Starting processes in threads as spawned - c++

I have a problem where I am looking to create a processing class, and I want to feed data into it, then put it into a thread, and tell it to start working. Currently, this is what I have to do that:
ProcessingClass *worker = new ProcessingClass(myData);
connect(this, SIGNAL(startWorking()), worker, SLOT(startWorking()));
connect(worker, SIGNAL(doneWorking(data)), this, SLOT(workerFinished(data)));
QThread *workerThread = new QThread;
What this ends up doing is it creates the worker, gives it the data that I want it to process, connects what needs to be connected for everything to work, moves it on over to its thread, and then emits the signal to start working. This more or less does what I want it to, but there is an issue. Namely, I want to be putting this into a loop:
while (reason){
...//gathering data to give to the worker
ProcessingClass *worker = new ProcessingClass(myData);
connect(this, SIGNAL(startWorking()), worker, SLOT(startWorking()));
connect(worker, SIGNAL(doneWorking(data)), this, SLOT(workerFinished(data)));
QThread *workerThread = new QThread;
This does accomplish what I want it to do, but it does so by sticking everything in memory, waiting until it is all there, and then set off every single thread simultaneously to compete for resources until they are all done. Considering that for my current data amount this is over 1000 different threads, each of which takes (from previous iterations of this program) ~1-2 minutes to process the information, and the last version crashed because it ran out of memory (I think...) I don't particularly like this method much anymore.
What I would like to do is figure out a way to move the resources that I want to the thread, and then set off the thread to do the work immediately. Then I want to be able to pause the loop after some amount of threads are running (so as to not overload the computer again) and then continue this loop and set off the next thread after one of the previous threads is done.
Is there a nicer way to accomplish this?

You should have a fixed number of worker threads, and iterate the loop only when there are threads that are not busy.
If you insist on using a QObject, you can create a QRunnable wrapper to run the worker objects until completion in a thread pool, and to track their progress to issue more work:
class ProcessingRunnable : public ProcessingClass, public QRunnable {
void run() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE {
QEventLoop loop;
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "startWorking", Qt::QueuedConnection);
explicit ProcessingRunnable(const Data & data) :
ProcessingClass(data) {
moveToThread(0); // we will be moved to a worker thread later
class JobManager : public QObject {
QThreadPool m_pool;
QScopedPointer<ProcessingRunnable> m_worker;
int m_jobs;
Q_SIGNAL void allJobsFinished();
Q_SLOT void runJobs() {
while (true) {
if (m_worker) {
if (m_pool.tryStart(
if (! reason) break;
... // gather data to give to the worker
m_worker.reset(new ProcessingRunnable(myData));
++ m_jobs;
connect(m_worker, &ProcessingRunnable::doneWorking, [this]{
-- m_jobs;
if (! m_jobs) emit allJobsFinished();
explicit JobManager(QObject * parent = 0) : QObject(parent),
m_jobs(0) {
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);
JobManager manager;
QObject::connect(&manager, &JobManger::allJobsFinished,
&app, &QCoreApplication::quit, Qt::QueuedConnection);
return app.exec();
For this kind of an application, it might be simpler to make your ProcessingClass be a simple functor, not a QObject, and use QtConcurrent::Run and QFutureWatcher.


QT slot not getting called on main thread

From the thread context of a slot in my QT GUI application (upon button push), I am trying to launch a worker thread to update other another part of the GUI with the results of a CPU intensive calculation - these results will update a table or a google like map widget - so this needs to occur in the main QT application thread where it is safe to update these widgets.
The problem I have is that the updateGUIWidget slot never gets called unless I change the connection type to Qt::DirectConnection - in which case it gets called in the worker thread (where it is unsafe to update the GUI). I checked the results of each of the connect calls and they are fine, it seems that there is some issue with the event loop somewhere. I'm not sure if I need to allocate the thread and the worker objects as members of the mainwindow or if its OK to do so from stack variables in the slot.
// experimental worker thread model adapted from YouTube tutorial
// by Giuseppe di Angelo
// auto thread = new QThread;
// note worker created in gui thread here - we will move its thread
// affinity to 'thread' below before starting it.
auto thread = new QThread;
auto worker = new Worker;
connect(thread, &QThread::started, worker, &Worker::doWork);
// connect(worker, &Worker::progressUpdate, this, &mainwindow::updateGUIWidget, Qt::DirectConnection);
connect(worker, &Worker::progressUpdate, this, &mainwindow::updateGUIWidget, Qt::QueuedConnection);
connect(worker, &Worker::workDone, thread, &QThread::quit);
connect(thread, &QThread::finished, worker, &Worker::deleteLater);
// move worker to separate thread
The mainwindow has a slots declared in mainwindow.h as follows:
class mainwindow : public QMainWindow
explicit mainwindow(QWidget *parent = Q_NULLPTR);
public slots:
void on_importSimulatedFlight_clicked();
void updateGUIWidget(const param& rParam);
and implemented in mainwindow.cpp as follows:
mainwindow::updateGUIWidget(const param& rParam)
... update widget components with rParam partial result here
and my worker is as follows:
class Worker : public QObject
public slots:
void doWork() {
const QString result;
for (int i=0; i<5; i++) {
const MMRTimedRecord foo;
// QThread::sleep(1);
emit progressUpdate(foo);
emit workDone(result);
void progressUpdate(const MMRTimedRecord&);
void workDone(const QString &result);
The reason it isn't working is because there's a serious flaw in your code: you are trying to emit a reference to a local variable to be handled in an slot on a different thread. That is a recipe for disaster.
When you are using Qt::QueuedConnection, you MUST emit by value, like this:
void progressUpdate(MMRTimedRecord val);
That means that your MMRTimedRecord must be copyable, and correspondingly, your slot must also accept by value. And why is there a mismatch between the signal progressUpdate(const MMRTimedRecord&) and the slot updateGUIWidget(const param& rParam); ?
You can check this answer for a possible solution. You can do
// gui update stuff
in your slot to do the gui update in the main thread, but it is a crude approach to be sure. Despite this, I do something like this all the time. Be careful of dangling pointers and references (use QPointer)..., as the issued event is independent of the issuing object. Alternatively, use the timer approach.
It’s really easy – and you shouldn’t be managing any threads manually:
void Ui::slot() {
auto result = compute();
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, [this, r = std::move(result)]{
The type of the data you compute should be movable.

Signal from Main Thread not reaching slot in Second Thread Qt 5

I am writing a program that captures an Image from the Camera every REFRESH_RATE milliseconds to send it to some calculation algorithm. I decided to time the launch of this algorithm using a QThread, but the algorithm is running on the main thread, because I need objects created before in this one.
Anyway, this works well.
The trouble begins when I try to shut the second thread down... Here's the code.
class Camera : public QMainWindow
Camera(QWidget *parent = 0){
AlgoQThread = new QThread;
myAlgoThreadWorker = new AlgoThreadWorker( (Camera *) this );
//Launch The thread
connect(AlgoQThread, SIGNAL(started()), myAlgoThreadWorker, SLOT(process()));
connect(myAlgoThreadWorker, SIGNAL(finished()), AlgoQThread, SLOT(quit()));
// The line meant to stop the thread at next loop
connect(this, SIGNAL(stopAlgoThread()), myAlgoThreadWorker, SLOT(stopThread()));
connect(myAlgoThreadWorker, SIGNAL(finished()), myAlgoThreadWorker, SLOT(deleteLater()));
connect(AlgoQThread, SIGNAL(finished()), AlgoQThread, SLOT(deleteLater()));
private slots:
void errorString(QString error);
//This function is triggered by a signal sent by the method called in AlgoThreadWoker::process()
void some_algorithm(){
emit stopAlgoThread();
void stopAlgoThread();
QThread * AlgoQThread;
AlgoThreadWorker * myAlgoThreadWorker;
class AlgoThreadWorker : public QObject
AlgoThreadWorker(Camera * context){
parentCamera = context;
Camera* parentCamera;
public slots:
void process(){
QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex);
if (t_stop) break;
parentCamera->isCapturingImage = true;
//This triggers the some_algorithm() using a signal sent by imageCapture from main Thread
//Wait REFRESH_RATE millisecondes
//Ends the thread
emit finished();
private slots:
void stopThread(){
QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutex);
t_stop = true;
void finished();
void error(QString);
bool t_stop;
QMutex m_mutex;
And well, as you may have foresee, it doesn't work. I can launch some_algorithm() with no problems but I can't end the thread. The stopThread() slot isn't even launched, I've tested that already.
Since you are busy waiting in your while loop, the event loop never gets a chance to process the received signals.
qApp->processEvents() gives the control to your event loop in order to process the awaiting jobs.
Note that generally you do not have to call it yourself, Qt does it for you. In your case, it is neccessary because you have an endless loop which prevents Qt from doing its job.
Solution :
void process(){
//Ends the thread
emit finished();
stopThread() is private and thus only accessible from AlgoThreadWorker.
Qt's event loop already provides for safe cross-thread slot call and event delivery. Your mistakes are mostly to do with incorrectly reimplementing what Qt already provides:
Things are already thread-safe. Drop the mutex.
thread->quit() works and will exit from the event loop running in the given thread. In a QThread, the thread will then finish,.
Don't make your code non-portable for no reason (Sleep is Windows-specific). If you wish do things periodically, simply run a timer (QBasicTimer or QTimer).
This answer provides a complete example.

What happens to QThread when application is being closed without proper wait() call?

In the example below (inside Qt GUI application) a new thread is started (with an event loop in which I want some work to be done):
void doWork()
QThread* workerThread = new QThread();
Worker* worker = new Worker();
connect(workerThread, SIGNAL(started()), worker, SLOT(startWork()));
connect(worker, SIGNAL(finished()), workerThread, SLOT(quit()));
connect(workerThread, SIGNAL(finished()), worker, SLOT(deleteLater()));
connect(workerThread, SIGNAL(finished()), workerThread, SLOT(deleteLater()));
startWork() can be a long running operation during which the application can be closed.
I expected that the application will not be closed as long as startWork() is being executed on the workerThread. It seems though, that when I close the last application window, the workerThread is gone instantaneously (during long running operation) and application closes without problems.
The questions arose:
Why was the workerThread wiped right away?
Is it some parent/child issue?
How Qt handles such situation?
Is it programmer mistake, not to call wait() on QThread (eventually)?
Even if so, I tried to wait() inside a slot for aboutToQuit() and application wasn't closed after long running operation was done (with setup as above). Only quit(); wait(); (inside the slot mentioned) allowed the application to close. Why?
QThread has, basically, a long-standing API bug: it isn't always in a destructible state. In C++, an object is considered to be in destructible state when it's safe to invoke its destructor. Destructing a running QThread is an error. A QThread is merely a thread controller, it's not the "thread" itself. Think of how QFile acts: you can destruct it at any time, whether it's open or not. It truly encapsulates the notion of a file as a resource. A QThread is too thin of a wrapper around the native (system) thread: when you destruct it, it does not terminate nor dispose of the native thread if there is one. This is a resource leak (threads are OS resources), and people trip over this issue over and over again.
When the application's main() function returns, your implementation of the C/C++ runtime library happens to terminate all of the application's threads, effectively terminating the entirety of the application. Whether this is the behavior you desire is up to you. You're supposed to quit() and wait() your event-loop-running thread. For threads without an event loop, quit() is a no-op and you must implement your own quit flag. You must wait() on the thread before you destruct it. This is to prevent race conditions.
Below is a safe wrapper for QThread. It is a final class, since you can't reimplement run. This is important, since a reimplementation of run could be done in such a way that makes quit a no-op, breaking the contract of the class.
#include <QThread>
#include <QPointer>
class Thread : public QThread {
using QThread::run; // final
Thread(QObject * parent = 0) : QThread(parent) {}
~Thread() { quit(); wait(); }
class ThreadQuitter {
typedef QList<QPointer<Thread>> List;
List m_threads;
ThreadQuitter() {}
ThreadQuitter(const List & threads) : m_threads(threads) {}
ThreadQuitter(List && threads) : m_threads(std::move(threads)) {}
ThreadQuitter & operator<<(Thread* thread) {
m_threads << thread; return *this;
ThreadQuitter & operator<<(Thread& thread) {
m_threads << &thread; return *this;
~ThreadQuitter() {
foreach(Thread* thread, m_threads) thread->quit();
It could be used as follows:
#include <QCoreApplication>
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);
QObject worker1, worker2;
Thread thread1, thread2;
// Style 1
ThreadQuitter quitter;
quitter << thread1 << thread2;
// Style 2
ThreadQuitter quitterB(ThreadQuitter::List() << &thread1 << &thread2);
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(&app, "quit", Qt::QueuedConnection);
return app.exec();
Upon return from main, the thread quitter will quit() all worker threads. This allows the threads to wind down in parallel. Then, thread2.~Thread will wait for that thread to finish, then thread1.~Thread will do the same. The threads are now gone, the objects are threadless and can be safely destructed: worker2.~QObject is invoked first, followed by worker1.~QObject.
1) Is it parent / child issue?
Not in the case of your code - You're not parenting the QThread. Qt doesn't like you to just terminate the main thread if you've other threads running. You're likely to see it complain in the standard output that the other thread was still running when the application was terminated. However, Qt will kill the other thread, which is why there's a function to call and wait for the thread to terminate properly.
2) Is it programmer mistake not to call wait()?
Yes. If you're having issues with the Thread not quitting properly, it's because you're not handling it correctly, in which case you could open another question and show the code as to how you're handling the wait before quitting.
when I close the last application window, the workerThread is gone instantaneously
Note that there's a function in QApplication called setQuitOnLastWindowClosed, which you can set to false, to prevent the app automatically quitting on closing the last window.

QThread finished() emitting fails if called inside window closing

I have done an application with some threads. Everything seems to work ok if I call my stopConsumer inside a keypressedEvent. But If I call it inside a destructor of closeEvent.. it fails.
My QThread class that has a run method like this one:
void Consumer::run()
forever {
// do something something
// do something something
// do something something
//-------------------------------- check for abort
if(abort) {
qDebug() << "abort..";
} abortMutex.unlock();
//-------------------------------- check for abort
qDebug() << "Consumer > emit finished()";
emit finished();
void Consumer::stopConsume() {
abort = true;
and a method in the MainWindow:
void initConsumers()
consumer1 = new Consumer(....);
connect(consumer1, SIGNAL(finished()),
this, SLOT(deleteConsumer()));
void stopConsumer() {
if(consumer1!=NULL) {
qDebug() << "stopConsumer";
If I have a keypressed that calls stopConsumer.. it's ok, deleteConsumer is reached.
If I call stopConsumer inside the MainWindow destructor or inside a MainWindow closeEvent.. the slot deleteConsumer is never reached!
Any ideas?
Given that the Consumer class and your MainWindow have different thread affinities, the call you make to connect inside initConsumers() is likely using a Qt::QueuedConnection, which means that the deleteConsumer() slot won't get called immediately.
If you would like to ensure that the consumer gets deleted from the destructor of your main window (or equivalently, from a close event), one possible solution is to call stopConsume() on the consumer, then wait until the thread is no longer running (see, then call deleteConsumer() directly.
Here's an example of what I described above:
It's not advisable to switch the connection type to Qt:DirectConnection since that will cause the deleteConsumer() function to be called from the body of Consumer::run(), which will likely crash your application.
Part of the problem here is that you're deriving from QThread, which is not how it is supposed to be used. You can read about why deriving from QThread is wrong here.
Instead, what you should be doing is deriving your class from QObject, creating a QThread object and moving the derived QObject instance to that thread.
class Consumer : public QObject
void finished();
private slots:
void run();
QThread pThread = new QThread;
Consumer pObject = new Consumer;
// move the pObject to the thread
You can then control the thread with signals and slots.
// assuming you've added a run slot function to the Consumer class
connect(pThread, SIGNAL(started()), pObject, SLOT(run()));
connect(pObject, SIGNAL(finished()), pThread, SLOT(quit()));
connect(pObject, SIGNAL(finished()), pObject, SLOT(deleteLater()));
// Note the thread cleans itself up here, but if the app is quitting,
// waiting on the thread to finish may be required instead
connect(pThread, SIGNAL(finished()), pThread, SLOT(deleteLater()));
And start the thread: -
Used this way, it also enables multiple objects to be moved to a single new thread, rather than creating a new thread per object instance.

qt thread with movetothread

I'm trying to create a program using threads:
the main start with a loop.
When a test returns true, I create an object and I want that object to work in an other thread
then return and start the test .
QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
Cmd cmd;
cmd =db->select(cmd);
continue ;
QThread *thread = new QThread( );
process *class= new process ();
qDebug() << " msg"; // this doesn't run until class finish it's work
return a.exec();
the problem is when i start the new thread the main thread stops and wait for the new thread's finish .
The canonical Qt way would look like this:
QThread* thread = new QThread( );
Task* task = new Task();
// move the task object to the thread BEFORE connecting any signal/slots
connect(thread, SIGNAL(started()), task, SLOT(doWork()));
connect(task, SIGNAL(workFinished()), thread, SLOT(quit()));
// automatically delete thread and task object when work is done:
connect(task, SIGNAL(workFinished()), task, SLOT(deleteLater()));
connect(thread, SIGNAL(finished()), thread, SLOT(deleteLater()));
in case you arent familiar with signals/slots, the Task class would look something like this:
class Task : public QObject
public slots:
// doWork must emit workFinished when it is done.
void doWork();
void workFinished();
I don't know how you structured your process class, but this is not really the way that moveToThread works. The moveToThread function tells QT that any slots need to be executed in the new thread rather than in the thread they were signaled from. (edit: Actually, I now remember it defaults to the tread the object was created in)
Also, if you do the work in your process class from the constructor it will not run in the new thread either.
The simplest way to have your process class execute in a new thread is to derive it from QThread and override the run method. Then you never need to call move to thread at all.