Question: There are n balls, they are labeled 0, 1, 2 and the order is chaotic, I want to sort them from small to large. Balls:
1, 2, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 0, 1, 2, ...
We must use the fastest way to solve and cannot use sort() function, I thought many ways like the bubble sort, inset sort, etc. But it is not fast. Is there an algorithm that makes the time complexity is O(logn) or O(n)?
given balls list A[] and length n
void sortBalls(int A[], int n)
//code here
Given the very limited number of item types (0, 1, and 2), you just count the number of occurrences of each. Then to print the "sorted" array, you repeatedly print each label the number of times it occurred. Running time is O(N)
int balls[N] = {...}; // array of balls: initialized to whatever
int sorted_balls[N]; // sorted array of balls (to be set below)
int counts[3] = {}; // count of each label, zero initialized array.
// enumerate over the input array and count each label's occurance
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
// sort the items by just printing each label the number of times it was counted above
int k = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
for (int x = 0; x < counts[j]; x++)
cout << j << ", "; // print
sorted_balls[k] = j; // store into the final sorted array
If you have a small number of possible values known in advance, and the value is everything you need to know about the ball (they carry no other attributes), "sorting" becomes equivalent to "counting how many of each value there are". So you generate a histogram - an array from 0 to 2, in your case - go through your values and increase the corresponding count. Then you generate an array of n_0 balls with number 0, n_1 balls with number 1 and n_2 with number 2, and voila, they're sorted.
It's trivially obvious that you cannot go below O(n) - at the very least, you have to look at each value once to count it, and for n values, that's n operations right away.
So I'm trying to make a program in which you input 4 values (4 sides of a quadrangle) and it tells you if it's a square, rhombus etc. The problem is I can't seem to figure out how to make the program work with values that can make a quadrangle. For example If I input 5, 5, 5, 5, it outputs that it's either a square or a rhombus. If I input 100, 1, 1, 1, it outputs another quadrangle type, but realistically you can't get a quadrangle with values like 100, 1, 1 and 1. Same goes for 9, 1, 1, 1. Is there any way to make sure that these kinds of values give out an error message?
Is there any way to make sure that these kinds of values give out an error message?
Definitely yes. In any quadrangle the longest side should be shorter than the sum of three other sides. Use this condition to check the sides.
bool goodQuadrangle(int sizes[4]) {
int longest = sizes[0];
int index = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++)
if (sizes[i] > longest) {
index = i;
longest = sizes[i];
int sum3 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if (i != index)
sum3 += sizes[i];
return longest < sum3;
I have an assignment where I'm given a string S containing the letters 'R' and 'K', for example "RRRRKKKKRK".
I need to obtain the maximum number of 'R's that string could possibly hold by flipping characters i through j to their opposite. So:
for(int x = i; x < j; x++)
if S[x] = 'R'
S[X] = 'S';
S[X] = 'R';
However, I can only make the above call once.
So for the above example: "RRRRKKKKRK".
You would have i = 4 and j = 8 which would result in: "RRRRRRRRKR" and you would then output the number of R's in the resulting string: 9.
My code partially works, but there are some cases that it doesn't. Can anyone figure out what is missing?
Sample Input
Sample Output
My Solution
My solution which works only for the first case, I don't know what I'm missing to complete the algorithm:
int max_R = INT_MIN;
for (int i = 0; i < s.size(); i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < s.size(); j++)
int cnt = 0;
string t = s;
if (t[j] == 'R')
t[j] = 'K';
t[j] = 'R';
for (int b = 0; b < s.size(); b++)
if (t[b] == 'R')
if (cnt > max_R)
max_R = cnt;
cout << max_R << endl;
How about turning this into the Maximum subarray problem which has O(n) solution?
Run through the string once, giving 'K' a value of 1, and 'R' a value of -1.
E.g For 'RKRRKKKKRKK' you produce an array -> [-1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1] -> [-1, 1, -2, 4, -1, 2] (I grouped consecutive -1s and 1s to be more clear)
Apply Kadane's algorithm on the generated array. What you get from doing this is the maximum number of 'R's you can obtain from flipping 'K's.
Continuing with the example, you find that the maximum subarray is [4, -1, 2] with a sum of 5.
Now add the absolute value of the negative values outside this subarray with the sum of your maximum subarray to obtain your answer.
In our case, only -1 and -2 are negative and outside the subarray. We get |-1| + |-2| + 5 = 8
Try to carefully think about your solution. Do you understand, what it does?
First, let’s forget that the input file may contain multiple tests, so let’s get rid of the while loop. Now, we have just two for loops. The second one obviously just counts R’s in the processed string. But what does the first one do?
The answer is that the first loop flips all the letters from the second one (i.e. which has index 1) till the end of the string. We can see that in the first testcase:
it is indeed the optimal solution. The string turns into RRRKR and we get four R’s. But in the second case:
the string turns into RRRK and we get three R’s. While if we flipped just the letters from 2 to 3 (i.e. indices 1 to 2) we could get RRRR which has four R’s.
So your algorithm always flips letters from index 1 to the end, but this is not always optimal. What can we do? How do we know which letters to flip? Well, there are some smart solutions, but the easiest is to just try all possible combinations!
You can flip all the letters from 0 to 1, count the number of R’s, remember it. Get back to the original string, flip letters from 0 to 2, count R’s, remember it and so on till you flip from 0 to n-1. Then you flip letters from 1 to 2, from 1 to 3, etc. And the answer is the largest value you remembered.
This is horribly inefficient, but this works. After you get more practice in solving algorithmic problems, get back to this task and try to figure out more efficient solutions. (Hint: if you consider building the optimal answer incrementally, that is by going through the string char by char and transforming the optimal solution for the substring s[0..i] into the optimal solution for s[0..i+1] you can arrive to a pretty straightforward O(n^2) algorithm. This can be enhanced to O(n), but this step is slightly more involved.)
Here is the sketch of this solution:
def solve(s):
answer = 0
for i in 0..(n-1)
for j in i..(n-1)
t = copy(s) # we will need the original string later
flip(t, i, j) # flip letters from i to j in t
c = count_R(t) # count R's in t
answer = max(answer, c)
return answer
Problem: "An algorithm to find the number of six digit numbers where the sum of the first three digits is equal to the sum of the last three digits."
I came across this problem in an interview and want to know the best solution. This is what I have till now.
Approach 1: The Brute force solution is, of course, to check for each number (between 100,000 and 999,999) whether the sum of its first three and last three digits are equal. If yes, then increment certain counter which keeps count of all such numbers.
But this checks for all 900,000 numbers and so is inefficient.
Approach 2: Since we are asked "how many" such numbers and not "which numbers", we could do better. Divide the number into two parts: First three digits (these go from 100 to 999) and Last three digits (these go from 000 to 999). Thus, the sum of three digits in either part of a candidate number can range from 1 to 27.
* Maintain a std::map<int, int> for each part where key is the sum and value is number of numbers (3 digit) having that sum in the corresponding part.
* Now, for each number in the first part find out its sum and update the corresponding map.
* Similarly, we can get updated map for the second part.
* Now by multiplying the corresponding pairs (e.g. value in map 1 of key 4 and value in map 2 of key 4) and adding them up we get the answer.
In this approach, we end up checking 1K numbers.
My question is how could we further optimize? Is there a better solution?
For 0 <= s <= 18, there are exactly 10 - |s - 9| ways to obtain s as the sum of two digits.
So, for the first part
int first[28] = {0};
for(int s = 0; s <= 18; ++s) {
int c = 10 - (s < 9 ? (9 - s) : (s - 9));
for(int d = 1; d <= 9; ++d) {
first[s+d] += c;
That's 19*9 = 171 iterations, for the second half, do it similarly, with the inner loop starting at 0 instead of 1, that's 19*10 = 190 iterations. Then sum first[i]*second[i] for 1 <= i <= 27.
Generate all three-digit numbers; partition them into sets based on their sum of digits. (Actually, all you need to do is keep a vector that counts the size of the sets). For each set, the number of six-digit numbers that can be generated is the size of the set squared. Sum up the squares of the set sizes to get your answer.
int sumCounts[28]; // sums can go from 0 through 27
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
int total = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 28; ++i) {
count = sumCounts[i];
total += count * count;
EDIT Variation to eliminate counting leading zeroes:
int sumCounts[28];
int sumCounts2[28];
for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
int s = sumOfDigits(i);
for (int i = 100; i < 1000; ++i) {
int total = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 28; ++i) {
count = sumCounts[i];
total += (count - sumCounts2[i]) * count;
Python Implementation
def equal_digit_sums():
dists = {}
for i in range(1000):
digits = [int(d) for d in str(i)]
dsum = sum(digits)
if dsum not in dists:
dists[dsum] = [0,0]
dists[dsum][0 if len(digits) == 3 else 1] += 1
def prod(dsum):
t = dists[dsum]
return (t[0]+t[1])*t[0]
return sum(prod(dsum) for dsum in dists)
Result: 50412
One idea: For each number from 0 to 27, count the number of three-digit numbers that have that digit sum. This should be doable efficiently with a DP-style approach.
Now you just sum the squares of the results, since for each answer, you can make a six-digit number with one of those on each side.
Assuming leading 0's aren't allowed, you want to calculate how many different ways are there to sum to n with 3 digits. To calculate that you can have a for loop inside a for loop. So:
firstHalf = 0
for i in xrange(max(1,n/3),min(9,n+1)): #first digit
for j in xrange((n-i)/2,min(9,n-i+1)): #second digit
firstHalf +=1 #Will only be one possible third digit
secondHalf = firstHalf + max(0,10-|n-9|)
If you are trying to sum to a number, then the last number is always uniquely determined. Thus in the case where the first number is 0 we are just calculating how many different values are possible for the second number. This will be n+1 if n is less than 10. If n is greater, up until 18 it will be 19-n. Over 18 there are no ways to form the sum.
If you loop over all n, 1 through 27, you will have your total sum.
Ok, I really don't know how to frame the question properly because I barely have any idea how to describe what I want in one sentence and I apologize.
Let me get straight to the point and you can just skip the rest cause I just want to show that I've tried something and not coming here to ask a question on a whim.
I need an algorithm that produces 6 random numbers where it may not produce more than 2 consecutive numbers in that sequence.
example: 3 3 4 4 2 1
example: 3 3 3 4 4 2
Obviously, I have no idea how to do this without tripping over myself constantly.
Is there a STL or Boost feature that can do this? Or maybe someone here knows how to concoct an algorithm for it. That would be awesome.
What I'm trying to do and what I've tried.(the part you can skip)
This is in C++. I'm trying to make a Panel de Pon/Tetris Attack/Puzzle League whatever clone for practice. The game has a 6 block row and 3 or more matching blocks will destroy the blocks. Here's a video in case you're not familiar.
When a new row comes from the bottom it must not come out with 3 horizontal matching blocks or else it will automatically disappear. Something I do not want for horizontal. Vertical is fine though.
I've tried to accomplish just that and it appears I can't get it right. When I start the game chunks of blocks are missing because it detects a match when it shouldn't. My method is more than likely heavy handed and too convoluted as you'll see.
vector<Block> BlockField::ConstructRow()
vector<Block> row;
int type = (rand() % 6)+1;
for (int i=0;i<6;i++)
type = (rand() % 6) +1;
// must be in order from last to first of the enumeration
RowCheck(row, diamond_match);
RowCheck(row, heart_match);
RowCheck(row, circle_match);
RowCheck(row, downtriangle_match);
RowCheck(row, uptriangle_match);
RowCheck(row, star_match);
return row;
void BlockField::RowCheck(vector<Block> &row, Block blockCheckArray[3])
vector<Block>::iterator block1 = row.begin();
vector<Block>::iterator block2 = row.begin()+1;
vector<Block>::iterator block3 = row.begin()+2;
vector<Block>::iterator block4 = row.begin()+3;
vector<Block>::iterator block5 = row.begin()+4;
vector<Block>::iterator block6 = row.begin()+5;
int bt1 = (*block1).BlockType();
int bt2 = (*block2).BlockType();
int bt3 = (*block3).BlockType();
int bt4 = (*block4).BlockType();
int type = 0;
if (equal(block1, block4, blockCheckArray))
type = bt1 - 1;
if (type <= 0) type = 6;
else if (equal(block2, block5, blockCheckArray))
type = bt2 - 1;
if (type <= 0) type = 6;
else if (equal(block3, block6, blockCheckArray))
type = bt3 - 1;
if (type == bt3) type--;
if (type <= 0) type = 6;
else if (equal(block4, row.end(), blockCheckArray))
type = bt4 - 1;
if (type == bt3) type--;
if (type <= 0) type = 6;
Sigh, I'm not sure if it helps to show this...At least it shows that I've tried something.
Basically, I construct the row by assigning random block types, described by the BlockType enum, to a Block object's constructor(a Block object has blockType and a position).
Then I use a RowCheck function to see if there's 3 consecutive blockTypes in one row and I have do this for all block types. The *_match variables are arrays of 3 Block objects with the same block type. If I do find that there are 3 consecutive block types then, I just simply subtract the first value by one. However if I do that I might end up inadvertently producing another 3 match so I just make sure the block types are going in order from greatest to least.
Ok, it's crappy, it's convoluted and it doesn't work! That's why I need your help.
It should suffice to keep record of the previous two values, and loop when the newly generated one matches both of the previous values.
For an arbitrary run length, it would make sense to size a history buffer on the fly and do the comparisons in a loop as well. But this should be close to matching your requirements.
int type, type_old, type_older;
type_older = (rand() % 6)+1;
type_old = (rand() % 6)+1;
for (int i=2; i<6; i++)
type = (rand() % 6) +1;
while ((type == type_old) && (type == type_older)) {
type = (rand() % 6) +1;
type_older = type_old;
type_old = type;
Idea no 1.
while(sequence doesn't satisfy you)
generate a new sequence
Idea no 2.
Precalculate all allowable sequences (there are about ~250K of them)
randomly choose an index and take that element.
The second idea requires much memory, but is fast. The first one isn't slow either because there is a veeery little probability that your while loop will iterate more than once or twice. HTH
Most solutions seen so far involve a potentially infinite loop. May I suggest a different approch?
// generates a random number between 1 and 6
// but never the same number three times in a row
int dice()
static int a = -2;
static int b = -1;
int c;
if (a != b)
// last two were different, pick any of the 6 numbers
c = rand() % 6 + 1;
// last two were equal, so we need to choose from 5 numbers only
c = rand() % 5;
// prevent the same number from being generated again
if (c == b) c = 6;
a = b;
b = c;
return c;
The interesting part is the else block. If the last two numbers were equal, there is only 5 different numbers to choose from, so I use rand() % 5 instead of rand() % 6. This call could still produce the same number, and it also cannot produce the 6, so I simply map that number to 6.
Solution with simple do-while loop (good enough for most cases):
vector<Block> row;
int type = (rand() % 6) + 1, new_type;
int repetition = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
do {
new_type = (rand() % 6) + 1;
} while (repetition == MAX_REPETITION && new_type == type);
repetition = new_type == type ? repetition + 1 : 0;
type = new_type;
Solution without loop (for those who dislike non-deterministic nature of previous solution):
vector<Block> row;
int type = (rand() % 6) + 1, new_type;
int repetition = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
if (repetition != MAX_REPETITION)
new_type = (rand() % 6) + 1;
new_type = (rand() % 5) + 1;
if (new_type >= type)
repetition = new_type == type ? repetition + 1 : 0;
type = new_type;
In both solutions MAX_REPETITION is equal to 1 for your case.
How about initializing a six element array to [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] and randomly interchanging them for awhile? That is guaranteed to have no duplicates.
Lots of answers say "once you detect Xs in a row, recalculate the last one until you don't get an X".... In practice for a game like this, that approach is millions of times faster than you need for "real-time" human interaction, so just do it!
But, you're obviously uncomfortable with it and looking for something more inherently "bounded" and elegant. So, given you're generating numbers from 1..6, when you detect 2 Xs you already know the next one could be a duplicate, so there are only 5 valid values: generate a random number from 1 to 5, and if it's >= X, increment it by one more.
That works a bit like this:
1..6 -> 3
1..6 -> 3
"oh no, we've got two 3s in a row"
1..5 -> ?
< "X"/3 i.e. 1, 2 use as is
>= "X" 3, 4, 5, add 1 to produce 4, 5 or 6.
Then you know the last two elements differ... the latter would take up the first spot when you resume checking for 2 elements in a row....
vector<BlockType> constructRow()
vector<BlockType> row;
row.push_back(STAR); row.push_back(STAR);
row.push_back(UP_TRIANGLE); row.push_back(UP_TRIANGLE);
row.push_back(DOWN_TRIANGLE); row.push_back(DOWN_TRIANGLE);
row.push_back(CIRCLE); row.push_back(CIRCLE);
row.push_back(HEART); row.push_back(HEART);
row.push_back(DIAMOND); row.push_back(DIAMOND);
random_shuffle(row.begin(), row.end());
return row;
The idea is to use random_shuffle() here. You need to implement rowCheckFails() that satisfies the requirement.
I may not understand your requirement properly. That's why I've put 2 of each block type in the row. You may need to put more.
I think you would be better served to hide your random number generation behind a method or function. It could be a method or function that returns three random numbers at once, making sure that there are at least two distinct numbers in your output. It could also be a stream generator that makes sure that it never outputs three identical numbers in a row.
int[] get_random() {
int[] ret;
ret[0] = rand() % 6 + 1;
ret[1] = rand() % 6 + 1;
ret[2] = rand() % 6 + 1;
if (ret[0] == ret[1] && ret[1] == ret[2]) {
int replacement;
do {
replacement = rand() % 6 + 1;
} while (replacement == ret[0]);
ret[rand() % 3] = replacement;
return ret;
If you wanted six random numbers (it's a little difficult for me to tell, and the video was just baffling :) then it'll be a little more effort to generate the if condition:
for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
if (ret[i] == ret[i+1] && ret[i+1] == ret[i+2])
/* three in a row */
If you always change ret[1] (the middle of the three) you'll never have three-in-a-row as a result of the change, but the output won't be random either: X Y X will happen more often than X X Y because it can happen by random chance and by being forced in the event of X X X.
First some comments on the above solutions.
There is nothing wrong with the techniques that involve rejecting a random value if it isn't satisfactory. This is an example of rejection sampling, a widely used technique. For example, several algorithms for generating a random gaussian involve rejection sampling. One, the polar rejection method, involves repeatedly drawing a pair of numbers from U(-1,1) until both are non-zero and do not lie outside the unit circle. This throws out over 21% of the pairs. After finding a satisfactory pair, a simple transformation yields a pair of gaussian deviates. (The polar rejection method is now falling out of favor, being replaced by the ziggurat algorithm. That too uses a rejection sampling.)
There is something very much wrong with rand() % 6. Don't do this. Ever. The low order bits from a random number generator, even a good random number generator, are not quite as "random" as are the high order bits.
There is something very much wrong with rand(), period. Most compiler writers apparently don't know beans about producing random numbers. Don't use rand().
Now a solution that uses the Boost random number library:
vector<Block> BlockField::ConstructRow(
unsigned int max_run) // Maximum number of consecutive duplicates allowed
// The Mersenne Twister produces high quality random numbers ...
boost::mt19937 rng;
// ... but we want numbers between 1 and 6 ...
boost::uniform_int<> six(1,6);
// ... so we need to glue the rng to our desired output.
boost::variate_generator<boost::mt19937&, boost::uniform_int<> >
roll_die(rng, six);
vector<Block> row;
int prev = 0;
int run_length = 0;
for (int ii=0; ii<6; ++ii) {
int next;
do {
next = roll_die();
run_length = (next == prev) ? run_length+1 : 0;
} while (run_length > max_run);
prev = next;
return row;
I know that this already has many answers, but a thought just occurred to me. You could have 7 arrays, one with all 6 digits, and one for each missing a given digit. Like this:
int v[7][6] = {
{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 },
{2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0 }, // zeros in here to make the code simpler,
{1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0 }, // they are never used
{1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 0 },
{1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 0 },
{1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 0 },
{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0 }
Then you can have a 2 level history. Finally to generate a number, if your match history is less than the max, shuffle v[0] and take v[0][0]. Otherwise, shuffle the first 5 values from v[n] and take v[n][0]. Something like this:
#include <algorithm>
int generate() {
static int prev = -1;
static int repeat_count = 1;
static int v[7][6] = {
{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 },
{2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0 }, // zeros in here to make the code simpler,
{1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0 }, // they are never used
{1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 0 },
{1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 0 },
{1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 0 },
{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0 }
int r;
if(repeat_count < 2) {
std::random_shuffle(v[0], v[0] + 6);
r = v[0][0];
} else {
std::random_shuffle(v[prev], v[prev] + 5);
r = v[prev][0];
if(r == prev) {
} else {
repeat_count = 1;
prev = r;
return r;
This should result in good randomness (not reliant of rand() % N), no infinite loops, and should be fairly efficient given the small amount of numbers that we are shuffling each time.
Note, due to the use of statics, this is not thread safe, that may be fine for your usages, if it is not, then you probably want to wrap this up in an object, each with its own state.