Is WSO2 API Manager support RAML specification? - wso2

Is WSO2 API Manager support RAML specification? I want use RAML spec in the place of swagger 2.0. I am using WSO2 AM 1.9

No - WSO2 API Manager 1.9.0 doesn't support RAML. However there was a discussion on adding this support in API Manager[1].


How To Configure WSO2 API Manager version 4.0.0 with Analytics version 3.2.0?

WSO2 API Manager Version 4.0.0 is Working Fine With Choreo Analytics but Is there Any Way to Configure API Manager Version 4.0.0 with API-M Analytics Version 3.2.0?
No, this is not possible with API Manager 4.0.0.
The API Manager v4.0.0 has gone through a lot of architectural changes and the Handlers and implementations related to publishing Analytics Data to the APIM Analytics server have been removed. Therefore, with my understanding, it is not possible to achieve the same in the v4.0.0 environment.
With the API Manager 4.0 release, the API Analytics was completely revamped and offered as a cloud-based analytics solution to provide users with an unparalleled analytics experience. Therefore, integrating APIM Analytics 3.2.0 with APIM 4.0.0 is not a possible/advisable solution due to architectural constraints.

Flattening of wsdl inside wso2 APIM

Is there feature in WSO2 APIM 2.1 or higher version which could do first flattening of wsdl file and then create APIs ?
This feature is not supported at the moment. You can request this as a feature via wso2 github.
There is no such feature, however I use SoapUI to import and export a wsdl effectively creating a single wsdl file (in most of the cases)

Exist a tool that read the WSO2 ESB APIs definition and automatically creates the Swagger documentation?

I am not so into WSO2 ESB and I have the following doubt.
I am using WSO2 EI containing WSO2 ESB product. I am using the ESB to developr some REST API.
My question is: exist some tool\plugin that starting from the APIs definition into the ESB creates the swagger documentation for these APIs? I don't mean the WSO2 API Manager, I am not using it at this time but something that read the APIs defined into the ESB and create the Swagger documentation.
If exists something like this what have I to do to install and use it?
Thank you

WSO2 API Manager - How to make wso2 support PATCH method

I need to create a API in wos2am and its httpmethod is PATCH.
How can I let wso2am to support PATCH? or do I need to add some custom features?
Currently the API Manager does not support the Patch method. There is a plan to support it in future, but I cannot tell a release timeline. It should be first supported by the underlying Synapse.
APIM manager uses synapse as is underlying mediation engine which currently supports OPTIONS,GET, POST, PUT, DELETE..

WSO2 API Manager - is ESB and rest of Carbon framework included in this package?

I am trying to build a POC using WSO2 middle ware that demonstrates API Management as well as ESB features. Will I need to download WSO2 Carbon as well as WSO2 API Manager? Or does WSO2 API Manager include ESB and the rest of the Carbon framework?
The API Manager is based on Carbon, and contains the features it needs to provide the advertised functionality. In other words, out of the box, you get API management, the API gateway, the API store and the publisher apps. If you need full ESB features beyond what the API gateway functionality provides, you can download the ESB separately.