CFBuilder / ColdFusion : Why are there no files after my Dreamweaver Import - coldfusion

I have recently inherited a directory of ColdFusion code developed in Dreamweaver. After downloading the source from svn into a local development directory, I attempted to follow the instructions I found in several places online for Importing a Dreamweaver site into a project, using the Existing Folder as New Project option (since it was never previously a CFBuilder project, just Dreamweaver), I assigned the CF Nature to the root in the Navigator window. However, when I attempt to drop the tree below the root, no files appear - and the little > arrow is even gone, as if there are no files.
What should I be looking at here? Obviously it lacks something that tells it all the files in the project. It is odd, because when I select the root of the directory where all the source files are "ZZZ Master Website", it creates another directory INSIDE that directory, also called "ZZZ Master Website". That's where the .project and settings files show up. I feel like I'm missing something.
FWIW, I'm no CF guy - I'm inheriting this because that resource is no longer available. So... be patient - I'm trying to come up to speed here.
Thanks for any help in advance!


Moving PyCharm .idea directory

I am trying to move the PyCharm .idea directory out of the project folder (a django project in this case).
I followed the instructions from JetBrains to move the file, which involves creating a custom file. I figured this might also provide a means to move the .idea folder, but having done this, it does not appear to have addressed the issue and if I create a new Django project the .idea directory is still in the Django project folder. I have looked at the contents of the custom file and although there is an entry relating to where it looks for .idea files to flag them as such, it doesn't appear to actually have a specific setting for the location of the .idea directory it creates for new projects.
As is often the case with JetBrains, I feel like I am missing the point somewhere and in this case searching on StackExchange or more general googling has not shed any light on the problem.
There is a workaround that I found that is in a nine-year old thread on the JetBrains 'YouTrack' bug tracking system ( but it refers to changing the Settings|Directories option in PyCharm, which I cannot locate although there are many items in the settings that refer to different directories.
Any help would be appreciated.
Instead of moving .idea directory, you can create new PyCharm project than add Content Root as original project folder.
This way you can work on the same code in different PyCharm instances
in PyCharm to change project's Content Root go to File | Settings | Project: | Project Structure.
See work in IDEA and PyCharm for the same project at the same time

WebStorm 7.0.3 won't display a tree view for my project files

Disclaimer: I haven't worked with WebStorm for a few months. First time opening it and I run into an issue navigating the files in my project. It's incredibly annoying to not have a simple overview.
TL;DR: My editor refuses to show a tree view of my files.
None of the buttons seem to enable me to switch to a tree view, and I've perused the settings carefully and didn't find it, either.
I simply want to be able to browse my project with a tree view of folders and files. I've had it before, and for some reason it's gone.
How do I get a full tree view of folders and files back?
Please try invalidating caches (File/Invalidate caches, restart) - does it help? BTW, do you have your source files stored locally, or on a remote drive? Are there any symlinks in your project path?

Eclipse - Can't edit cpp files in my eclipse - folder is not accessible

i want to edit cpp files in Eclipse but can't open the folder that contains the cpp files.
The folder symbol is a folder with an exclamation mark at the bottom right. I tried to look up the meaning of the symbol in the eclipse docs but didnt find something. Maybe a bit more background: the cpp files belong to a cocos2d-x application, eclipse cdt is installed. The files are normally accessible with notepad++ or any other texteditor but eclipse just doesn't list them. Refresh, clean or restart didnt help either. Maybe you guys can help me out.
The esclamation Mark deals with build path problem. This problem are usually related with eclipse metadata, probably rebuilding the Index Will fix it, but the easiest thing is delete the project (without deleting from disk) and import the project using import existing project into workspace. Male a backup before any operation.
Found the problem, a little fault in the path, edited the folder properties now everything works!

C++ Adding libcurl (using Curl)? - My attempts explained

Okay, so I know this sounds like a very nooby question but I did my best so please hear me out before adding negative comments/downvoting.
Okay, so from what my research says, using "cURL" for my C++ program when involving anything web-related is the best way to go. Now, me being new to C++, I didnt want to ask questions for every step and try doing it myself, apparently, this was not the case.
Problem: CodeBlocks is not recognizing the curl plugin (saying it does not exist)
Attempt to make the example source located here (from the official cURL website) work.
Attempt 1:
So, I downloaded the plugin using the "help manager" where it shows which is the best thing to download. I got the .zip file "curl-7.24.0-devel-mingw32" back. I decided to copy the contents of the "bin" folder to my projects bin and copy the "include" folder to my project. It kept saying it did not recognize "/curl/curl.h" or saying it did not exist.
Attempt 2:
Without deleting the "bin" and "include" folder, i decided to move the "curl.h" folder into my project itself (via CodeBlocks) by creating a folder called "curl" and then putting the "curl.h" inside the folder (The folder "curl" was in the "Headers" folder created by the program) and attempt to run it again seeing that it existed. Same Error
Attempt 3:
After countless searches, I come across that I should put my curl files and all the files inside the "bin" folder into C:\Windows\ folder. So I copied everything in the "includes" folder and the contents of the bin folder (including the "curl" folder in it) to the WINDOWS folder. Same error.
Attempt 4: - Sort of...
Now, there was something about going to my project options and selecting certain files to import and that stuff but it was way more confusing because each site had different options so im unable to do recall the steps.
Im now relying on the StackOverFlow community to give me a hand. I tried explaining my problem in the most detailed way but if you have any questions or need more information, dont hesitate to ask. Also, here is the errors im getting:
Here is my source:
Can someone please guide me through this mess? Thank you so much!
the problem is that you're not telling codeblocks where to search for the include files, you shouldn't be copying the headers to the project's folder.
You can select the include directories this way:
In Project -> Build Options -> Search Directories -> Compiler
There is a button to add include directories, in this case the "include" folder of libcURL, And that error should be gone.
You will have to follow a similar process to add the files for the linker.

Project properties lost on external checkout

Our company might be moving from CVS to Subversion soon. This has brought about an issue for us, which I am trying to solve.
For CVS and Eclipse, we were able to use team project set files to gather various modules and check them out together ( This made it very easy to manage projects, since there was no need to remember each module in the project.
However, project sets do not support SVN. I know there is an 'externals' property for SVN that does approximately (or possible exactly) the same thing. I tried this. Now, for the problem:
When I use the externals property and checkout 2 modules in eclipse, their C/C++ project properties are lost, and so I cannot right click on them to say "build project" or "clean project". They appear to Eclipse to be folders with files in them.
Is there something I am missing here?
When I check out each module separately, they check out as projects, so they do have the individual .project/.cproject/settings stuff
You forgot to place Eclipse project metadata into your source control system. Make sure all files starting with '.' in project root make it in along with the entire contents of the .settings directory.
Subversion externals simply allows you to take files from one part of the repository and bring them in under a folder in your local checkout. At my last company, we had a java source directory that called "commonSrc" that was an SVN External for another project's main "src" directory, but in the project it was brought into, it simply acted as another folder (as you are experiencing).
I never really liked that method and wouldn't recommend it unless you have only one/two modules.
In order to do what you are trying to do with SVN, you might have to checkout each project separately, and use "Module Dependencies" in the project's properties to create the proper dependencies in Eclipse. You might be able to commit these project files so that the next person doesn't have to re-link them.
In case anyone needs this, here's what I found:
for Subversion + Project Set integration.
There is no need to break your project set. Once you have the integration plugins installed in Eclipse, all you need to do is change the source from the CVS server to SVN.