F# - How to properly implement Setup and initialize variables with NUnit - unit-testing

I'm doing my first dive into F# at work, and I'm moving several C# unit tests I have to F# as an exercise. Our tests are quite complex, but I relish the challenge (With setups, inheritance, teardowns and so on).
As I've been seeing, mutability should be avoided if possible, but when writing the [SetUp] parts of the tests I can't seem to find a way to jump over mutability. Example that creates a dummy XML for a test::
type CaseRuleFixture() =
[<DefaultValue>] val mutable xsl : XNamespace
[<DefaultValue>] val mutable simpleStylesheet : XElement
[<DefaultValue>] val mutable testNode : XElement
[<DefaultValue>] val mutable rootNode : XElement
[<DefaultValue>] val mutable root : XElement
let CreateXsltHeader(xsl: XNamespace) =
// Build XSLT header
let styleSheetRoot =
new XElement(
xsl + "stylesheet",
new XAttribute(XName.Get "version", "1.0"),
new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "xsl", "http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"),
new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "msxsl", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt"),
new XAttribute(XName.Get "exclude-result-prefixes", "msxsl"),
new XAttribute(XNamespace.Xmlns + "utils", "urn:myExtension"))
let outputNode =
new XElement(
xsl + "output",
new XAttribute(XName.Get "method", "xml"),
new XAttribute(XName.Get "indent", "yes"))
styleSheetRoot.Add outputNode
member this.SetUp() =
this.xsl <- XNamespace.Get "http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
this.simpleStylesheet <- CreateXsltHeader(this.xsl)
Directory.EnumerateFiles "Templates"
|> Seq.iter(fun filepath -> this.simpleStylesheet.Add(XElement.Parse(File.ReadAllText filepath).Elements()))
let variable =
new XElement(
this.xsl + "variable",
new XAttribute(XName.Get "name", "ROOT"),
new XAttribute(XName.Get "select", "ROOT"))
let rootTemplate = new XElement(this.xsl + "template", new XAttribute(XName.Get "match", "/ROOT"))
this.rootNode <- new XElement(XName.Get "ROOT")
this.root <- new XElement(XName.Get "ROOT")
this.testNode <- new XElement(XName.Get "TESTVALUE")
member this.CaseCapitalizeEachWordTest() =
this.testNode.Value <- " text to replace ";
let replaceRule = new CaseRule();
replaceRule.Arguments <- [| "INITIALS" |];
replaceRule.ApplyRule [| new XElement(this.xsl + "value-of", new XAttribute(XName.Get "select", "TESTVALUE")) |]);
let parser = new XsltParserHelper(this.simpleStylesheet);
let result = parser.ParseXslt(this.root);
let value = result.DescendantsAndSelf() |> Seq.find(fun x -> x.Name = XName.Get "ROOT")
Assert.AreEqual(" Text To Replace ", value.Value)
Those [<DefaultValue>] val mutable to declare the variables (without initializing because that's SetUp job) and make those variables available to all the class scope, and the fact that I've basically done a 1:1 translation from what I had in C# without any apparent gaining in syntax and readability gave me the chills. Is there any way to rewrite these kind of tests and setups that looks nicer? Because all examples I've seen all over internet are simple, small and do not cover these cases.

Let's reduce the problem to a more manageable size first:
Reduced problem
In this test, you have two mutable fields being initialized in the SetUp method:
type MutableTests() =
[<DefaultValue>] val mutable foo : int
[<DefaultValue>] val mutable bar : int
member this.SetUp () =
this.foo <- 42
this.bar <- 1337
member this.TheTest () =
Assert.AreEqual(42, this.foo)
Assert.AreEqual(1337, this.bar)
Obviously, this is a stand-in for the real problem.
Functions that return values
Instead of setting class fields, why not write functions that initialize the values that you need?
module BetterTests =
let createDefaultFoo () = 42
let createDefaultBar () = 1337
let ``a test using individual creation functions`` () =
let foo = createDefaultFoo ()
let bar = createDefaultBar ()
Assert.AreEqual(42, foo)
Assert.AreEqual(1337, bar)
If you wan't all the values at once (like you have access to all fields from within a class), you can define a single function that returns all values in a tuple or record:
let createAllDefaultValues () = createDefaultFoo (), createDefaultBar ()
let ``a test using a single creation function`` () =
let foo, bar = createAllDefaultValues ()
Assert.AreEqual(42, foo)
Assert.AreEqual(1337, bar)
This example uses an int * int tuple, but it might be more readable to define a record:
type TestValues = { Foo : int; Bar : int }
let createDefaultTestValues () = {
Foo = createDefaultFoo ()
Bar = createDefaultBar () }
let ``a test using a single creation function that returns a record`` () =
let defaultValues = createDefaultTestValues ()
Assert.AreEqual(42, defaultValues.Foo)
Assert.AreEqual(1337, defaultValues.Bar)
Notice that, unlike classes in C#, records in F# are super-lightweight to declare.
If you want to learn more about idiomatic unit testing with F#, a good place to start could be my Pluralsight course about unit testing with F#.


Rust regexes live long enough for match but not find

I'm trying to understand why behavior for the match regex is different from the behavior for find, from documentation here.
I have the following for match:
use regex::Regex;
let meow = String::from("This is a long string that I am testing regexes on in rust.");
let re = Regex::new("I").unwrap();
let x = re.is_match(&meow);
And get:
[src/lib.rs:142] x = true
Great, now let's identify the location of the match:
let meow = String::from("This is a long string that I am testing regexes on in rust.");
let re = Regex::new("I").unwrap();
let x = re.find(&meow).unwrap();
And I get:
let x = re.find(&meow).unwrap();
^^^^^ borrowed value does not live long enough
^ `meow` dropped here while still borrowed
`meow` does not live long enough
I think I'm following the documentation. Why does the string meow live long enough for a match but not long enough for find?
Writing a value without ; at the end of a { } scope effectively returns that value out of the scope. For example:
fn main() {
let x = {
let y = 10;
y + 1
[src/main.rs:7] x = 11
Here, because we don't write a ; after the y + 1, it gets returned from the inner scope and written to x.
If you write a ; after it, you will get something different:
fn main() {
let x = {
let y = 10;
y + 1;
[src/main.rs:7] x = ()
Here you can see that the ; now prevents the value from being returned. Because no value gets returned from the inner scope, it implicitly gets the empty return type (), which gets stored in x.
The same happens in your code:
use regex::Regex;
fn main() {
let z = {
let meow = String::from("This is a long string that I am testing regexes on in rust.");
let re = Regex::new("I").unwrap();
let x = re.is_match(&meow);
[src/main.rs:9] x = true
[src/main.rs:12] z = true
Because you don't write a ; after the dbg!() statement, its return value gets returned from the inner scope. The dbg!() statement simply returns the value that gets passed to it, so the return value of the inner scope is x. And because x is just a bool, it gets returned without a problem.
Now let's look at your second example:
use regex::Regex;
fn main() {
let z = {
let meow = String::from("This is a long string that I am testing regexes on in rust.");
let re = Regex::new("I").unwrap();
let x = re.find(&meow).unwrap();
error[E0597]: `meow` does not live long enough
--> src/main.rs:8:25
4 | let z = {
| - borrow later stored here
8 | let x = re.find(&meow).unwrap();
| ^^^^^ borrowed value does not live long enough
9 | dbg!(x)
10 | };
| - `meow` dropped here while still borrowed
And now it should be more obvious what's happening: It's basically the same as the previous example, just that the returned x is now a type that internally borrows meow. And because meow gets destroyed at the end of the scope, x cannot be returned, as it would outlive meow.
The reason why x borrows from meow is because regular expression Matches don't actually copy the data they matched, they just store a reference to it.
So if you add a ;, you prevent the value from being returned from the scope, changing the scope return value to ():
use regex::Regex;
fn main() {
let z = {
let meow = String::from("This is a long string that I am testing regexes on in rust.");
let re = Regex::new("I").unwrap();
let x = re.find(&meow).unwrap();
[src/main.rs:9] x = Match {
text: "This is a long string that I am testing regexes on in rust.",
start: 27,
end: 28,
[src/main.rs:12] z = ()

Construct a List<Map> object out of multiple List<Any> objects in Kotlin

I have multiple different data classes in kotlin and they are saved in extra lists with the exact same length. Now I want to combine them into a result list which contains them as a map with the same length (1000 entries). I tried it with a for loop and a prefilled list of maps, but that looks a bit messy to me, so I asked myself if there is a cleaner way of doing this, especially with kotlin.
data class One(
val a: Double,
val b: Double,
var c: Double
data class Two(
val d: Double,
val e: Double,
fun main() {
val oneList: List<One> = listOf(One(1.0, 0.0, 2.0), One(3.0, 5.0, 10.0))
val twoList: List<Two> = listOf(Two(5.0, 2.0), Two(7.0, 1.0))
val results: List<MutableMap<String,Double>> = (0..1).map{ mutableMapOf() }
for(i in 0 .. 1){
results[i]["a"] = oneList[i].a
results[i]["b"] = oneList[i].b
results[i]["c"] = oneList[i].c
results[i]["d"] = twoList[i].d
results[i]["e"] = twoList[i].e
The problem is, that I have about 10 classes with around 2-3 members in each object, whereby the code would be about 30+ lines... The result should look like this:
a: 1.0,
b: 0.0,
c: 2.0,
d: 5.0,
e: 2.0
a: 3.0,
b: 5.0,
c: 10.0,
d: 7.0,
e: 1.0
You could use .zip in order to link the 2 lists and then directly create the list using .map and a simple mapOf() to create the map.
val results = oneList.zip(twoList).map { (one, two) ->
mapOf("a" to one.a, "b" to one.b, "c" to one.c, "d" to two.d, "e" to two.e)
As for actually doing this for a lot of classes ... not 100% sure. You could use reflexion maybe, but that is not something you use in an actual program usually. Another way would be to create a function in each of the classes that would give a map and then just add those maps together in the .map from above. That way, the code would look a bit cleaner. Something along the lines of:
data class One(
val a: Double,
val b: Double,
var c: Double
fun toMap(): Map<String, Double> {
return mapOf("a" to a, "b" to b, "c" to c)
val results = oneList.zip(twoList).map { (one, two) -> one.toMap() + two.toMap() }
But you'll soon notice that zip doesn't work with more than 2 lists. I would suggest implementing something like this: Zip multiple lists SO. But that as well won't work, since your classes are of a different type. What I would do is create a abstract class with a toMap() fun, and then all the classes that you need there can inherit it. It would look something like this:
abstract class MotherClass(){
abstract fun toMap(): Map<String, Double>
data class One(
val a: Double,
val b: Double,
var c: Double
):MotherClass() {
override fun toMap(): Map<String, Double> {
return mapOf("a" to a, "b" to b, "c" to c)
// ...
val results = zip(oneList, twoList /*, threeList, etc */).map { list -> list.map { it.toMap() } }
So at the end of the day, you want a String representation of a property name, mapped to its value? I think you have two choices there:
use reflection to fetch all the member names, filter on the types you want (e.g. only the Doubles), so your Strings are derived directly from the class at runtime
define a String somewhere that acts as a label for each property, and try to tie it as closely to the class as you can, so it's easy to maintain. Because it's not derived from the property itself, you'll have to keep the property name and its label in sync - there's no inherent connection between the two things that could automate it
You're already doing the latter in your code - you're using hardcoded arbitrary labels like "a" and "b" when building your results map, and that's where you're connecting a label with a property (e.g. results[i]["a"] = oneList[i].a). So here's another way you could approach that!
Kotlin playground
interface Mappable {
// allows us to declare classes as having the property map we're using
abstract val propertyMap: Map<String, Double>
data class One(
val a: Double,
val b: Double,
var c: Double
) : Mappable {
// you have to do this association somewhere - may as well be in the class itself
// you could also use reflection to build this map automatically
override val propertyMap = mapOf("a" to a, "b" to b, "c" to c)
data class Two(
val d: Double,
val e: Double,
) : Mappable {
override val propertyMap = mapOf("d" to d, "e" to e)
fun main() {
val oneList = listOf(One(1.0, 0.0, 2.0), One(3.0, 5.0, 10.0))
val twoList = listOf(Two(5.0, 2.0), Two(7.0, 1.0))
combine(oneList, twoList).forEach(::println)
fun combine(vararg lists: List<Mappable>): List<Map<String, Double>> {
// lists could be different lengths, so we go until one of them runs out
val length = lists.minOf { it.size }
return (0 until length).map { index ->
// create a combined map for each index
mutableMapOf<String, Double>().apply {
// visit each list at this index, grabbing the property map from each object
// and adding its contents to the combined map we're building
lists.map { it.elementAt(index).propertyMap }.forEach(this::putAll)
>> {a=1.0, b=0.0, c=2.0, d=5.0, e=2.0}
{a=3.0, b=5.0, c=10.0, d=7.0, e=1.0}
The problem really is that artificial connection you're introducing between a property, and a label you explicitly define for it - which you have to ensure you maintain, and if you don't, you got bugs. I think that's unavoidable unless you use reflection.
Also if by any chance this data is originally coming from something arbitrary like JSON (where the problem of validation and labelling a property is earlier in the chain) you could take a look at Kotlin's map delegate and see if that's a better fit for this approach
import kotlin.reflect.full.declaredMemberProperties
data class One(val a: Double, val b: Double, var c: Double)
data class Two(val d: Double, val e: Double)
val oneList: List<One> = listOf(One(1.0, 0.0, 2.0), One(3.0, 5.0, 10.0))
val twoList: List<Two> = listOf(Two(5.0, 2.0), Two(7.0, 1.0))
fun compounded(vararg lists: List<Any>): List<Map<String, Double>> {
return lists
.mapIndexed { index, _ ->
.flatMap {
it[index]::class.declaredMemberProperties.map { prop ->
mapOf(prop.name to prop.call(it[index]) as Double)
.fold(mapOf()) { acc, map ->
mutableMapOf<String, Double>().apply { putAll(acc + map) }
val result = compounded(oneList, twoList)

Define a closure variable in buckle script

I'm trying to convert the following ES6 script to bucklescript and I cannot for the life of me figure out how to create a "closure" in bucklescript
import {Socket, Presence} from "phoenix"
let socket = new Socket("/socket", {
params: {user_id: window.location.search.split("=")[1]}
let channel = socket.channel("room:lobby", {})
let presence = new Presence(channel)
function renderOnlineUsers(presence) {
let response = ""
presence.list((id, {metas: [first, ...rest]}) => {
let count = rest.length + 1
response += `<br>${id} (count: ${count})</br>`
document.querySelector("main[role=main]").innerHTML = response
presence.onSync(() => renderOnlineUsers(presence))
the part I cant figure out specifically is let response = "" (or var in this case as bucklescript always uses vars):
function renderOnlineUsers(presence) {
let response = ""
presence.list((id, {metas: [first, ...rest]}) => {
let count = rest.length + 1
response += `<br>${id} (count: ${count})</br>`
document.querySelector("main[role=main]").innerHTML = response
the closest I've gotten so far excludes the result declaration
let onPresenceSync ev =
let result = "" in
let listFunc = [%raw begin
(id, {metas: [first, ...rest]}) => {
let count = rest.length + 1
result += `${id} (count: ${count})\n`
] in
let _ =
presence |. listPresence (listFunc) in
[%raw {| console.log(result) |} ]
compiles to:
function onPresenceSync(ev) {
var listFunc = (
(id, {metas: [first, ...rest]}) => {
let count = rest.length + 1
result += `${id} (count: ${count})\n`
return ( console.log(result) );
result is removed as an optimization beacuse it is considered unused. It is generally not a good idea to use raw code that depends on code generated by BuckleScript, as there's quite a few surprises you can encounter in the generated code.
It is also not a great idea to mutate variables considered immutable by the compiler, as it will perform optimizations based on the assumption that the value will never change.
The simplest fix here is to just replace [%raw {| console.log(result) |} ] with Js.log result, but it might be enlightening to see how listFunc could be written in OCaml:
let onPresenceSync ev =
let result = ref "" in
let listFunc = fun [#bs] id item ->
let count = Js.Array.length item##meta in
result := {j|$id (count: $count)\n|j}
let _ = presence |. (listPresence listFunc) in
Js.log !result
Note that result is now a ref cell, which is how you specify a mutable variable in OCaml. ref cells are updated using := and the value it contains is retrieved using !. Note also the [#bs] annotation used to specify an uncurried function needed on functions passed to external higher-order functions. And the string interpolation syntax used: {j| ... |j}

Make a new list from two other lists of different types by comparing values of each type

I have two Lists of objects that both implement an interface, but are otherwise unrelated. How can I create a new collection of objects containing only the objects of one of the lists that match a value in the other list?
Obviously I could use a for loop & do this manually, but I'd like to know how I can do this using Kotlin's standard library collection filtering functions.
So here's an example:
interface Ids
val id: Int
data class A(override val id: Int, val name: String) : Ids
data class B(override val id: Int, val timestamp: Long) : Ids
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val a1 = A(1, "Steve")
val a2 = A(2, "Ed")
val aCol = listOf(a1, a2)
val b2 = B(2, 12345)
val b3 = B(3, 67890)
val bCol = listOf(b2, b3)
val matches = mutableListOf<B>()
// This is where I'm stuck.
// I want to filter bCol using objects from aCol as a filter.
// The result should be that matches contains only a single object: b2
// because bCol[0].id == aCol[1].id
// I'm guessing I need to start with something like this:
bCol.filterTo(matches) { ??? }
A straightforward approach would be to search aCol for an object with the same id for each b in bCol:
bCol.filter { b -> aCol.any { a -> a.id == b.id } }
However that may become too slow if your lists are big enough.
To make it more scalable you can first build a set of all ids in aCol:
val aColIds = aCol.map { it.id }.toSet()
And then use Set.contains method to determine whether b.id is in aColIds:
bCol.filter { it.id in aColIds }
// or equivalent
bCol.filter { aColIds.contains(it.id) }

Erlang record item list

For example i have erlang record:
-record(state, {clients
Can i make from clients field list?
That I could keep in client filed as in normal list? And how can i add some values in this list?
Thank you.
Maybe you mean something like:
-export([empty_state/0, some_state/0,
add_client/1, del_client/1,
clients = [] ::[pos_integer()],
dbname ::char()
empty_state() ->
some_state() ->
clients = [1,2,3],
dbname = "QA"}.
del_client(Client) ->
S = some_state(),
C = S#state.clients,
S#state{clients = lists:delete(Client, C)}.
add_client(Client) ->
S = some_state(),
C = S#state.clients,
S#state{clients = [Client|C]}.
get_clients(#state{clients = C, dbname = _D}) ->
1> reclist:empty_state().
2> reclist:some_state().
3> reclist:add_client(4).
4> reclist:del_client(2).
::[pos_integer()] means that the type of the field is a list of positive integer values, starting from 1; it's the hint for the analysis tool dialyzer, when it performs type checking.
Erlang also allows you use pattern matching on records:
5> reclist:get_clients(reclist:some_state()).
Further reading:
Types and Function Specifications
#JUST MY correct OPINION's answer made me remember that I love how Haskell goes about getting the values of the fields in the data type.
Here's a definition of a data type, stolen from Learn You a Haskell for Great Good!, which leverages record syntax:
data Car = Car {company :: String
,model :: String
,year :: Int
} deriving (Show)
It creates functions company, model and year, that lookup fields in the data type. We first make a new car:
ghci> Car "Toyota" "Supra" 2005
Car {company = "Toyota", model = "Supra", year = 2005}
Or, using record syntax (the order of fields doesn't matter):
ghci> Car {model = "Supra", year = 2005, company = "Toyota"}
Car {company = "Toyota", model = "Supra", year = 2005}
ghci> let supra = Car {model = "Supra", year = 2005, company = "Toyota"}
ghci> year supra
We can even use pattern matching:
ghci> let (Car {company = c, model = m, year = y}) = supra
ghci> "This " ++ c ++ " " ++ m ++ " was made in " ++ show y
"This Toyota Supra was made in 2005"
I remember there were attempts to implement something similar to Haskell's record syntax in Erlang, but not sure if they were successful.
Some posts, concerning these attempts:
In Response to "What Sucks About Erlang"
Geeking out with Lisp Flavoured Erlang. However I would ignore parameterized modules here.
It seems that LFE uses macros, which are similar to what provides Scheme (Racket, for instance), when you want to create a new value of some structure:
> (define-struct car (company model year))
> (define supra (make-car "Toyota" "Supra" 2005))
> (car-model supra)
I hope we'll have something close to Haskell record syntax in the future, that would be really practically useful and handy.
Yasir's answer is the correct one, but I'm going to show you WHY it works the way it works so you can understand records a bit better.
Records in Erlang are a hack (and a pretty ugly one). Using the record definition from Yasir's answer...
clients = [] ::[pos_integer()],
dbname ::char()
...when you instantiate this with #state{} (as Yasir did in empty_state/0 function), what you really get back is this:
{state, [], undefined}
That is to say your "record" is just a tuple tagged with the name of the record (state in this case) followed by the record's contents. Inside BEAM itself there is no record. It's just another tuple with Erlang data types contained within it. This is the key to understanding how things work (and the limitations of records to boot).
Now when Yasir did this...
add_client(Client) ->
S = some_state(),
C = S#state.clients,
S#state{clients = [Client|C]}.
...the S#state.clients bit translates into code internally that looks like element(2,S). You're using, in other words, standard tuple manipulation functions. S#state.clients is just a symbolic way of saying the same thing, but in a way that lets you know what element 2 actually is. It's syntactic saccharine that's an improvement over keeping track of individual fields in your tuples in an error-prone way.
Now for that last S#state{clients = [Client|C]} bit, I'm not absolutely positive as to what code is generated behind the scenes, but it is likely just straightforward stuff that does the equivalent of {state, [Client|C], element(3,S)}. It:
tags a new tuple with the name of the record (provided as #state),
copies the elements from S (dictated by the S# portion),
except for the clients piece overridden by {clients = [Client|C]}.
All of this magic is done via a preprocessing hack behind the scenes.
Understanding how records work behind the scenes is beneficial both for understanding code written using records as well as for understanding how to use them yourself (not to mention understanding why things that seem to "make sense" don't work with records -- because they don't actually exist down in the abstract machine...yet).
If you are only adding or removing single items from the clients list in the state you could cut down on typing with a macro.
-record(state, {clients = [] }).
State#state{clients = lists:append([Client], State#state.clients) } ).
State#state{clients = lists:delete(Client, State#state.clients) } ).
Here is a test escript that demonstrates:
#!/usr/bin/env escript
-record(state, {clients = [] }).
State#state{clients = lists:append([Client], State#state.clients)} ).
State#state{clients = lists:delete(Client, State#state.clients)} ).
main(_) ->
%Start with a state with a empty list of clients.
State0 = #state{},
io:format("Empty State: ~p~n",[State0]),
%Add foo to the list
State1 = ?AddClientToState(foo,State0),
io:format("State after adding foo: ~p~n",[State1]),
%Add bar to the list.
State2 = ?AddClientToState(bar,State1),
io:format("State after adding bar: ~p~n",[State2]),
%Add baz to the list.
State3 = ?AddClientToState(baz,State2),
io:format("State after adding baz: ~p~n",[State3]),
%Remove bar from the list.
State4 = ?RemoveClientFromState(bar,State3),
io:format("State after removing bar: ~p~n",[State4]).
Empty State: {state,[]}
State after adding foo: {state,[foo]}
State after adding bar: {state,[bar,foo]}
State after adding baz: {state,[baz,bar,foo]}
State after removing bar: {state,[baz,foo]}