Order-maintenance data structure in C++ - c++

I'm looking for a data structure which would efficiently solve Order-maintenance problem. In the other words, I need to efficiently
insert (in the middle),
delete (in the middle),
compare positions of elements in the container.
I found good articles which discuss this problem:
Two Algorithms for Maintaining Order in a List,
Two Simplified Algorithms for Maintaining Order in a List.
The algorithms are quite efficient (some state to be O(1) for all operations), but they do not seem to be trivial, and I'm wondering if there is an open source C++ implementation of these or similar data structures.
I've seen related topic, some simpler approaches with time complexity O(log n) for all operations were suggested, but here I'm looking for existing implementation.
If there was an example in some other popular languages it would be good too, this way I would be able at least to experiment with it before trying to implement it myself.
I'm going to
maintain a list of pointers to objects,
from time to time I will need to change object's order (delete+insert),
given a subset of objects I need to be able to quickly sort them and process them in correct order.
The standard ordering containers (std::set, std::map) is not what I'm looking for because they will maintain order for me, but I need to order elements myself. Similar to what I would do with std::list, but there position comparison would be linear, which is not acceptable.

If you are looking for easy-to-implement and efficient solution at the same time you could build this structure using a balanced binary search tree (AVL or Red-Black tree). You could implement the operations as follows:
insert(X, Y) (inserts X immediately after Y in the total order) - if X doesn't have a right child set the right child of X to be Y, else let Z be the leftmost node of tree with root X.right (that means the lowest Z = X.right.left.left.left... which is not NULL) and set it's left child of Z to be Y. Balance if you have to. You can see that the total complexity would be O(log n).
delete(X) - just delete the node X as you'd normally will from the tree. Complexity O(log n).
compare(X,Y) - find the path from X to the root and the path from Y to the root. You can find Z , the lowest common ancestor of X and Y, from those two paths. Now, you can compare X and Y depending on whether they are in the left or in the right subtree of Z (they can't be in the same subtree at the same time since then Z won't be their lowest common ancestor). Complexity O(log n).
So you can see that the advantage of this implementation is that all operations would have complexity O(log n) and it's easy to implement.

You can use skip list similar to how you use std::list
Skip lists were first described in 1989 by William Pugh.
To quote the author:
Skip lists are a probabilistic data structure that seem likely to supplant balanced trees as the implementation method of choice for many applications. Skip list algorithms have the same asymptotic expected time bounds as balanced trees and are simpler, faster and use less space.

STL is the solution to your problem.
It's the standard, proven and efficient containers and the algorithms that support them. almost all of the containers in STL support the actions you have mentioned.
It's seems like std::deque has the best qualities to the tasks you are referring to:
1) Insertion : both from to the back and to the front in O(1) complexity
2) Deletion : unlike contiguous containers, std::deque::erase is O(N) where N is the number of items deleted. meaning that erasing only one item has the complexity of O(1)
3) Position comparison : using std::advance, the complexity on std::deque is O(N)
4) Sorting : using std::sort, usually will use quick sort for the task, and will run in O(n* log n). In MSVC++ at least, the function tries to guess what is the best sorting algorithm for the given container.
do not try to use open source solution/building your own library before you have tried using STL thoroughly!


Rank-Preserving Data Structure other than std:: vector?

I am faced with an application where I have to design a container that has random access (or at least better than O(n)) has inexpensive (O(1)) insert and removal, and stores the data according to the order (rank) specified at insertion.
For example if I have the following array:
[2, 9, 10, 3, 4, 6]
I can call the remove on index 2 to remove 10 and I can also call the insert on index 1 by inserting 13.
After those two operations I would have:
[2, 13, 9, 3, 4, 6]
The numbers are stored in a sequence and insert/remove operations require an index parameter to specify where the number should be inserted or which number should be removed.
My question is, what kind of data structures, besides a Linked List and a vector, could maintain something like this? I am leaning towards a Heap that prioritizes on the next available index. But I have been seeing something about a Fusion Tree being useful (but more in a theoretical sense).
What kind of Data structures would give me the most optimal running time while still keeping memory consumption down? I have been playing around with an insertion order preserving hash table, but it has been unsuccessful so far.
The reason I am tossing out using a std:: vector straight up is because I must construct something that out preforms a vector in terms of these basic operations. The size of the container has the potential to grow to hundreds of thousands of elements, so committing to shifts in a std::vector is out of the question. The same problem lines with a Linked List (even if doubly Linked), traversing it to a given index would take in the worst case O (n/2), which is rounded to O (n).
I was thinking of a doubling linked list that contained a Head, Tail, and Middle pointer, but I felt that it wouldn't be much better.
In a basic usage, to be able to insert and delete at arbitrary position, you can use linked lists. They allow for O(1) insert/remove, but only provided that you have already located the position in the list where to insert. You can insert "after a given element" (that is, given a pointer to an element), but you can not as efficiently insert "at given index".
To be able to insert and remove an element given its index, you will need a more advanced data structure. There exist at least two such structures that I am aware of.
One is a rope structure, which is available in some C++ extensions (SGI STL, or in GCC via #include <ext/rope>). It allows for O(log N) insert/remove at arbitrary position.
Another structure allowing for O(log N) insert/remove is a implicit treap (aka implicit cartesian tree), you can find some information at http://codeforces.com/blog/entry/3767, Treap with implicit keys or https://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/70456/treap-with-implicit-keys.
Implicit treap can also be modified to allow to find minimal value in it (and also to support much more operations). Not sure whether rope can handle this.
UPD: In fact, I guess that you can adapt any O(log N) binary search tree (such as AVL or red-black tree) for your request by converting it to "implicit key" scheme. A general outline is as follows.
Imagine a binary search tree which, at each given moment, stores the consequitive numbers 1, 2, ..., N as its keys (N being the number of nodes in the tree). Every time we change the tree (insert or remove the node) we recalculate all the stored keys so that they are still from 1 to the new value of N. This will allow insert/remove at arbitrary position, as the key is now the position, but it will require too much time for all keys update.
To avoid this, we will not store keys in the tree explicitly. Instead, for each node, we will store the number of nodes in its subtree. As a result, any time we go from the tree root down, we can keep track of the index (position) of current node — we just need to sum the sizes of subtrees that we have to our left. This allows us, given k, locate the node that has index k (that is, which is the k-th in the standard order of binary search tree), on O(log N) time. After this, we can perform insert or delete at this position using standard binary tree procedure; we will just need to update the subtree sizes of all the nodes changed during the update, but this is easily done in O(1) time per each node changed, so the total insert or remove time will be O(log N) as in original binary search tree.
So this approach allows to insert/remove/access nodes at given position in O(log N) time using any O(log N) binary search tree as a basis. You can of course store the additional information ("values") you need in the nodes, and you can even be able to calculate the minimum of these values in the tree just by keeping the minimum value of each node's subtree.
However, the aforementioned treap and rope are more advanced as they allow also for split and merge operations (taking a substring/subarray and concatenating two strings/arrays).
Consider a skip list, which can implement linear time rank operations in its "indexable" variation.
For algorithms (pseudocode), see A Skip List Cookbook, by Pugh.
It may be that the "implicit key" binary search tree method outlined by #Petr above is easier to get to, and may even perform better.

Is this how I combine two min-heaps together?

I am currently creating a source code to combine two heaps that satisfy the min heap property with the shape invariant of a complete binary tree. However, I'm not sure if what I'm doing is the correct accepted method of merging two heaps satisfying the requirements I laid out.
Here is what I think:
Given two priority queues represented as min heaps, I insert the nodes of the second tree one by one into the first tree and fix the heap property. Then I continue this until all of the nodes in the second tree is in the first tree.
From what I see, this feels like a nlogn algorithm since I have to go through all the elements in the second tree and for every insert it takes about logn time because the height of a complete binary tree is at most logn.. But I think there is a faster way, however I'm not sure what other possible method there is.
I was thinking that I could just insert the entire tree in, but that break the shape invariant and order invariant..Is my method the only way?
In fact building a heap is possible in linear time and standard function std::make_heap guarantees linear time. The method is explained in Wikipedia article about binary heap.
This means that you can simply merge heaps by calling std::make_heap on range containing elements from both heaps. This is asymptotically optimal if heaps are of similar size. There might be a way to exploit preexisting structure to reduce constant factor, but I find it not likely.

An efficient sorting algorithm for almost sorted list containing time data?

The name says it all really. I suspect that insertion sort is best, since it's the best sort for mostly-sorted data in general. However, since I know more about the data there is a chance there are other sorts woth looking at. So the other relevant pieces of information are:
1) this is time data, which means I presumable could create an effective hash for ordering of data.
2) The data won't all exist at one time. instead I'll be reading in records which may contain a single vector, or dozen or hundreds of vectors. I want to output all time within a 5 second window. So it's possible that a sort that does the sorting as I insert the data would be a better option.
3) memory is not a big issue, but CPU speed is as this may be a bottleneck of the system.
Given these conditions can anyone suggest an algorithm that may be worth considering in addition to insertion sort? Also, How does one defined 'mostly sorted' to decide what is a good sort option? What I mean by that is how do I look at my data and decided 'this isn't as sorted as I thought it as, maybe insertion sort is no longer the best option'? Any link to an article which considered process complexity which better defines the complexity relative to the degree data is sorted would be appreciated.
thank you everyone for your information. I will be going with an easy insertion or merge sort (whichever I have already pre-written) for now. However, I'll be trying some of the other methods once were closer to the optimization phase (since they take more effort to implement). I appreciate the help
You could adopt option (2) you suggested - sort the data while you insert elements.
Use a skip list, sorted according to time, ascending to maintain your data.
Once a new entree arrives - check if it is larger then the last
element (easy and quick) if it is - simply append it (easy to do in a skip list). The
skip list will need to add 2 nodes on average for these cases, and will be O(1) on
average for these cases.
If the element is not larger then the last element - add it to the
skip list as a standard insert op, which will be O(logn).
This approach will yield you O(n+klogn) algorithm, where k is the number of elements inserted out of order.
I would throw in merge sort if you implement the natural version you get a best case of O(N) with a typical and worst case of O(N log N) if you have any problems. Insertion you get a worst case of O(N^2) and a best case of O(N).
You can sort a list of size n with k elements out of place in O(n + k lg k) time.
See: http://www.quora.com/How-can-I-quickly-sort-an-array-of-elements-that-is-already-sorted-except-for-a-small-number-of-elements-say-up-to-1-4-of-the-total-whose-positions-are-known/answer/Mark-Gordon-6?share=1
The basic idea is this:
Iterate over the elements of the array, building an increasing subsequence (if the current element is greater than or equal to the last element of the subsequence, append it to the end of the subsequence. Otherwise, discard both the current element and the last element of the subsequence). This takes O(n) time.
You will have discarded no more than 2k elements since k elements are out of place.
Sort the 2k elements that were discarded using an O(k lg k) sorting algorithm like merge sort or heapsort.
You now have two sorted lists. Merge the lists in O(n) time like you would in the merge step of merge sort.
Overall time complexity = O(n + k lg k)
Overall space complexity = O(n)
(this can be modified to run in O(1) space if you can merge in O(1) space, but it's by no means trivial)
Without fully understanding the problem, Timsort may fit the bill as you're alleging that your data is mostly sorted already.
There are many adaptive sorting algorithms out there that are specifically designed to sort mostly-sorted data. Ignoring the fact that you're storing dates, you might want to look at smoothsort or Cartesian tree sort as algorithms that can sort data that is reasonable sorted in worst-case O(n log n) time and best-case O(n) time. Smoothsort also has the advantage of requiring only O(1) space, like insertion sort.
Using the fact that everything is a date and therefore can be converted into an integer, you might want to look at binary quicksort (MSD radix sort) using a median-of-three pivot selection. This algorithm has best-case O(n log n) performance, but has a very low constant factor that makes it pretty competitive. Its worst case is O(n log U), where U is the number of bits in each date (probably 64), which isn't too bad.
Hope this helps!
If your OS or C library provides a mergesort function, it is very likely that it already handles the case where the data given is partially ordered (in any direction) running in O(N) time.
Otherwise, you can just copy the mergesort available from your favorite BSD operating system.

Why is std::map implemented as a red-black tree?

Why is std::map implemented as a red-black tree?
There are several balanced binary search trees (BSTs) out there. What were design trade-offs in choosing a red-black tree?
Probably the two most common self balancing tree algorithms are Red-Black trees and AVL trees. To balance the tree after an insertion/update both algorithms use the notion of rotations where the nodes of the tree are rotated to perform the re-balancing.
While in both algorithms the insert/delete operations are O(log n), in the case of Red-Black tree re-balancing rotation is an O(1) operation while with AVL this is a O(log n) operation, making the Red-Black tree more efficient in this aspect of the re-balancing stage and one of the possible reasons that it is more commonly used.
Red-Black trees are used in most collection libraries, including the offerings from Java and Microsoft .NET Framework.
It really depends on the usage. AVL tree usually has more rotations of rebalancing. So if your application doesn't have too many insertion and deletion operations, but weights heavily on searching, then AVL tree probably is a good choice.
std::map uses Red-Black tree as it gets a reasonable trade-off between the speed of node insertion/deletion and searching.
The previous answers only address tree alternatives and red black probably only remains for historical reasons.
Why not a hash table?
A type only requires < operator (comparison) to be used as a key in a tree. However, hash tables require that each key type has a hash function defined. Keeping type requirements to a minimum is very important for generic programming so you can use it with a wide variety of types and algorithms.
Designing a good hash table requires intimate knowledge of the context it which it will be used. Should it use open addressing, or linked chaining? What levels of load should it accept before resizing? Should it use an expensive hash that avoids collisions, or one that is rough and fast?
Since the STL can't anticipate which is the best choice for your application, the default needs to be more flexible. Trees "just work" and scale nicely.
(C++11 did add hash tables with unordered_map. You can see from the documentation it requires setting policies to configure many of these options.)
What about other trees?
Red Black trees offer fast lookup and are self balancing, unlike BSTs. Another user pointed out its advantages over the self-balancing AVL tree.
Alexander Stepanov (The creator of STL) said that he would use a B* Tree instead of a Red-Black tree if he wrote std::map again, because it is more friendly for modern memory caches.
One of the biggest changes since then has been the growth of caches.
Cache misses are very costly, so locality of reference is much more
important now. Node-based data structures, which have low locality of
reference, make much less sense. If I were designing STL today, I
would have a different set of containers. For example, an in-memory
B*-tree is a far better choice than a red-black tree for implementing
an associative container. - Alexander Stepanov
Should maps always use trees?
Another possible maps implementation would be a sorted vector (insertion sort) and binary search. This would work well
for containers which aren't modified often but are queried frequently.
I often do this in C as qsort and bsearch are built in.
Do I even need to use map?
Cache considerations mean it rarely makes sense to use std::list or std::deque over std:vector even for those situations we were taught in school (such as removing an element from the middle of the list).
Applying that same reasoning, using a for loop to linear search a list is often more efficient and cleaner than building a map for a few lookups.
Of course choosing a readable container is usually more important than performance.
AVL trees have a maximum height of 1.44logn, while RB trees have a maximum of 2logn. Inserting an element in a AVL may imply a rebalance at one point in the tree. The rebalancing finishes the insertion. After insertion of a new leaf, updating the ancestors of that leaf has to be done up to the root, or up to a point where the two subtrees are of equal depth. The probability of having to update k nodes is 1/3^k. Rebalancing is O(1). Removing an element may imply more than one rebalancing (up to half the depth of the tree).
RB-trees are B-trees of order 4 represented as binary search trees. A 4-node in the B-tree results in two levels in the equivalent BST. In the worst case, all the nodes of the tree are 2-nodes, with only one chain of 3-nodes down to a leaf. That leaf will be at a distance of 2logn from the root.
Going down from the root to the insertion point, one has to change 4-nodes into 2-nodes, to make sure any insertion will not saturate a leaf. Coming back from the insertion, all these nodes have to be analysed to make sure they correctly represent 4-nodes. This can also be done going down in the tree. The global cost will be the same. There is no free lunch! Removing an element from the tree is of the same order.
All these trees require that nodes carry information on height, weight, color, etc. Only Splay trees are free from such additional info. But most people are afraid of Splay trees, because of the ramdomness of their structure!
Finally, trees can also carry weight information in the nodes, permitting weight balancing. Various schemes can be applied. One should rebalance when a subtree contains more than 3 times the number of elements of the other subtree. Rebalancing is again done either throuh a single or double rotation. This means a worst case of 2.4logn. One can get away with 2 times instead of 3, a much better ratio, but it may mean leaving a little less thant 1% of the subtrees unbalanced here and there. Tricky!
Which type of tree is the best? AVL for sure. They are the simplest to code, and have their worst height nearest to logn. For a tree of 1000000 elements, an AVL will be at most of height 29, a RB 40, and a weight balanced 36 or 50 depending on the ratio.
There are a lot of other variables: randomness, ratio of adds, deletes, searches, etc.
It is just the choice of your implementation - they could be implemented as any balanced tree. The various choices are all comparable with minor differences. Therefore any is as good as any.
Update 2017-06-14: webbertiger edit its answer after I commented. I should point out that its answer is now a lot better to my eyes. But I kept my answer just as additional information...
Due to the fact that I think first answer is wrong (correction: not both anymore) and the third has a wrong affirmation. I feel I had to clarify things...
The 2 most popular tree are AVL and Red Black (RB). The main difference lie in the utilization:
AVL : Better if ratio of consultation (read) is bigger than manipulation (modification). Memory foot print is a little less than RB (due to the bit required for coloring).
RB : Better in general cases where there is a balance between consultation (read) and manipulation (modification) or more modification over consultation. A slightly bigger memory footprint due to the storing of red-black flag.
The main difference come from the coloring. You do have less re-balance action in RB tree than AVL because the coloring enable you to sometimes skip or shorten re-balance actions which have a relative hi cost. Because of the coloring, RB tree also have higher level of nodes because it could accept red nodes between black ones (having the possibilities of ~2x more levels) making search (read) a little bit less efficient... but because it is a constant (2x), it stay in O(log n).
If you consider the performance hit for a modification of a tree (significative) VS the performance hit of consultation of a tree (almost insignificant), it become natural to prefer RB over AVL for a general case.

Binary tree that stores partial sums: Name and existing implementations

Consider a sequence of n positive real numbers, (ai), and its partial sum sequence, (si). Given a number x ∊ (0, sn], we have to find i such that si−1 < x ≤ si. Also we want to be able to change one of the ai’s without having to update all partial sums. Both can be done in O(log n) time by using a binary tree with the ai’s as leaf node values, and the values of the non-leaf nodes being the sum of the values of the respective children. If n is known and fixed, the tree doesn’t have to be self-balancing and can be stored efficiently in a linear array. Furthermore, if n is a power of two, only 2 n − 1 array elements are required. See Blue et al., Phys. Rev. E 51 (1995), pp. R867–R868 for an application. Given the genericity of the problem and the simplicity of the solution, I wonder whether this data structure has a specific name and whether there are existing implementations (preferably in C++). I’ve already implemented it myself, but writing data structures from scratch always seems like reinventing the wheel to me—I’d be surprised if nobody had done it before.
This is known as a finger tree in functional programming but apparently there are implementations in imperative languages. In the articles there is a link to a blog post explaining an implementation of this data structure in C# which could be useful to you.
Fenwick tree (aka Binary indexed tree) is a data structure that maintains a sequence of elements, and is able to compute cumulative sum of any range of consecutive elements in O(logn) time. Changing value of any single element needs O(logn) time as well.