Get id for latest and newest posts on facebook page - facebook-graph-api

How can I get such stuff directly from Graph query? Or I need to write own code which seeking for it from whole feed?


how to get reactions on outsite ad by ad-id using facebook-api

The Facebook Ads Archive allows to get some meta data by selected ads (not my own ads). But is there a way to get the reactions (like/share/comment-Count) of this ads? I was focusing on to get the post id and in next step get meta data of post. Turns out it looks like a blind end. I cant get the post-id of outsite ads. Is there a way over facebook api? If not is there a way to get a ui page to get the with reactions depending on the ad-id?

Facebook Graph API get likes/reactions

I'm trying to fetch some data from page posts on Facebook with the Graph API. I'm using Python normally but I try the queries first with the Exploration tool offered by Facebook.
I used the page_id + post_id to get the number of reactions (I would also like to get the count for each different reaction) and likes. But it just returns nothing. I get the data for the shares though. I have the post open on another tab and it has likes and reactions.
Don't know what I'm doing wrong.

Facebook Graph API collect posts only recently updated

I am currently collecting all page posts via the api using the since parameter i.e.
However I need to know if any earlier posts have been updated, using the updated_time field.
The only way I can see is to collect every post ever posted and then check the updated_time. However this is obviously inefficient. Is there a way to obtain all posts with an updated_time > LastCheckTime?

Fetch comment from specific user on a page post?

With FQL being deprecated, is there an alternative graph-y way of fetching the post-comments from a specific user without resorting to downloading all comments first and enumerating them?
Before I could just trigger an FQL statement like
SELECT text FROM comment
WHERE post_id = '<postid>' AND fromid = '<uid>'
But since that is no longer supported without using the older API, I'm wondering if there's an alternative for v2.1 and up?
Why? I organise a fair amount of give-away-contests on Facebook and have a script that retrieves the amount of likes from the announcement post, picks a number of random ones and then retrieves the comments of those users on that same post.
As a side remark: I hate it that I as a page owner cannot retrieve a list of people that liked my own page via the API. I still have to check that manually each time.
Unfortunately there's no way to filter the comments by user directly with the current Graph API version.
If you're using a v2.0 app, you can still use FQL until August 7th 2016. I'd wait and see if FB amends the Graph API with similar functionality as FQL had in the future.

Facebook graph API to get get posts from Pages

I'm struggling in getting the posts from the public page in Facebook. For example
(Its a public page, those who liked it on facebook will get update.)
This returns me the page details only. How I can get the wall posts done by the user "cocacola".
Its quite simple. just do as‌​eed
It will work.
I'm a bit late at the party but for completeness I would like to add:
Using the latest version 2.2 you can access the feed via the page id, eg:
Individual posts can be retrieved too by their own id or via the feed.
Maybe this was also possible with the older versions? Don't know, I'm just getting started.