Oracle - Search for text - Retrieve snippet of result - regex

I'm currently building a simple search page in Node JS Express and Oracle.
I'd like to show the user a snippet of the matching text (first instance would do) to add a bit context of what the SQL found.
Search term: 'fish'
Results: Henry really likes going fishing, and once he caug ...
I'm not sure the best way to approach this - I could retrieve the whole block of text and do it in Node JS, but I don't really like the idea of dragging the whole text across to the app, just to get a snippet.
I've been thinking that REGEXP_SUBSTR could be way to do it... But I'm not sure whether I could use a regular expression to retrieve x amount of characters before and after the matching word.
Have I got the right idea or am I going about it in the wrong way?
, REGEXP_SUBSTR(LOWER(text), LOWER('fish')) AS potential_snippet
FROM table
WHERE LOWER(text) LIKE LOWER('%fish%');

Try this:
select text
, SUBSTR( TEXT, INSTR(LOWER(TEXT),'fish', 1)-50,100 )
FROM test
WHERE INSTR(LOWER(text),'fish', 1)<>0;
Play with the position and length numbers(50 and 100 in my example) to limit the length of the string.

If you need to extract some context with the help of JavaScript, you can use limiting quantifiers in a regex:
See demo
\b - matches at the word boundary (so that the context contains only whole words)
.{0,15} - any characters other than a newline (replace with [\s\S] or [^] if you need to include newlines)
fish - the keyword
The /i modifier enables case-insensitive search.
If you need a dynamic regex creation, use a constructor notation:
RegExp("\\b.{0,15}" + keyword + ".{0,15}\\b", "i");
Also, if you need to find multiple matches, use g modifier alongside the i.


How to use Postgres Regex Replace with a capture group

As the title presents above I am trying to reference a capture groups for a regex replace in a postgres query. I have read that the regex_replace does not support using regex capture groups. The regex I am using is
The above regex almost does what I need it to but I need to find out how to only allow a match if the capture groups also capture something. There is no situation where a "username" should be matched if it just so happens to be a substring of a word. By ensuring its surrounded by one of the above I can much more confidently ensure its a username.
An example application of the regex would be something like this in postgres (of course I would be doing an update vs a select):
select *, REGEXP_REPLACE(reqcontent,'(?:[\s\(\)\=\)\,])(username)(?:[\s\(\)\=\)\,])?' ,'NEW-VALUE', 'gm') from table where column like '%username%' limit 100;
If there is any more context that can be provided please let me know. I have also found similar posts (postgresql regexp_replace: how to replace captured group with evaluated expression (adding an integer value to capture group)) but that talks more about splicing in values back in and I don't think quite answers my question.
More context and example value(s) for regex work against. The below text may look familiar these are JQL filters in Jira. We are looking to update our usernames and all their occurrences in the table that contains the filter. Below is a few examples of filters. We originally were just doing a find a replace but that doesn't work because we have some usernames that are only two characters and it was matching on non usernames (e.g je (username) would place a new value in where the word project is found which completely malforms the JQL/String resulting in something like proNEW-VALUEct = balh blah)
type = bug AND status not in (Closed, Executed) AND assignee in (test, username)
assignee = username
Definition of Answered:
Regex that will only match on a 'username' if its surrounded by one of the specials
A way to regex/replace that username in a postgres query.
Capturing groups are used to keep the important bits of information matched with a regex.
Use either capturing groups around the string parts you want to stay in the result and use their placeholders in the replacement:
REGEXP_REPLACE(reqcontent,'([\s\(\)\=\)\,])username([\s\(\)\=\)\,])?' ,'\1NEW-VALUE\2', 'gm')
Or use lookarounds:
REGEXP_REPLACE(reqcontent,'(?<=[\s\(\)\=\)\,])(username)(?=[\s\(\)\=\)\,])?' ,'NEW-VALUE', 'gm')
Or, in this case, use word boundaries to ensure you only replace a word when inside special characters:
REGEXP_REPLACE(reqcontent,'\yusername\y' ,'NEW-VALUE', 'g')

Regex in Notepad++ to select on string length between specific XML tags

I'm working with Emergency Services data in the NEMSIS XSD. I have a field, which is constrained to only 50 characters. I've searched this site extensively, and tried many solutions - Notepad++ rejects all of them, saying not found.
Here's an XML Sample:
<E09_05>this one is is okay</E09_05>
I've tried solutions naming the E09_05 tag in different ways, using <\/E09_05> for the closing tag as I've seen in some examples, and as just </E09_05> as I've seen in others. I've tried ^.{50,}$ between them, or [a-zA-Z]{50,}$ between them, I've tried wrapping those in-between expressions in () and without. I even tried just [\s\S]*? in between the tags. The only thing that Notepad++ finds is when I use ^.{50,}$ by itself with no XML tags ... but then I wind up hitting on all the E13_01 tags (which are EMS narratives, and always > 50 characters) -- making for painstaking and wrist-aching clicks.
I wanted to XSLT this, but there is too much individual, hands on tweeking of each E09_05 field for automating it. Perl is not an option in this environment (and not a tool I know at all anyway).
To be truly sublime, both E09_05 and E09_08 fields with string lengths >50 need to be what is selected on the search ... but no other elements of any kind or length.
Thanks in advance. I'm sure I'm just missing some subtle \, or () or [] somewhere ... hopefully ...
The following regex will find the text content of <E09_05> elements with more than 50 characters.
(?<=<E09_05>) Start matching right after <E09_05>
.{51,}? Match 51 or more characters (in a single line)
The ? makes it reluctant, so it'll stop at first </E09_05>
(?=</E09_05>) Stop matching right before </E09_05>
For truly sublime matching, i.e. both E09_05 and E09_08 fields with string lengths >50, use:
<(E09_0[58])> Match <E09_05> or <E09_08>, and capture the name as group 1
</\1> Use \1 backreference to match name inside </name>
If you want to shorten the text with ellipsis at the end, e.g. Hello World with max length 8 becomes Hello..., use:
Find what: (?<=<(E09_0[58])>)(.{47}).{4,}(?=</\1>)
Replace with: \2...

How to find "complicated" URLs in a text file

I'm using the following regex to find URLs in a text file:
It outputs the following:
Ideally they would print out this:
Any ideas on how I should tweak my regex?
Thank you in advance!
UPDATE - Example of the text would be:
this is a test and I want this to be copied over
This will trim your output containing trail characters, ) .
import re
regx= re.compile(r'(?m)[\.\)]+$')
print(regx.sub('', your_output))
And this regex seems workable to extract URL from your original sample text.
Demo,,, ( edited from https?:[\S]*\/)
Python script may be something like this
ss=""" this is a test and I want this to be copied over """
regx= re.compile(r'https?:[\S]*\/(?:\w+(?:\.\w+)?)?')
for m in regx.findall(ss):
So for the urls you have here:
Pattern explanation:
Protocols (e.g. https://)
Look for recurring .[-;:&=+\$,\w]+-class (
Look for recurring /[\-;:&=\+\$,\w\.]+ (/some.path/to/somewhere)
Now, for your special case: ensure that the last character is not a dot or a parenthesis, using negative lookahead
The full pattern is then
There are a few things to improve or change in your existing regex to allow this to work:
http[s]? can be changed to https?. They're identical. No use putting s in its own character class
[a-zA-Z]|[0-9]|[$-_#.&+]|[!*\(\),] You can shorten this entire thing and combine character classes instead of using | between them. This not only improves performance, but also allows you to combine certain ranges into existing character class tokens. Simplifying this, we get [a-zA-Z0-9$-_#.&+!*\(\),]
We can go one step further: a-zA-Z0-9_ is the same as \w. So we can replace those in the character class to get [\w$-#.&+!*\(\),]
In the original regex we have $-_. This creates a range so it actually inclues everything between $ and _ on the ASCII table. This will cause unwanted characters to be matched: $%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?#ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_. There are a few options to fix this:
[-\w$#.&+!*\(\),] Place - at the start of the character class
[\w$#.&+!*\(\),-] Place - at the end of the character class
[\w$\-#.&+!*\(\),] Escape - such that you have \- instead
You don't need to escape ( and ) in the character class: [\w$#.&+!*(),-]
[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F] You don't need to specify [0-9a-fA-F] twice. Just use a quantifier like so: [0-9a-fA-F]{2}
(?:%[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]) The non-capture group isn't actually needed here, so we can drop it (it adds another step that the regex engine needs to perform, which is unnecessary)
So the result of just simplifying your existing regex is the following:
Now you'll notice it doesn't match / so we need to add that to the character class. Your regex was matching this originally because it has an improper range $-_.
Unfortunately, even with this change, it'll still match ). at the end. That's because your regex isn't told to stop matching after /. Even implementing this will now cause it to not match file names like index.html. So a better solution is needed. If you give me a couple of days, I'm working on a fully functional RFC-compliant regex that matches URLs. I figured, in the meantime, I would at least explain why your regex isn't working as you'd expect it to.
Thanks all for the responses. A coworker ended up helping me with it. Here is the solution:
des_links = re.findall('http[s]?://(?:[a-zA-Z]|[0-9]|[$-_#.&+]|[!*\(\),]|(?:%[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]))+', des)
for i in des_links:
tmps = "/".join(i.split('/')[0:-1])

Google Analytics - Content grouping - Regex fix

This is our URL structure:
I am trying to create a list of groups based on the client names
/access-guide/[this bit]/...
So I can have a performance list of all our clients.
This is my regex:
I want it to group anything that has university/ies or college/es in it, at any point within that client name section of the URL.
At the moment, my current regex will only return groups that are X-University:
What does the regex need to be to have the list I'm looking for?
Do I need to have something at the end to stop it matching things after the client name? E.g. ([^/]+$)?
Thanks for your help in advance!
Depending upon your needs you may want to do:
This will match names even if "university" or "college" is not at the end of the string. For example "college-of-the-ozarks" Note the non-capturing internal parenthesis, that should probably be used no matter what solution you go with, as you don't want to just match the word "university" or "college"
Live Example
Additionally, I don't know what may be in your but if you may have compound words you want to eliminate using a \b may be advisable. For instance if you don't want to match "miskatonic-postcollege" you may want to do something like this:
If the client name section of the URL is after the access-guid/ and before the next /:
you need to use a negated character class to only match university before the regex reaches that rightmost / boundary.
As per the Reference:
You can extract pages by Page URL, Page Title, or Screen Name. Identify each one with a regex capture group (Analytics uses the first capture group for each expression)
Thus, you can use
See demo.
The regex matches
/access-guide/ - leftmost boundary, matches /access-guide/ literally
[^/]* - any character other than / (so we still remain in that customer section)
(universit(y|ies)|colleges?) - university, or universities, orcollegeorcolleges` literally. Add more if needed.

Regex Assistance for a url filepath

Can someone assist in creating a Regex for the following situation:
I have about 2000 records for which I need to do a search/repleace where I need to make a replacement for a known item in each record that looks like this:
<li>View Product Information</li>
The FILEPATH and FILE are variable, but the surrounding HTML is always the same. Can someone assist with what kind of Regex I would substitute for the "FILEPATH/FILE" part of the search?
you may match the constant part and use grouping to put it back
(<li>View Product Information</li>)
then you should replace the string with $1your_replacement$2, where $1 is the first matching group and $2 the second (if using python for instance you should call and
You would have to escape \ chars if you're using Java instead.