Converting Regex to Sed - regex

I have the following regex.
Which identifies matching URL's ( I need to modify it in order to be able to use it on the command line so it prints out the results. so I modified it to following
sed -n 's/.*\(http:\/\/\([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.\)+[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+:[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\/[a-zA-Z]+\.[a-zA-Z]+\).*/\1/p' filename
(I was trying to add bold to the characters added but could not)
there were as follows
sed -n 's/.*( (in the beginning )
\ (For the inner parenthesis)
).*/\1/p' filename (at the end)
However, i get no results when i execute it.

Make it a habit to use a delimiter other that / when dealing with
URLs. It makes the pattern easier to read.
sed -r -n 's~.*\(http://\([a-z0-9\-]+\.\)+[a-z0-9\-]+:[a-z0-9\-]+/[a-z]+\.[a-z]+\).*~\1~ip' file
Note that I use i modifier for ignorecase.
As hwnd comments, you should put -r flag to sed command as well since your pattern requires + to be treated in a special manner.

sed -rn 's~.*(http://([a-z0-9\-]+.)*[a-z0-9\-]+:[0-9]+\/[a-z0-9]+.[a-z]+).*~\1~ip' Filename is the working command. With the assistance of the sample supplied (thank you hjpotler92) I was able to figure out the escape character did not need to be applies to certain characters. Will have to find out when and how it is applied when using the -r option.

You can achieve the same with an xpath query via xidel:
xidel file.html -e '//a/#href[fn:matches(.,"http://[^/]*:")]/fn:substring-after(.,"=")'


sed regexp, number reformatting: how to escape for bash

I have a working (in macOS app Patterns) RegExp that reformats GeoJSON MultiPolygon coordinates, but don't know how to escape it for sed.
The file I'm working on is over 90 Mb in size, so bash terminal looks like the ideal place and sed the perfect tool for the job.
Search Text Example:
Desired outcome:
My current RegExp:
and reformatting:
The command should be something along these lines:
sed -i -e 's/ The RegExp escaped /$1\.$2$4,$6.$7$9/g' large_file.geojson
But what should be escaped in the RegExp to make it work?
My attempts always complain of being unbalanced.
I'm sorry if this has already been answered elsewhere, but I couldn't find even after extensive searching.
Edit: 2017-01-07: I didn't make it clear that the file contains properties other than just the GPS-points. One of the other example values picked from GeoJSON Feature properties is "35.642.1.001_001", which should be left unchanged. The braces check in my original regex is there for this reason.
That regex is not legal in sed; since it uses Perl syntax, my recommendation would be to use perl instead. The regular expression works exactly as-is, and even the command line is almost the same; you just need to add the -p option to get perl to operate in filter mode (which sed does by default). I would also recommend adding an argument suffix to the -i option (whether using sed or perl), so that you have a backup of the original file in case something goes horribly wrong. As for quoting, all you need to do is put the substitution command in single quotation marks:
perl -p -i.bak -e \
's/((?:\[)[0-9]{2})([0-9]+)(\.)([0-9]+)(,)([0-9]{2})([0-9]+)(\.)([0-9]+(?:\]))/$1\.$2$4,$6.$7$9/g' \
If your data is just like you showed, you needn't worry about the brackets. You may use a POSIX ERE enabled with -E (or -r in some other distributions) like this:
sed -i -E 's/([0-9]{2})([0-9]*)\.([0-9]+)/\1.\2\3/g' large_file.geojson
sed -i 's/\([0-9]\{2\}\)\([0-9]*\)\.\([0-9]\+\)/\1.\2\3/g' large_file.geojson
See an online demo.
You may see how this regex works here (just a demo, not proof).
Note that in POSIX BRE you need to escape { and } in limiting / range quantifiers and ( and ) in grouping constructs, and the + quantifier, else they denote literal symbols. In POSIX ERE, you do not need to escape the special chars to make them special, this POSIX flavor is closer to the modern regexes.
Also, you need to use \n notation inside the replacement pattern, not $n.
A simple sed will do it:
$ echo "$var"
$ echo "$var" | sed 's/\([0-9]\{3\}\)\./.\1/g'

Using find and sed to do batch find/replace using HTML tags

I need to add a javascript tag immediately before the closing tag on all pages on my site (both .html and .htm). I have used guidance from another question here but my command isn't working:
find . -name "*.htm*" -print | xargs sed -i 's/<\/head>/<script language="javascript" src=""><\/script><script language="javascript">InitiateCall('767576styisgsjgshshskshjkshkshs');<\/script><\/head>/g'
I get:
sed: 1: "./index.html": invalid command code .
I assume the issue is to do with the regex and me needing to escape particular characters?
Yes, the pattern and replacement contains / (the ones after https:), which will confuse sed.
You need to escape these, but using a different delimiter for the sed command may make it more readable:
's#</head>#<script (etc.) ;</script></head>#g'
Additionally, some sed implementations (on BSD systems, like OS X) requires an argument for the -i flag. You may give it an empty string by specifying ''.

Use of grep + sed based on a pattern file?

Here's the problem: i have ~35k files that might or might not contain one or more of the strings in a list of 300 lines containing a regex each
if I grep -rnwl 'C:\out\' --include=*.txt -E --file='comp.log' i see there are a few thousands of files that contain a match.
now how do i get sed to delete each line in these files containing the strings in comp.log used before?
edit: comp.log contains a simple regex in each line, but for the most part each string to be matched is unique
this is is an example of how it is structured:
server[0-9]\/files\/bobba fett.stw
[a-z]+ mochaccino
[2-9] CheeseCakes
etc. silly examples aside, it goes to show each line is unique save for a few variations so it shouldn't affect what i really want: see if any of these lines match the lines in the file being worked on. it's no different than 's/pattern/replacement/' except that i want to use the patterns in the file instead of inline.
Ok here's an update (S.O. gets inpatient if i don't declare the question answered after a few days)
after MUCH fiddling with the #Kenavoz/#Fischer approach, i found a totally different solution, but first things first.
creating a modified pattern list for sed to work with does work.
as well as #werkritter's approach of dropping sed altogether. (this one i find the most... err... "least convoluted" way around the problem).
I couldn't make #Mklement's answer work under windows/cygwin (it did work on under ubuntu, so...not sure what that means. figures.)
What ended up solving the problem in a more... long term, reusable form was a wonderful program pointed out by a colleage called PowerGrep. it really blows every other option out of the water. unfortunately it's windows only AND it's not free. (not even advertising here, the thing is not cheap, but it does solve the problem).
so considering #werkiter's reply was not a "proper" answer and i can't just choose both #Lars Fischer and #Kenavoz's answer as a solution (they complement each other), i am awarding #Kenavoz the tickmark for being first.
final thoughts: i was hoping for a simpler, universal and free solution but apparently there is not.
You can try this :
sed -f <(sed 's/^/\//g;s/$/\/d/g' comp.log) file > outputfile
All regex in comp.log are formatted to a sed address with a d command : /regex/d. This command deletes lines matching the patterns.
This internal sed is sent as a file (with process substitition) to the -f option of the external sed applied to file.
To delete just string matching the patterns (not all line) :
sed -f <(sed 's/^/s\//g;s/$/\/\/g/g' comp.log) file > outputfile
Update :
The command output is redirected to outputfile.
Some ideas but not a complete solution, as it requires some adopting to your script (not shown in the question).
I would convert comp.log into a sed script containing the necessary deletes:
cat comp.log | sed -r "s+(.*)+/\1/ d;+" > comp.sed`
That would make your example comp.sed look like:
/server[0-9]\/files\/bobba fett.stw/ d;
/[a-z]+ mochaccino/ d;
/[2-9] CheeseCakes/ d;
then I would apply the comp.sed script to each file reported by grep (With your -rnwl that would require some filtering to get the filename.):
sed -i.bak -f comp.sed $AFileReportedByGrep
If you have gnu sed, you can use -i inplace replacement creating a .bak backup, otherwise use piping to a temporary file
Both Kenavoz's answer and Lars Fischer's answer use the same ingenious approach:
transform the list of input regexes into a list of sed match-and-delete commands, passed as a file acting as the script to sed via -f.
To complement these answers with a single command that puts it all together, assuming you have GNU sed and your shell is bash, ksh, or zsh (to support <(...)):
find 'c:/out' -name '*.txt' -exec sed -i -r -f <(sed 's#.*#/\\<&\\>/d#' comp.log) {} +
find 'c:/out' -name '*.txt' matches all *.txt files in the subtree of dir. c:/out
-exec ... + passes as many matching files as will fit on a single command line to the specified command, typically resulting only in a single invocation.
sed -i updates the input files in-place (conceptually speaking - there are caveats); append a suffix (e.g., -i.bak) to save backups of the original files with that suffix.
sed -r activates support for extended regular expressions, which is what the input regexes are.
sed -f reads the script to execute from the specified filename, which in this case, as explained in Kenavoz's answer, uses a process substitution (<(...)) to make the enclosed sed command's output act like a [transient] file.
The s/// sed command - which uses alternative delimiter # to facilitate use of literal / - encloses each line from comp.log in /\<...\>/d to yield the desired deletion command; the enclosing of the input regex in \<...\>ensures matching as a word, as grep -w does.
This is the primary reason why GNU sed is required, because neither POSIX EREs (extended regular expressions) nor BSD/OSX sed support \< and \>.
However, you could make it work with BSD/OSX sed by replacing -r with -E, and \< / \> with [[:<:]] / [[:>:]]

Sed dynamic backreference replacement

I am trying to use sed for transforming wikitext into latex code. I am almost done, but I would like to automate the generation of the labels of the figures like this:
... into:
For what I would like to keep using sed. The current regex and bash code I am using is the following:
sed -e "s/\[\[Image(\([^)]*\))\]\].*/$__tex_figure_pre\1$__tex_figure_post/g"\
... but I cannot make that counter to be increased. Any ideas?
Within a more general perspective, my question would be the following: can I use a backreference in sed for creating a replacement that is different for each of the matches of sed? This is, each time sed matches the pattern, can I use \1 as the input of a function and use the result of this function as the replacement?
I know it is a tricky question and I might have to use AWK for this. However, if somebody has a solution, I would appreciate his or her help.
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -r ':a;/'"$PATTERN"'/{x;/./s/.*/echo $((&+1))/e;/./!s/^/1/;x;G;s/'"$PATTERN"'(.*)\n(.*)/'"$PRE"'\2'"$POST"'\1/;ba}' file
This looks for a PATTERN contained in a shell variable and if not presents prints the current line. If the pattern is present it increments or primes the counter in the hold space and then appends said counter to the current line. The pattern is then replaced using the shell variables PRE and POST and counter. Lastly the current line is checked for further cases of the pattern and the procedure repeated if necessary.
You could read the file line-by-line using shell features, and use a separate sed command for each line. Something like
exec 0<input_file
while read line; do
echo $line | sed -e "s/\[\[Image(\([^)]*\))\]\].*/$__tex_figure_pre\1$__tex_figure_post/g"
__images_counter=$(expr $__images_counter + 1)
(This won't work if there are multiple matches in a line, though.)
For the second part, my best idea is to run sed or grep to find what is being matched, and then run sed again with the value of the function of the matched text substituted into the command.

Sed substitution not doing what I want and think it should do

I have am trying to use sed to get some info that is encoded within the path of a file which is passed as a parameter to my script (Bourne sh, if it matters).
From this example path, I'd like the result to be 8
I first got the regex close by using sed as grep:
echo $PATH | sed -n -e "/^.*\/1-1\.\([0-9][0-9]*\).*/p"
This properly recognized the string, so I edited it to make a substitution out of it:
echo $PATH | sed -n -e "s/^.*\/1-1\.\([0-9][0-9]*\).*/\1/"
But this doesn't produce any output. I know I'm just not seeing something simple, but would really appreciate any ideas about what I'm doing wrong or about other ways to debug sed regular expressions.
In the example path the components other than the numerical one can contain numbers similar to the numeric path component that I listed, but not quite the same. I'm trying to exactly match the component that that is 1-1. and see what some-number is.
It is also possible to have an input string that the regular expression should not match and should product no output.
The -n option to sed supresses normal output, and since your second line doesn't have a p command, nothing is output. Get rid of the -n or stick a p back on the end
It looks like you're trying to get the 8 from the 1-1.8 (where 8 is any sequence of numerics), yes? If so, I would just use:
echo /foo/bar/baz/1-1.8/sing/song | sed -e "s/.*\/1-1\.//" -e "s/[^0-9].*//"
No doubt you could get it working with one sed "instruction" (-e) but sometimes it's easier just to break it down.
The first strips out everything from the start up to and including 1-1., the second strips from the first non-numeric after that to the end.
$ echo /foo/bar/baz/1-1.8/sing/song | sed -e "s/.*\/1-1\.//" -e "s/[^0-9].*//"
$ echo /foo/bar/baz/1-1.752/sing/song | sed -e "s/.*\/1-1\.//" -e "s/[^0-9].*//"
And, as an aside, this is actually how I debug sed regular expressions. I put simple ones in independent instructions (or independent part of a pipeline for other filtering commands) so I can see what each does.
Following your edit, this also works:
$ echo /foo/bar/baz/1-1.962/sing/song | sed -e "s/.*\/1-1\.\([0-9][0-9]*\).*/\1/"
As to your comment:
In the example path the components other than the numerical one can contain numbers similar to the numeric path component that I listed, but not quite the same. I'm trying to exactly match the component that that is 1-1. and see what some-number is.
The two-part sed command I gave you should work with numerics anywhere in the string (as long as there's no 1-1. after the one you're interested in). That's because it actually deletes up to the specific 1-1. string and thereafter from the first non-numeric). If you have some examples that don't work as expected, toss them into the question as an update and I'll adjust the answer.
You can shorten you command by using + (one or more) instead of * (zero or more):
sed -n -e "s/^.*\/1-1\.\([0-9]\+\).*/\1/"
don't use PATH as your variable. It clashes with PATH environment variable
echo $path|sed -e's/.*1-1\.//;s/\/.*//'
You needn't divide your patterns with / (s/a/b/g), but may choose every character, so if you're dealing with paths, # is more useful than /:
echo /foo/1-1.962/sing | sed -e "s#.*/1-1\.\([0-9]\+\).*#\1#"