c++ file doesnt open right - c++

FileDescription=Developed using the Dev-C++ IDE
this is what i get after i open the .cpp file....the file was supposed to get 10 numbers into a[x]; then display them from x+1 to x+10 and then from x+10 to x+1
after that make the sum of all the numbers, and then locate the min and max number....after the program was written i tested it and it all worked...then clicked the top left corner icon and clicked SAVE FILE AS, after that i entered a name and pressed enter while i saved it to desktop to upload it to my schools homework site...so is there anyway to get the code out of this file, or will i have to re write all the lines D: ?

The file you're providing us with is apparently a .dev file, used by Dev-C++. It is used for projects, like Visual C++'s .vcxproj or (sort of) a Makefile used with g++. http://www.file-extensions.org/dev-file-extension-dev-c-project-file
Somehow you saved that .dev file over your source .cpp file. When you overwrite a file, the old version is gone. You'll be well advised to keep backup copies (I copy the entire folder with all its files) in case something strange like this happens again. Sorry you lost your code.

As has been stated in the comments, there is no way to recover the code now that the file has been overwritten/was not saved correctly.


Using QT and VS run CGAL5.2's official examples

I downloaded the official example which is CGAL-5.2\examples\Triangulation_2 from the website CGAL.org.
I successfully cmake the examples.
Then I opened Triangulation_2_Examples.sln from G:\MyCGAL_code\code_1\Triangulation_2\build by VS2017.
I also successfully built all projects (without errors).
I then click the debugger in VS: the draw triangulation.exe running fine, but the Triangulation_2 Basic_viewer is empty.
I knew someone's successful results has colored triangles in the window called Triangulation_2 Basic_viewer.
Did anyone try this official example before?
The program draw_triangulation_2 takes a filename as input (the file must contains a set of 2D points).
Without parameter, it takes data/triangulation_prog1.cin by default.
Thus the working directory must contains a directory data and this directory must contains a file triangulation_prog1.cin. Otherwise, the triangulation is empty.
To solve your problem, you need either to create the data directory and copy triangulation_prog1.cin in this directory; or give a valid filename as parameter.

C++ Write to file not working in my addition to an existing application

I have an application that collects heart rate data and displays in in a GUI. I don't want to change anything about how the application runs, but want to save the data into a .csv file to use with data manipulation programs. The program is called BluetoothGattHeartRate. I am running the sample code found here.
My addition to the code is just
std::fstream theDump;
theDump.open("path/to/file", std::fstream::out);
if (theDump.is_open())
theDump.write("ImHere", 6);
inserted into the file called HeartRateService.cpp in the Shared directory in the void HeartRateService::Characteristic_ValueChanged(GattCharacteristic^ sender, GattValueChangedEventArgs^ args) function just before the call to ValueChangeCompleted(heartRateValue);. I'm using Microsoft Visual Studio to edit and run the code, as the tutorial online says. This exact code succeeds in editing the file when run in an independent application, but it fails to open the file (I tested for this) when run in the Gatt sample code.
I don't expect that anyone has dealt with this before, but if by some miracle one of you has figured this out, please let me know how you fixed it.

Identifying a Programming Language

So I have a software program that for reasons that are beyond this post, I will not include but to put it simply, I'd like to "MOD" the original software. The program is launched from a Windows Application named ViaNet.exe with accompanying DLL files such as ViaNetDll.dll. The Application is given an argument such as ./Statup.cat. There is also a WatchDog process that uses the argument ./App.cat instead of the former.
I was able to locate a log file buried in my Windows/Temp folder for the ViaNet.exe Application. Looking at the log it identifies files such as:
./Utility/base32.atc:_Encode32 line 67
./Utilities.atc:MemFun_:Invoke line 347
./Utilities.atc:_ForEachProperty line 380
./Cluster/ClusterManager.atc:ClusterManager:GetClusterUpdates line 1286
./Cluster/ClusterManager.atc:ClusterManager:StopSync line 505
./Cluster/ClusterManager.atc:ConfigSynchronizer:Update line 1824
Going to those file locations reveal files by those names, but not ending with .atc but instead .cat. The log also indicates some sort of Class, Method and Line # but .cat files are in binary form.
Searching the program folder for any files with the extension .atc reveals three -- What I can assume are uncompiled .cat files -- files. Low and behold, once opened it's obviously some sort of source code -- with copyright headers, lol.
global ConfigFolder, WriteConfigFile, App, ReadConfigFile, CreateAssocArray;
local mgrs = null;
local email = CreateAssocArray( null);
local publicConfig = ReadConfigFile( App.configPath + "\\publicConfig.dat" );
if ( publicConfig != null )
mgrs = publicConfig.cluster.shared.clusterGroup[1].managers[1];
local emailInfo = publicConfig.cluster.shared.emailServer;
if (emailInfo != null)
if (emailInfo.serverName != "")
email.serverName = emailInfo.serverName;
if (emailInfo.serverEmailAddress != "")
email.serverEmailAddress = emailInfo.serverEmailAddress;
if (emailInfo.adminEmailAddress != null)
email.adminEmailAddress = emailInfo.adminEmailAddress;
if (mgrs != null)
WriteConfigFile( ConfigFolder + "ZoneInfo.dat", mgrs);
WriteConfigFile( ConfigFolder + "EmailInfo.dat", email);
So to end this as simply as possible, I'm trying to find out two things. #1 What Programming Language is this? and #2 Can the .cat be decompiled back to .atc. files? -- and vice versa. Looking at the log it would appear that the Application is decoding/decompiling the .cat files already to interpret them verses running them as bytecode/natively. Searching for .atc on Google results in AutoCAD. But looking at the results, shows it to be some sort of palette files, nothing source code related.
It would seem to me that if I can program in this unknown language, let alone, decompile the existing stuff, I might get lucky with modding the software. Thanks in advance for any help and I really really hope someone has an answer for me.
So huge news people, I've made quite an interesting discovery. I downloaded a patch from the vendor, it contained a batch file that was executing ViaNet.exe Execute [Patch Script].atc. I quickly discovered that you can use Execute to run both .atc and .cat files equally, same as with no argument. Once knowing this I assumed that there must be various arguments you can try, well after a random stroke of luck, there is one. That being Compile [Script].atc. This argument will compile also any .atc file to .cat. I've compiled the above script for comparison: http://pastebin.com/rg2YM8Q9
So I guess the goal now is to determine if it's possible to decompile said script. So I took a step further and was successful at obtaining C++ pseudo code from the ViaNet.exe and ViaNetDll.dll binaries, this has shed tons of understanding on the proprietary language and it's API they use. From what I can tell each execution is decompiled first then ran thru the interpreter. They also have nicknamed their language ATCL, still no idea what it stands for. While searching the API, I found several debug methods with names like ExecuteFile, ExecuteString, CompileFile, CompileString, InspectFunction and finally DumpObjCode. With the DumpObjCode method I'm able to perform some sort of dump of script files. Dump file for above script: http://pastebin.com/PuCCVMPf
I hope someone can help me find a pattern with the progress I made. I'm trying my best to go over the pseudo code but I don't know C++, so I'm having a really hard time understanding the code. I've tried to seperate what I can identify as being the compile script subroutines but I'm not certain: http://pastebin.com/pwfFCDQa
If someone can give me an idea of what this code snippet is doing and if it looks like I'm on the right path, I'd appreciate it. Thank you in advanced.

Why are my files smaller after I FTP them using this Python program?

I'm trying to send some files (a zip and a Word doc) to a directory on a server using ftplib. I have the broad strokes sorted out:
session = ftplib.FTP(ftp.server, 'user','pass')
filewpt = open(file, mode)
readfile = open(file, mode)
session.storbinary('STOR filename.zip', filewpt)
session.storbinary('STOR readme.doc', readfile)
print "filename.zip and readme.doc were sent to the folder on ftp"
This may provide someone else what they are after but not me. I have been using FileZilla as a check to make sure the files were transferred. When I see they have made it to the server, I see that they are both way smaller or even zero K for the readme.doc file. Now I'm guessing this has something to do with the fact that I stored the file in 'binary transfer mode' <--- whatever that means.
This is where my problems lie. I have no idea at all (yet) what is meant by binary transfer mode. Is it simply that I have to use retrbinary to return the files to their original state?
Could someone please explain to me like I'm a two year old what has happened to my files? If there's any more info required, please let me know.
This is a fantastic resource. Solved most of my problems. Still trying to work out the intricacies of FTPs, but I guess I will save that for another day. The link below builds a function to effortlessly upload files to an FTP without the partial upload problem that I've seen experienced by more than one Stack Exchanger.

Editing an /etc/fstab entry in C++

I'm trying to edit the /etc/fstab file on a CentOS installation using C++. The idea being that based on another config file I will add entries that don't exist in the fstab, or edit entries in the fstab file where the mount point is the same. This lets us set the system up properly on initial bootup.
I've found setmntent() and getmntent() for iterating over the exiting entries so I can easily check whether an entry in fstab also exists in my config file. And I can then use addmntent() to add any entry that doesn't already exist - the documentation says nothing about this being able to edit an entry, only add a new entry to the end of the file. There seems to be no way to edit an existing entry or delete an entry. It seems odd that this feature doesn't exist, only the CR and not the UD of CRUD.
I'd rather not have to write my own parser if I can at all help it.
My other alternative is to:
open the file using setmntent()
read the whole of fstab into memory using getmentent() and perform any additions and/or edits
close the file using endmntent()
open /etc/fstab for writing
close /etc/fstab (thus emptying the file)
open the fstab using setmntent()
loop through the entries I read in previously and write them out using addmntent()
Which although probably fine, just seems a bit messy.
When modifying system configuration files such as /etc/fstab keep in mind that these are critical state and, should your "edit" be interrupted by a power loss, might result in a failure to reboot.
The way to deal with this is:
create an empty output:
FILE* out = setmntent("/etc/fstab.new", "rw");
open the original for input:
FILE* in = setmntent("/etc/fstab", "r");
copy the contents:
while (m = getmntent(in)) { addmntent(out, m); }
make sure the output has it all:
fflush(out); endmntent(out); endmntent(in);
atomically replace /etc/fstab:
rename("/etc/fstab.new", "/etc/fstab");
It's left as an exercise to the reader to change the body of the while loop to make a modification to an existing element, to substitute a specifically crafted mntent or whatever. If you have specific questions on that please ask.
UN*X semantics for rename() guarantee that even in the case of power loss, you'll have either the original version or your new updated one.
There's a reason why there is no modifymntent() - because that would encourage bad programming / bad ways of changing system critical files. You say at the end of your post "... probably fine ..." - not. The only safe way to change a system configuration file is to write a complete modified copy, sync that to safe storage, and then use rename to replace the old one.