Alternative to std::default_random_engine for Xcode? - c++

I'm trying to compile a program I wrote in linux on Xcode and for my random functions I used:
std::random_device seed_device;
std::default_random_engine engine(seed_device());
But default_random_engine won't compile on Xcode. Is there a different version I should use?

You need to #include <random>.
In general, when the compiler complains about "no type named function_name in namespace std", you have to check that:
You have included the right header. You can look up the name of the right header on any decent C++ reference.
Your standard library supports C++1x (*) (or, at least, the feature you want).
Your compiler supports C++1x (*) (or, at least, the feature you want), and the right flags are used to enable it, if required.
(*) The x stands for the version of the C++ standard that includes the feature you want.


Warning: range-based for loop is a C++11 extension

While trying to compile a simple range based for loop on MacOS Big Sur, I got this warning:
warning: range-based for loop is a C++11 extension [-Wc++11-extensions]
I tried using clang++ and g++ but both gave the same warning. Is there a way to always compile with C++11 without having to use -std=c++11 and without using aliases?
Edit: The reason I would prefer not to use -std=c++11 is because I want the compiler to default to C++11 or higher.
To provide this question with a proper answer, based on the discussion in the comments:
Compilers such as GCC and Clang set the default in their source code and it cannot be changed by, e.g., modifying a config file. The only way to change the default would be to change it in the source code and to compile the compiler yourself. This is not worth it.
Furthermore, compilers change their default language from time to time, and setting another default, e.g. to C++11, will make all non-C++11 code require setting the language version explicitly.
Here's the key point: code and compilation options belong together. Do not rely on compiler defaults. Any serious project will use a build system (e.g. Make) which specifies how to compile the project.
For completeness sake, the default C++ version for GCC 10.2.0 is hardcoded in /gcc/c-family/c-opts.c:
/* Set C++ standard to C++17 if not specified on the command line. */
if (c_dialect_cxx ())
set_std_cxx17 (/*ISO*/false);

Does C++17 provide a cross-platform scheme to record compiler version and options like Fortran?

Modern Fortran offers a few cross-platform mechanisms to record the compiler version and settings used to build an application. What methods does C++17 have to capture this information? The book by Horton and Van Weert, Beginning C++17, does not appear to address this question.
The Fortran tools are surveyed below.
1. Access to compiler versions and options
The iso_fortran_env in Fortran provides a standard way to access the compiler version and settings used to compile a code. A sample snippet follows.
Code sample
program check_compiler
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only : compiler_options, compiler_version
implicit none
write ( *, 100 ) "compiler version = ", compiler_version ()
write ( *, 100 ) "compiler options = ", trim ( compiler_options () )
100 format ( A, A, / )
stop "normal termination . . ."
end program check_compiler
Sample output
$ gfortran -o check_compiler check_compiler.f08
$ ./check_compiler
compiler version = GCC version 8.0.0 20170604 (experimental)
compiler options = -fPIC -mmacosx-version-min=10.12.7 -mtune=core2
STOP normal termination . . .
2. Probing and interacting with host OS
Fortran commands like execute_command_line, get_command, and get_environment_variable offer another route to record information at compile time.
What methods does C++17 have to capture this information?
None. The C++ standard does not even recognize the concept of "compiler" or "options"; there is merely the "implementation".
Furthermore, it would not really make sense, as different C++ files linked into the same program can be compiled with different options. And I'm not just talking about DLL/SOs; you can in theory statically link files that were compiled with different options or even different compiler versions.
Different compilers have ways to specify what version they are through macros. But each one has its own way to report this.
Searching the C++20 standard draft, which is available in GitHub, I find no results for closely-localted "compiler" and "version", nor have I found something like this looking at the text of the standard.
C++20 is at this time still very close to C++17, and certainly such a mechanism has not been removed, so I think it's pretty safe to say that there's no such thing in C++20.
Each compiler injects their own preproxessor tokens indicating itmwas compiled by them, and what version. These tokens are cross platform on compilers that compile on and to kore than one platdorm, such as icc, gcx and clang.
There are now standard defined ways to detect the existence of some srd header files. Boost has extensive headers that decode compiler capabilities based of a myriad of techniques.
__cplusplus in theory is defined to the standard version, but compilers lie.
The language standard specifies macros __cplusplus that encode the version of the standard that the compiler claims to support. It expands to 201703L on a C++17 compiler, 201710L on a C++14 compiler, and so on. It might also define _STDC and _STDC_VERSION. Beyond that, everything is a vendor-specific extension that you should look up in your compiler's manual.
Some but not all compilers, including GCC and Clang, predefine a macro named __VERSION__ that expands to a string describing the compiler version. You can check for this with #ifdef. Beyond that, many compilers contain macros that expand to version numbers, which you can stringify and concatenate. However, be aware that some compilers treat these as compatibility tests, and will claim to be a different compiler if you ask. In addition to its own version numbers, Clang defines __GNUC__, __GNUC_VERSION__ and __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__ to indicate its compatibility with GCC, and the Windows version will also define _MSC_VER, _MSC_FULL_VER and so on in its Microsoft-compatiblity mode.
You could therefore create a complicated set of nested #elif blocks to recognize various compilers' version macros, but it could never be complete or forward-compatible.

How to detect the libstdc++ version in Clang?

I would like to write a "portable" C++ library in Clang. "Portable" means that I detect (in C preprocessor) what C++ features are available in the compilation environment and use these features or provide my workarounds. This is similar to what Boost libraries are doing.
However, the presence of some features depends not on the language, but on the Standard Library implementation. In particular I am interested in:
type traits (which of them are available and with what spelling)
if initializer_list being constexpr.
I find this problematic because Clang by default does not use its own Standard Library implementation: it uses libstdc++. While Clang has predefined preprocessor macros __GNUC__, __GNUC_MINOR__, __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__, they are hardcoded to values 4, 2, 1 respectively, and they tell me little about the available libstdc++ features.
How can I check in Clang preprocessor what version of libstdc++ it is using?
Clang does come with its own standard library implementation, it's called libc++. You can use it by adding -stdlib=libc++ to your compile command.
That being said, there are various ways to check Clang/libstdc++ C++ support:
Clang has the __has_feature macro (and friends) that can be used to detect language features and language extenstions.
Libstdc++ has its own version macros, see the documentation. You'll need to include a libstdc++ header to get these defined though.
GCC has its version macros which you already discovered, but those would need to be manually compared to the documentation.
And also, this took me 2 minutes of googling.
This is what I think would help. It prints the value of the _LIBCPP_VERSION macro:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
cout<<"Value = "<<_LIBCPP_VERSION<<endl;
return 0;
Compile it again the version of clang you want the info for.

How to get headers for unordered_set in gcc v4.1.2?

I'd like to use unordered_set without installing Boost. I tried to add --std=gnu++0x but it is not a recognized option. Does v4.1.2 include unordered_set? If so, how do I get the header file for it?
This is a Centos 4 machine.
unordered_set is in the purview of the standard C++ library, not gcc, the compiler (although most programs built using gcc are linked against libstdc++).
The way you generally include it is #include <tr1/unordered_set>. Then, to use it, you must either do a using std::tr1::unordered_set; or qualify the name each time.
The C++ standard version you choose to use doesn't have much effect because that's the language standard, and the availability of standard library constructs is semi-independent.
IIRC, gcc-4.2 did not have unordered containers at least not in namespace std. I know -std=c++0x was not in place till around gcc-4.3.
Have you tried this:
#include <tr1/unordered_set>
std::tr1::unordered_set<int> usint;
Notice the tr1/ in the header.
Having said that, gcc-4.1 is pretty old. Any chance you could try say gcc-4.5 or 4.6 and use the std container?

Using std::tr1::normal_distribution in Qt

I would like to generate numbers with normal_distribution in c++11. Using Qt 4.8 MinGW. I have added the next line
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -std=c++0x
to my .pro file
and then get next errors:
'swprintf::' has not been declared
'vswprintf::' has not been declared
TR1 really should be avoid when using C++11 as it was designed to meet the limitations of the previous standard. (also everything that was considered useful went on and became integrated into the standard.)
Luckily there is a comprehensive random number generation library in C++11 with normal distribution.
See here:
#include <random>
std::random_device rd;
std::normal_distribution<double> dist(0,99);
std::mt19937 engine(rd());
double a=dist(engine);
The exact error your getting look as though the particular implementation of TR1 isn't very good anyway. (missing include or missing namespace prefix).