Is there a header identifying SunOS/Solaris version at compile time? - c++

I am trying to detect Solaris/SunOS version at compile time so that I can enable/disable use of port_create() and other APIs.
Is there a header identifying SunOS/Solaris version at compile time?

If no header is giving you this information, you could of course parse the output of uname and generate -D preprocessor option(s) from your build script/makefile/...

Elaborating upon the suggestion by #meaning-matters, one can make a compile-time definition, say SUN_VERSION using the output of uname -r. That actually gives a floating point number, e.g., 5.10, which you could convert into a preprocessor-comparable form using a simple sed command, e.g., this compiler option:
-DSUN_VERSION=`uname -r | sed -e 's/\.\([0-9]\{1,1\}\)$/0\1/' -e 's/\.//'`
produces 510 for 5.10, 509 for 5.9, etc.
In your source program, you could use it like this
#if SUN_VERSION >= 510
(or whatever makes sense).

Identifying the OS release in order to assert an API is available or not is risky if not doomed. You cannot assume an API will stay in future releases nor if it is available in a parallel branch (eg. Illumos vs Solaris 11 which are both reporting SunOS 5.11 as their version).
The usual way to overcome this issue is simply to check if the API is available by compiling a small test source code to figure it out. This is usually done in a script traditionally named configure that builds a Makefile and an include file tailored to your system.

To expand upon #meaning-matters answer, use GNU make, and set a variable to the OS version. Pass that variable on to the compiler using the -D command-line option.
OS_VERSION := $(shell uname -r)
$(CC) -DOS_VERSION=$(OS_VERSION) version.c -o version
echo $(OS_VERSION)
#include <stdio.h>
#define STRINGIFY(x) #x
int main()
printf( "OS Version: " TOSTRING(OS_VERSION) "\n" );
return( 0 );
bash 4.1$ gmake test
echo 5.11
bash 4.1$ gmake version
cc -DOS_VERSION=5.11 version.c -o version
bash 4.1$ ./version
OS Version: 5.11
bash 4.1$
Use := (assign if not already set) to only run the uname command once.
That will show "5.10" for Solaris 10, "5.11" for Solaris 11.


Failures bulding Perl 5.32.1 on HP-UX (hpia11.31) - related to failed regex evaluations

I'm attempting to build Perl 5.32.1 on an hpia11.31 system and am getting what appear to be failures in regex evaluations. For instance, fails because a regex intended to pull the filename from a heredoc instead returns the entire heredoc as the filename:
./miniperl -Ilib
Failed to open for write './lib/' is generated by
# DO NOT EDIT DIRECTLY - edit instead
git_commit_id_title='':File name too long at line 84.
Manually getting past that, configpm exhibits the same issue: regex evaluations to extract variable headers fail in 5.32.1 where they succeed in 5.28.1. Example:
Expected a Configure variable header, instead we got:
_exe (Unix.U):
This variable defines the extension used for executable files.
DJGPP, Cygwin and OS/2 use '.exe'. Stratus VOS uses '.pm'.
On operating systems which do not require a specific extension
for executable files, this variable is empty.
I assume this is using the regexec.c built earlier in the build process, although I don't know that for certain. Tne regexec.c build reports some warnings, but they seem in line with warnings reported against 5.28.1: I don't see anything here that suggests it doesn't work.
Here's the build command for regexec.c:
-Ae -Wp,-H150000 -D_HPUX_SOURCE -Wl,+vnocompatwarnings +DD64 \
-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 +O2 +Onolimit regexec.c
Any ideas why the regex parser might behave differently on HP-UX from other platforms? I've successfully built 5.32.1 for x86 Linux, plinux, zlinux, rs6000, and Solaris, so this seems specific to HP-UX.
EDIT: compiler info
bash-4.0$ /opt/aCC/bin/cc --version
cc: HP C/aC++ B3910B A.06.20 [May 13 2008]
Which compiler is your cc?
You require the ANSI-C compiler to be able to build perl on HP-UX
$ cc --version
cc: HP C/aC++ B3910B A.06.28.02 [Mar 09 2016]
$ cc -V
cc: HP C/aC++ B3910B A.06.28.02 [Mar 09 2016]

How to install GMP Mp on windows? (C++)

I've followed every single guide I could possibly find but to be completely honest I have no idea what some installation 'steps' even mean.
I tried installing Cygwin (and MYSY) and running the commands that the guides told me to, but the terminal either doesn't do anything or it gives me the error: 'no such file or directory'. (I changed the folder directory to where my files where)
Also I'm not entirely sure I installed everything correctly because I should've checked some add-ons during the installation right? I did as in the guide but still I maybe missed something...
Could someone please explain to me step by step how to install it saying explicitly all that has to be done, (I'm running windows 7) considering It's the first time I do such thing and I have no idea what ./configure , make and all the other commands even mean...
The following is a simple step by step using only cygwin tools.
To compile C++ we need the g++ compiler; to locate the correct package to be installed the cygwin tool is cygcheck (that is installed by default), with the -p switch it interrogates the database at
$ cygcheck -p bin/g++
Found 3 matches for bin/g++
gcc-g++-7.3.0-1 - gcc-g++: GNU Compiler Collection (C++)
gcc-g++-7.3.0-2 - gcc-g++: GNU Compiler Collection (C++)
gcc-g++-7.3.0-3 - gcc-g++: GNU Compiler Collection (C++)
so we need the gcc-g++ package.
To install it, we run the cygwin setup, select the Full view, search the gcc-g to filter the thousands of packages and click on skip at the gcc-g++ row
after complety the installation, to verify we have it correctly installed:
$ cygcheck -c gcc-g++
Cygwin Package Information
Package Version Status
gcc-g++ 7.3.0-3 OK
Installing gcc-g++ will pull also the installation of the C compiler package gcc-core.
To compile a gmp program we need the proper header and shared library; that are usually included in a "*-devel" package:
$ cygcheck -p include/gmpxx.h
Found 9 matches for include/gmpxx.h
libgmp-devel-6.1.0-3p1 - libgmp-devel: Library for arbitrary precision arithmetic (development) (installed binaries and support files)
libgmp-devel-6.1.1-1 - libgmp-devel: Library for arbitrary precision arithmetic (development) (installed binaries and support files)
libgmp-devel-6.1.2-1 - libgmp-devel: Library for arbitrary precision arithmetic (development)
mingw64-i686-gmp-6.0.0a-2 - mingw64-i686-gmp: Multiple Precision arithmetic library for Win32 toolchain (installed binaries and support files)
All the packages with mingw64 are for cross compiling and we can ignore, so it is libgmp-devel. Verifying that is properly installed
$ cygcheck -c libgmp-devel
Cygwin Package Information
Package Version Status
libgmp-devel 6.1.2-1 OK
And the package content is the header files and the import libraries
$ cygcheck -l libgmp-devel
Now we can program one example, I am taking it from
and written in a file called mpz_add.cpp
You can use whatever editor you want. The important is that the file follows
the Unix line termination standard LF and not the Windows CR+LF (see note below if not)
$ file mpz_add.cpp
mpz_add.cpp: C++ source, ASCII text
$ cat mpz_add.cpp
#include <gmpxx.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main (void)
mpz_class a, b, c;
a = 1234;
b = "-5678";
c = a+b;
cout << "sum is " << c << "\n";
cout << "absolute value is " << abs(c) << "\n";
return 0;
To compile our example and test it:
$ g++ mpz_add.cpp -lgmpxx -lgmp -o mpz_add
$ ./mpz_add
sum is -4444
absolute value is 4444
We can also verify which library are linked in the program mpz_add, I added some extra comment:
$ cygcheck ./mpz_add
D:\cygwin64\bin\cygwin1.dll <= cygwin library
C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNEL32.dll <= windows system library
C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll ...
C:\WINDOWS\system32\KERNELBASE.dll ...
D:\cygwin64\bin\cyggmp-10.dll <= GMP C library
D:\cygwin64\bin\cyggmpxx-4.dll <= GMP C++ library
D:\cygwin64\bin\cyggcc_s-seh-1.dll <= C library
D:\cygwin64\bin\cygstdc++-6.dll <= C++ library
If the file has the wrong line termination, the best tool is d2u (Dos to Unix)
$ cygcheck -p bin/d2u
Found 6 matches for bin/d2u
dos2unix-7.4.0-1 - dos2unix: Line Break Conversion
$ file mpz_add.cpp
mpz_add.cpp: C++ source, ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators
$ d2u mpz_add.cpp
dos2unix: converting file mpz_add.cpp to Unix format...
$ file mpz_add.cpp
mpz_add.cpp: C++ source, ASCII text
As you added also the tag makefile and autotools, the first is in the package make:
$ cygcheck -p bin/make.exe
Found 6 matches for bin/make.exe
make-4.2.1-2 - make: The GNU version of the 'make' utility
The second is more complex and you need the packages autoconf automake and libtool,

Include Git commit hash and/or branch name in C/C++ source

I would like to know how you can get a Git commit hash and/or other information into the contents of a C++ variable in the compiled binary without having it be part of the source that's tracked by Git.
I need to keep track of firmware release information in a compiled executable running on an embedded processor. Means to identify the particular release of the firmware binary such as meaningful filenames, MD5 checksums or even date/time stamps are not available in this closed environment (i.e., there is no filesystem).
One approach is to have the device's console output produce identifying text, such as 'Release 1.2.3', 'commit hash 1bc123...', or similar. The firmware release information is only of interest to maintenance personnel, so a trained operator could examine the console output. To implement this it could potentially involve manual editing of a version string, which is then compiled into the code and output to the console at program startup.
This is acceptable for major releases where a signoff workflow is used to double-check that the version information is correct. However, this being a manual process it is inherently unreliable. For example, what if the developer forgets to update the version information? - There is now a disconnect between the compiled code and its reported version string.
A workflow where the code is freshly compiled and downloaded each time the user wants to test the hardware is not practical in the situation in question, ie., it is quite onerous to update the firmware.
An automatic way of identifying the version of the code is thus required. In the situation in question, Git is used, and the developers regularly commit their work to feature branches. Displaying the Git commit hash, and perhaps also whether or not there are unstaged changes, would be a way of identifying the status of the source code used to compile the firmware.
The requirement is that I would like my application to have information available to it so that it is able to display:
"Git commit:[01abcdef...etc], branch: experimentalStuffDoNotRelease"
Thus, I would like to automatically include Git information, such as commit hash and branch, in the compiled C and/or C++ code.
The development environment has developers using both Windows and Linux, and uses Eclipse CDT with a relatively unsophisticated workflow of: check out; compile; download to the hardware.
I use a makefile, like so:
GIT_HASH=`git rev-parse HEAD`
COMPILE_TIME=`date -u +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC'`
GIT_BRANCH=`git branch | grep "^\*" | sed 's/^..//'`
g++ main.cpp $(VERSION_FLAGS)
When the makefile is run, the git hash and the time of compilation are both loaded into macros accessible within the source, like so:
#include <iostream>
int main(){
std::cerr<<"hash="<<GIT_HASH<<", time="<<COMPILE_TIME<<", branch="<<GIT_BRANCH<<std::endl;
Which gives output like:
hash=35f531bf1c959626e1b95f2d3e1a7d1e4c58e5ec, time=2017-05-18 04:17:25 UTC, branch=master
In Eclipse CDT, use a pre-build step to generate an include file containing the relevant information, and a conditional inclusion to check that the file was created:
Right-click the project
Select Properties
Expand the C/C++ Build
Select Settings In the Build Steps tab
Enter the following in the Command text box:
git log --pretty=format:'#define GIT_INFO_PRESENT%n static const char* GIT_INFO = "Version Information=[%H,%d]\r\n";' -n 1 > ../src/gitcommit.h
This will, upon build, create a file gitcommit.h that will be included in the source code. To customise it, adjust the string to your needs. (See
As an example, I produce a debug output at the beginning of the main routine to inform the user of the commit and branch (not strictly needed knowing the commit, but certainly helpful):
Put this in the file, probably at the top
#if __has_include("gitcommit.h")
#include "gitcommit.h"
static const char* GIT_INFO = "Git version information not present.\r\n";
To display the information somewhere in your code, do similar to this:
Note that I haven't, in this case, made the pre-build step a shell script or Windows/DOS .bat file, as I work often in Linux or Windows.
Note that this isn't tested in Windows.
In both cases, 'git' must be executable from the standard command line.
There is a dependency on provision of __has_include. This was intended to provide simplicity so that a default include file need not be provided.
Note that the gitcommit.h file's path should be discoverable by the compiler.
Usually as part of your build you run some command that generates something like that.
For example, git describe gives you something that you could use:
echo // auto generated version: > version.h
git describe > echo // auto generated version: > version.h
echo -e "#define VERSION " >> version.h
git describe >> version.h
For example x264 use this simple script to generate it:
if [ -d .git ] && command -v git >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
localver="$(($(git rev-list HEAD | wc -l)))"
if [ "$localver" -gt 1 ] ; then
ver_diff="$(($(git rev-list origin/master..HEAD | wc -l)))"
echo "#define X264_REV $ver"
echo "#define X264_REV_DIFF $ver_diff"
if [ "$ver_diff" -ne 0 ] ; then
if git status | grep -q "modified:" ; then
ver="$ver $(git rev-list -n 1 HEAD | cut -c 1-7)"
version=" r$ver"
echo "#define X264_VERSION \"$version\""
echo "#define X264_POINTVER \"0.$ver\""
This will generate something like:
#define X264_VERSION " r2708 86b7198"
#define X264_POINTVER "0.148.2708 86b7198"
Here's simple solution if you need git hash and local modifications flag only:
$ cat
version=$(git describe --always --dirty --tags)
echo "#define GIT_VERSION \"$version\"" > git-version.h
$ cat 1.c
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "git-version.h"
int main() {
printf("%s\n", GIT_VERSION);
return 0;
$ ./1
Based on #Richard's answer and my fixes for qmake/Qt, here is the solution I use:
With Qt 5.14 the following lines in .pro file work for me:
GIT_HASH="\\\"$$system(git -C \""$$_PRO_FILE_PWD_"\" rev-parse --short HEAD)\\\""
GIT_BRANCH="\\\"$$system(git -C \""$$_PRO_FILE_PWD_"\" rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)\\\""
BUILD_TIMESTAMP="\\\"$$system(date -u +\""%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SUTC\"")\\\""
In your code you can check the revision like this:
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QStringList args;
for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++)
args << QString(argv[i]);
if (args.contains("-v") || args.contains("--version")) {
std::cout << QString("branch: %1, version: %2, built_at: %3").arg(GIT_BRANCH).arg(GIT_HASH).arg(BUILD_TIMESTAMP).toUtf8().constData() << std::endl;
return 0;
// ...
A C file or a C++ file can be generated by some program (for example, some shell script on Linux, or some GNU awk script, or your C program running system or popen(3) running some git command).
You just configure your build automation tool (e.g. your Makefile if you use GNU make, or your file if you use ninja) appropriately.
Both Bismon and RefPerSys are doing so and keep their git id inside the obtained executable (displaying it when invoked with --version). Note: both are projects I created.
PS a different question is how to configure your IDE to run a particular build automation tool. This is specific to your IDE. But Eclipse CDT FAQ offers an insight.

Compiler information in Program

Yes,I was wondering what information does the program contain regarding the compiler that compiled it.
Information like compiler name,version.This is usually mentioned in about box of help(program like Vlc) menu,but my question is does compiler write any thing to .exe.
The reason i am asking this is to get information regarding the compiler by disassembling the program in any disassembler(IDA,OLLY).
Since you specifically mentioned VLC, the player is doing it in the following way: In line 50935 (at least on my VLC source package, which is 2.1.4) in the configure script there is the following statement:
cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF
#define VLC_COMPILER "`$CC -v 2>&1 | tail -n 1 | sed -e 's/ *$//'`"
which as you can see updates the confdefs.h file with the version of the compiler. Indeed, if you execute the statement:
$ gcc -v 2>&1 | tail -n 1 | sed -e 's/ *$//'
gcc version 4.8.2 (Ubuntu 4.8.2-19ubuntu1)
later this confdefs.h is "injected" in config.h and the line there will be 683 (for me and my compilation only, this might be different for you but you need to look after VLC_COMPILER)
/* compiler */
#define VLC_COMPILER "gcc version 4.8.2 (Ubuntu 4.8.2-19ubuntu1)"
And when VLC wants to print out the compiler it simply prints this string (in version.c there is the VLC_Compiler() method defined which returns this.
And to finally answer your question: I sort of remember that some (older) versions of Borland compilers (Turbo C) injected a copyright information, however I did not experience this in any recent compilers, however this does not mean that they do not. This is compiler specific, and there is nothing that makes them or stops them doing this. In the worst case you always can look at the binary via a (hex) viewer to see anything funny...

Causing cpp (C preprocessor) to remove C++ comments on Mac OS X

I have a user report (unfortunately can't verify it due to lack of appropriate machine) that the C preprocessor (cpp) command on Mac OS X 10.6.4 doesn't remove C++/C99 double slash // comments from files it processes, no matter what option it's given. This is the gcc version:
i686-apple-darwin10-gcc-4.2.1 (GCC) 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5664)
Is it possible to somehow cause it to remove such comments, as one would expect from a C++ preprocessor (this is needed because cpp is used as part of another tool).
I've found a formula that works with the cpp command: try cpp -xc++ (note the lack of spaces between -x and c++).
$ printf '/* block comment */\n// line comment\nnot a comment\n' | cpp -xc++
# 1 "<stdin>"
# 1 "<built-in>"
# 1 "<command-line>"
# 1 "<stdin>"
not a comment
$ printf '/* block comment */\n// line comment\nnot a comment\n' | cpp -x c++
i686-apple-darwin10-gcc-4.2.1: c: No such file or directory
i686-apple-darwin10-gcc-4.2.1: c++: No such file or directory
i686-apple-darwin10-gcc-4.2.1: warning: '-x -x' after last input file has no effect
i686-apple-darwin10-gcc-4.2.1: no input files
Now '-x c++' is SUPPOSED to work, and DOES work on my Linux box (with gcc 4.4, but I recall it working as long ago as gcc 2.95) so it seems that Apple broke it.
I really must reemphasize the importance of providing a complete, precise test case for questions like these. It did not occur to me yesterday to look for Apple having introduced a bug, because I know that wilx's answer should have worked, and in the absence of a precise description of what the OP's user tried, it was far more likely that they had something else on their actual command line that was negating it. If the command line and error messages I show above were provided in the original question, that would have targeted everyone's attention much more effectively.
Try adding either -x c++ or -x c -std=c99 to the command line.
One partial solution that appears to work is invoke gcc -E instead of cpp.
-E Preprocess only; do not compile, assemble or link
This indeed strips // comments on Mac OS X.
However, I'm still curious why there are problems with cpp itself.