C++ - unable to start correctly (0xc000001d) - openCV - c++

I'm trying to run an OpenCV 2.3.1 application through Microsoft Visual C++ 2008. I have generated the release exe file correctly, and it works fine on my windows 8 - 64 bits. In addition I would like to run it on Win XP, so I have tested it on a Win XP SP3 and it ran ok. However, when I try to run this exe on Win XP SP2, which is the target O.S. for my app, I get the following message:
unable to start correctly (0xc000001d). Click Accept to finish the
Any idea please?

Finally I have solved the issue: 0xC000001D: Illegal instruction, which was related to the SSE instruction used in the code. Some new SSE instruction are not implemented at some different CPU; In this case, the problem was related with my CPU: "via nehemiah". I tested the software again on a XP SP2 with CPU Intel and it worked perfectly. Finally I have to say that there is a great post which was helpful in order to fix the issue:
Unhandled exception at 0x52f9e470 in project1.exe : 0xC000001D : Illegal instruction


0xC000026F: An internal error occurred in the Win32 x86 emulation subsystem

I'm trying to code in Visual Studio 2022 17.2.3 on Parallels Desktop (Macbook Pro 14" M1 Pro). The program was built successfully but when it was running, this exception came up:
Unhandled exception at 0x00007FFE6CFD85F0 (msvcp140d.dll) in Test.exe:
0xC000026F: An internal error occurred in the Win32 x86 emulation
I wouldn't call this a definitive answer, but after a load of prune&test'ing with my code; (I had one project that ran fine, and another that didn't) this code alone would cause the exception mentioned above;
#include <iomanip>
int main()
return 0;
My exception (before main) was here;
#pragma warning(disable : 4074)
#pragma init_seg(compiler)
static std::_Init_locks initlocks;
Switching architecture from 64-bit to x86 helped me.
There is likely some error in x64 WinAPI emulation level. On M1 Parallels uses Windows with ARM support, which uses emulation for x86-64 applications.
I assume you are building and debugging an x64 application, so that's the solution I'm posting here. However, the same principle applies to arm64 debugging if you're running into the same problem.
The problem is your path does not include the debug x64 version of the Visual C++ runtime. So the system tries to grab the arm64 version instead, and crashes because the machine code is the wrong architecture.
The simplest way to fix this is to go to the directory containing the Visual Studio non-redistributable debug libraries (something like C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Redist\MSVC\14.32.31326\debug_nonredist - the exact path is slightly different depending on which version of VS you have installed). Then go to the particular architecture you want (x64 here), then the library (Microsoft.VC143.DebugCRT), then copy the file (msvcp140d.dll) into the same directory as the application you are launching (normally something like bin\x64\debug - check your project settings).
This will allow the DLL loader to find the x64 binary first, and load that up. Then you'll be able to debug your application.

My program doesn't run on some PCs

I'm working in a project building an application with Computer Vision using C++, OpenCV and Visual Studio. I'm no expert in deploying programs to use them on other PCs.
I've made a program which I need to distribute to a certain amount of people and I can't make it work on all the computers I'd like to. The program was written using Visual Studio 2015, it's an MFC Project and the code is written in C++ since I'm using OpenCV.
When it was finished, I tried to run it on another computer and I realized that it won't open. I looked on the Internet and found out that I needed to statically link the libraries, so I did it. Also, when I was looking for information, I found that Visual Studio 2015 builds its projects so you can run the programs on machines with Win7 to Win10. When I learnt that, I tried to open it on PCs running Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10. I tested my program in like 20 computers, give or take.
The results? I couldn't make it work for Windows 7, the error ucrtbase.terminate api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll showed every time I tried to open it. It also didn't open in one machine with Windows 8 without showing any error message, but it DID open on most of the machines with Win 8.1 and Win 10. The thing is that "most"; there were some PCs (with Win 8.1 and 10) that I couldn't open my program on. I found that sometimes it would show up in the Task Manager for less than a second and then disappear. The most stressful thing is that it doesn't tell me what the problem is, it doesn't show any error message. It just won't open.
I tried using Dependency Walker (both on my PC and one of those that I couldn't run my program on) to see if there's something missing and I got a reeaaally long list of files that the system couldn't find, here's an example:
List 1/11. Something curious is that my program executes just well on my computer and on those I could open it, even though Dependency Walker (DW) tells me that there might be a problem with it. This indicates me that DW is not finding the exact error I'm having.
Another thing I've tried is to compare the things I have installed on my computer and install them on the one I want to execute my program on. I tried installing .NET Framework 4.6.1 just because VS 2015 says that my project was built using it (and I have it installed in my PC and that other one doesn't. Also I tried with .NET 4.6.1 SDK). Nothing changed.
Just look here:
The quick-and-dirty way would be to copy the DLLs from your redist directory. For my MS VS 2013 it is hidden under the VS installation directory in:
which depends on your application.

UWP/WinRT: App stopped working after November update

I have a Universal Windows Platform app that was working fine. My development machine is running Windows 10, and after the Windows 10 November Update (1511, build 10586), the development version built by Visual Studio has stopped working. I was actually running this day-to-day as a standalone app, and I noticed this problem when after the update the app started immediately closing after the splash screen.
I uninstalled the development version of my app and installed the store version, and that works fine, even though no code has changed between the two versions. I updated Visual Studio to Update 1, and it still doesn't work. I've fully uninstalled and reinstalled Visual Studio but that didn't help either. I've also tried changing the Project Properties to target platform version 10.0.10586.0 and rebuilding, but that also doesn't seem to help.
This occurs on both Release and Debug builds, and on both x86 and x64.
On launch, it gets as far as the splash screen before informing me that I've triggered a breakpoint. The breakpoint was not set by me, but rather is in KernelBase.dll, and no source is available.
If I hit Continue, then I get an Unhandled exception at 0x00007FFC4C431F08 (KernelBase.dll). The body of the error is:
0x00000004: The system cannot open the file (parameters: 0xFFFFFFFF80004005, 0x0000000000000005).
Hitting Continue again will get me into my code, which dies with:
Microsoft C++ exception: Platform::COMException ^ at memory location 0x000000C1517FAF50. HRESULT:0x802B000A The text associated with this error code could not be found.
Any ideas on what happened and how to correct?

How do I compile 64 bit SDL code using Code Blocks(Without admin rights)

I am running windows 7 64bit and
I am trying to set up SDL on my school laptop which I do not have admin rights for.
The project compiles fine but when I try to run it I get an error saying " the application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b)." I Have experienced this error before when trying to run the same 32bit program on my 64bit computer at home. By compiling using 64 bit methods the issue was resovled however I do not have access to a 64bit compiler on my school laptop because I cant find any compilers that don't require admin rights to set up. So If you know of a 64bit compiler download that requires no ADMIN rights to install or if you have an alternate method I would appreciate it.
My stats
Code_blocks 12.11
SDL 1.2.15
The compiler that came with codeblocks From Here http://www.codeblocks.org/downloads/26#windows
try tdm-gcc: http://tdm-gcc.tdragon.net/
as for 0xc000007b problem:
it may occur when you don't have a working 32bit directx on yout 64bit system, you should update your directx, this may help solve the problem.
directx update: http://www.microsoft.com/download/details.aspx?id=35

Faulting application splwow64.exe

I am running Windows 7 64 pro. When I start VMware player, with Windows XP service pack 3 installed, I get the error message "this application has requested runtime to terminate it in an unusual way" Microsoft visual C++.
I have dug into the event log and it is telling me that splwow64.exe is the faulting application. I was concerned at first but now that I know that it is a 32 bit print spooler it does not seem like such a big deal but it is annoying. Any thoughts on how to correct the problem?
splwow64 has issues with vmware (leaks memory). Remove printers from the guest machine on vmware, should work normally.