNKNOWN) npx_load_0(); /* x86 stack is empty so load zero */
npx_store(dstpointer); /* store either zero (from prev statement) or quotient as result */
npx_load would load value onto the top of the x87 stack providing it was valid. Otherwise the top of the stack would be empty. npx_pop simply removes the value currently at the top of the x87. BTW "npx" is an abbreviation for "Numeric Processor eXtenstion" as it was sometimes called.
The method chosen was my way of handling floating-point issues stemming from my own frustrating experiences at trying to get the coprocessor solution to behave in a predictable manner in an application.
For sure this solution led to overhead but a pure
*dstpointer = *src1pointer / *src2pointer;
was out of the question since it didn't contain any error handling. The extra cost of this error handling was more than made up for by how the pointers to the values were prepared. Also, the 99% case (both values valid) is quite fast so if the extra handling for the other cases is slower, so what?