Persisting data in an axis object - web-services

Forgive me if this is a dumb question, I unfortunately have an assignment due! I am running apache axis under tomcat and need to deploy a simple web service class, see below.
I installed the counter file below as "MyCounter.jws" in the /tomcat/webapps/axis/ folder. Tomcat finds it and makes a corresponding MyCounter.xml. I use WSDL2Java on the XML file and client calls seem to work, but internal state is not saved:
Every time I call from the client side, the return value is always 1. It seems the constructor is always called before the method call. How can I make it so the mycounter integer persists across requests?
public class MyCounter
int mycounter;
public MyCounter()
mycounter = 0;
public int call()
return mycounter;

I think persisting is maybe the wrong word, I think what you mean is that the Java Class is not instantiated every time you call the service.
So you would need to change the Service definition yo achieve this.
I don't think that with the JWS files you will be able to configure the session scope. As the docs say:
Important: JWS web services are intended for simple web services. You
cannot use packages in the pages, and as the code is compiled at run
time you can not find out about errors until after deployment.
Production quality web services should use Java classes with custom
So if you want to use such features you should consider using some of the other ways Axis offers to setup a WebService.
Also I would strongly recommend using Axis2 instead of Axis1:
Axis1 can be quite complicated with the WSDD files to setup. Apart from Axis1 no more actively developed/maintained.


Using a HTTP Module on a Virtual Directory in IIS

I have a default website in my IIS where I have created one virtual directory "wsdls".
I would want to gather statistics on how many requests are triggered to my virtual directory. This would need a request interception at web server level and gather statistics. "HTTPModule" was one of the many solutions I have considered which is suitable for such scenario. Hence I have started building one.
For testing purpose, I wanted to create a HTTP Module and apply it on a particular extension files (say *.wsdl) and on every GET request of any .wsdl files in this virtual directory, I will want to redirect the application to "". This would demonstrate a good example of how HTTP Module can be used and deployed on IIS.
HTTPModule which is written using Visual Studio is shown below,
namespace Handler.App_Code
public class HelloWorldModule : IHttpModule
public HelloWorldModule(){
public String ModuleName{
get { return "HelloWorldModule"; }
// In the Init function, register for HttpApplication
// events by adding your handlers.
public void Init(HttpApplication application){
application.BeginRequest +=
(new EventHandler(this.Application_BeginRequest));
application.EndRequest +=
(new EventHandler(this.Application_EndRequest));
private void Application_BeginRequest(Object source,
EventArgs e)
// Create HttpApplication and HttpContext objects to access
// request and response properties.
HttpApplication application = (HttpApplication)source;
HttpContext context = application.Context;
private void Application_EndRequest(Object source, EventArgs e)
//Nothing to be done here
public void Dispose() { }
Now I have done a build of this project for x64 version and I am able to browser successfully the "dll" file. Now I have to register this dll in IIS and whenever I try to access the *.wsdl files, the requests automatically divert to "". Here is the next step I have done,
Then I have enabled the Handler mappings as shown below,
I am assuming that is it!! Nothing more to be done. I should be able to intercept the requests for all HTTP requests which are of the form "*.wsdl". This means whenever I access any wsdl from the server, control should be going back to google(Because of the logic written in begin request ). But unfortunately, I failed in achieving it. What can be done here?
One thing I noticed is that when you are trying to redirect to an external URL use
So change
context.Response.Redirect("", true);
I could solve the problem what I am facing and below are the observations which were missing in my understanding and which helped me in solving my problem:
Locating proper web.config file :
Every website in IIS will be having a web.config file to have control over the application.
Since I am working with "Default Website", this refers to the directory "C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot"
There will be a "web.config" file which would be present in this director. Please create it if not already present.
Modifying web.config :
Once you have identified the file which needs to be modified, just add necessary module configuration to web.config
In this case, we would want to add a Module to the default website, the probably setting would be shown below,
Adding contents to bin directory :
Now if you try to run the application, the IIS would not find any dll or executable to run and hence we would need to keep the executables at a particular location.
Create a director if not already present with the name "bin" at the root of the directory and place all the dlls which you would want this website to execute. Sample shown below,
General Points to be considered:
Proper access must be given for the folder which consists of dll.
It is ideally not suggested to modify the entire website. It would be ideal if one works only on their web application.
If web.config is not found, we can create one.
If bin is not present in the web root directory, we can create one.

OTRS Webservice as Requestor Test

I'm new to OTRS (3.2) and also new to PERL but I have been given the task of setting up OTRS so that it will make a call to our remote webservice so a record can be created on our end when a ticket is set as "Closed".
I set up various dynamic fields so the customer service rep can fill in additional data that will be passed into the webservice call along with ticket details.
I couldn't get the webservice call to trigger when the ticket was "Closed" but I did get it to trigger when the "priority" was changed so I'm just using that now to test the webservice.
I'm just using the and files that were included with OTRS.
When I look at the Debugger for the Webserice, I can see that the calls were being made:
$VAR1 = {
'TicketID' => '6'
My webservice currently just has one method "create" which just returns true for testing.
however I get the following from the
"Got no TicketNumber (2014-09-02 09:20:42, error)"
and the following from the
"Error in SOAP call: 404 Not Found at /TARGET/SHARE/var/otrs/Kernel/GenericInterface/Transport/HTTP/ line 578 (2014-09-02 09:20:43, error)
I've spent countless hours on Google but couldn't find anything on this. All I could find is code for the and but nothing really helpful to help me create a custom invoker for my needs and configure the webservice in OTRS to get it to work.
Does anyone have any sample invokers that I can look at to see how to set it up?
Basically I need to pass the ticket information along with my custom dynamic fields to my webservice. From there I can create the record on my end and do whatever processing.
I'm not sure how to setup the Invoker to pass the necessary ticket fields and dynamic fields and how to make it call a specific method in my remote webservice.
I guess getting the and to work is the first step then I can modify those for my needs. I have not used PERL at all so any help is greatly appreciated.
I'm also struggling with similar set of requirements too. I've also never programmed in PERL, but I can tell you at least that the "Got no TicketNumber" in the is right from the PrepareRequest method, there you can see this block of code:
# we need a TicketNumber
if ( !IsStringWithData( $Param{Data}->{TicketNumber} ) ) {
return $Self->{DebuggerObject}->Error( Summary => 'Got no TicketNumber' );
You should change all references to TicketNumber to TicketID, or remove the validation whatsoever (also there is mapping to ReturnedData variable).
Invoking specific methods on your WS interface is quite simple (but poorly documented). The Invoker name that you specify in the "OTRS as requester" section of web service configuration corresponds to the WS method that will be called. So if you have WS interface with a method called "create" just name the Invoker "create" too.
As far as the gathering of dynamic field goes, can't help you on that one yet, sorry.

Apply HTTP basic authentication to jax ws (HttpSpiContextHandler) in embedded Jetty

There are some similar questions for earlier versions of Jetty (pre 9) but none that address this specific problem :
Server server = new Server();
JettyHttpServer jettyServer = new JettyHttpServer(server, true);
Endpoint endpoint = Endpoint.create(new SOAPService()); // this class to handle all ws requests
endpoint.publish(jettyServer.createContext("/service")); // access by path
Simplified code example above to show the only way that I have found to bridge between Jetty and incoming soap requests to my jax-ws service. All settings are in code with no web.xml, this is part of a larger solution that has multiple contexts and connections for different purposes (servlets etc..)
I have tried to add a handler class to the jettyServer.createContext("/service",new handler()) to see if I can perform a header extraction to simulate basic auth but it never gets executed.
My problem is that i cannot find a way to specify, by code against the Jetty server, to use basic authentication. Using the setSecurityHandler method of a ServletContextHandler is easy and works great for other contexts, i just can't figure out how to use this concept for the jax-ws service.
Any help would be much appreciated.
p.s. SSL is already implemented, I just need to add http basic auth.
For anyone else that may of come across the same problem here is the answer that i stumbled on eventually.
final HttpContext httpContext = jettyServer.createContext("/service"); a = new"") {
public boolean checkCredentials (String username, String pw)
return username.equals("username") && pw.equals("password");
endpoint.publish(httpContext);//access by path
You can expand the checkCredentials for something a bit more sophisticated of course, but this shows the basic working method.

How to call Soap\WSDL Service through a login required webpage using matlab?

I am new to the wsdl\soapmessage query\reply world( if i can put it in this way), and I am facing some difficulties using the following wsdl( which I really really hope, one will be so kind to look at at least one of the services described there)
which was provided to me to develop a matlab webinterface. Right now my matlab code looks like this:
targetNamespace = '';
method = 'queryWorkItems';
values= {'Query','Sort'}
names = {'query', 'sort'}
types ={'xsd:string','xsd:string'}
message = createSoapMessage( targetNamespace, method, values, names, types)
response = callSoapService('',...
% Service's endpoint
% Server method to run
% SOAP message created using createSoapMessage
author = parseSoapResponse(response)
Herewith to save you time I will just enonce my two problems:
Is the code correct?
Could someone tell me if such a wsdl link is just a definition of webservices or it is also a service's endpoint?
Normally to execute manually\per clicks this services on the weppage, you have to login!
So how do I send a message in matlab which first log me in? Or must such a service be introduced into that wsdl for me to do it?? Could you be kind enough to write how it must be defined, because I don't really
write wsdl files, but I shall learn!**
I will be really thankful for your help and I wish you a happy week(-end) guys(& girls)!!!
ps: I tried to use Soapui and gave that webpage as endpoint, but the toool crashes each time I enter my credentials! Maybe because of the dataload!??

soap web service with symfony2

i need to create a webservices with symfony2 ive read the official article
in the example it creates a instance of SoapServer with a parameter routing a .wsdl file, what is this file? i didnt found too much documentation about soap in symfony. some help with this please?
public function indexAction()
$server = new \SoapServer('/path/to/hello.wsdl');
$response = new Response();
$response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'text/xml; charset=ISO-8859-1');
return $response;
I'm not sure if you've found your answer or not. Just for anybody else that might run into such a problem:
WSDL is the language in which the Web Services are defined and described. It's basically a XML file containing the input/output parameters of each and every function that are served by a server. it also contains some information about the server itself, that's providing the services.
in order to be able to create a webservice, you need to use the code you've provided, which would in fact prepare Symfony to serve the clients on "/path/to/hello.wsdl" (in my example this path is /YourDesiredPathFor/services.wsdl), and also, you need to provide a valid WSDL document that contains the information mentioned above in correct WSDL format. the problem is that Symfony (or even PHP itself for this matter) has no means of creating the file automatically.
to solve the matter, you need to use an external WSDL generator. I'd suggest using PHP-WSDL-Creator. It uses annotations written inside php files to create the WSDL file and also runs the SoapServer. that means that you won't even need the code that you've provided. it also has proper interfaces and addons that provide you with clients for different protocols and languages.
you need to tweak it a little bit though! if you want it to be by symfony standards, i think you would need to rewrite some parts of it; but if you'd like to use it as an external library, it could also work!
the way i did it was by copying the extracted files into ./vendor/php_wsdl/lib/php_wsdl/src (long it is, isn't it? maybe an easier path would also work!); then defined a php_wsdl.php in ./vender/php_wsdl/lib/php_wsdl:
require_once __DIR__. '/src/class.phpwsdl.php';
class WSDL_PhpWsdl extends PhpWsdl{
next, in the "./app/autoload.php", i added the following line to enable Symfony to use the created extension:
require_once __DIR__. '/../vendor/php_wsdl/lib/php_wsdl/php_wsdl.php';
just one thing! the extension needs a "cache" folder in order to cache the created wsdl files and all. unfortunately because i need to finish the project quickly, i don't have enough time to manage the cache folder as it should be. there are definitely better ways than my way, and i would really be glad to know about them.
anyway, now you need to use the extension's capabilities! to do so, i created a "ServerController" for the bundle i was using:
namespace Tara\PageControllerBundle\Controller;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
class ServiceController extends Controller
function wsdlAction(){
\PhpWsdlServers::$EnableRest = false;
$soap= \WSDL_PhpWsdl::CreateInstance(
null, // PhpWsdl will determine a good namespace
$this->generateUrl('service_wsdl', array(), true), // Change this to your SOAP endpoint URI (or keep it NULL and PhpWsdl will determine it)
__DIR__. '/cache', // Change this to a folder with write access
Array( // All files with WSDL definitions in comments
dirname(__FILE__). '/../Services/MyService.php'
null, // The name of the class that serves the webservice will be determined by PhpWsdl
null, // This demo contains all method definitions in comments
null, // This demo contains all complex types in comments
false, // Don't send WSDL right now
false // Don't start the SOAP server right now
if($soap->IsWsdlRequested()) // WSDL requested by the client?
$soap->Optimize=false; // Don't optimize WSDL to send it human readable to the browser
as you can see, the path to the cache folder is on a local directory, which means it has to be created manually and in ./src/Tara/PageControllerBundle/Controller (obviously in my case; you will need to change the paths). I'm sure there are better ways to manage the cache folder.
there is a line there:
dirname(__FILE__). '/../Services/MyService.php
this line tells the extension where to look for annotations in order to create the WSDL page. you also need to define a route to "service_wsdl":
pattern: /YourDesiredPathFor/services.wsdl
defaults: {_controller: TaraPageControllerBundle:Service:wsdl}
as you can see, the controller is ServiceController and the function responsible for it is wsdlAction; the exact function that was defined!
just as an example, i would provide my own MyService.php:
namespace Tara\PageControllerBundle\Services;
use Tara\PageControllerBundle\Model\...
* #service Tara\PageControllerBundle\Services\MyService
class MyService
* Function Create
* #param string $link
* #param string $title
* #param string $image
* #param string $description
* #return boolean Status of the creation
* #pw_rest POST /YourDesiredPathForAction/create Create The Object
public function Create($link, $title, $image, $description)
// your code that handles the data goes here. this is not a part of the annotations!
return (bool)$result;
now, you might be able to use a SoapClient to connect to your web service at
http: //your-server.something/YourDesiredPathFor/services.wsdl?wsdl
and call the Create function! you can also check the output of the extension by opening the above written address. the extension also provides a "human-readable" version at
http: //your-server.something/YourDesiredPathFor/services.wsdl.
i would be glad to know if this was any help to anyone! :)
SOAP is a more general concept that Symfony assumes you are familiar with. There is an example WSDL at the bottom of the page that you link to. Take a look at tutorials about SOAP and WSDL and then try to recreate what they're doing in the Symfony page.
SOAP Tutorial
WSDL Tutorial