Debugging with Resharper 9 and Visual Studio 2013 - c++

I use the newest build of Resharper (9.3) and Resharper C++ with Visual Studio 2013.
Code editing, refactoring, ... works great. But if I try to debug the code, I get a weird error:
an empty window with "Source not available. The current thread is not currently running code or the call stack could not be obtained".
which makes debugging quite difficult.
I think the problem is related to Resharper, because this problem did not occur before I installed Resharper nor does the problem occur if Resharper is disabled.
Is there a solution for this problem or another tool with similar capabilities that can be used instead?

Latest version is 9.2 and the bug should be reported to jetbrains


Resharper 'Ctrl Click' isn't working with visual studio 2017

Because of a Computer Change I recently had to install a fresh Visual Studio 2017 and the Resharper Ultimate Edition. After that, Ctrl-Click suddenly does no longer work as expected. Although the editor switches to "some" target, this target appears to be a bit "random".
Sometimes, though, it helps to simply step back with Ctrl-Minus to get to the desired target.
Any ideas?
I found the solution here. This also solved my Problem with a normal Ctrl-Click :)

What is the cause of error D8040 in visual studio 2015?

When I build a project by visual studio 2013, it runs properly. But I encounter following errors after building with visual studio 2015. How can I solve this problem?
fatal error C1001: An internal error has occurred in the compiler.
Command line error D8040: error creating or communicating with child process
C1001 is an "ICE", an Internal Compiler Error. It means your code generated a fatal bug in the compiler. Are you using VS 2015, VS 2015 Update 1, or VS 2015 Update 2?
One way to find which version of the compiler you have installed is to run the Developer Command Prompt for VS 2015 and then run the following command: cl -Bv and note which versions are reported. VS 2015 Update 2 is 19.00.23918.0
An "ICE" is always a bug. If your code is doing something wrong, the compiler should emit an error or a warning, not crash out. It's also possible your code is just fine, and there's been a new bug introduced in the compiler since VS 2013. There's been a lot of work done to the compiler to fully support C++11 as well as support the upcoming C++14/C++17 drafts.
You should file a bug on VS Connect. See this article for directions on creating a good repro. This blog post is also a great write-up of how to narrow down compiler problems.
In most cases, it's very difficult to repro an ICE with just a few lines of code, and is only triggered in very specific contexts. This is why the instructions above are all about providing a minimal repro that captures the essence of the problem. You can also try a newer build compiler to see if the problem has already been fixed.
Many thanks Walbourn. Your solutions are so effective. I resolved this problem by the following settings in visual studio 2015:
1- Disable c/c++->general->Multi-processor compilation
2- Disable c/c++->general->optimization
3- Disable c/c++->language->open mp support
The probable reason could be long project path.

Unit Tests Stopped Working and Stuck in Pending State VS2012

I have a somewhat major issue here and I have no idea how to debug the problem. First off I am running VS2012 Update 2 (v11.0.60315.01). Unit Tests had been running and I noticed today that they quit working. I was working on something different past week or so so it's been at least a week or 2 since I last ran any unit tests.
All of the tests are stuck in the Pending state in the Unit Test Session window. I even tried spinning up a new test harness and running some simple unit tests. They behave identically, so I don't think this is a single solution issue.
I have obviously rebooted the machine which included restarting VS.NET 2012 as well. I'm not getting any errors, messages, problems, etc. The unit tests are all just stuck in the Pending state and none of them will run.
I ran the .dll that comprises my tests using the vstest.console.exe tool and I get the result "Test Run Successful", "Test execution time: 0.4952 seconds". OK, this tells me I have a problem with VS2012 because the tests run independently using the command line.
How can I debug this issue? I see solutions for deleting settings files for individual solutions but this seems like an issue across the board with VS2012. Any suggestion on how to fix this?
If you're using Resharper, then there is an issue with version 7.1.2 and below in combination with Visual Studio 2012 Update 2.
Jetbrains has released a new version (7.1.3) which solved the issue, the latest EAP also resolved this issue.
If you're running an older version of Visual Studio 2012 and are experiencing these issues with Resharper 8, then make sure you install Visual Studio Update 2 at the least. If I had to choose, I'd always install the latest version, which would be Visual Studio 2012 Update 4
The 7.1.3 version of Resharper also works following Update 3 for Visual Studio 2012. Not sure about the newest version 8 but that older version is still available for download here.

ExpectedExceptionBaseAttribute in VS2012

I ran into an issue this morning after upgrading to Visual Studio 2012.
Specifically, I have a class that extends ExpectedExceptionBaseAttribute. The test passes in Visual Studio 2010 but fails in 2012.
The issue on Microsoft Connect is here which has been closed as "by design" but in my opinion, this is a bug. Whilst there is a resolution provided by Microsoft, it requires me to force the new version of MSTest into a legacy mode.
I have not included sample code here because there is a small sample project available for download on the Connect issue.
If, as they state in the comments, the new version of MSTest is leaner and more performant, then I want to use it without putting it into a legacy mode.
So the question is how do get it to work without resorting to that?
This appears to be fixed in VS2012 Update 3.

Visual Studio 11 Ultimate Static Analysis Shows No Output

So Microsoft released a trial version of Visual Studio 11 Ultimate Developer Preview. I decided to try out the static code analysis feature.
I successfully updated my solution to 2011 and get my project file to build.
However when I try to run the 'Run Code Analysis For Solution' it then proceeds to simply build the solution/project but display no output in the code analysis window (even if I've hacked the code to make sure it should show some errors).
I did have Visual Studio 2010 previously installed and I wonder if that's affecting it?
Any help or anyone ran into similar issue?
I made a sample project and in it the code analysis works... I'm not sure what I'm missing from my old migrated project to enable it. (I've done the obvious and enabled Static Analysis in the configuration properties menu)
First check which build toolset do you use.
For upgraded project it is Visual Studio 2010 by default.
However when I did similar exercise with my project it didn't compile after switching to VC11 compiler - there were some issues with include paths I had to resolve.