Compute series without being able to store values? - c++

Problem statement[here]
Let be S a infinite secuence of integers:
S0 = a;
S1 = b;
Si = |Si-2 - Si-1| for all i >= 2.
You have two integers a and b. You must answer some queries about the n-th element in the sequence.(means print the nth number in the sequence i.e S(n) )
( 0 <= a,b <= 10^18),( 1 <= q <= 100000 )
What I Tried(This would give a runtime error) :
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
long long int q,a,b,arr[100002];/*Can't declare an array of required size */
int main() {
// your code goes here
int p[100002];
long long int m = -1;//stores max index asked
for(int i=0;i<q;i++)
m = (m>p[i])?m:p[i];
for(int i=2;i<=m;i++)//calculates series upto that index
for(int i=0;i<q;i++)
return 0;
Given : qi fits in 64 bit integer. since index can be very large and i cant declare that bit an array, how should i approach this problem(since brute force would give TLE). Thanks!

HA! There is a solution that doesn't require (complete) iteration:
Considering some values Si and Sj, where i, j > 1. Then, looking at how the numbers of the sequence are built (using the absolute value), we can conclude that both numbers are positive.
Then the absolute value of their difference is guaranteed to be less (or equal) than the larger of the two.
Assuming it is strictly less than the larger of the two, within the next two steps, the larger value of the original values will go "out of scope". From that we can conclude that in this case, the numbers of the sequence are getting smaller and smaller.
(*) If the difference is equal to the larger one, then the other number must have been 0. In the next step, one of two things might happen:
a) The larger goes out of scope, then the next two numbers are the calculated difference (which is equal to the larger) and 0, which will yield again the larger value. Then we have the same situation as in ...
b) The zero goes out of scope. Then the next step will compute the difference between the larger and the calculated difference (which is equal to the larger), resulting in 0. In the next step, this leads back to the original (*) situation.
Result: A repeating pattern of L, L, 0, ...
Some examples:
3, 1, 2, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, ...
1, 3, 2, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, ...
3.5, 1, 2.5, 1.5, 1, .5, .5, 0, .5, .5, 0, ...
.1, 1, .9, .1, .8, .7, .1, .6, .5, .1, .4, .3, .1, .2, .1, .1, 0, ...
Applying that to the code: As soon as one value is 0, no more iteration is required, the next two numbers will be the same as the previous, then there will be again a 0 and so on:
// A and B could also be negative, that wouldn't change the algorithm,
// but this way the implementation is easier
uint64_t sequence(uint64_t A, uint64_t B, size_t n) {
if (n == 0) {
return A;
uint64_t prev[2] = {A, B};
for (size_t it = 1u; it < n; ++it) {
uint64_t next =
(prev[0] > prev[1]) ?
(prev[0] - prev[1]) :
(prev[1] - prev[0]);
if (next == 0) {
size_t remaining = n - it - 1;
if (remaining % 3 == 0) {
return 0;
return prev[0]; // same as prev[1]
prev[0] = prev[1];
prev[1] = next;
return prev[1];
Live demo here (play with the a and b values if you like).
If you have repeated queries for the same A and B, you could cache all values until next == 0 in a std::vector, giving you really constant time for the following queries.
I'm also pretty sure that there's a pattern before the sequence reaches 0, but I wasn't able to find it.
I just noticed that I missed that it should be the absolute value of the difference ...
If it's fast enough, here is an iterative version:
// deciding on a concrete type is hard ...
uint64_t sequence (uint64_t A, uint64_t B, uint64_t n) {
if (n == 0) {
return A;
uint64_t prev[2] = {A, B};
for (auto it = 1u; it < n; ++it) {
auto next =
(prev[0] > prev[1]) ?
(prev[0] - prev[1]) :
(prev[1] - prev[0]);
prev[0] = prev[1];
prev[1] = next;
return prev[1];
As you see you don't need to store all values, only the last two numbers are needed to compute the next one.
If this isn't fast enough you could add memorisation: Store the pairs of prev values in an ordered std::map (mapping n to those pairs). You can then start from the entry with the next, lower value of n instead of from the beginning. Of course you need to manage that map then, too: Keep it small and filled with "useful" values.
This is not a programming problem, it's an algorithmic one. Let's look at the first numbers of that sequence:
b-(a-b) = 2b-a
(a-b)-(b-(a-b)) = 2(a-b)-b = 2a-3b
2b-a-(2a-3b) = 5b-3a
2a-3b-(5b-3a) = 5a-8b
Looking only at the absolute value of the coefficients shows ...
b: 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 ...
a: (1) 0 1 1 2 3 5 ...
... that this is about the Fibonacci sequence. Then, there's also the sign, but this is pretty easy:
b: - + - + - ...
a: + - + - + ...
So the nth number in your sequence should be equal to
f(0) = a
f(n) = (-1)^n * fib(n-1) * a +
(-1)^(n-1) * fib(n) * b
Of course now we have to calculate the nth Fibonacci number, but fortunately there's already a solution for that:
fib(n) = (phi^n - chi^n) / (phi - chi)
phi = (1 + sqr(5)) / 2
chi = 1 - phi
So, bringing that to code:
unsigned long fib(unsigned n) {
double const phi = (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2.0;
double const chi = 1 - phi;
return (pow(phi, n) - pow(chi, n)) / (phi - chi);
long sequence (long A, long B, unsigned n) {
if(n ==0) {
return A;
auto part_a = fib(n-1) * A;
auto part_b = fib (n) * B;
return (n % 2 == 0) ? (part_a - part_b) : (part_b - part_a);
Some live demo is here, but this gets problematic when approaching larger numbers (I suspect the fib getting incorrect).
The demo contains also the iterative version of the sequence, as control. If that's fast enough for you, use that instead. No need to store anything more than the last two numbers.
To improve this further, you could use a lookup table with holes for the Fibonacci numbers, i.e. remembering every tenth (and their successor) number of the sequence.


Divide array into smaller consecutive parts such that NEO value is maximal

On this years Bubble Cup (finished) there was the problem NEO (which I couldn't solve), which asks
Given array with n integer elements. We divide it into several part (may be 1), each part is a consecutive of elements. The NEO value in that case is computed by: Sum of value of each part. Value of a part is sum all elements in this part multiple by its length.
Example: We have array: [ 2 3 -2 1 ]. If we divide it like: [2 3] [-2 1]. Then NEO = (2 + 3) * 2 + (-2 + 1) * 2 = 10 - 2 = 8.
The number of elements in array is smaller then 10^5 and the numbers are integers between -10^6 and 10^6
I've tried something like divide and conquer to constantly split array into two parts if it increases the maximal NEO number otherwise return the NEO of the whole array. But unfortunately the algorithm has worst case O(N^2) complexity (my implementation is below) so I'm wondering whether there is a better solution
EDIT: My algorithm (greedy) doesn't work, taking for example [1,2,-6,2,1] my algorithm returns the whole array while to get the maximal NEO value is to take parts [1,2],[-6],[2,1] which gives NEO value of (1+2)*2+(-6)+(1+2)*2=6
#include <iostream>
int maxInterval(long long int suma[],int first,int N)
long long int max = -1000000000000000000LL;
long long int curr;
if(first==N) return 0;
int k;
for(int i=first;i<N;i++)
if(first>0) curr = (suma[i]-suma[first-1])*(i-first+1)+(suma[N-1]-suma[i])*(N-1-i); // Split the array into elements from [first..i] and [i+1..N-1] store the corresponding NEO value
else curr = suma[i]*(i-first+1)+(suma[N-1]-suma[i])*(N-1-i); // Same excpet that here first = 0 so suma[first-1] doesn't exist
if(curr > max) max = curr,k=i; // find the maximal NEO value for splitting into two parts
if(k==N-1) return max; // If the max when we take the whole array then return the NEO value of the whole array
return maxInterval(suma,first,k+1)+maxInterval(suma,k+1,N); // Split the 2 parts further if needed and return it's sum
int main() {
int T;
std::cin >> T;
for(int j=0;j<T;j++) // Iterate over all the test cases
int N;
long long int NEO[100010]; // Values, could be long int but just to be safe
long long int suma[100010]; // sum[i] = sum of NEO values from NEO[0] to NEO[i]
long long int sum=0;
int k;
std::cin >> N;
for(int i=0;i<N;i++)
std::cin >> NEO[i];
suma[i] = sum;
std::cout << maxInterval(suma,0,N) << std::endl;
return 0;
This is not a complete solution but should provide some helpful direction.
Combining two groups that each have a positive sum (or one of the sums is non-negative) would always yield a bigger NEO than leaving them separate:
m * a + n * b < (m + n) * (a + b) where a, b > 0 (or a > 0, b >= 0); m and n are subarray lengths
Combining a group with a negative sum with an entire group of non-negative numbers always yields a greater NEO than combining it with only part of the non-negative group. But excluding the group with the negative sum could yield an even greater NEO:
[1, 1, 1, 1] [-2] => m * a + 1 * (-b)
Now, imagine we gradually move the dividing line to the left, increasing the sum b is combined with. While the expression on the right is negative, the NEO for the left group keeps decreasing. But if the expression on the right gets positive, relying on our first assertion (see 1.), combining the two groups would always be greater than not.
Combining negative numbers alone in sequence will always yield a smaller NEO than leaving them separate:
-a - b - c ... = -1 * (a + b + c ...)
l * (-a - b - c ...) = -l * (a + b + c ...)
-l * (a + b + c ...) < -1 * (a + b + c ...) where l > 1; a, b, c ... > 0
O(n^2) time, O(n) space JavaScript code:
function f(A){
let negatives = [];
let prefixes = new Array(A.length).fill(0);
let m = new Array(A.length).fill(0);
for (let i=1; i<A.length; i++){
if (A[i] < 0)
prefixes[i] = A[i] + prefixes[i - 1];
m[i] = i * (A[i] + prefixes[i - 1]);
for (let j=negatives.length-1; j>=0; j--){
let negative = prefixes[negatives[j]] - prefixes[negatives[j] - 1];
let prefix = (i - negatives[j]) * (prefixes[i] - prefixes[negatives[j]]);
m[i] = Math.max(m[i], prefix + negative + m[negatives[j] - 1]);
return m[m.length - 1];
console.log(f([1, 2, -5, 2, 1, 3, -4, 1, 2]));
console.log(f([1, 2, -4, 1]));
console.log(f([2, 3, -2, 1]));
console.log(f([-2, -3, -2, -1]));
This blog provides that we can transform the dp queries from
dp_i = sum_i*i + max(for j < i) of ((dp_j + sum_j*j) + (-j*sum_i) + (-i*sumj))
dp_i = sum_i*i + max(for j < i) of (dp_j + sum_j*j, -j, -sum_j) ⋅ (1, sum_i, i)
which means we could then look at each iteration for an already seen vector that would generate the largest dot product with our current information. The math alluded to involves convex hull and farthest point query, which are beyond my reach to implement at this point but will make a study of.

Maximise the AND

Given an array of n non-negative integers: A1, A2, …, AN. How to find a pair of integers Au, Av (1 ≤ u < v ≤ N) such that (Au and Av) is as large as possible.
Example : Let N=4 and array be [2 4 8 10] .Here answer is 8
2 and 4 = 0
2 and 8 = 0
2 and 10 = 2
4 and 8 = 0
4 and 10 = 0
8 and 10 = 8
How to do it if N can go upto 10^5.
I have O(N^2) solution.But its not efficient
Code :
for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
for(int j=i+1;j<n;j++){
if(arr[i] & arr[j] > ans)
ans=arr[i] & arr[j];
One way you could speed it up is to take advantage of the fact that if any of the high bits are set in any two numbers, then the AND of those two number will ALWAYS be larger than any combination using lower bits.
Therefore, if you order your numbers by the bits set you may decrease the number of operations drastically.
In order to find the most significant bit efficiently, GCC has a builtin intrinsic: __builtin_clz(unsigned int x) that returns the index of the most significant set bit. (Other compilers have similar intrinsics, translating to a single instruction on at least x86).
const unsigned int BITS = sizeof(unsigned int)*8; // Assuming 8 bit bytes.
// Your implementation over.
unsigned int max_and_trivial( const std::vector<unsigned int> & input);
// Partition the set.
unsigned int max_and( const std::vector<unsigned int> & input ) {
// For small input, just use the trivial algorithm.
if ( input.size() < 100 ) {
return max_and_trivial(input);
std::vector<unsigned int> by_bit[BITS];
for ( auto elem : input ) {
unsigned int mask = elem;
while (mask) { // Ignore elements that are 0.
unsigned int most_sig = __builtin_clz(mask);
by_bits[ most_sig ].push_back(elem);
mask ^= (0x1 << BITS-1) >> most_sig;
// Now, if any of the vectors in by_bits have more
// than one element, the one with the highest index
// will include the largest AND-value.
for ( unsigned int i = BITS-1; i >= 0; i--) {
if ( by_bits[i].size() > 1 ) {
return max_and_trivial( by_bits[i]);
// If you get here, the largest value is 0.
return 0;
This algorithm still has worst case runtime O(N*N), but on average it should perform much better. You can also further increase the performance by repeating the partition step when you search through the smaller vector (just remember to ignore the most significant bit in the partition step, doing this should increase the performance to a worst case of O(N)).
Guaranteeing that there are no duplicates in the input-data will further increase the performance.
Sort the array in descending order.
Take the first two numbers. If they are both between two consecutive powers of 2 (say 2^k and 2^(k+1), then you can remove all elements that are less than 2^k.
From the remaining elements, subtract 2^k.
Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the number of elements in the array is 2.
Note: If you find that only the largest element is between 2^k and 2^(k+1) and the second largest element is less than 2^k, then you will not remove any element, but just subtract 2^k from the largest element.
Also, determining where an element lies in the series {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, ...} can be done in O(log(log(MAX))) time where MAX is the largest number in the array.
I didn't test this, and I'm not going to. O(N) memory and O(N) complexity.
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
* The idea is as follows:
* 1.) Create a mathematical set A that holds integers.
* 2.) Initialize importantBit = highest bit in any integer in v
* 3.) Put into A all integers that have importantBit set to 1.
* 4.) If |A| = 2, that is our answer. If |A| < 2, --importantBit and try again. If |A| > 2, basically
* redo the problem but only on the integers in set A.
* Keep "set A" at the beginning of v.
pair<unsigned, unsigned> find_and_sum_pair(vector<unsigned> v)
// Find highest bit in v.
int importantBit = 0;
for(auto num : v)
importantBit = max(importantBit, highest_bit_index(num));
// Move all elements with imortantBit to front of vector until doing so gives us at least 2 in the set.
int setEnd;
while((setEnd = partial_sort_for_bit(v, importantBit, v.size())) < 2 && importantBit > 0)
// If the set is never sufficient, no answer exists
if(importantBit == 0)
return pair<unsigned, unsigned>();
// Repeat the problem only on the subset defined by A until |A| = 2 and impBit > 0 or impBit = 0
while(importantBit > 1)
unsigned secondSetEnd = partial_sort_for_bit(v, --importantBit, setEnd);
if(secondSetEnd >= 2)
setEnd = secondSetEnd;
return pair<unsigned, unsigned>(v[0], v[1]);
// Returns end index (1 past last) of set A
int partial_sort_for_bit(vector<unsigned> &v, unsigned importantBit, unsigned vSize)
unsigned setEnd = 0;
unsigned mask = 1<<(importantBit-1);
for(decltype(v.size()) index = 0; index < vSize; ++index)
if(v[index]&mask > 0)
swap(v[index], v[setEnd++]);
return setEnd;
unsigned highest_bit_index(unsigned i)
unsigned ret = i != 0;
while(i >>= 1)
return ret;
I came upon this problem again and solved it a different way (much more understandable to me):
unsigned findMaxAnd(vector<unsigned> &input) {
vector<unsigned> candidates;
for(unsigned mask = 1<<31; mask; mask >>= 1) {
for(unsigned i : input)
if (candidates.size() >= 2)
input = move(candidates);
candidates = vector<unsigned>();
if(input.size() < 2) {
return 0;
return input[0]&input[1];
Here is an O(N * log MAX_A) solution:
1)Let's construct the answer greedily, iterating from the highest bit to the lowest one.
2)To do it, one can mantain a set S of numbers that currently fit. Initially, it consists of all numbers in the array. Let's also assume that initially ANS = 0.
3)Now lets iterate over all the bits from the highest to the lowest. Let's say that current bit is B.
4)If the number of elements in S with value 1 of the B-th bit is greater than 1, it is possible to have 1 in this position without changing the values of higher bits in ANS so we should add 2^B to the ANS and remove all elements from S which have 0 value of this bit(they do not fit anymore).
5)Otherwise, it is not possible to obtain 1 in this position, so we do not change S and ANS and proceed to the next bit.

Is there an expression using modulo to do backwards wrap-around ("reverse overflow")?

For any whole number input W restricted by the range R = [x,y], the "overflow," for lack of a better term, of W over R is W % (y-x+1) + x. This causes it wrap back around if W exceeds y.
As an example of this principle, suppose we iterate over a calendar's months:
int this_month = 5;
int next_month = (this_month + 1) % 12;
where both integers will be between 0 and 11, inclusive. Thus, the expression above "clamps" the integer to the range R = [0,11]. This approach of using an expression is simple, elegant, and advantageous as it omits branching.
Now, what if we want to do the same thing, but backwards? The following expression works:
int last_month = ((this_month - 1) % 12 + 12) % 12;
but it's abstruse. How can it be beautified?
tl;dr - Can the expression ((x-1) % k + k) % k be simplified further?
Note: C++ tag specified because other languages handle negative operands for the modulo operator differently.
Your expression should be ((x-1) + k) % k. This will properly wrap x=0 around to 11. In general, if you want to step back more than 1, you need to make sure that you add enough so that the first operand of the modulo operation is >= 0.
Here is an implementation in C++:
int wrapAround(int v, int delta, int minval, int maxval)
const int mod = maxval + 1 - minval;
if (delta >= 0) {return (v + delta - minval) % mod + minval;}
else {return ((v + delta) - delta * mod - minval) % mod + minval;}
This also allows to use months labeled from 0 to 11 or from 1 to 12, setting min_val and max_val accordingly.
Since this answer is so highly appreciated, here is an improved version without branching, which also handles the case where the initial value v is smaller than minval. I keep the other example because it is easier to understand:
int wrapAround(int v, int delta, int minval, int maxval)
const int mod = maxval + 1 - minval;
v += delta - minval;
v += (1 - v / mod) * mod;
return v % mod + minval;
The only issue remaining is if minval is larger than maxval. Feel free to add an assertion if you need it.
k % k will always be 0. I'm not 100% sure what you're trying to do but it seems you want the last month to be clamped between 0 and 11 inclusive.
(this_month + 11) % 12
Should suffice.
The general solution is to write a function that computes the value that you want:
//Returns floor(a/n) (with the division done exactly).
//Let ÷ be mathematical division, and / be C++ division.
//We know
// a÷b = a/b + f (f is the remainder, not all
// divisions have exact Integral results)
// (a/b)*b + a%b == a (from the standard).
//Together, these imply (through algebraic manipulation):
// sign(f) == sign(a%b)*sign(b)
//We want the remainder (f) to always be >=0 (by definition of flooredDivision),
//so when sign(f) < 0, we subtract 1 from a/n to make f > 0.
template<typename Integral>
Integral flooredDivision(Integral a, Integral n) {
Integral q(a/n);
if ((a%n < 0 && n > 0) || (a%n > 0 && n < 0)) --q;
return q;
//flooredModulo: Modulo function for use in the construction
//looping topologies. The result will always be between 0 and the
//denominator, and will loop in a natural fashion (rather than swapping
//the looping direction over the zero point (as in C++11),
//or being unspecified (as in earlier C++)).
//Returns x such that:
//Real a = Real(numerator)
//Real n = Real(denominator)
//Real r = a - n*floor(n/d)
//x = Integral(r)
template<typename Integral>
Integral flooredModulo(Integral a, Integral n) {
return a - n * flooredDivision(a, n);
Easy Peasy, do not use the first module operator, it is superfluous:
int last_month = (this_month - 1 + 12) % 12;
which is the general case
In this instance you can write 11, but I would still do the -1 + 11 as it more clearly states what you want to achieve.
Note that normal mod causes the pattern 0...11 to repeat at 12...23, 24...35, etc. but doesn't wrap on -11...-1. In other words, it has two sets of behaviors. One from -infinity...-1, and a different set of behavior from 0...infinity.
The expression ((x-1) % k + k) % k fixes -11...-1 but has the same problem as normal mod with -23...-12. I.e. while it fixes 12 additional numbers, it doesn't wrap around infinitely. It still has one set of behavior from -infinity...-12, and a different behavior from -11...+infinity.
This means that if you're using the function for offsets, it could lead to buggy code.
If you want a truly wrap around mod, it should handle the entire range, -infinity...infinity in exactly the same way.
There is probably a better way to implement this, but here is an easy to understand implementation:
// n must be greater than 0
func wrapAroundMod(a: Int, n: Int) -> Int {
var offsetTimes: Int = 0
if a < 0 {
offsetTimes = (-a / n) + 1
return (a + n * offsetTimes) % n
Not sure if you were having the same problem as me, but my problem was essentially that I wanted to constrain all numbers to a certain range. Say that range was 0-6, so using %7 means that any number higher than 6 will wrap back around to 0 or above. The actual problem is that numbers less than zero didn't wrap back around to 6. I have a solution to that (where X is the upper limit of your number range and 0 is the minimum):
if(inputNumber <0)//If this is a negative number

Find two missing numbers

We have a machine with O(1) memory and we want to pass n numbers (one by one) in the first pass, and then we exclude the two numbers and we will pass n-2 numbers to the machine.
write an algorithm that finds missing numbers.
It can be done with O(1) memory.
You only need a few integers to keep track of some running sums. The integers do not require log n bits (where n is the number of input integers), they only require 2b+1 bits, where b is the number of bits in an individual input integer.
When you first read the stream add all the numbers and all of their squares, i.e. for each input number, n, do the following:
sum += n
sq_sum += n*n
Then on the second stream do the same thing for two different values, sum2 and sq_sum2. Now do the following maths:
sum - sum2 = a + b
sq_sum - sq_sum2 = a^2 + b^2
(a + b)(a + b) = a^2 + b^2 + 2ab
(a + b)(a + b) - (a^2 + b^2) = 2ab
(sum*sum - sq_sum) = 2ab
(a - b)(a - b) = a^2 + b^2 - 2ab
= sq_sum - (sum*sum - sq_sum) = 2sq_sum - sum*sum
sqrt(2sq_sum - sum*sum) = sqrt((a - b)(a - b)) = a - b
((a + b) - (a - b)) / 2 = b
(a + b) - b = a
You need 2b+1 bits in all intermediate results because you are storing products of two input integers, and in one case multiplying one of those values by two.
Assuming the numbers are ranging from 1..N and 2 of them are missing - x and y, you can do the following:
Use Gauss formula: sum = N(N+1)/2
sum - actual_sum = x + y
Use product of numbers: product = 1*2..*N = N!
product - actual_product = x * y
Resolve x,y and you have your missing numbers.
In short - go through the array and sum up each element to get the actual_sum, multiply each element to get actual_product. Then resolve the two equations for x an y.
It cannot be done with O(1) memory.
Assume you have a constant k bits of memory - then you can have 2^k possible states for your algorithm.
However - input is not limited, and assume there are (2^k) + 1 possible answers for (2^k) + 1 different problem cases, from piegeonhole principle, you will return the same answer twice for 2 problems with different answers, and thus your algorithm is wrong.
The following came to my mind as soon as I finished reading the question. But the answers above suggest that it is not possible with O(1) memory or that there should be a constraint on the range of numbers. Tell me if my understanding of the question is wrong. Ok, so here goes
You have O(1) memory - which means you have constant amount of memory.
When the n numbers are passed to you 1st time, just keep adding them in one variable and keep multiplying them in another. So at the end of 1st pass you have the sum and product of all the numbers in 2 variables S1 and P1. You have used 2 variable till now (+1 if you reading the numbers in memory).
When the (n-2) numbers are passed to you the second time, do the same. Store the sum and product of the (n-2) numbers in 2 other variables S2 and P2. You have used 4 variables till now (+1 if you reading the numbers in memory).
If the two missing numbers are x and y, then
x + y = S1 - S2
x*y = P1/P2;
You have two equations in two variables. Solve them.
So you have used a constant amount of memory (independent of n).
void Missing(int arr[], int size)
int xor = arr[0]; /* Will hold xor of all elements */
int set_bit_no; /* Will have only single set bit of xor */
int i;
int n = size - 2;
int x = 0, y = 0;
/* Get the xor of all elements in arr[] and {1, 2 .. n} */
for(i = 1; i < size; i++)
xor ^= arr[i];
for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)
xor ^= i;
/* Get the rightmost set bit in set_bit_no */
set_bit_no = xor & ~(xor-1);
/* Now divide elements in two sets by comparing rightmost set
bit of xor with bit at same position in each element. */
for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
if(arr[i] & set_bit_no)
x = x ^ arr[i]; /*XOR of first set in arr[] */
y = y ^ arr[i]; /*XOR of second set in arr[] */
for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)
if(i & set_bit_no)
x = x ^ i; /*XOR of first set in arr[] and {1, 2, ...n }*/
y = y ^ i; /*XOR of second set in arr[] and {1, 2, ...n } */
printf("\n The two repeating missing elements are are %d & %d ", x, y);
Please look at the solution link below. It explains an XOR method.
This method is more efficient than any of the methods explained above.
It might be the same as Victor above, but there is an explanation as to why this works.
Solution here
Here is the simple solution which does not require any quadratic formula or multiplication:
Let say B is the sum of two missing numbers.
The set of two missing numbers will be one from:
Therefore, we know that one of those two numbers will be less than or equal to the half of B.
We know that we can calculate the B (sum of both missing number).
So, once we have B, we will find the sum of all numbers in the list which are less than or equal to B/2 and subtract that from the sum of (1 to B/2) to get the first number. And then, we get the second number by subtracting first number from B. In below code, rem_sum is B.
public int[] findMissingTwoNumbers(int [] list, int N){
if(list.length == 0 || list.length != N - 2)return new int[0];
int rem_sum = (N*(N + 1))/2;
for(int i = 0; i < list.length; i++)rem_sum -= list[i];
int half = rem_sum/2;
if(rem_sum%2 == 0)half--; //both numbers cannot be the same
int rem_half = getRemHalf(list,half);
int [] result = {rem_half, rem_sum - rem_half};
return result;
private int getRemHalf(int [] list, int half){
int rem_half = (half*(half + 1))/2;
for(int i = 0; i < list.length; i++){
if(list[i] <= half)rem_half -= list[i];
return rem_half;

Checking whether two numbers are permutation of each other?

Given two numbers a, b such that 1 <= a , b <= 10000000000 (10^10). My problem is to check whether the digits in them are permutation of each other or not. What is the fastest way of doing it? I was thinks of using hashing but unable to find any suitable hash function. Any suggestions?
For e.g -
123 is a valid permutation of 312
Also I don't want to sort the digits in the numbers.
If you mean the characters of the numbers (such as 1927 and 9721), there are (at least) a couple of approaches.
If you were allowed to sort, one approach is to simply sprintf them to two buffers, sort the characters in the buffers, then see if the strings are equal.
However, given your desire to not sort the digits, another alternative is to set up a ten-element array, with all elements initially set to zero, then process each digit in the first number, incrementing the relevant element.
Then do the same with the second number but decrementing.
If, at the end, it's still all zeros, the numbers were a permutation of each other.
This is efficient in that it's an O(n) algorithm where n is the number of digits in the two numbers. The pseudo-code for such a beast would be something like:
def arePermutations (num1, num2):
create array count, ten elements, all zero.
for each digit in num1:
increment count[digit]
for each digit in num2:
decrement count[digit]
for each item in count:
if item is non-zero:
return false
return true
In C, the following complete program illustrates how this can be done:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define FALSE (1==0)
#define TRUE (1==1)
int hasSameDigits (long num1, long num2) {
int digits[10];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) // Init all counts to zero.
digits[i] = 0;
while (num1 != 0) { // Process all digits.
digits[num1%10]++; // Increment for least significant digit.
num1 /= 10; // Get next digit in sequence.
while (num2 != 0) { // Same for num2 except decrement.
num2 /= 10;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
if (digits[i] != 0) // Any count different, not a permutation.
return FALSE;
return TRUE; // All count identical, was a permutation.
int main (int c, char *v[]) {
long v1, v2;
if (c != 3) {
printf ("Usage: %s <number1> <number2>\n", v[0]);
return 1;
v1 = atol (v[1]);
v2 = atol (v[2]);
if (hasSameDigits (v1, v2)) {
printf ("%d and %d are permutations\n", v1, v2);
} else {
printf ("%d and %d are not permutations\n", v1, v2);
return 0;
Simply pass it two (positive) numbers and, assuming they fit in a long, it'll tell you whether they have the same digit counts.
a and b are anagrams if they have the same number of each digit. So basically the fastest way seems to be, counting the digits for a and b:
int c[10]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
while (a) { c[a%10]++; a/=10; }
while (b) { c[b%10]--; b/=10; }
int res=1;
for (int i=0;i<10;i++) res &= c[i]==0;
Is it homework?
Calculate number of appearances of each digit and compare them, if they are same then one number can be converted to other using permutation.
Create an array:
int digitOccurances[2][10];
In digitOccruances[X][N] store the number of times that the digit N appears in the number X. So if you were comparing 8675309 to 9568733, the array would end up looking like:
{ { 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 } , { 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 } }
If the two arrays are equal, then the numbers are permutations.
This is an O(n) algorithm, so asymptotically speaking this is the most efficient it's going to get (you can't solve this problem without examining all of the digits at least once.
You can immediately return false if the numbers have different lengths, so assume that both of are of length n. It will take 2n operations to fill the array, and then exactly 10 comparisons to read the array. 2n + 10 is O(n).
I've found this rather efficient solution on I hope you'll forgive me for writing it in Java (I'm not comfortable with C) but the syntax should be more or less the same.
The code first checks to see if the numbers have the same number of digits, then sums up the digits by bit shifting them into a total. Except the shift distance is multiplied by a factor 6. This makes it impossible for smaller digits to compose the same value as a larger digit. For instance one '9' would require 64 times '8' to match its value, which obviously isn't possible.
This code assumes non-negative input.
boolean haveSameDigits(long n1, long n2) {
long nn1 = n1, nn2 = n2;
while (nn1 > 0 && nn2 > 0) {
nn1 /= 10;
nn2 /= 10;
if (nn2 != nn1) // not the same length
return false;
long total1 = 0, total2 = 0;
while (n1 != 0) {
total1 += 1L << ((n1 % 10) * 6);
total2 += 1L << ((n2 % 10) * 6);
n1 /= 10;
n2 /= 10;
return total1 == total2;
If what i understood from your question correctly a permutation is a combination of the elements, which do not repeat. So if 123 is a valid permutation of 312 then so does
and so on.
So based on this assumption lets say you got two integers 123456789 and 129837456. (For simplicity i am also assuming that both numbers have equal length). If you understood the point then you might be able to check for different permutations and combination as well.
for that all you need to do is to get the integers of units out of the given number, e.g:
Number 123456789 is
1 * 100000000 +
2 * 10000000 +
3 * 1000000 +
4 * 100000 +
5 * 10000 +
6 * 1000 +
7 * 100 +
8 * 10 +
1 * power(10, 8) +
2 * power(10, 7) +
3 * power(10, 6) +
4 * power(10, 5) +
5 * power(10, 4) +
6 * power(10, 3) +
7 * power(10, 2) +
8 * power(10, 1) +
9 * power(10, 0)
i have literally given you algorithmic hint of how to do that so this can easily be done. once done you will end up with separate integers (better save these values in an array)
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
do the same for the other given integer so you will end up with another array of integers
1, 2, 9, 8, 3, 7, 4, 5, 6
so now all you need to check is that if all of the integers of the second array are present in the first array of integers, if yes then they are a permutation of the integers of the first array or the first number.
I hope this helps.
Well if you can build an 80GB table, you could always do:
int64 table[10000000000] = {0, blah blah..., 9999999999};
if (table[a] == table[b]) ...
{Edited to add additional test)
Assuming you are in the domain of digits, how about
('1' ^ '2' ^ '3' == '3' ^ '1' ^ '2') &&
('1' + '2' + '3' == '3' + '1' + '2')
cout << "Yes\n";
cout << "No\n";
Not sure why you don't want to sort, unless that was a condition of your homework assignment. For anyone stumbling on this question just looking for the fastest (and most pythonic!) way to test if two integers are permutations in Python:
def arePermutations(a, b):
return sorted([d for d in str(a)]) == sorted([d for d in str(b)])
This solution runs slightly faster in Python, relying, of course, on the numbers tested to be relatively small integers. It works quite well for Project Euler problem 52.