Flattening of wsdl inside wso2 APIM - wso2

Is there feature in WSO2 APIM 2.1 or higher version which could do first flattening of wsdl file and then create APIs ?

This feature is not supported at the moment. You can request this as a feature via wso2 github.

There is no such feature, however I use SoapUI to import and export a wsdl effectively creating a single wsdl file (in most of the cases)


How to add OAuth feature to DSS

I am currently using WSO2 DSS to create RESTful APIs to access the databases.
I need DSS to perform OAuth authentication for every incoming request. Is there a way I can do it without using WSO2 API Manager or WSO2 ESB?
If I have to change the source code to implement this feature, which particular library should I be looking into?
For this scenario without using WSO2 API Manager you need use three products of WSO2 SOA Suite (ESB, IS, DSS). In other case you can add the WSO2 DSS as a feature to the WSO2 ESB, and use IS as key manager. Check this links and take your best decision.

WSO2 Governance Registry Json Schema

I'm facing some problems regarding the publication GREG using Swagger. I wonder if you have any way to make GREG recognize the JSON Schema, because I saw that it only recognizes XML Schema which ends up forcing me to use WADL.
I presume you are using G-Reg 4 series which does not have Swagger support. However, in G-Reg 5 series WSO2 have enabled this and you can find the latest version which is G-Reg 5.3.0 from here. Other than that, new G-Reg offers you some more very useful features to enhance SOA governance capabilities.
Adding a SOAP service using a Swagger
Adding the Swagger file
To enable json schema you have to create a handler. Please refer below sample media type handlers available in greg(carbon-registry)
Please find this useful article which will teach you how to create a simple handler.
You can find information regarding the support given for swagger in WSO2 Governance Registry in the following documentation.
[1] - https://docs.wso2.com/display/Governance530/Adding+a+REST+Service#AddingaRESTService-AddingaSOAPserviceusingaSwagger
[2] - https://docs.wso2.com/display/Governance530/Invoking+a+REST+Service+Using+the+In-built+Swagger+UI#InvokingaRESTServiceUsingtheIn-builtSwaggerUI-AddingtheSwaggerfile
Note: As mentioned in #thusharaK s answer, these capabilities are available in the latest version of the product.

How to add a Swagger definition for WSO2 API Manager from SwaggerHub?

In my case, I'm using WSO2 API Manager version 1.7. This version allows loading an externally published Swagger definition and importing it via a URL.
I designed a Swagger definition on SwaggerHub and published on there. But I couldn't load that definition into API Manager.
Also, I just copied the Swagger JSON and pasted when editing the API definition after adding an API. Even though it shows properly saved, I cannot see the exact JSON content. It has been saved as some text.
How can I resolve these issues and add a properly working Swagger definition to WSO2 API Manager 1.7?
NOTE: It works with 1.10.
What is the swagger version you are using? If it is working in AM 1.10 the document probably is written in version 2.0. AM 1.7 use older version of swagger (v1.1). This probably could be the reason for not working in AM 1.7. If you cannot upgrade to AM 1.10, then you could try creating the swagger doc using the v1.1 notations
You should be able to read your API from SwaggerHub directly using this URL structure:
The accept header can be application/json or application/yaml. If wso2 1.7 is having trouble importing it, there are likely some unsupported features in the wso2 tooling itself.

Why custom Axis2 version in WSO2?

Well, when developing custom transports for WSO2 ESB I was recommended to use Axis2 version specific to WSO2 (1.6.1-wso2v5). Does anybody know if this version somehow differs from the "standard" 1.6.1 version? And what was the motivation for this "branching"?
AFAIK this was because some changes were done that was needed for wso2 specific details. Hence a separate wso2 version was created to cater this need.

WSO2 ESB Managing feature repository

I am trying to get available features from wso2 esb 4.5 from the repository http://dist.wso2.org/p2/carbon/releases/4.0.1/
I can see this repository by browing the URL in IExplorer with a proxy configurated. I have add the sample wrapper.conf file to wso2 esb/repository/conf with the following lines
with no success.
Any help?
Wrapper mode has been removed since Carbon 4.0.0 which ESB 4.5 is based on. So this will not work.