Imacros doesn't see the js file - imacros

I've written the js file using Imacros commands. But Imacros didn't detect the js file.
I'm using MacOs and Chrome browser. How can I run my "123.js" file?


Rstudio Server hangs when creating new Rmarkdown file

I have trouble with running markdown on RStudio Server (1.4.1106) on CentOS7 offline server. When I click new->R Markdown..., R Markdown sign appears in the middle, and the program hangs. Same when I try to knit existing .Rmd document. I have to quit and restart rstudio-server. I have
R 3.5.1
knitr 1.22
rprojroot 1.3-2
rmarkdown 1.12
htmltools 0.5.2
Any help appreciated.
RStudio is trying to figure out if the rmarkdown package is installed, and it is probably hanging because it can't hit the Internet to see if a suitable version is available.
Does installing the rmarkdown package on your offline server fix the issue?
More info:

Pytesseract - using .traineddata file on hosted server (Heroku)

I have a Vue, Django integrated project. I hosted the Vue project on Netlify and the Django project on Heroku. A python script (integrated into Heroku) is called on certain buttons which extract data and posts this to the Django API to be viewed on the frontend.
I have trained a font type for my pytesseract OCR script. However, when i run it on Heroku, it seems like i can only use the 'eng' (normal font) as 'language' for my pytesseract image_to_string function. If I have the .traineddata file of the font type that I want to use, how can I use this file within the pytesseract functions? I can call the individual file, but I need the right TESSDATA_PREFIX as well. Does someone know how to deal with this?
I had the same issue. It is olved by setting TESSDATA_PREFIX Config Var to a custom directory and inserting all .traineddata files to that directory.

python control IE download prompt?

i have a script to download some file from web, using browser is Internet Explorer
tried lib selenium, IEC, PAMIE all have same problem "can not control IE download prompt"
even use pywinauto and swapy get browser toolbar..only toolbar

Django hosting on

How can I upload my finished django local project to Is there any option or I should to do file by file?
I have right now something like this My Django website on pythonanywhere
but I don't see there how to upload my finished project :(
I uploaded a zip file but how to unzip it by bash console?
To unzip the file from a bash console, just start one from the "Consoles" tab and then run unzip
from here:
Getting code and content in and out is easy — you can use our built-in
browser-based editor and Bash consoles, scp, or you can use git,
mercurial and other VCS's to push and pull your code. You can even
sync up via Dropbox.
The Dropbox feature is not available anymore, and see first comment below

CFWheels DbMigrate

I'm following the process here:
I put the zip file in my localhost/wheelstest/plugins folder. I get
Could not find the ColdFusion component or interface wheelstest.plugins.cfwheels.cfwheels.
Running apache with XAMPP under Windows 7. localhost/wheelstest gives me the "Congratulations" page if the DbMigrate zip file is NOT in plugins.