unix regex for adding contents in a file - regex

i have contents in a file
asdfb ... 1
adfsdf ... 2
sdfdf .. 3
I want to write a unix command that should be able to add 1 + 2 + 3 and give the result as 6
From what I am aware grep and awk would be handy, any pointers would help.

I believe the following is what you're looking for. It will sum up the last field in each record for the data that is read from stdin.
awk '{ sum += $NF } END { print sum }' < file.txt
Some things to note:
With awk you don't need to declare variables, they are willed into existence by assigning values to them.
The variable NF is the number of fields in the current record. By prepending it with a $ we are treating its value as a variable. At least this is how it appears to work anyway :)
The END { } block is only once all records have been processed by the other blocks.

An awk script is all you need for that, since it has grep facilities built in as part of the language.
Let's say your actual file consists of:
asdfb zz 1
adfsdf yyy 2
sdfdf xx 3
and you want to sum the third column. You can use:
echo 'asdfb zz 1
adfsdf yyy 2
sdfdf xx 3' | awk '
BEGIN {s=0;}
{s = s + $3;}
END {print s;}'
The BEGIN clause is run before processing any lines, the END clause after processing all lines.
The other clause happens for every line but you can add more clauses to change the behavior based on all sorts of things (grep-py things).

This might not exactly be what you're looking for, but I wrote a quick Ruby script to accomplish your goal:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
total = 0
while gets
total += $1.to_i if $_ =~ /([0-9]+)$/
puts total

Here's one in Perl.
$ cat foo.txt
asdfb ... 1
adfsdf ... 2
sdfdf .. 3
$ perl -a -n -E '$total += $F[2]; END { say $total }' foo
Golfed version:
perl -anE'END{say$n}$n+=$F[2]' foo


awk concatenate strings till contain substring

I have a awk script from this example:
awk '/START/{if (x) print x; x="";}{x=(!x)?$0:x","$0;}END{print x;}' file
Here's a sample file with lines:
$ cat file
So I need to stop concatenating when destination string would contain end word, so the desired output is:
Short Awk solution (though it will check for /end/ pattern twice):
awk '/START/,/end/{ printf "%s%s",$0,(/^end/? ORS:",") }' file
The output:
/START/,/end/ - range pattern
A range pattern is made of two patterns separated by a comma, in the
form ‘begpat, endpat’. It is used to match ranges of consecutive
input records. The first pattern, begpat, controls where the range
begins, while endpat controls where the pattern ends.
/^end/? ORS:"," - set delimiter for the current item within a range
here is another awk
$ awk '/START/{ORS=","} /end/ && ORS=RS; ORS!=RS' file
Note that /end/ && ORS=RS; is shortened form of /end/{ORS=RS; print}
You can use this awk:
awk '/START/{p=1; x=""} p{x = x (x=="" ? "" : ",") $0} /end/{if (x) print x; p=0}' file
Another way, similar to answers in How to select lines between two patterns?
$ awk '/START/{ORS=","; f=1} /end/{ORS=RS; print; f=0} f' ip.txt
this doesn't need a buffer, but doesn't check if START had a corresponding end
/START/{ORS=","; f=1} set ORS as , and set a flag (which controls what lines to print)
/end/{ORS=RS; print; f=0} set ORS to newline on ending condition. Print the line and clear the flag
f print input record as long as this flag is set
Since we seem to have gone down the rabbit hole with ways to do this, here's a fairly reasonable approach with GNU awk for multi-char RS, RT, and gensub():
$ awk -v RS='end' -v OFS=',' 'RT{$0=gensub(/.*(START)/,"\\1",1); $NF=$NF OFS RT; print}' file

Numeric expression in if condition of awk

Pretty new to AWK programming. I have a file1 with entries as:
15>000000513609200>000000513609200>B>I>0011>>238/PLMN/000100>File Ef141109.txt>0100-75607-16156-14 09-11-2014
15>000000513609200>000000513609200>B>I>0011>Danske Politi>238/PLMN/000200>>0100-75607-16156-14 09-11-2014
15>000050354428060>000050354428060>B>I>0011>Danske Politi>238/PLMN/000200>>4100-75607-01302-14 31-10-2014
I want to write a awk script, where if 2nd field subtracted from 3rd field is a 0, then it prints field 2. Else if the (difference > 0), then it prints all intermediate digits incremented by 1 starting from 2nd field ending at 3rd field. There will be no scenario where 3rd field is less than 2nd. So ignoring that condition.
I was doing something as:
awk 'NR > 2 { print p } { p = $0 }' file1 | awk -F">" '{if ($($3 - $2) == 0) print $2; else l = $($3 - $2); for(i=0;i<l;i++) print $2++; }'
(( Someone told me awk is close to C in terms of syntax ))
But from the output it looks to me that the String to numeric or numeric to string conversions are not taking place at right place at right time. Shouldn't it be taken care by AWK automatically ?
The OUTPUT that I get:
Which is not quiet as expected. One evident issue is its ignoring the preceding 0s.
Kindly help me modify the AWK script to get the desired result.
awk 'NR > 2 { print p } { p = $0 }' file1 is just to remove the 1st and last entry in my original file1. So the part that needs to be fixed is:
awk -F">" '{if ($($3 - $2) == 0) print $2; else l = $($3 - $2); for(i=0;i<l;i++) print $2++; }'
In awk, think of $ as an operator to retrieve the value of the named field number ($0 being a special case)
$1 is the value of field 1
$NF is the value of the field given in the NF variable
So, $($3 - $2) will try to get the value of the field number given by the expression ($3 - $2).
You need fewer $ signs
awk -F">" '{
if ($3 == $2)
print $2
else {
while (v < $3)
print v++
Normally, this will work, but your numbers are beyond awk integer bounds so you need another solution to handle them. I'm posting this to initiate other solutions and better illustrate your specifications.
$ awk -F'>' '{for(i=$2;i<=$3;i++) print i}' file
note that this will skip the rows that you say impossible to happen
A small scale example
$ cat file_0
$ awk -F'>' '{for(i=$2;i<=$3;i++) print i}' file_0
Apparently, newer versions of gawk has --bignum options for arbitrary precision integers, if you have a compatible version that may solve your problem but I don't have access to verify.
For anyone who does not have ready access to gawk with bigint support, it may be simpler to consider other options if some kind of "big integer" support is required. Since ruby has an awk-like mode of operation,
let's consider ruby here.
To get started, there are just four things to remember:
invoke ruby with the -n and -a options (-n for the awk-like loop; -a for automatic parsing of lines into fields ($F[i]));
awk's $n becomes $F[n-1];
explicit conversion of numeric strings to integers is required;
To specify the lines to be executed on the command line, use the '-e TEXT' option.
Thus a direct translation of:
awk -F'>' '{for(i=$2;i<=$3;i++) print i}' file
would be:
ruby -an -F'>' -e '($F[1].to_i .. $F[2].to_i).each {|i| puts i }' file
To guard against empty lines, the following script would be slightly better:
($F[1].to_i .. $F[2].to_i).each {|i| puts i } if $F.length > 2
This could be called as above, or if the script is in a file (say script.rb) using the incantation:
ruby -an -F'>' script.rb file
Given the OP input data, the output is:
The left-padding can be accomplished in several ways -- see for example this SO page.

Using awk to find a domain name containing the longest repeated word

For example, let's say there is a file called domains.csv with the following:
I'm trying to use linux awk regex expressions to find the line that contains the longest repeated1 word, so in this case, it will return the line
How do I do that?
1 Meaning "immediately repeated", i.e., abcabc, but not abcXabc.
A pure awk implementation would be rather long-winded as awk regexes don't have backreferences, the usage of which simplifies the approach quite a bit.
I'ved added one line to the example input file for the case of multiple longest words:
And this gets the lines with the longest repeated sequence:
cut -d ',' -f 2 infile | grep -Eo '(.*)\1' |
awk '{ print length(), $0 }' | sort -k 1,1 -nr |
awk 'NR==1 {prev=$1;print $2;next} $1==prev {print $2;next} {exit}' | grep -f - infile
Since this is pretty anti-obvious, let's split up what this does and look at the output at each stage:
Remove the first column with the line number to avoid matches for lines numbers with repeating digits:
$ cut -d ',' -f 2 infile
Get all lines with a repeated sequence, extract just that repeated sequence:
... | grep -Eo '(.*)\1'
Get the length of each of those lines:
... | awk '{ print length(), $0 }'
2 ll
10 hellohello
2 ll
6 byebye
14 welcomewelcome
14 comewelcomewel
Sort by the first column, numerically, descending:
...| sort -k 1,1 -nr
14 welcomewelcome
14 comewelcomewel
10 hellohello
6 byebye
2 ll
2 ll
Print the second of these columns for all lines where the first column (the length) has the same value as on the first line:
... | awk 'NR==1{prev=$1;print $2;next} $1==prev{print $2;next} {exit}'
Pipe this into grep, using the -f - argument to read stdin as a file:
... | grep -f - infile
While this can handle the bbwelcomewelcome case mentioned in comments, it will trip on overlapping patterns such as welwelcomewelcome, where it only finds welwel, but not welcomewelcome.
Alternative solution with more awk, less sort
As pointed out by tripleee in comments, this can be simplified to skip the sort step and combine the two awk steps and the sort step into a single awk step, likely improving performance:
$ cut -d ',' -f 2 infile | grep -Eo '(.*)\1' |
awk '{if (length()>ml) {ml=length(); delete a; i=1} if (length()>=ml){a[i++]=$0}}
END{for (i in a){print a[i]}}' |
grep -f - infile
Let's look at that awk step in more detail, with expanded variable names for clarity:
# New longest match: throw away stored longest matches, reset index
if (length() > max_len) {
max_len = length()
delete arr_longest
idx = 1
# Add line to longest matches
if (length() >= max_len)
arr_longest[idx++] = $0
# Print all the longest matches
for (idx in arr_longest)
print arr_longest[idx]
I've timed the two solutions on the top one million domains file mentioned in the comments:
First solution (with sort and two awk steps):
real 1m55.742s
user 1m57.873s
sys 0m0.045s
Second solution (just one awk step, no sort):
real 1m55.603s
user 1m56.514s
sys 0m0.045s
And the Perl solution by Casimir et Hippolyte:
real 0m5.249s
user 0m5.234s
sys 0m0.000s
What we learn from this: ask for a Perl solution next time ;)
Interestingly, if we know that there will be just one longest match and simplify the commands accordingly (just head -1 instead of the second awk command for the first solution, or no keeping track of multiple longest matches with awk in the second solution), the time gained is only in the range of a few seconds.
Portability remark
Apparently, BSD grep can't do grep -f - to read from stdin. In this case, the output of the pipe until there has to be redirected to a temp file, and this temp file then used with grep -f.
A way with perl:
perl -F, -ane 'if (#m=$F[1]=~/(?=(.+)\1)/g) {
#m=sort { length $b <=> length $a} #m;
$cl=length #m[0];
if ($l<$cl) { #res=($_); $l=$cl; } elsif ($l==$cl) { push #res, ($_); }
END { print #res; }' file
The idea is to find all longest overlapping repeated strings for each position in the second field, then the match array is sorted and the longest substring becomes the first item in the array (#m[0]).
Once done, the length of the current repeated substring ($cl) is compared with the stored length (of the previous longest substring). When the current repeated substring is longer than the stored length, the result array is overwritten with the current line, when the lengths are the same, the current line is pushed into the result array.
command line option:
-F, set the field separator to ,
-ane (e execute the following code, n read a line at a time and puts its content in $_, a autosplit, using the defined FS, and puts fields in the #F array)
The pattern:
(?= # open a lookahead assertion
(.+)\1 # capture group 1 and backreference to the group 1
) # close the lookahead
/g # all occurrences
This is a well-know pattern to find all overlapping results in a string. The idea is to use the fact that a lookahead doesn't consume characters (a lookahead only means "check if this subpattern follows at the current position", but it doesn't match any character). To obtain the characters matched in the lookahead, all that you need is a capture group.
Since a lookahead matches nothing, the pattern is tested at each position (and doesn't care if the characters have been already captured in group 1 before).

AWK regex to find String with pattern

I have a File that contain too many charechter and symbols. I want to find an exact string and then cut it and give it to two variables. I have write it with grep but i want to write it in **AWK** or SED.
Here is my example file :
e`)G:FS.nGz%?#~k!20aLJ^PU-[#}0W\ !8x
cujOmEK"1;!cI134lu%0-A +/t!VIf?8uT`!
"nzb.j-.i%z5`U*8]~#64sF'r;\x\;ylr_;q5F` A!~p*
first i want to find 2zTest1.Test2n9 then cut the first 2 and last two charechter and finally get Two Words without dot(.). First word will i send to one variable and second one two another Variable.
Note : I want to find 2zTest1.Test2n9 and then i want to cut it.
output :
variable 1 = test1
variable 2 = test2
With sed its:
sed -n 's/.*\(2z\(\(.*\)\.\(.*\)\)n9\).*/variable 1 = \L\3\nvariable 2 = \L\4/p' your.file
variable 1 = test1
variable 2 = test2
Using GNU awk:
read var1 var2 < <(
gawk 'match($0, /2[[:alpha:]]([^.]+)\.(.*)[[:alpha:]]9/, m) {
print m[1], m[2]
}' file
echo "var1=$var1"
echo "var2=$var2"
I read your comments to hek2mgl's answer -- those requirement need to be in the question itself.

Cut and copy-paste given positions of the text

My dummy text file (one continuous line) looks like this:
I want to:
Delete part of the text (specific range);
Copy-Paste (specific range of characters) within the file.
How I am doing this:
To cut part of the text at wanted positions (from 5 to 7 characters & from 10 to 14 characters) I use cut
echo 'AAChvhkfiAFAjjfkqAPPMB' | cut --complement -c 5-7,10-14
But I really don't know how to copy-paste text. For example: to copy text from 15 to 18 characters and paste it after character 1 (also using previous cut command). To get the final result like this:
So I do have to questions:
How to read text (from .. to) given range using perl, awk or sed & paste this text at specific position.
How to combine this text pasting with the previous cut command as after cutting text will move to the left side, hence wrong text will be copied.
Maybe something like this:
$ echo AAChvhkfiAFAjjfkqAPPMB | awk '{ print(substr($1, 0, 14) substr($1, 18) substr($1, 15, 3)) }'
In Perl I think substr would be a good candidate, try eg.
$a = '1234567890';
#from pos 2, replace 3 chars with nothing, return the 3 chars
print "$a\t$b\n"; #1267890 345
#in posistion 0 (first), replace 0 characters (ie pure insert)
#with the content of $b
print "$a\t$b\n"; #3451267890 345
See http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/substr.html for more details.
splice() may be a candidate as well.
In perl, you can use array slice, by splitting the string in a array :
my $string = "AAChvhkfiAFAjjfkqAPPMB1";
my #arr = split //, $string;
and slicing (print element 5 to 7 and 10 to 14):
print #array[5..7,10..14];
you can use splice() too to re-arrange the array.
perldoc said :
Removes the elements designated by OFFSET and LENGTH from an array, and replaces them with the elements of LIST, if any.
See http://perldoc.perl.org/perldata.html#Slices
quite straightforward with awk:
kent$ echo "AAChvhkfiAFAjjfkqAPPMB"|awk '
$0=t""$0}1' OFS="" FS=""
to reverse the part of text, you just need to swap t and $i:
kent$ echo "AAChvhkfiAFAjjfkqAPPMB"|awk '
$0=t""$0}1' OFS="" FS=""