understand make dependencies while using make to build project c++ - build

There is a legacy code which uses 'make' to build all C++ files. I am trying to decrease the number of files being included during build, that can create some space to add in some new code.(the new code is to set up serial communication). However, these files seems to be dependent on each other and I am having a hard time figuring out which ones to exclude from the build. The format of the makefile is as follows:
$(ObjDir)\a.obj: w:\a.cpp
$(ObjDir)\b.obj: w:\b.cpp
There is only one file I need to tamper with while adding the new lines of code. I am trying to keep only that particular file when build happens. Is there way I could figure out the dependencies?


Bazel: Compile a single file without linking

In ninja, I can compile a single C++ file by running ninja path/to/my/object.file.o.
Is there a way to achieve the same in bazel?
Use case / Background
During refactoring, in particular when changing interfaces in .hpp files, I usually want to focus on one single complex user of the interface first. I want to iterate on that one user until my refactoring works as expected on complex_user.cpp and I am happy with the new interfaces. Only afterwards, I want to adjust all other users. I hence want to get the compiler errors / warnings only from my complex_user.cpp file while ignoring all other places where .hpp might be included
Try --save_temps. bazel build --save_temps //my:library will give you the .o, .s, and similar files for only the targets listed on the command line.
--compile_one_dependency is designed for a similar use case, if you want to specify the target to build by the .cpp file instead of specifying a particular cc_library.
You need to implement a custom-made rule cc_object_file. Since the Bazel cc_rules are open source you can use this as a starting point.

How can I compile c++ to multiple files?

I have a program (cpp) with many classes. Every class is in separate source file (.h + .cpp).
How can I split the compiled program into multiple files (instead of one big executable file)?
Let's say, one file for every class (same as the code structure).
So that every time there is change in a specific class, I compile only that class, and replace the specific compiled file related to that class.
(Something similar to .DLL files in Windows.)
Example from real life:
I am making TUI interface for managing mysql.
I would like to create mysql text editor (TUI) with ncurses.
the code (class) for creating and managing single window object is in
'textWin.cpp' + 'textWin.h'
the code (class) for managing multiple windows, by creating windows objects from previous class is in winMan.cpp winMan.h
the code (class) for managing mysql database is in :
mysql.cpp mysql.h
and so on...
so, I have the following files:
- winMan.cpp + winMan.h
- textWin.cpp + textWin.h
- mysql.cpp + mysql.h
- ..
- ..
After g++ compilation, I get one executable file, './MyProgram' (size about 15Mb.) which I deliver to all my customers (1000's of them).
I Just found a typo in textWin.cpp, I fixed it, and I told to all customers that there is an update... all of them need to download one big 15Mb file, this consumes allot of bandwidth and server resources, for just a small update.
Is there a way to send to all my customers smaller file, that contains only the compiled code for textWin class ?
I use g++ on Centos7
The gcc compiler will happily take a list of cpp files to compile together to make one executable. You don't need to write a "containing" cpp file. However, you still have the issue that each time it rebuilds them all.
The alternative is to build each sourcefile separately to an object file, then link those all together. Hopefully each of those invocations of the compiler will add up to less time than the single command-line. But how to keep track of which cpp files actually need to be rebuilt?
The usual approach is to use a makefile and a make utility which will check the dates of all the mentioned files. There are a variety of flavours of makefile, and helper makefile engines. Download a simple package like gzip and you can quickly get an idea of how the Makefile is structured. Then there is lots of help online, or you may decide that this is just too much trouble for a project with 5 files in it.
As suggested in the comments by #RSahu
Shared Libraries (.so files) is the way to split your compiled code.
here is a small example:
Of course, you could put your texts into separate text-files and only deploy those in the an error is there. For your special use case, where binary differences must be deployed, this question might be helpful: How do I create binary patches?
Another option, do proper versioning. That way, your customers might be able to decide for themselves. That is, if they need this update.

How do I set up this visual studio (2015) custom build step (tool?). Basically I want a pre-preprocessor step that modifies header files (c++)

I want a run a build step that looks at a .h file, adds some code based on some external params, and hands the resulting file to the preprocessor.
I see the "Custom Build Step" in the project properties. It seems to need an output file. I just want to forward the results to the preprocessor.
It seems like the custom build step wants to do a 1-time process, not per-file or by file type.
The problem is that I don't know how to send my external executable the file currently being processed (eg, "HelloWorld.cpp"). $(InputName) and %(Filename) are blank and docs say it's deprecated. How do I send the filename to my external executable?
But even if I get that working, I don't want to set this per-file. I want all header files to go through this process.
Any ideas?
I've looked at:
working on a debug, x64 config on windows.
First of all, No, you cannot modify a file and pass along the results to the next stage (that I could see). I'd need some sort of Program Transformation System.
So I need an intermediate file. That file has to be added to the project, even if it gets overwritten by your code generator. I can associate c++ header files with a custom build tool, and they will all get called one-by-one in the stage of the build specified in the Custom Build Step. The custom build tool will modify the intermediate file(s), and all is well.
The VS 2015 name for the current file being processed is %(Filename). In older versions it has been $(ProjectName) and $(InputName).

NMake Optional Dependencies

We’re currently upgrading our archaic build system from a bunch of batch scripts to a makefile system using NMake. It’s challenging as we use a custom intermediate language that ends up getting translated to C++ where some of our translators can generate 10’s of files what have a common parts in the file names. The other challenging thing is we use a bunch of CSV files to configure our interfaces and these files get passed through to our configuration tools which generate more source code files. Right now I am focusing on creating the simple rules for our configuration files but can’t seem to figure out a way associate a dependency with a rule if the dependency exists. I tried to use $(wildcard xxx.csv) but found out that this command doesn’t exist for NMake like it does for GNU Make.
So how can I create my rule so that it executes and runs my commands if I have two dependency csv files that will always exists and a third csv file that will exist only when my project calls for it?
[..] will exist only when my project calls for it?
This is a bit unclear. Assuming that there is a command that - depending on some external circumstances - might generate that third csv file, you could use a "stamp file" (I think they call it "pseudo target" in NMAKE):
touch stamp # updates timestamp of "stamp" (or creates it)
target: csv1 csv2 stamp
command_using_all_of csv1 csv2 csv3

How to create a makefile without having to include every single source file in the project?

I'm taking some C++ classes and have send the teacher 9 exercises, each exercise is a simple directory with the name 'ex$' where $ is the number. Each directory has a single source file named 'ex$.cpp. I want to create a makefile that will allow me to type:
make ex$
And it will build a executable that corresponds to the compiled source file inside 'ex$' directory. The catch is that I want to do that without creating a target for each exercise(Some kind of 'generic target'). I also need to have an 'all' target that will go into each directory starting with 'ex' and build the executable there. How can I do that?
If all your C++ targets can be built with essentially the same command, you can do this fairly easily. Read this. Look for $#, in particular. Since this is part of an education, I'll leave the rest vague.
Can I also suggest looking at CMake which will make better makefiles for you to use IMO. Initial high learning curve for major long term gain. :)