I am trying to build Boost for using the filesystem library.
I understand that I must run bootstrap.bat (for Windows) to create a b2 application, that should I run after.
But I get this errors:
Bootstrapping the build engine
The system cannot find the path specified.
'.\build.bat' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Failed to bootstrap the build engine
Please consult bootstrap.log for furter diagnostics.
I haven't find build.bat or the log file..
How can I solve this problem ? I read that I must build it to get filesystem libs. It's this true ?
Thank you very much.
You should cd into the boost build directory before executing bootstrap.bat.
cd D:\Info\include\boost_1_58_0\tools\build\
Saw previous answers on the subject, but wasn't able to get the solutions working fully myself. Trying to run code I pulled off Github from David R. Miller regarding his evolutionary neural network simulation software. Running Windows 10 and get the following error when attempting to run the provided makefile:
'make' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file
To be specific, I open the command window, cd to the folder where I saved the makefile, and type "make," "make all," and other variations. In looking at Google and other Stack Overflow answers I verified I have GnuWin32 in my program files (x86) folder and added the makefile directory as a path variable:
Not particularly familiar with windows systems or systems configurations in general so tracking I may be lacking something else.
Any ideas what I'm missing?
Github source code: https://github.com/davidrmiller/biosim4
Previous answer referenced: Windows 7 - 'make' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file
If your make executable is in C:/Program Files (x86)/GnuWin32/bin, add it to your path.
The purpose of "add path" is for convenience for your later use.
Assume your make executable is located in C:/Program Files (x86)/GnuWin32/bin/make.
Before you add the path you need to call:
C:/Program Files (x86)/GnuWin32/bin/make
After you add the path you need to call:
If you are familiar with programming in Linux, I highly recommend msys2.
It provide a package manager pacman that you can easily update your tool chain and libraries. (g++, make, cmake, etc)
I have found this library https://github.com/embeddedmz/ftpclient-cpp on GitHub but how to install it on Linux(Ubuntu) is quite obscure.
You will need CMake to generate a makefile for the static library or
to build the tests/code coverage program. Also make sure you have
libcurl and Google Test installed.
You can follow this script
https://gist.github.com/fideloper/f72997d2e2c9fbe66459 to install
This tutorial will help you installing properly Google Test on Ubuntu:
The CMake script located in the tree will produce Makefiles for the
creation of the static library and for the unit tests program.
To create a debug static library and a test binary, change directory
to the one containing the first CMakeLists.txt and :
mkdir build
cd build
It is not clear to me what "to the one containing the first CMakeLists.txt" refers to. Is it the one in the Gtest? The one in Curl? Or What?
After trying both (the Cmake in Gtest and Curl) I still get the error: "No such file or directory" while trying to #include "FTPClient.h" .
Listing what I am doing:
I did git clone https://github.com/embeddedmz/ftpclient-cpp.git then made the build folder, navigate into it, I tried cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Debug (this is the literal command I inserted) and I get
Cmake Error at CmakeLists.txt: 27 (add_subdirectory): add_subdirectory given source "TestFTP" which is not an existing directory
So what is wrong so far?
After you build the library, there will be a libftpclient.a generated in your build tree.
You can install it to your system as follows:
In this case, copy libftpclient.a to /usr/local/lib and the two header files in FTP to /usr/local/include.
You should then be able to include the header files by adding the -I/usr/local/include flag and link by adding -L/usr/local/lib -lftpclient.
I am working on an Ubuntu 16.04 system and tried to compile an application with the qm command as per the readme file in the source directory. When I try to run the command I get the repose:
$ qm
qm: command not found
This suggests that my Ubuntu PC does not have a repository with a package that supplies a qm executable setup. I guess the source code for the tool may be available somewhere and be usable for multiple GNU Linux operating systems.
How do I source and install the qm executable?
The readme file for the code I am trying to compile states that qm stands for quick-make or QMake but I cannot find any reference to these in a google search. I only find references to Qt's qmake which is not the tool I am looking for based on the errors I get back.
This qm tool uses a defs.mk file as its instruction set.
The program I am trying to install uses the RAVL Library. The README file for that library also mentions qm command.
I found a source for the qm or QMake or Quick Make tool. In the Recognition And Vision Library (RAVL) Installation Instructions the installation of QMake is mentioned.
Building the RAVL library requires the use of an ANSI C++ compiler
along with the GNU make utility (or another compatible version of
make). The RAVL build process is actually managed by the QMake
utility. QMake is a flexible compilation aid, designed to provide a
simpler interface to the GNU make program. As part of the RAVL
installation process, a copy of QMake will be configured and
The instructions go on to explain that by; obtaining a copy of the RAVL source code, configuring, making and installing it you get both the RAVL libary and the quick-make tool set. This includes the qm command.
After preforming the following steps:
git clone -b tested_nightly git://git.code.sf.net/p/ravl/ravl ravl
cd ravl
sudo make install
I am able to use the qm command.
I've checked out a ROS package that I have on my repository on a different PC (ubuntu).
The problem is that while rosmake (or make for that matter) from cli, in eclipse it gives me the following error.
/usr/bin/make all
rospack: error while loading shared libraries: librospack.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Makefile:1: /cmake.mk: No such file or directory
make: * No rule to make target `/cmake.mk'. Stop.
I suppose it's problem is eclipse's build enviroment. How do I debug this?
Shouldn't it work out of the box?
It seems that because I was running eclipse from an icon it couldn't get the environment variables. I had to change the link to bash -i -c eclipse.
After hours i was finally able to compile the wxwidgets-2.8.12 library as follows:-
I unzipped the .zip into a folder D:\wxwidgets2812\wxwidgets-2.8.12
I went in D:\MinGW\MSYS\1.0 run the batch file and did the following:-
Went to the following path:-
cd /d/{WXWIN}/build/msw
and compiled the library in the following way as :-
mingw32-make -f makefile.gcc MONOLITHIC=0 SHARED=1 UNICODE=0 BUILD=release
It Build /Compiled succesfully Then I added in the project properties ->include directories ->D:\wxwidgets2812\wxwidgets-2.8.12\include ,addidtional options->wx-config --cxxflags,in linker i added in libraries->wx-config --libs
Now when i run my code / project ,it gives me following errors:-
The application failed with exit code -1073741515 (0xc0000135).
This could indicate that no required .dll was found in the PATH.
Please try to start the following command from the command shell (cmd.exe).
This may give some additional information.
RUN FAILED (exit value -1,073,741,515, total time: 22ms)
Please help me running the application.
" This could indicate that no required .dll was found in the PATH"
This suggests that you have built your application to link to a DLL containing the wxWidgets library.
You can go two ways from here:
Change your application build to link statically to the library. You will also have to build wxWidgets to generate a static library if you have not already done so.
Copy the wxWidgets DLL into your path. ( Or add the DLL folder to your path as a quick fix to get you started. )
Option #2 is probably simpler for now, since you seem to have built the DLL version of wxWidgets. So, you need to find the wxWidgets DLL that was created when you built wxWidgets and move it into your path.