SDL window isn't showing on Cygwin - c++

I am trying to run an SDL application with very basic code on Cygwin, but I have the following error after calling SDL_Init:
No available video device
I have X11 packages installed, but that isn't solving the issue

You need to start the X server and set the DISPLAY variable appropriately before running an X program.


Run visual simulation from OpenGL running on Ubuntu terminal from Windows

I built a simulation code using OpenGL X11 GLUT GLEW and bullet-physics on Linux. The code and the visuals run really nicely on a pure Linux environment.
Now, I built the code on a windows machine using an Ubuntu terminal (downloaded from Microsoft Store). When I run the code, I get a cannot connect to X server message
After some reading, I found (and learned) that on Windows you could install Xming as the visualization server, while exporting DISPLAY=localhost:0 on the Linux side. After doing this, I get the message: No appropriate visual found
How can I solve this? I tried what this question mentions: How can I run an OpenGL application installed on a linux machine from my windows machine?, but on the Putty section I got lost. If somebody could list some specific steps, I would highly appreciate it.
Windows does not have a X server nor client. You have several options:
Install a X server and client for Windows.
Run the program on Linux and connect to it via a X client for Windows.
Replace the X11 code with Windows code.
Use a library that abstracts you from details such as SDL.

Running qt creator via remote desktop

We are developing a software using QT creator. The software is meant to run on windows and on an ARM mini-computer running Debian. To test the software on the mini-computer, we logged in on the mini computer using ssh and an exported display. Some programs like Inkscape run fine, but we can't get to run QT Creator. It always displays the following errors:
No tool chain set from kit "Desktop".
No tool chain set from kit "Desktop".
Cant find EGLConfig, returning null config
Unable to find an X11 visual which matches EGL config 0
Could not initialize OpenGL for RasterGLSurface, reverting to RasterSurface.
Cant find EGLConfig, returning null config
Unable to find an X11 visual which matches EGL config 0
Could not initialize OpenGL
We also tried to log in from another x86 linux computer, but this created the same errors. Thus we suppose that the problems are linked to the architecture. Does anybody know how to solve this issue?
EDIT: We just tried to access QT creator from another ARM Debian mini-computer and it also fails. Thus it does not seem to be related to the architecture as we first suspected.
(We could of course do cross compiling and remote debugging, but we try to avoid this)
Try loading qtcreator without the Welcome addon:
qtcreator -noload Welcome
The Welcome addon uses OpenGL which probably isn't supported by X forwarding.

Wine window is too small

After trying to build wine1.7.25 the windows which are created by wine are extremely small. And I am not able to resize them. It looks like this
You can resolve this using the winecfg program.
Open a terminal
Type winecfg
Select the Graphics tab
Move the slider bar for Screen Resolution up. For example try 200 to start with.
Press OK.
Open the application and see if it is large enough for you now. If it is too large or small, adjust the resolution with winecfg again.
It was the fault of not building wine with freetype
have you tried setting the size of the window manually?
this might have helpful info for you
I had this problem, when I wasn't install llibfreetype6:i386.
Wine was showing:
ERROR: object '' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file): ignored.
Wine cannot find the FreeType font library. To enable Wine to
use TrueType fonts please install a version of FreeType greater than
or equal to 2.0.5.
For resolved:
sudo apt install libfreetype6:i386
I'm working on Kubuntu 18.10.

OpenGL issue with QT5 qml applications on I.MX53-based board

I have DIGI ConnectCore development kit, based on I.MX53 microprocessor, on which iI'm trying to launch QT5 QML-based application. But building rootfs image by means of Yocto doesn't bring good results.
I use Ubuntu (64-bit version 14.04) virtual machine and following meta-layers (both "daisy" and "dizzy" branches I've tried):
Those from Freescale community (Github);
Meta-qt5 layer (Github)
I have already tried fsl-image-multimedia(-full) recipe with modified local.conf, which contents concering QT5 I get from this link.
I have to say, builds was successful, but I haven't managed to launch QT Quick-based applications (those one based on widgets runs well), and I've got following errors from debug console, when I run app under X-window system (by using "-platform xcb" postfix):
Could not find of the system's Compose files. Consider setting the QTCOMPOSE environment setting.
QxbIntegration: cannot create platform opengl context, neither GLX nor EGL enabled
Failed to create openGL context for format qsurfaceformat
... and such errors I've got when run with eglfs plugin (-platform eglfs):
Could not find of the system's Compose files. Consider setting the QTCOMPOSE environment setting.
Could not create the egl surface: error = 0x300b.
I realize that such messages points to OpenGL-related problems, but I cannot understand, what's the reason. GPU-related packages are included in build (I mean "amd-gpu-bin-mx51" and "imx-vpu"). I have tried both X and direct framebuffer (by adding DISTRO_FEATURES_remove = "x11 wayland" in local.conf) variants, but with no success.
Do I need to get some special packages on configs in order to get QML applications working?

X Server crashes when I try to change settings in Eclipse on remote Linux node

I've written a C++ application in windows, and want to be able to run it on a Linux cluster node without using Wine. I therefore tried to connect to a cluster node (with an X Server running) and once connected tried to compile the code in Eclipse (C++). However, when I try to set up the linking in the Eclipse menu, the program crashes and I get a 'BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)' X Server error.
I found this bug report
And tried to use -XX:-UseCompressedOops but it made no difference.
What else could it be?
Well, I found an easy solution; I switched to Cygwin/X instead of the X server software I used before. Not a crash in sight.