How to remove the ?q= from search query url - django

I have a search field in my app, while make search the url become /search/?q=12344/ but instead i need /search/12344/ how i can achieve this

You will have to change you file to make that happen.
and in your views file where you catch that url request you will need to add another parameter after request like this
def search(request, search_term):
enter code here

All you need to do is create a url for the same and when a user enters anything in the search query just redirect it to your new url appending your query term to it.
For example :


Django URLConf for former forum URL

I am tryimg to add content to a URL previously served by forum software. The URL is
I have this in my urlconf, but it's not working:
url("^portal/forums/showthread.php?t=12345", thread),
I am just matching the whole string to a single view for now, but a way to pass the topic ID as an argument would also be handy. (Hopefully all the old URLs similar enough to match, without any funky querystrings)
You need to access GET (Query string) parameters like this:
def myview(request):
t = request.GET.get('t')
#rest of the code.
The GET parameters should not be a part of the URL.
Your URL then would look like this:
url("^portal/forums/showthread.php", thread), #You might want the $ sign at the end.

Url mismatch, django template link

I've got a prob with a link in the sidebar of my django site, in the template it's like that:
while in the
url(r'^(?P<user_id>\d+)/profile/$', 'auth.views.show_profile', name='profile')
When i access it from the main page with url: e.g /1001/profile/ it loads fine but when I try to access it from another subpage with url: e.g /1001/forms/profile/ i get the error: The current URL, /1001/forms/profile/, didn't match any of these. How can i fix this?
It is because "profile" is a relative URL, and a relative URL is appended to the current URL - the resulting address is not valid across the whole site. Seems like you should use an absolute URL in your case.
At the template you can try something like:
To get request available in templates you have to add django.core.context_processors.request to TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS. I'm not sure if it is added by default.
You must have to add your second subpage url in urls like you did for /1001/profile/
url(r'^(?P<user_id>\d+)/form/profile/$', 'auth.views.show_profile', name='profile_form')
and also correct your code as #Paulo mentioned or you can also do it through reverse url.

Is there a way to alter the request.path before matching the urls?

When I get a request for a path that includes the word 'self' I want to replace it with the user id before matching it to a URL. I tried using a middleware like this:
def process_request(self, request):
if '/self/' in request.path:
request.path = request.path.replace('/self/','/' + str( + '/')
The replacement works but apparently is done after the URL matching. Is there any way to alter the path before this point?
Apparently, the URL marching is not done using request.path but request.path_info. The same middleware altering this variable works.
Why do you want to change the url, then match that new url? Why not have the url direct to the view and method you want, then work on the like you would had you changed the url?
Perhaps another example would illustrate what you are trying to do.
(Making this an answer since I can't comment)

How to organize URLs in django for views handling GET data and parsing URL?

I have a view that displays some movie data. I thought that it might be a good idea to have a view handle a an URL like movie-id/1234 to search for movie id 1234. Furthermore I would like to be able to enter the ID into a form and send that to a server and search for it. To do that I created a second entry in the file shown below.
urlpatterns = patterns('',
url(r'movie-id/(?P<movie_id>.+?)/$', 'movieMan.views.detailMovie'),
url(r'movie-id/$', 'movieMan.views.detailMovie', name=''),
So if I want to pass data to my view either via a URL or a GET or POST request I have to enter two urls or is there a more elegant way? In the view's code I am then checking if there is any GET data in the incoming request.
To make the second url usable with the template engine, where I wanted to specify the view's url using the {% url %} syntax I had to introduce a name attribute on this url to distinguish between these two.
I am not sure if I am thinking too complicated here. I am now asking myself what is the first url entry good for? Is there a way to get the URL of a movie directly? When do these kinds of URLs come into play and how would they be generated in the template ?
Furthermore I would like to be able to enter the ID into a form and
send that to a server and search for it.
Is this actually a search? Because if you know the ID, and the ID is a part of the URL, you could just have a textbox where the user can write in the ID, and you do a redirect with javascript to the 'correct' URL. If the ID doesn't exist, the view should return a Http404.
If you mean an actual search, i.e. the user submitting a query string, you'll need some kind of list/result view, in which case you'll be generating all the links to the specific results, which you will be sure are correct.
I don't think there is a more elegant way.
I did almost the same thing:
url( r'^movies/search/((?P<query_string>[^/]+)/)?$', 'mediadb.views.search_movies' ),
The url pattern matches urls with or without a search parameter.
In the view-function, you will have to check whether the parameter was defined in the url or in the query string.

Append value from cookie to URL in Django

I have a value the user sets via a cookie and I want this value to be appended onto the URL after the user sets it. How can I enable this? Any ideas are welcome as I'm not so sure how to go about this.
This seems like an ineffective solution, but what if you write a view to check for the existance of the cookie, if it doesn't exist let them set it. If it does exist, HttpRedirect them to url + cookie-value. And add a line in your to match those urls.