How to set text below the QToolButton in QT not below the icon - c++

I'm using QToolButton and I set the icon.
Now I want Text "below the QToolButton", "Not below the icon".
Is there any way to achieve this in C++,QT in Linux ?

I've found myself in the same position a while back ago while I was making an application for an embedded Linux system.
I haven't found a straight forward solution (I was searching for a way to achieve it with CSS).
What I ended up doing, was creating a new QWidget (using the designer). Then placing the button in it with a QLabel under it.
Then added a simple static function
static void wdgCustomButton::create(const QString iconPath, const QString text)
// create a new button here, create some modification functions for
// text, image and optionally QStyleSheets.
// Call those here (pass the arguments)
// Then return the button
// pseudo code, (not tested):
wdgCustomButton button = new wdgCustomButton( /* could pass a parent */ );
button->setIcon( iconPath ); // function simply calls the ui->button->setIcon
button->setText( text ); // function simply calls the ui->label->setText
return button;
And then add those new QWidgets to your pannel using code (maybe someone knows how to get it in the default toolbar, but I haven't searched for that myself yet since I never needed it).
this->menuButtons[menuBtnsCount] = wdgCustomButton::create( ":/Images/Warning.png", "Delete everything" );
this->menuButtons[menuBtnsCount]->setGeometry( QRect( /* size and position here */ ) );
I hope this might give you an idea to fix it in an easy way!
I'm sorry, I forgot to add something about the click event. The click event was mainly why I made a QWidget out of it!
I just used the connect function [I belive on the whole button like: connect(this->menuButtons[0], ...]


Call button click function from grandchild

I'm creating my first C++ wxWidgets application. I'm trying to create some kind of split button where the options are displayed in a grid. I have a custom button class which, when right-clicked on, opens a custom wxPopupTransientWindow that contains other buttons.
When I click on the buttons in the popup, I want to simulate a left click on the main button. I'm trying to achieve this through events, but I'm kinda confused.
void expandButton::mouseReleased(wxMouseEvent& evt)
if (pressed) {
pressed = false;
wxWindow* mBtn = this->GetGrandParent();
wxCommandEvent event(wxEVT_BUTTON);
mBtn-> //make it process the event somehow?
wxPopupTransientWindow* popup = wxDynamicCast(this->GetParent(), wxPopupTransientWindow);
What is the best way to do this?
You should do mBtn->ProcessWindowEvent() which is a shorter synonym for mBtn->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent() already mentioned in the comments.
Note that, generally speaking, you're not supposed to create wxEVT_BUTTON events from your own code. In this particular case and with current (and all past) version(s) of wxWidgets it will work, but a cleaner, and guaranteed to also work with the future versions, solution would be define your own custom event and generate it instead.

How can i disable or hide default cancel button in QFileDialog?

I'm trying to use QFileDialog as a widget, to use QFileDialog as a widget the final step for my is to disable the cancel button.
Have you an idea of how can i disable this button.
PS : I am using Qt 5.5.0
You should be able to access the various standard buttons via the QDialogButtonBox and, from there, do what you want with the Cancel button.
The following example code appears to works as expected...
QFileDialog fd;
* Find the QDialogButtonBox.
if (auto *button_box = fd.findChild<QDialogButtonBox *>()) {
* Now find the `Cancel' button...
if (auto *cancel_button = button_box->button(QDialogButtonBox::Cancel)) {
* ...and remove it (or disable it if you prefer).
The QFileDialog Class doesn't seem to have any option for this.
However, you could make your own file browser using QTreeModel and QTreeView (It's not too difficult).
There is a tutorial on how to do just that here.
It would take a while to type out all the code (sorry, I'm a slow typer), but this tutorial should allow you to have the flexibility you need to do what you want to do.
I understand that this answer isn't exactly what you asked, but I hope it is a good alternative.
EDIT: Accidentally pasted wrong link for QFileDialog Class

Display the input of QLineEdit in a different window and or dialog?

I am writing a small QT gui application where there is a QLineEdit in my mainwindow.ui and I want to display the entered text in a separate dialog and or window when a button is pressed.
Now, I have stored the input in a variable, and I am also able to show this string on a label within this same mainwindow,
void MainWindow::on_GoButton_clicked()
QString mytext = ui->lineEdit_1->text();
Now, I want to open a popup dialog (can be a window also), for example SecDialog;
SecDialog secdialog;
and display the text of mainwindow->mytext string variable in a label of the SecDialog. How can I do that ??? I know it is a basic level question, but I think it will help clear lot of my doubts reagrding moving values of variables in between forms and classes.
So this is your situation:
From your code, the dialog is a modal dialog:
SecDialog secdialog;
//secdialog.setModal(true); // It's not needed since you already called exec(), and the
// dialog will be automatically set to be modal just like what
// document says in Chernobyl's answer
To make the dialog display the text from the Window,
the concept is to pass the information(text) from the Window
to the dialog, and use a setter function from the dialog to display it.
Like Floris Velleman's answer, he passed the mytext string (by reference) to a customized dialog constructor and called the setter theStringInThisClass(myString) at once.
The implementation detail of this function is complemented by Chernobyl's answer (use the name setLabelText instead):
void SecDialog::setLabelText(QString str)
ui->label->setText(str); // this "ui" is the UI namespace of the dialog itself.
// If you create the dialog by designer, it's from dialog.ui
// Do not confuse with the ui from mainwindow.ui
Chernobyl suggested another way which calls the setter in the slot function and it bypasses the need of defining another constructor, but basically the concept is the same:
void MainWindow::on_GoButton_clicked()
QString mytext = ui->lineEdit_1->text();
SecDialog secdialog;
secdialog.setLabelText(myText); // display the text in dialog
I try to illustrate the concept as clear as possible, because from my previous experience on your question, you just "copy & paste" codes from answers and took them as your final solution, which is not right. So I hope this summary could help you understand the concept and then you may write your own code.
This task can be easy done with getter/setter method or with signal and slot, but setter is more suitable here. In SecDialog header:
void setLabelText(QString str);
//in cpp
void SecDialog::setLabelText(QString str)
ui->label->setText(str);//it is label dialog
Also line where you set modal to true is not necessary because
This property holds whether show() should pop up the dialog as modal
or modeless. By default, this property is false and show() pops up the
dialog as modeless. Setting his property to true is equivalent to
setting QWidget::windowModality to Qt::ApplicationModal. exec()
ignores the value of this property and always pops up the dialog as
Assuming SecDialog is a custom class with an interface file as well you might want to pass it as a constructor argument or pass it by using another function.
So in the SecDialog constructor you could have something like:
SecDialog::SecDialog(QWidget* parent, const QString& myString)
: QDialog(parent),
And then you could call it like:
SecDialog secdialog(this, mytext);

Taking data from a Dialog in Qt and using it in a Ui

So I'm making a text editor using Qt and right now I have a button that opens a dialog called "Format text". I want it to work kind of like the dialog in notepad called "font" where you select a few text attributes from some drop down lists and it shows you what your text will look like. Right now I have it working where you can select the font style, font color, and font size and hit preview and it shows you in a box in the dialog what your text will look like. However, I have a button called "okay" which is supposed to change the highlighted text or the text you are about to type, but I can't figure out how to display those changes on the main window. The .ui files are private and a lot of the already made functions and pointers are the same in every ui file so if I change the ui file to pubic I have to change a whole bunch of things. Can anyway give me a simple answer? I'm trying to do this with as little confusion as possible. More coding and less confusion is better than less coding and more confusion for someone of my skill level. Sorry that this is all one giant paragraph and that I didn't provide any code, but I didn't think the code was necessary, however if you do need some of the code i'd be happy to share it.
Thank you for your help and your time. I hope you all have a nice evening.
QDialog have a signal called finished(), you can connect this signal with your slot. To accomplish your work, pass a QSettings or for simplicity QStringList to dialog settings (responsible for changing font, color ...), the QStringList will save user defined settings, after closing the dialog, iterate through QStringList member to alert Main window.
A pseudo code will look like this
Class Editor:
TextSettings textSettings;
textSettings.setSettings(settings); // settings is a member
connect(textSettings, &finished(int)), this, SLOT(alertEditor(int)))
Editor::alertEditor(int s)
if(s == 0)
for (int i = 0; i < settings.size(); ++i); // extract various user settings
Class TextSettings:
TextSettings::TextSettings(QStringList settings)
settings << ui->combobox->currentItem(); // font name as example

Using images in QListWidget, is this possible?

I am using QT to create a chat messenger client. To display the list of online users, I'm using a QListWidget, as created like this:
listWidget = new QListWidget(horizontalLayoutWidget);
QSizePolicy sizePolicy1(QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Expanding);
listWidget->setMinimumSize(QSize(30, 0));
listWidget->setMaximumSize(QSize(150, 16777215));
listWidget->setBaseSize(QSize(100, 0));
Users are shown by constantly refreshing the list, like this: (Note: There are different channels, with different userlists, so refreshing it is the most efficient thing to do, as far as I know.)
void FMessenger::refreshUserlist()
if (currentPanel == 0)
listWidget = this->findChild<QListWidget *>(QString("userList"));
QList<FCharacter*> charList = currentPanel->charList();
QListWidgetItem* charitem = 0;
FCharacter* character;
foreach(character, charList)
charitem = new QListWidgetItem(character->name());
// charitem->setIcon(QIcon(":/Images/status.png"));
This has always worked perfectly. The line that I commented out is the one I have problems with: my current goal is to be able to display a user's online status with an image, which represents whether they are busy, away, available, etc. Using setIcon() does absolutely nothing though, apparently; the items still show up as they used to, without icons.
I'm aware that this is probably not the way this function needs to be used, but I have found little documentation about it online, and absolutely no useful examples of implementations. My question is, can anybody help me with fixing this problem?
This is how you may conduct your debugging:
Try the constructor that has both icon and text as arguments.
Try to use that icon in another context to ensure it is displayable (construct a QIcon with same argument and use it elsewhere, e.g. QLabel!).
Use icon() from the QListWidgetItem to receive back the icon and then look at that QIcon.
Create a new QListWidget, change nothing, and ordinarily add some stock items in your MainWidget's constructor. See if the icons show up there.