WIA 2.0, C++: IWiaDevMgr2::EnumDeviceInfo doesn't detect connected camera - c++

I'm trying to write a program that transfers images and videos from a camera (for my personal use, on Win 8.1). I'm using Microsoft's example code as a starting point (WIA Tutorial), and I've hit a wall trying to detect connected camera devices. The problem is that there are no errors and the code seems to work, but it just doesn't detect any connected camera (I've tried with two different cameras), while the camera is clearly detected by the OS (shows up in Windows Explorer).
Am I missing something? Is IWiaDevMgr2::EnumDeviceInfo not the way to detect connected devices? Here's the code I'm using:
HRESULT WiaCreateDeviceManager(IWiaDevMgr2 **ppWiaDevMgr)
if(NULL == ppWiaDevMgr) return E_INVALIDARG;
*ppWiaDevMgr = NULL;
// Create an instance of the device manager
HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_WiaDevMgr2, NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, IID_IWiaDevMgr2, (void**)ppWiaDevMgr);
return hr;
HRESULT WiaEnumerateDevices(IWiaDevMgr2 *pWiaDevMgr)
if(NULL == pWiaDevMgr)
// Get a device enumerator interface
IEnumWIA_DEV_INFO *pWiaEnumDevInfo = NULL;
HRESULT hr = pWiaDevMgr->EnumDeviceInfo(WIA_DEVINFO_ENUM_LOCAL, &pWiaEnumDevInfo);
assert(hr == S_OK);
ULONG count(911);
HRESULT res = pWiaEnumDevInfo->GetCount(&count);
if(res == S_OK) printf("EnumDeviceInfo: count = %lu\n", count); // count is always zero
else printf("IEnumWIA_DEV_INFO::GetCount() failed!\n");
// Loop until you get an error or pWiaEnumDevInfo->Next returns
// S_FALSE to signal the end of the list.
while(S_OK == hr)
// Get the next device's property storage interface pointer
IWiaPropertyStorage *pWiaPropertyStorage = NULL;
hr = pWiaEnumDevInfo->Next(1, &pWiaPropertyStorage, NULL);
// pWiaEnumDevInfo->Next will return S_FALSE when the list is
// exhausted, so check for S_OK before using the returned
// value.
if(hr == S_OK)
// Do something with the device's IWiaPropertyStorage*
WiaReadProperties(pWiaPropertyStorage); // this line is never reached
// Release the device's IWiaPropertyStorage*
pWiaPropertyStorage = NULL;
// If the result of the enumeration is S_FALSE (which
// is normal), change it to S_OK.
if(S_FALSE == hr) hr = S_OK;
// Release the enumerator
pWiaEnumDevInfo = NULL;
return hr;
int main()
IWiaDevMgr2 *wiamgr;
HRESULT res = WiaEnumerateDevices(wiamgr); // res is always S_OK, but no device is detected

Apparently, WIA does not support camera devices on Windows Vista and later. I've only seen this implied or mentioned in passing twice in the WIA documentation, the last time being on this page. I can't believe this is happening, after I've spent so much time researching WIA. Apparently, I'm supposed to be using WPD for cameras, not WIA.
Edit: That being said, I'm still not sure what's going on. If I can't use WIA programmatically on Win 8.1, then why do these PowerShell commands work?
$WIAdialog = New-Object -ComObject "WIA.CommonDialog"
$Device = $WIAdialog.ShowSelectDevice()
Is it that only the API doesn't work for cameras, while the Scripting Model does?


Getting display's refresh rate on D3D12

I am porting my code to D3D12 from D3D11 and I'm trying to obtain display's refresh rate on D3D12. I use the refresh rate for precise animation timing (this is a hard requirement). This code works on D3D11:
HRESULT GetRefreshRate(IUnknown* device, IDXGISwapChain* swapChain, double* outRefreshRate)
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDXGIOutput> dxgiOutput;
HRESULT hr = swapChain->GetContainingOutput(&dxgiOutput);
if (FAILED(hr))
return hr;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDXGIOutput1> dxgiOutput1;
hr = dxgiOutput.As(&dxgiOutput1);
if (FAILED(hr))
return hr;
DXGI_MODE_DESC1 emptyMode = {};
DXGI_MODE_DESC1 modeDescription;
hr = dxgiOutput1->FindClosestMatchingMode1(&emptyMode, &modeDescription, device);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
*outRefreshRate = (double)modeDescription.RefreshRate.Numerator / (double)modeDescription.RefreshRate.Denominator;
return hr;
Unfortunately, ID3D12Device does not implement IDXGIDevice interface, and FindClosestMatchingMode1 therefore fails with this error:
DXGI ERROR: IDXGIOutput::FindClosestMatchingMode: pConcernedDevice doesn't support the IDXGIDevice interface [ MISCELLANEOUS ERROR #69: ]
Is there a way to obtain IDXGIDevice when using D3D12? Alternatively, how do I determine display's refresh rate on D3D12?
I know about EnumDisplaySettings however it returns an integer and therefore lacks precision, causing drift in animations. I also found DwmGetCompositionTimingInfo, however, it seems to only support getting info for the main monitor.
I also need a solution that would work on both traditional Win32 and UWP applications. I am open to having to use two code paths for different application models if needed.
We can get the refresh rate using CCD api, here is the code for your reference:
HRESULT GetRefreshRate(IDXGISwapChain* swapChain, double* outRefreshRate)
ComPtr<IDXGIOutput> dxgiOutput;
HRESULT hr = swapChain->GetContainingOutput(&dxgiOutput);
// if swap chain get failed to get DXGIoutput then follow the below link get the details from remarks section
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
ComPtr<IDXGIOutput1> dxgiOutput1;
hr = dxgiOutput.As(&dxgiOutput1);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// get the descriptor for current output
// from which associated mornitor will be fetched
hr = dxgiOutput->GetDesc(&outputDes);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
info.cbSize = sizeof(info);
// get the associated monitor info
if (GetMonitorInfoW(outputDes.Monitor, &info) != 0)
// using the CCD get the associated path and display configuration
UINT32 requiredPaths, requiredModes;
if (GetDisplayConfigBufferSizes(QDC_ONLY_ACTIVE_PATHS, &requiredPaths, &requiredModes) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
std::vector<DISPLAYCONFIG_PATH_INFO> paths(requiredPaths);
std::vector<DISPLAYCONFIG_MODE_INFO> modes2(requiredModes);
if (QueryDisplayConfig(QDC_ONLY_ACTIVE_PATHS, &requiredPaths, paths.data(), &requiredModes, modes2.data(), nullptr) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
// iterate through all the paths until find the exact source to match
for (auto& p : paths) {
sourceName.header.size = sizeof(sourceName);
sourceName.header.adapterId = p.sourceInfo.adapterId;
sourceName.header.id = p.sourceInfo.id;
if (DisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo(&sourceName.header) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
// find the matched device which is associated with current device
// there may be the possibility that display may be duplicated and windows may be one of them in such scenario
// there may be two callback because source is same target will be different
// as window is on both the display so either selecting either one is ok
if (wcscmp(info.szDevice, sourceName.viewGdiDeviceName) == 0) {
// get the refresh rate
UINT numerator = p.targetInfo.refreshRate.Numerator;
UINT denominator = p.targetInfo.refreshRate.Denominator;
double refrate = (double)numerator / (double)denominator;
*outRefreshRate = refrate;
hr = E_FAIL;
hr = E_FAIL;
return hr;
More details about CCD API, you can refer the link below:

Retrieving info from multiple sensors using Windows Sensor API

I am using the Windows Sensor API to get info from various sensors including accelerometer and gyroscope. (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/sensorsapi/sensor-api-programming-guide)
My initial implementation of sensor driver for accelerometer worked - I asynchronously can get the values for that sensor.
The working initialization code for a single sensor (accelerometer) looks like the following:
void initialize1(AccelerometerCallBack callBack) {
ISensorManager* pSensorManager = NULL;
ISensorCollection* pSensorColl = NULL;
ISensor* accelerometer = NULL;
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_SensorManager,
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
printf("Succeeded getting Sensor...\n");
ULONG ulCount = 0;
// Verify that the collection contains
// at least one sensor.
hr = pSensorColl->GetCount(&ulCount);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
if (ulCount < 1)
wprintf_s(L"\nNo sensors of the requested category.\n");
else {
printf("Failed to get Sensor...\n");
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// Get the first available sensor.
hr = pSensorColl->GetAt(0, &accelerometer);
BSTR name = 0;
hr = accelerometer->GetFriendlyName(&name);
wprintf(L"%s\n", name);
AccelerometerEvent* pEventClass = NULL;
ISensorEvents* pMyEvents = NULL;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// Create an instance of the event class.
pEventClass = new(std::nothrow) AccelerometerEvent();
pEventClass->globalCallBack = callBack;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// Retrieve the pointer to the callback interface.
hr = pEventClass->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(&pMyEvents));
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
// Start receiving events.
hr = accelerometer->SetEventSink(pMyEvents);
MSG msg;
BOOL bRet;
while ((bRet = GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0)) != 0)
if (bRet == -1)
// handle the error and possibly exit
Now I wanted to simultaneously get the gyroscope, so I add a similar initialization code:
void initialize2(GyroscopeCallBack callBack);, which does similar thing as above.
Now my C# layer triggers those code like this:
internal void Start()
AccelerometerCallBack myCallBack1 = new AccelerometerCallBack(onAccelerometerDataChanged);
GyroscopeCallBack myCallBack2 = new GyroscopeCallBack(onGyroscopeDataChanged);
However, only the accelerometer info is received through the callback, not the gyroscope's.
I have confirmed that my device has both sensors of the correct type
I have confirmed that my callback functions and C# to C++ interface all works properly
What is the correct way to "fetch" multiple sensors (instead of one) using the Windows Sensor API?
There are no examples on the official website about doing this, and the only related SO post (Exposing multiple sensors on a single device to Windows Sensor API) does not help. Thanks!
It worked! Solution was to remove the message pump and use COINIT_MULTITHREADED option for Coinitializine(). Thanks for all the help.

CoCreateInstance creates empty IBaseFilter for CLSID_WavDest

I am trying to record .wav by using directshow framework in C++ Visual Studio 2010 project. I am following WAV file section of this guide: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd375005(v=vs.85).aspx
I have built WavDest.dll, added it to registry, found it in the registry, it can be added as filter in Graphedit. I had unresolved external symbol error for _CLSID_WavDest but had fixed it by including InitGuid.h in my StdAfx.h and by linking the WavDest.lib.
Now I get no errors, program doesn't crash, but I get 0 byte wav file.
Section of code:
res = AddFilterByCLSID(dshow_dev->m_pGraph, CLSID_WavDest, (IBaseFilter **)&dshow_dev->m_pWaveDest, L"WavDest");
res = AddFilterByCLSID(dshow_dev->m_pGraph, CLSID_FileWriter, (IBaseFilter **)&dshow_dev->m_pWaveWriter, L"File Writer");
res = dshow_dev->m_pWaveWriter->QueryInterface(IID_IFileSinkFilter, (void**)&dshow_dev->m_pFileSink);
res = dshow_dev->m_pFileSink->SetFileName(L"D:\\test.wav", NULL);
res = ConnectFilters(dshow_dev->m_pGraph, dshow_dev->m_pCaptureSourceAudio, dshow_dev->m_pWaveDest);
res = ConnectFilters(dshow_dev->m_pGraph, dshow_dev->m_pWaveDest, dshow_dev->m_pWaveWriter);
AddFilterByCLSID for CLSID_WavDest returns S_OK but dshow_dev->m_pWaveDest has following values: -
[CWavDestFilter] {m_cbWavData=0x00000000 m_cbHeader=0x00000000 } CWavDestFilter
Therefore, ConnectFilters for m_pWaveDest returns E_Fail and no audio is recorded.
I have tried this with both Debug and Release versions of WavDest.dll registered (first Debug, then unreg Debug and reg Release).
I have checked everything other in code, graph (dshow_dev->m_pGraph) runs fine for video preview and writing AVI file (with audio).
I am sure that that I did something wrong with WavDest integration but I don't know what.
Any help is appreciated.
It was my mistake after all. I have replaced
assert(pResult != NULL);
in this function
// Match a pin by pin direction and connection state.
HRESULT MatchPin(IPin *pPin, PIN_DIRECTION direction, BOOL bShouldBeConnected, BOOL *pResult)
assert(pResult != NULL);
BOOL bMatch = FALSE;
BOOL bIsConnected = FALSE;
HRESULT hr = IsPinConnected(pPin, &bIsConnected);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
if (bIsConnected == bShouldBeConnected)
hr = IsPinDirection(pPin, direction, &bMatch);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
*pResult = bMatch;
return hr;
if(pResult == NULL);
return hr;

ClrRuntimeHost->Start not functioning as expected

So I've create a project that uses a CLRRunTimeHost to suprise suprise host a managed library.
However I've run into a problem. When I run this it works absolutely fine with no hiccups, however after distributing it to a few people the error reports started to flow in. After around 11 hours just today I've figured out the source to be this. The entire function passes through fine, however, upon the last check or
hr = pClrRuntimeHost->Start();
It fails and doesn't start. I've talked and guided all of the people that are using it through library installs etc. and none can get it to work, I even gave the source to a close friend that has VS2015 installed and he fell victim to the same error.
Here's the full function:
ICLRRuntimeHost* StartCLR(LPCWSTR dotNetVersion)
ICLRMetaHost* pClrMetaHost = NULL;
ICLRRuntimeInfo* pClrRuntimeInfo = NULL;
ICLRRuntimeHost* pClrRuntimeHost = NULL;
// Get the CLRMetaHost that tells us about .NET on this machine
hr = CLRCreateInstance(CLSID_CLRMetaHost, IID_ICLRMetaHost, (LPVOID*)&pClrMetaHost);
if (hr == S_OK)
// Get the runtime information for the particular version of .NET
hr = pClrMetaHost->GetRuntime(dotNetVersion, IID_PPV_ARGS(&pClrRuntimeInfo));
if (hr == S_OK)
// Check if the specified runtime can be loaded into the process. This
// method will take into account other runtimes that may already be
// loaded into the process and set pbLoadable to TRUE if this runtime can
// be loaded in an in-process side-by-side fashion.
BOOL fLoadable;
hr = pClrRuntimeInfo->IsLoadable(&fLoadable);
if ((hr == S_OK) && fLoadable)
// Load the CLR into the current process and return a runtime interface
// pointer.
hr = pClrRuntimeInfo->GetInterface(CLSID_CLRRuntimeHost,
if (hr == S_OK)
// Start it. This is okay to call even if the CLR is already running
hr = pClrRuntimeHost->Start();
if (hr == S_OK)
// Success!
return pClrRuntimeHost;
// Cleanup if failed
if (pClrRuntimeHost)
pClrRuntimeHost = NULL;
if (pClrRuntimeInfo)
pClrRuntimeInfo = NULL;
if (pClrMetaHost)
pClrMetaHost = NULL;
return NULL;
And I'm calling it like this:
ICLRRuntimeHost* pClr = StartCLR(L"v4.0.30319");

How to globally mute and unmute sound in Vista and 7, and to get a mute state?

I'm using the old good Mixer API right now, but it does not work as expected on Windows Vista & 7 in the normal, not in XP compatibility mode. It mutes the sound for the current app only, but I need a global (hardware) mute. How to rearch the goal? Is there any way to code this w/o COM interfaces and strange calls, in pure C/C++?
The audio stack was significantly rewritten for Vista. Per-application volume and mute control was indeed one of the new features. Strange calls will be required to use the IAudioEndpointVolume interface.
I recently dealt with this same issue. We have a Windows application that uses the sound system for alarms. We cannot abide the user muting the sound system inadvertently. Here is how I was able to use the interface suggested above to address this issue:
During initialization I added a function to initialize a member of type IAudioEndpointVolume. It was a bit tricky and the help wasn't as helpful as it could be. Here's how to do it:
** Initialize the Audio Endpoint (Only for post XP systems)
void CMuteWatchdog::InitAudioEndPoint(void)
IMMDeviceEnumerator * pDevEnum;
IMMDevice * pDev;
const CLSID CLSID_MMDeviceEnumerator = __uuidof(MMDeviceEnumerator);
const IID IID_IMMDeviceEnumerator = __uuidof(IMMDeviceEnumerator);
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_MMDeviceEnumerator, NULL,
CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IMMDeviceEnumerator,
m_pIaudEndPt = NULL;
if(hr == S_OK)
hr = pDevEnum->GetDefaultAudioEndpoint(eRender, eConsole, &pDev);
if(hr == S_OK)
DWORD dwClsCtx;
const IID iidAEV = __uuidof(IAudioEndpointVolume);
dwClsCtx = 0;
hr = pDev->Activate(iidAEV, dwClsCtx, NULL, (void**) &m_pIaudEndPt);
if(hr == S_OK)
// Everything is groovy.
m_pIaudEndPt = NULL; // Might mean it's running on XP or something. Don't use.
About once per second I added a simple call to the following:
// Watchdog function for mute.
void CMuteWatchdog::GuardMute(void)
BOOL bMute;
bMute = FALSE;
hr = m_pIaudEndPt->GetMute(&bMute);
if(hr == S_OK)
m_pIaudEndPt->SetMute(FALSE, NULL);
Finally, when the program exits just remember to release the allocated resource.
// De-initialize the watchdog
void CMuteWatchdog::OnClose(void)
m_pIaudEndPt = NULL;