How to get regex value from $httpBackend whenGET - regex

$httpBackend.whenGET(/api\/product\/[a-zA-Z0-9]{6}/).respond(function(data) {
// Code to find given ID in collection
When I call this endpoint, I should return the product that matches the given product ID (the regex value). How do I access this value? The data value just equals 'GET'.

I'm assuming you're using $httpBackend in a unit test. If that's so, you have two options. You can choose to use respond to define custom responses (which is what you are doing above).
Or you could use the passThrough method, which should actually call the API (which then makes your tests slightly more volatile as they are not self-reliant, a service interruption could cause the test to fail).
You can read about the .get (including whenGET) and .passThrough methods on the AngularJS $httpBackend documentation.
.respond(function(method, url, data, headers) {
/** do something with url */


How can I reuse a parameterized Postman test across endpoints?

In Postman, I can create a set of common tests that run after every endpoint in the collection/folder Tests tab, like so:
pm.test("status code is 200", function () {;
But how should I do this for my schema validation on the response object? Each endpoint has a different expected schema. So I have something like this on each individual endpoint:
const schema = { type: 'array', items: ... }
pm.test('response has correct schema', function () {
const {data} = pm.response.json();
pm.expect(tv4.validate(data, schema));
I can't extract this up to the collection level because each schema is different.
Now I find that I want to tweak that test a little bit, but I'll have to copy-and-paste it into 50 endpoints.
What's the recommended pattern here for sharing a test across endpoints?
I had the same issue some years ago, and I found two ways to solve this:
Create a folder for each structure object
You can group all your test cases that share the same structure into a new folder and create a test case for this group. The issue with this is that you will be repeating the requests in other folders. (For this solution, you will need to put your "tests cases" into the folder level)
Create a validation using regular expressions (recommended)
Specify in the name of each request a set of rules (these rules will indicate what kind of structure or call they might have). Then you create a validation in the first parent folder for each type of variation (using regex). (You will need to create documentation and some if statements in your parent folder)
E.g.: [POST] CRLTHM Create a group of homes
Where each initial is meaning to:
CR: Response must be 201
LT: The response must be a list of items
HM: The type of the response must be a home object
And the regex conditional must be something like this (this is an example, please try to make your regex accurate):
(In this image, NA is referring just to Not Authenticated)

Postman multiple api calls using the values from response body

I am a new postman user. I attached a screenshot to show you my parameters. I get a new "nextpagetoken" every time I call this api. The listid and activitytypeid are not changing. What I want to do is finding a way to rerun this call automatically until there is no "nextpagetoken" in the response body. I also want to save the response of each call, separately if possible.
I've found a few solutions but given that I am a new user, I didn't fully understand them + none of them explains how to save the response automatically.
Any help will be appreciated!
You do not include a lot of details in your question, so I am going to use a generic example for this answer.
Let's say you want to call https://mysite/token with a Post call, from which you get a response using json with a token you need to reuse.
In your collection, create a new request. Select POST and write the url https://mysite/token.
Go into the tests tab. Assuming that the output of the call to your url is a json structure like this
"jwt": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwibmFtZSI6IkpvaG4gRG9lIiwiaWF0IjoxNTE2MjM5MDIyfQ.SflKxwRJSMeKKF2QT4fwpMeJf36POk6yJV_adQssw5c"
You will need to write a script to capture the token like this:
var data = pm.response.json();
var accessToken = data.jwt;
pm.globals.set("token", accessToken);
now you can use it in your next request. Either in the url, if the next page is a get (e.g. http://mysite/page?token={{token}}) or anywhere else, like the parameters.
Just enclose it in double curly brackets. {{token}}
You will also be able to se it in your globals.
You can create an environment which, if selected, is accessible globally. Then you would call that variable by accessing it {{likethis}}

REST - post to get data. How else can this be done?

According to my understandings, you should not post to get data.
For example, I'm on a project and we are posting to get data.
For example, this following.
Does it make sense to post? How could this be done without posting? There could be 1 or more products.
Actually there is a SEARCH method in HTTP, but sadly it is for webdav. So if you want to send a request body with the request, then you can try with that.
POSTing is okay if you have a complex search. Complex search is relative, by me it means, that you have different logical operators in your query.
The current one is not that complex, and you can put the non-hierarchical components into the query string of the URI. An example with additional line breaks:
GET /products/?
You can choose a different serialization format and encode it as URI component if you want.
GET /products/?filter={"zipCOde":"85022","city":"PHOENIX","country":"US","products":[{"sku":"abc-21","qty":2},{"sku":"def-13","qty":2}]}
One potential option is to JSON.serialize your object and send it as a query string parameter on the GET.

How to filter a Backbone collection on the server

Is there a common pattern for using Backbone with a service that filters a collection on the server? I haven't been able to find anything in Google and Stack Overflow searches, which is surprising, given the number of Backbone apps in production.
Suppose I'm building a new front end for Stack Overflow using Backbone.
On the search screen, I need to pass the following information to the server and get back a page worth of results.
filter criteria
sort criteria
results per page
page number
Backbone doesn't seem to have much interest in offloading filtering to the server. It expects the server to return the entire list of questions and perform filtering on the client side.
I'm guessing that in order to make this work I need to subclass Collection and override the fetch method so that rather than always GETting data from the same RESTful URL, it passes the above parameters.
I don't want to reinvent the wheel. Am I missing a feature in Backbone that would make this process simpler or more compatible with existing components? Is there already a well-established pattern to solve this problem?
If you just want to pass GET parameters on a request, you should just be able to specify them in the fetch call itself.
collection.fetch( {
data: {
sortDir: "ASC",
totalResults: 100
} );
The options passed into fetch should directly translate to a jQuery.ajax call, and a data property should automatically get parsed. Of course overriding the fetch method is fine too, especially if you want to standardize portions of the logic.
You're right, creating your own Collection is the way to go, as there are not standards about server pagination except OData.
Instead of overriding 'fetch', what I usually do in these cases is create a collection.url property as a function, an return the proper URL based on the collection state.
In order to do pagination, however, the server must return to you the total number of items so you can calculate how many pages based on X items per page. Nowadays some APIs are using things like HAL or HATEOAS, which are basically HTTP response headers. To get that information, I normally add a listener to the sync event, which is raised after any AJAX operation. If you need to notify external components (normally the view) of the number of available items/pages, use an event.
Simple example: your server returns X-ItemTotalCount in the response headers, and expects parameters page and items in the request querystring.
var PagedCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
initialize: function(models,options){
this.listenTo(this, "sync", this._parseHeaders);
this.currentPage = 0;
this.pageSize = 10;
this.itemCount = 0;
url: function() {
return this.baseUrl + "?page=" + this.currentPage + "&items=" + this.pageSize;
_parseHeaders: function(collection,response){
var totalItems = response.xhr.getResponseHeader("X-ItemTotalCount");
this.itemCount = parseInt(totalItems);
//trigger an event with arguments (collection, totalItems)
this.trigger("pages:itemcount", this, this.itemCount);
var PostCollection = PagedCollection.extend({
baseUrl: "/posts"
Notice we use another own property, baseUrl to simplify extending the PagedCollection. If you need to add your own initialize, call the parent's prototype one like this, or you won't parse the headers:
You can even add fetchNext and fetchPrevious methods to the collection, where you simply modify this.currentPage and fetch. Remember to add {reset:true} as fetch options if you want to replace one page with the other instead of appending.
Now if your backend for the project is consistent, any resource that allows pagination on the server may be represented using one PagedCollection-based collection on the client, given the same parameters/responses are used.

ember-data adapter to read from cloudant RESTful API

The cloudant RESTful API is fairly simple but doesn't match the way ember-data expects things to be. How can I customize or create an Adapter that deals with these issues...
In my specific case I only want to load records from one of several secondary indexes (ie. MapReduce fnctions).
The URL for this is below, where [name] and [view] would change depending on user selection or the route I am in.
Looking at the ember-data source there doesn't seem to be an easy way of defining URLs like this. I took a look at findQuery and it expects to send any variables through as url params not as part of the actual URL itself.
Am I missing something? Is there an obvious way of dealing with this?
Then the data comes back in a completely different format, is there a way to tell ember what this format is?
I had similar problem where URL's are dynamic. I ended up creating my own adapater by extending DS.RESTAdapter and overriding the default buildURL method. For example:
App.MyAdapter = DS.RESTAdapter.extend({
buildURL: function(record, suffix) {
var username, db_name, name, view;
// Do your magic and fill the variables
return 'https://'+username+''+db_name+'/_design/'+name+'/_view/'+view;
I ended up also defining my own find, findAll, findQuery, createRecord, updateRecord, deleteRecord etc. methods as I had to pass more variables to buildURL method.
If returning data is in different format then you can also write your own serializer by extending DS.JSONSerializer and define your own extraction methods extract, extractMany etc.
You should evaluate how well your API follows the data format required by ember/data RESTAdapter. If it is very different then it's maybe better to use some other component for communication like ember-model, ember-restless, emu etc, as ember-data is not very flexible (see this blog post). You can also write your own ajax queries directly from routes model hooks without using ember-data or other components at all. It is not very hard to do that.