Media Library in Sitecore gone from production instance - sitecore

In the authoring instance the media library is still there but at some point in the last 12 hours, the production media library folder simply vanished. The logs don't seem to be telling me anything, although I'm still looking.
I'm going to publish to resolve the issue, but I'm not sure how it happened in the first place. Are there any specific media library configuration items that might cause this to happen?

As it turns out, there were no languages for the item. Apparently, when you publish this way, it will delete the item from the target.

I do not know any specific media library configuration items that might cause this to happen. Perhaps is there anyway done a unpublish, what should not be allowed because it's a protected item.
Check of the "media library" folder is still a protected Item.
On a protected item you can not change the Publish restrictions, and it can not delete or move.
If not, in the top navigation choose "Configure" and Protect Item from the Attributes buttons.
Normal the "media library" folder is a protected item.


Django-CMS sometimes cannot publish a page

I have a site in Django-CMS 2.4.1. I often go into the admin panel and change a page there, e.g. dragging a plugin from one placeholder to another, or just change the details of a plugin.
If I press "Publish draft" straight after this, I often get an error:
PublicIsUnmodifiable: The public instance cannot be published. Use draft.
Alternatively, sometimes I am told that I cannot submit the form as the slug is already taken (by the same page).
I have found that if I navigate away, come back, make the changes again, and press "Save and continue editing", and only then "Publish draft", it often works - but not always.
Also, I have found that I often cannot delete plugins from pages.
Has this happened to anyone else? Has my database somehow become corrupted?
Sorry I can't be more specific, but I thought I'd ask in case others have had the same problem. I am still trying to work out the pattern. The new management command cms check doesn't detect anything wrong.
One thought - I am using mptt version 0.5.5, which is higher than that loaded automatically by Django-CMS (which uses 0.5.2).

Page Region not display full page width

This is an odd one to me because it only started happening since we moved to Apex 4.2. To get round the problem i have to copy and paste regions I already have in the application, rather than simply creating a new one.
When i create a new application and try to create a region on a page the attached always occurs. This also occurs if i create a new page in a current applications that were already in place before the Apex 4.2 upgrade. Was it even to do with the upgrade?
I assume its something in the Templates or Themes under Shared Componants but i cannot see anything that sticks out.
I thought i would try an HTML5 template to see if that made any difference however the same occurs, see screenprint.
Is there an answer why this is happening and how it could be resolved?
This really looks like it is a template "issue". You need to check your page template: what is it named?
For example, in Theme 23 there are several page templates which include a left, right or both sidebars. When your page uses a template with this sidebar, then the sidebar will always use up a portion of the screen.
If you have no template specified but rather use the "Application Default", then go to "Shared Components > Templates" and look at the page templates section for the template which has a check in the "Default" column. Most likely it is a template including a sidebar.
Aside from that you could also always use a tool to inspect the HTML and CSS. For example, with Firebug in Firefox you could rightclick on the empty space left of your region and choose "inspect element with firebug". It might be a TD element. It might be a div with a fixed width. It might be custom css pushing things about.

Sitecore item will not go into edit mode; any suggestions on how to troubleshoot?

I have several Sitecore items (whose template is connected to an approval workflow) that will not go into Edit mode when clicking "Edit" from the "Review" tab. The same workflow is used elsewhere on the site successfully (the site is more than 3 years old), but clicking Edit in this case doesn't seem to affect the workflow state.
I've turned on verbose logging, which provides a lot of detail, but nothing to indicate any error conditions. I've been comparing how this template is configured with other "working" templates for a couple of days and everything looks Kosher, but surely I'm missing something obvious.
EDIT: The item(s) in question are imported by a data provider, and I've confirmed that for some reason Sitecore is not setting the "Workflow" and "State" system standard fields with a default value. That appears to be at least part of the issue.
EDIT 2: Followed the steps in this thread to use Sitecore Rocks to update all of the items to the correct Workflow State, but the update did not stick. For some reason workflow changes are not persisted for imported items.
EDIT 3: Clicking the Edit dropdown button under the Home tab displays the message "The item is currently not part of a workflow."
Standard values set correctly? Only have one Standard Values item for this template?
Generally, almost every time I run into a situation where X works on certain items, but not on others... it's a permissions issue. You've tested this as an Administrator I hope?
Sorry my suggestions are so vague, but it's hard to be specific here. We need some more information from you... When you click on Edit what exactly are you expecting to happen? I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "Edit mode" here. In Content Editor, all items are essentially in edit mode all the time... In my configuration, when I click on Edit, I am just locking the item. It does not change workflow state or create a new version.
These items are coming from a data provider... is your data provider handling Lock/Unlock calls properly? I know it's possible to use a data provider without implementing the entire Item API.

TFS 2010 set bug work item severity after build failure

I'm experiencing a problem with the severity of the bug work items generated by me builds occasionally failing while using TFS 2010 (after checking in bad sources of course).
My boss has decided that a build failure for my project should rank 2nd most important in the severity ladder, not first. He want to reserve the critical status for project which rake in the money, not the projects for building the codebase of our CMS.
I'd still like to be notified when a build fails, but he won't allow me to keep the severity of the bug at 1 - critical, which is the default value of the generated bug work items.
I've been trying to change the work item severity, but I can't seem to be able to find the location in the buildtemplate I've been using for my project. (DefaultTemplate.xaml, just the default agile team project process template)
I've searched the whole template for the activity which adds a work item if the build fails, but to no avail.
I suspect it is some setting in one of the activities or that it is dependent on the associate changesets and work items activity, but that activity doesn't seem to have a setting for setting a severity.
I'm not very skilled when it comes to editing these build templates, but so is noone else over here, so I'm it.
I've found a blog which claims you can change this, but the template used seems to be different from the one I use.
I've tried finding the IfCreateWorkItem activity mentioned in the blog post in the build template, but I can't find it.
Also I'm unsure if adding the work item activity will prevent the critical item from being posted. I suspect it will add a new work item in case of failure in addition to the other work item unless I turn off the associate changesets and work items setting, which I don't want. (if tests pass I want the associated work items to change state to passed too)
Related to this matter is the person to whom the bug is assigned.currently this is the NTAuthority account. I'd like to change that to the person who submitted the last changeset used for the build. I Can't find a setting for that either.
If you find the "Create Work Item" step of the Template:
Right click on this and do "Properties" in the Properties window you will see a "CustomFields" that can be edited. Click the "..." elipsis to open the Expression editor:
From there you can adjust the properties.
I needed to make the same change and couldn't find the "Creat Work Item" section either, at first. You have to expand (double-click) the Exception section of "Try to compile project".

Is there a standard directory browser dialogue in MFC that doesn't involve the user creating directories to specify ones that don't yet exist?

I am working on the bootstrap application of an installer, and I have a dialogue that the user can open to select a different target directory from the given default. Currently, I'm using the CFolderDialog for that, but for the user to select a folder that doesn't yet exist, he has to create the folder first. Once the user has specified the directory, I want to be able to delete it so that, when I launch the installer, it can create the folder itself such that it gets flagged for uninstall. Also, if the user cancels out of my bootstrap application at any time, I don't want any unwanted folders lying around from when the user mucked around in the folder browser. The problem that I'm having is that, if I try to remove the folder that the user created while browsing for a new target folder, I get a sharing violation error. (I compare the directory's creation time with what the system time was at the time the dialogue was launched to make sure that it's OK for me to delete the directory.)
What I need is either a way to get around that sharing violation or another standard dialogue that doesn't involve the user having to create a new directory in order to specify it just because it doesn't yet exist.
Edit: When I originally posted this, I forgot that the folder dialogue that I'm using is actually the XFolder Dialog on the Code Project site. While it does let the user browse for a directory, it's not as intuitive as folder browser dialogues that I've seen in installers in the past. What I'd really want is something where the user can browse to the folder in which their new folder is to go and then simply append the new folder to the path in the dialogue's edit box without having to create the new folder.
Update As the XFolder dialogue is a customization of the standard Open File dialogue which uses a template, it does not work on Vista or newer OSs. Because of this, I must abandon use of this for something else. I'm still looking for a solution here. If someone can show me how to set the initial directory (as opposed to the root directory) when using SHBrowseForFolder(), I'd be willing to use that as my solution.
For your purpose, it would probably make sense to let the user select a base directory, e.g. "C:\Program Files" (creating one in the process if so desired) and install into a subdirectory of that (a name which you append to the selected path and let your installer create). Display the combined path after the user has selected the base. This way, the user doesn't feel like he has taken on responsibility for the directory you're creating, but still has a reasonable level of control over the destination.
I have never seen such a dialog window, neither in MFC nor in any other technology. I agree with Shog9, you should provide the user with a way to separate the selection of a base directory and the creation of directories.
You can use SHBrowseForFolder without specifying neither BIF_BROWSEINCLUDEFILES or BIF_NONEWFOLDERBUTTON.