simply pass a variable into a regex OR string search in awk - regex

This is driving me nuts. Here's what I want to do, and I've made it simple as possible:
This is written into an awk script:
# pass /^CHEM/, /^BIO/, /^ENG/ into someVariable and search file.txt
/someVariable/ {print NR, $0}
OR I would be fine with (but like less)
# pass "CHEM", "BIO", "ENG" into someVariable and search file.txt
$1=="someVariable" {print NR, $0}
I find all kinds of stuff on BASH/SHELL variables being passed but I don't want to learn BASH programming to simply pass a value to a variable.
Bonus: I actually have to search 125 values in each document, with 40 documents needing to be evaluated. It can't hurt to ask a bit more, but how would I take a separate file of these 125 values, pass them individually to someVariable?
I have all sorts of ways to do this in BASH but I don't understand them and there has got to be a way to simply cycle through a set of search terms dynamically in awk (perhaps by an array since I do not believe a list exists yet)
Thank you as I am tired of beating my head into a wall.

I actually have to search 125 values in each document, with 40 documents needing to be evaluated.
Let's put the strings that we want to search for in file1:
$ cat file1
Let's call the file that we want to search file2:
$ cat file2
ear of corn
apple blossom
peas in a pod
banana republic
pear tree
To search file2 for any of the words in file1, use:
$ awk 'FNR==NR{a[$1]=1;next;} ($1 in a){print FNR,$0;}' file1 file2
2 apple blossom
4 banana republic
5 pear tree
How it works
This stores every word that we are looking for as a key in array a.
In more detail, NR is the number of lines that awk has read so far and FNR is the number of lines that awk has read so far from the current file. Thus, if FNR==NR, we are still reading the first named file: file1. For every line in file1, we set a[$1] to 1.
next tells awk to skip the rest of the commands and start over with the next line.
($1 in a){print FNR,$0;}
If we get to this command, we are on file2.
If the first field is a key in array a, then we print the line number and the line.

"...For example I wanted the text between two regexp from file2. Let's say /apple/, /pear/. How would I substitute and extract the text between those two regexp?..."
while read b e; do awk "/^$b$/,/^$e$/" <(seq 1 100); done << !
> 1 5
> 2 8
> 90 95
> !
Here between the two exclamation points is the input for ranges and as the data file I used 1..100. Notice the double quotes instead of single quotes in the awk script.
If you have entered start end values in the file ranges, and your data in file data
while read b e; do awk "/^$b$/,/^$e$/" data; done < ranges
If you want to print the various ranges to different files, you can do something like this
while read b e; do awk "/^$b$/,/^$e$/ {print > $b$e}" data; done < ranges

A slight variation that you may or may not like... I sometimes use the BEGIN section to read the contents of a file into an array...
count = 1
while ("cat file1" | getline)
a[count] = $3
The rest continues in much the same way. Anyway, maybe that works for you as well.


Using awk, how can I find the max value in one column, print it; then print the match value in another column

Let's say I have this data:
1 text1 1 1 5
2 text2 2 2 10
3 text3 3 3 15
4 text4 4 4 50
5 text5 5 5 25
I obtain the max value of column #5 with this code:
awk 'BEGIN {a=0} {if ($5>0+a) a=$5} END{print a}' data.txt
My question is how do I add more parameters in that code in order to find the associated value in whatever column I choose (but just one)? For example, I want to find the max value of column #5 and the associated value from column #2
The output I want is:
50 text4
I don't know how to add more parameters in order to obtain the match value.
Right way to do this is this awk:
awk 'NR==1 || $5>max { max=$5; val=$2 } END { print max, val }' file
50 text4
This sets max=$5 and val=$2 for the first record or when $5 is greater than max variable.
When you find a new max then save both the new max and the associated value from column #2.
One idea, along with some streamlining of the current code:
$ awk '$5>(a+0) { a=$5; col2=$2 } END {print a, col2}' data.txt
50 text4
this assumes that at least one value in column #5 is positive; if all values in column #5 are negative then $5>(a+0) will always be false and a (and col2) will never get set, which in turn means print a, col2 will print a line with a single space; a better solution would be to set a to the first value processed and then go from there (see anubhava's answer for an example)
An alternative using sort
% sort -nk 5 file | tail -1 | awk '{print $5, $2}'
50 text4
With your shown samples please try following sort + awk option here. With GNU sort sorting the file by 5th column and then piping its result to awk where reading very first line which is containing max value and printing it, exiting from program to save time of awk.
sort -s -rnk5 file1 | awk 'FNR==1{print $NF,$2;exit}'
50 text4

AWK: Pattern match multiline data with variable line number

I am trying to write a script which will analyze data from a pipe. The problem is, a single element is described in a variable number of lines. Look at the example data set:
3 14 -30.48 17.23
4 1 -18.01 12.69
4 3 -11.01 2.69
8 12 -21.14 -8.76
8 14 -18.01 -5.69
8 12 -35.14 -1.76
9 2 -1.01 22.69
10 1 -88.88 17.28
10 1 -.88 14.28
10 1 5.88 1.28
10 1 -8.88 -7.28
In this case, the first entry is what defines the event to which the following data belongs. In the case of event number 8, we have data in 3 lines. To simplify the rather complex problem that I am trying to solve, let us imagine, that I want to calculate the following expression:
sum_i($2 * ($3 + $4))
Where i is taken over all lines belonging to a given element. The output I want to produce would then look like:
3=-185.5 [14(-30.48+17.23) ]
4=-30.28 [1(-18.01+12.69) + 3(-11.01+2.69)]
8=-1106.4 [...]
I thus need a script which reads all the lines that have the same index entry.
I am an AWK newbie and I've started learning the language a couple of days ago. I am now uncertain whether I will be able to achieve what I want. Therefore:
Is this doable with AWK?
If not, whith what? SED?
If yes, how? I would be grateful if one provided a link describing how this can be implemented.
Finally, I know that there is a similar question: Can awk patterns match multiple lines?, however, I do not have a constant pattern which separates my data.
You could try this:
awk '{ar[$1]+=$2*($3+$4)}
END{for (key in ar)
{print key"="ar[key]}}' inputFile
For each line input we do the desired calculation and sum the result in an array. $1 serves as the key of the array.
When the entire file is read, we print the results in the END{...}-block.
The output for the given sample input is:
If sorting of the output is required, you might want to have a look at gawk's asorti function or Linux' sort-command (e.g. awk '{...} inputFile' | sort -n).
This solution does not require that the input is sorted.
awk 'id!=$1{if(id){print id"="sum;sum=0};id=$1}{sum+=$2*($3+$4)} END{print id"="sum}' file
yet another similar awk
$ awk -v OFS="=" 'NR==1{p=$1}
p!=$1{print p,s; s=0; p=$1}
END{print p,s}' file
ps. Your calculation for "8" seems off.

Efficiently extracting columns/regex on a large file

I need to pull some information out of a file I have. I had been doing it in R previously, but the file is very, very big, and it's taking quite a while, so I feel like using command line tools is a much better alternative.
The file basically consists of 100 tab-delimited columns, I'm only interested in the 1st, 2nd and 4th columns however.
An example of the first four columns in the file:
10 rs149353603:74656:C:G 0 74656 ...
10 rs140638708:75794:G:T 0 75794 ...
10 rs201043140:76210:A:G 0 76210 ...
10 rs202007578:76294:T:C 0 76294 ...
10 rs75914453 0 77582 ...
I would like it to be in the format 2nd column, 1st column, 4th column. Furthermore, I'd like to trim off everything but the first rs# in the cases where the second row has a colon in it (everything before the first colon).
E.g. the first line would be
rs149353603 10 74656
I fully intend to learn awk when I have the time, but that time is not now unfortunately! Could anyone lend a hand here?
You can use awk command like this:
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="\t"} {sub(/:.*$/, "", $2); print $2, $1, $4}' file
rs149353603 10 74656
rs140638708 10 75794
rs201043140 10 76210
rs202007578 10 76294
rs75914453 10 77582
Since your file is very large, you might find that using "cut" first is faster, along the lines of the following pipeline:
cut -f 1,2,4 | awk ....

Cut and copy-paste given positions of the text

My dummy text file (one continuous line) looks like this:
I want to:
Delete part of the text (specific range);
Copy-Paste (specific range of characters) within the file.
How I am doing this:
To cut part of the text at wanted positions (from 5 to 7 characters & from 10 to 14 characters) I use cut
echo 'AAChvhkfiAFAjjfkqAPPMB' | cut --complement -c 5-7,10-14
But I really don't know how to copy-paste text. For example: to copy text from 15 to 18 characters and paste it after character 1 (also using previous cut command). To get the final result like this:
So I do have to questions:
How to read text (from .. to) given range using perl, awk or sed & paste this text at specific position.
How to combine this text pasting with the previous cut command as after cutting text will move to the left side, hence wrong text will be copied.
Maybe something like this:
$ echo AAChvhkfiAFAjjfkqAPPMB | awk '{ print(substr($1, 0, 14) substr($1, 18) substr($1, 15, 3)) }'
In Perl I think substr would be a good candidate, try eg.
$a = '1234567890';
#from pos 2, replace 3 chars with nothing, return the 3 chars
print "$a\t$b\n"; #1267890 345
#in posistion 0 (first), replace 0 characters (ie pure insert)
#with the content of $b
print "$a\t$b\n"; #3451267890 345
See for more details.
splice() may be a candidate as well.
In perl, you can use array slice, by splitting the string in a array :
my $string = "AAChvhkfiAFAjjfkqAPPMB1";
my #arr = split //, $string;
and slicing (print element 5 to 7 and 10 to 14):
print #array[5..7,10..14];
you can use splice() too to re-arrange the array.
perldoc said :
Removes the elements designated by OFFSET and LENGTH from an array, and replaces them with the elements of LIST, if any.
quite straightforward with awk:
kent$ echo "AAChvhkfiAFAjjfkqAPPMB"|awk '
$0=t""$0}1' OFS="" FS=""
to reverse the part of text, you just need to swap t and $i:
kent$ echo "AAChvhkfiAFAjjfkqAPPMB"|awk '
$0=t""$0}1' OFS="" FS=""

unix regex for adding contents in a file

i have contents in a file
asdfb ... 1
adfsdf ... 2
sdfdf .. 3
I want to write a unix command that should be able to add 1 + 2 + 3 and give the result as 6
From what I am aware grep and awk would be handy, any pointers would help.
I believe the following is what you're looking for. It will sum up the last field in each record for the data that is read from stdin.
awk '{ sum += $NF } END { print sum }' < file.txt
Some things to note:
With awk you don't need to declare variables, they are willed into existence by assigning values to them.
The variable NF is the number of fields in the current record. By prepending it with a $ we are treating its value as a variable. At least this is how it appears to work anyway :)
The END { } block is only once all records have been processed by the other blocks.
An awk script is all you need for that, since it has grep facilities built in as part of the language.
Let's say your actual file consists of:
asdfb zz 1
adfsdf yyy 2
sdfdf xx 3
and you want to sum the third column. You can use:
echo 'asdfb zz 1
adfsdf yyy 2
sdfdf xx 3' | awk '
BEGIN {s=0;}
{s = s + $3;}
END {print s;}'
The BEGIN clause is run before processing any lines, the END clause after processing all lines.
The other clause happens for every line but you can add more clauses to change the behavior based on all sorts of things (grep-py things).
This might not exactly be what you're looking for, but I wrote a quick Ruby script to accomplish your goal:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
total = 0
while gets
total += $1.to_i if $_ =~ /([0-9]+)$/
puts total
Here's one in Perl.
$ cat foo.txt
asdfb ... 1
adfsdf ... 2
sdfdf .. 3
$ perl -a -n -E '$total += $F[2]; END { say $total }' foo
Golfed version:
perl -anE'END{say$n}$n+=$F[2]' foo