Mingw Disable Classes/Functions/Types Marked Deprecated? - c++

Currently i have a problem with the deprecated messages flooding my output and i want to stop it without disabling all deprecated messages. It is warning me about auto_ptr (which i don't even use in my own code). Even if it can't be done with a compiler flag, the std library looks like it could disable it, though i couldn't find out how:
template<typename> class auto_ptr;

You probably selected the -std=c++11 or -std=c++0x language dialect, or it's your GCC versions default setting.
std::auto_ptr is marked as deprecated with the current standard, in favor of the c++11 smart pointers from the dynamic memory management library.
" (which i don't even use in my own code)."
Are you sure that you don't even include any 3rd party (non standard) stuff, that might make use of std::auto_ptr<>?
"the std library looks like it could disable it, though i couldn't find out how"
Just make sure that this flag (_GLIBCXX_USE_DEPRECATED) is undefined, when compiling your code:


VSCode C++ Intellisense can't discern C++20 features

I try to run codes like
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
std::string str = "This is a string";
std::cout << str.starts_with("name");
But intellisense will give out an error
"std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits,
std::allocator>" has no member "starts_with" C/C++(135) [6,9]
And It still can be build and produce a correct result.
Also it can find implementation in header file.
But the macro __cplusplus is defined as 201703L
I've already added a command -std=c++20 when building, why this happened?
Compiler: minGW 11.2 compiled by msys2
Assuming you are using Microsoft's C/C++ extension, you must configure the extension to use C++ 20 standard for intellisense.
The easiest way to do this is to add the line "C_Cpp.default.cppStandard": "c++20" to your settings.json file. You can also find the setting in the GUI under the name "Cpp Standard". Selecting c++20 from its dropdown will achieve the same result.
Note that this setting is, by default, set as a global user defaults. You can configure it per-workspace by selecting the Workspace tab in the settings GUI and changing that Cpp Standard dropdown to c++20.
As for why adding the -std=c++20 flag didn't work: -std=c++20 just tells your compiler which standard to use to build your code. 'Intellisense' does not receive this flag because it is a separate tool from the compiler and is therefore not required to support all the standards the compiler supports. It may support less even, although Intellisense tools usually support as current a standard as possible. Therefore the language standard for Intellisense must be configured separately from the compiler (in this case).
Final Note: After changing the setting, try closing and re-opening VS Code. In my experience changing the language standard setting can cause some weirdness to happen. Closing and re-opening VS Code seems to ensure the setting changes take full effect.

Warning: range-based for loop is a C++11 extension

While trying to compile a simple range based for loop on MacOS Big Sur, I got this warning:
warning: range-based for loop is a C++11 extension [-Wc++11-extensions]
I tried using clang++ and g++ but both gave the same warning. Is there a way to always compile with C++11 without having to use -std=c++11 and without using aliases?
Edit: The reason I would prefer not to use -std=c++11 is because I want the compiler to default to C++11 or higher.
To provide this question with a proper answer, based on the discussion in the comments:
Compilers such as GCC and Clang set the default in their source code and it cannot be changed by, e.g., modifying a config file. The only way to change the default would be to change it in the source code and to compile the compiler yourself. This is not worth it.
Furthermore, compilers change their default language from time to time, and setting another default, e.g. to C++11, will make all non-C++11 code require setting the language version explicitly.
Here's the key point: code and compilation options belong together. Do not rely on compiler defaults. Any serious project will use a build system (e.g. Make) which specifies how to compile the project.
For completeness sake, the default C++ version for GCC 10.2.0 is hardcoded in /gcc/c-family/c-opts.c:
/* Set C++ standard to C++17 if not specified on the command line. */
if (c_dialect_cxx ())
set_std_cxx17 (/*ISO*/false);

In C++11 the signal.h header has no kill function

I just tried compiling code that I wrote a while ago using Gnu g++ in C++11 mode, to see if the code will need reworking anytime soon (I also plan to test it in C++17 mode for the same reason).
I found that the kill() function caused a compiler error and it seems that the kill function no longer exists in the signal.h header.
I just looked at http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/csignal/ as a reference which seems to confirm this is not just a Gnu-specific omission, but seems to be in the standard.
I can't find a rationale for this omission anywhere, nor can I find any proposal for how I should manage processes without it. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
C++ standard function is raise.
kill is a POSIX function that requires POSIX process id pid_t, none of which is required in C++ standard.
OK, I was too quick to post that question, of course fork/kill etc are not part of the C++ standard in the first place but are common additions on unix-like platforms.
My real problem was that I used the wrong compiler switch. For anyone else hitting this problem, to get strict C++11 standard, use:
g++ -std=c++11
But to get the C++11 standard plus non-standard extensions use:
g++ -std=gnu++11
Using the latter, I can build and call fork/kill no problem.

Does clang provide an unlink implementation?

I am trying to compile a library using clang. The library makes calls to 'unlink', which is not defined by clang:
libmv/src/third_party/OpenExif/src/ExifImageFileWrite.cpp:162:17: error: use of undeclared identifier 'unlink'; did you mean 'inline'?
unlink( mTmpImageFile.c_str() ) ;
My question is, what is the clang equivalent of unlink? As I see it, the path forward would be to #define unlink somewhere with an equivalent routine.
There is no "Clang equivalent". Neither GCC nor Clang have ever been responsible for defining unlink, though they do probably distribute the POSIX headers which do (I don't recall specifically where POSIX headers come from).
Unfortunately, this appears to be a bug with the library you're using; the OpenExif developers failed to include the correct headers. Different C++ implementations may internally #include various headers for their own purposes, which has apparently masked this bug on your previous toolchain.
You can hack your copy and/or submit a patch to add:
#include <unistd.h>

How to get headers for unordered_set in gcc v4.1.2?

I'd like to use unordered_set without installing Boost. I tried to add --std=gnu++0x but it is not a recognized option. Does v4.1.2 include unordered_set? If so, how do I get the header file for it?
This is a Centos 4 machine.
unordered_set is in the purview of the standard C++ library, not gcc, the compiler (although most programs built using gcc are linked against libstdc++).
The way you generally include it is #include <tr1/unordered_set>. Then, to use it, you must either do a using std::tr1::unordered_set; or qualify the name each time.
The C++ standard version you choose to use doesn't have much effect because that's the language standard, and the availability of standard library constructs is semi-independent.
IIRC, gcc-4.2 did not have unordered containers at least not in namespace std. I know -std=c++0x was not in place till around gcc-4.3.
Have you tried this:
#include <tr1/unordered_set>
std::tr1::unordered_set<int> usint;
Notice the tr1/ in the header.
Having said that, gcc-4.1 is pretty old. Any chance you could try say gcc-4.5 or 4.6 and use the std container?