unable to see images or pull from registry - google-container-registry

I am unable to see images from the registry
1. gcloud auth login
2. from local machine: gcloud docker push gcr.io/project-id/image-name
3. from VM running docker: gcloud docker images
I see nothing and therefore unable to run any containers - do you know why?

docker images just displays images that have been pulled to the local VM.
Try running gcloud docker pull gcr.io/project-id/image-name to get it onto your VM. Then docker images should show it.
If you are on docker 1.8 or later (see docker version) you can also run: gcloud docker search gcr.io/project-id to see the list of images under project-id.


Unable to deploy custom docker image to AWS ECS using Terraform

I am using terraform to build infrastructure on AWS provider. I am using ECR to push my local docker images using AWSCLI.
Now, I have a Application load balancer which would route traffic to ECS_service. I want ECS to manage my Docker Containers using Fargate. But, the docker containers are exited by saying "Essential Docker container exited".
Thats the only log printed out.
If i change the docker image to be nginx:latest(which is fetched from dockerhub). It works.
PS: My docker container is a simple node application with node:alpine as base image. Is it something related to this, i am wrong !
Can anyone provide me with some insight on what is wrong with my approach.
I get the following error in AWS Logs:
My Dockerfile
FROM node:alpine
COPY . .
RUN npm install
# Expose a port.
# Run the node server.
ENTRYPOINT ["npm", "start"]
They say, its issue with the start script. I am just running this command. npm start to start the server.
It’s not your approach, your image is just not working.
Try running it locally and see the output otherwise you will need to ship the logs to Cloudwatch and see what they say

Deploy Docker container in EC2 base on Repository URI

I have an Ec2 on AWS.
I tried
SSH into that box
install Docker
pull Docker image from my : Repository URI
docker pull bheng-api-revision-test:latest 616934057156.dkr.ecr.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/bheng-api-revision-test:latest
tag it
docker tag bheng-api-revision-test:latest 616934057156.dkr.ecr.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/bheng-api-revision-test:latest
I'm trying to build it, and I don't know what command I should use.
I've tried
docker build bheng-api-revision-test:latest 616934057156.dkr.ecr.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/bheng-api-revision-test:latest .
I kept getting
How would one go about debugging this further?

Deploying a container from Google Container Registry to a Compute Engine VM

I am trying to deploy a container on a Google VM instance.
From the doc it seems straightforward: specify your image in the container text field and start the VM.
My image is stored in the Google Container Registry in the same project as the VM. However, the VM starts but does not pull and run the docker image. I ssh'ed the VM and docker images ls returns an empty list.
Pulling the image doesn't work.
~ $ docker pull gcr.io/project/image
Using default tag: latest
Error response from daemon: repository gcr.io/project/image not found: does not exist or no pull access
I know we're supposed to use gcloud docker but gcloud isn't installed on the VM (which is dedicated to containers) so I supposed it's something else.
Also, the VM service account has read access to storage. Any idea?
From the GCR docs, you can use docker-credential-gcr to automatically authenticate with credentials from your GCE instance metadata.
To do that manually (assuming you have curl and jq installed):
TOKEN=$(curl "http://metadata.google.internal/computeMetadata/v1/instance/service-accounts/default/token" -H "Metadata-Flavor: Google" | jq -r ".access_token")
docker login -u oauth2accesstoken -p "$TOKEN" https://gcr.io
To pull the image from the gcr.io container registry you can use the gcloud sdk, like this:
$ gcloud docker -- pull gcr.io/yrmv-191108/autoscaler
Or you can use the docker binary directly as you did. This command has the same effect as the previous gcloud one:
$ docker pull gcr.io/yrmv-191108/autoscaler
Basically you problem is that you are not specifying either the project you are working nor the image you are trying to pull, unless (very unlikely) your project ID is project and the image you want to pull is named image.
You can get a list of the images you have uploaded to your current project with:
$ gcloud container images list
Which, for me, gets:
Only listing images in gcr.io/yrmv-191108. Use --repository to list images in other repositories.
If, for some reason you don't have permissions to install the Gcloud SDK (very advisable for working with Google Cloud) you can see your uploaded images on the Google Cloud GUI by navigating to "Container registry -> images"

How to connect my docker image to my kubernetes cluster?

I have a simple play project, and I created a docker image for it.
I created the image like:
in my circle.yml I added:
branch: /.*/
- docker login -e admin#something.com -u ${ART_USER} -p ${ART_KEY} crp-docker-docker-local.someartifactory.com
- sbt -DBUILD_NUMBER="${CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM}" docker:publish
Now in my jfrog account I have the image name for this project, and in my controller.yml I added this specific image.
But now I have created kubernetes clusters with 4 minions machines and one master machine, and I want to know how do I connect this docker image to this cluster to run it?
kubectl run <app name> --image=<image name from jfrog>
If you want to automatically fetch the image name and start the container, you can run a special container that will fetch the image names

How to do use Google Container Registry with the docker CLI

Google Container Registry documentation explains that in order to pull and push images to gcr.io, you have to prefix docker push and pull commands with gcloud preview.
gcloud preview docker push gcr.io/<gcr_namespace>/<docker-image>
gcloud preview docker pull gcr.io/<gcr_namespace>/<docker-image>
Is there a way to use Google Container Registry with the docker CLI directly, without gcloud preview prefix?
You can use the following commands:
gcloud preview docker -a
to update your local docker configuration w/ gcr.io credentials.
And then use the regular docker CLI commands to push and pull images:
docker build -t gcr.io/<gcr_namespace>/<docker-image> .
docker push gcr.io/<gcr_namespace>/<docker-image>
Or for existing images:
docker tag <docker-image> gcr.io/<gcr_namespace>/<docker-image>
docker push gcr.io/<gcr_namespace>/<docker-image>
docker pull gcr.io/<gcr_namespace>/<docker-image>
This configuration is good for interoperability with the native docker CLI, but not ideal as gcloud preview docker -a will need to be run again after the credentials expires.
When building a new image, tag it directly to gcr.io during a docker build:
gcloud preview docker -a
docker build -t gcr.io/<project_id>/<docker-image> <directory>
push gcr.io/<project_id>/<docker-image>