Using GetCpInfo - c++

I am trying to write a small program to run GetCpInfo, but am getting an identifier not found error . I am including windows.h and using visual studio. IntelliSense is autocomplete for me when I type in GetCp. Here is my code.
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
LPCPINFO cpinfo;
cout << "Hello World!" << endl;
bool test = GetCpInfo(37, cpinfo);
int x;
return 0;

Two problems:
The function is named GetCPInfo. Remember that the language is case sensitive.
You are passing an uninitialized pointer.
You need the following:
CPINFO cpinfo;
bool succeeded = GetCPInfo(37, &cpinfo);


how do i fix this no matching function for call to 'stoi(int&)'|

i keep getting this error. i know this is a c++ 11 function but it still isnt working with code blocks c++ compiler. am i using this function correctly of is it a problem with the codeblocks compiler. i tried changing the compiler. using the "have g++ follow the c++11 iso standard" i still keep getting this error. or getting the "stoi() does not exist in the current scope" error
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
int test = 34;
cout << stoi(test);
stoi means "String To Int". It will read an int from a std::string (or std::wstring). See also the reference.
You were probably looking for the reverse std::to_string (reference). But you don't need either, there is no need to convert to string before printing:
#include <iostream>
int main()
int test = 34;
std::cout << test;
stoi means string to int. So it takes a string as an input.
This should work:
string test = "34"; cout << stoi(test);

Declaring multiple ifstream makes code crash

I just installed mingw on my Windows 10 computer and wanted to code a program that read two files. I immediately faced a frustrating bug with ifstream: when I declare more than one ifstream, the program seems to crash (nothing is logged although the first line cout some text).
The following code compiles and logs "test" in the console:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << "test" << endl;
ifstream test;
return 0;
The following code compiles but seems to crash at runtime, nothing is logged:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << "test" << endl;
ifstream test;
ifstream test2;
return 0;
I tested the exact same codes on a macOS Mojave and both codes work and log "test".
I guess the issue is related to the g++ installation but I'd like to know what's really happening and how I can fix this on Windows.

Program not executing after instanciating a class from imported library

I'm trying to use the library ZBar to read QRCode with c++. I am not an expert about this language. I have the following problem:
#include <iostream>
#include <zbar.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace zbar;
int main()
cout << "Hello World!" << endl;
//Image image;
return 0;
This code does actually print the "Hello World" as expected. But if I remove the comment, obtaining the following code:
#include <iostream>
#include <zbar.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace zbar;
int main()
cout << "Hello World!" << endl;
Image image;
return 0;
Everything is still compiled correctly, with no errors or warnings, but I don't obtain any output!! The program reaches the end without executing any instruction!
I just used this code to semplify, but the problem actually is that, as soon as I add an instruction using classes from zbar, it seems like I am "clearing" the main! How is it possible? What should I do? Thank you!

C++ Multiple definitions error

I'm getting a bunch of errors for a simple c++ hello world program.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << "Hello world!" << endl;
return 0;
All the solutions iv'e seen for this were just confusing and didn't help. Im using the Code Blocks IDE.

Eclipse c++11 // vector

This is really driving me crazy:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string.h>
#include <thread>
using namespace std;
void test() {
vector<string> myvector;
string a("Teststring");
cout << myvector.begin()->length() << endl;
int main() {
return 0;
The code compiles fine with the -std=c++11 flag to the compiler and the -pthread flag to the linker.
BUT: Eclipse does either know the std::thread or the myvector.begin()->length(), even if the code runs fine eclipse warns me "Method 'length' could not be resolved".
I tried every possible solution in here: Eclipse CDT C++11/C++0x support without any success. This took me so many hours now, what am I doing wrong?!
Is there anybody getting a project setup without problems with this code?
EDIT: Other code example - same problem:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <thread>
using namespace std;
class TestClass {
void test() {
cout << "test" << endl;
void test() {
vector<TestClass> testClassVector;
TestClass x;
int main() {
return 0;
Compiles and runs correct, but returns in eclipse: Method 'test' could not be resolved
working versions:
TestClass foo2 = *(testClassVector.begin());
still not working:
The last compiles and works like the two above, but eclipse still claims:
Method 'test' could not be resolved
Maybe I'm wrong, but I think your problem don't come from Eclypse. Juste, begin() on a vector return a std::vector<T>::iterator first, this is not a pointer and there is no method length, but you can ask for the vector size with myvector.size(); if this is what you want.
The problem could come from your #include <string.h> that is not the same as #include <string>, string.h is for string operation like strcmp, strstr, etc... juste string will define the std::string object.
I don't have Eclipse set up but the problem appears to be around std::string. Does the problem go away if you remove the threading from the example? (I also changed to #include <string> instead of string.h)
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
using namespace std;
#if 0
void test() {
vector<string> myvector;
string a("Teststring");
cout << myvector.begin()->length() << endl;
int main() {
vector<string> myvector;
string a("Teststring");
cout << myvector.begin()->length() << endl;
return 0;
That should hopefully print out 10.
Update from comment:
Does this generate the Eclipse warning?
auto tmp = *(myvector.begin());
std::cout << tmp.length() << std::endl;
What about this?
std::string foo("abc123");
std::cout << foo.length() << std::endl;
I guess one more too:
std::string foo2 = *(myvector.begin());
std::cout << foo2.length() << std::endl;
The solution found:
I downloaded eclipse kepler Kepler
Created a new project and tried to compile this source code (like above):
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <thread>
using namespace std;
class TestClass {
void test() {
cout << "test" << endl;
void test() {
vector<TestClass> testClassVector;
TestClass x;
int main() {
return 0;
On the first run eclipse told me, thread belongs to the new c++11 standard and I have to add -std=c++11 to the compiler flags. To use thread I also added -pthread to the linker flags. With this steps the code could be compiled, but eclipse marks the thread still as unknown. To fix this I proceeded the following step:
Under C/C++ Build (at project settings), find the Preprocessor Include Path and go to the Providers Tab. Deselect all except CDT GCC Builtin Compiler Settings. Then untag Share settings entries … . Add the option -std=c++11 to the text box called Command to get compiler specs.
Found here.
Now - unbelievable but true - it works, even without any errors marked by eclipse. The solution is using the (beta) version of eclipse, wich seems to handle this in a better way.
Thanks for all your help!