Non authenticated API in WSO API Manager 1.9? - wso2

I am using WSO2 API Manager 1.9 version .I created many APIs and all working fine.As per the requirement now i need a non authenticated API.How to create in API manger ,any suggestion ?

When you create an API, in the Manage tap, you can select No Authentication for an API resource, as shown below.


Adding users to tenant using REST API

According to this documentation I can add users to specific tenant, is there REST API to do this?
You can use the SCIM 2.0 API to add users.

WSO2 API Manager: need to create API from backend using swagger file

I have a requirement where I need to create APIs in wso2 api manager using swagger file for an API. Also, this should be created from backend.
I have been able to create APIs from backend as per the link!/operations#APICollection#apisPost
but it does not take swagger file for an API. How can I create an API using swagger file from backend.
Please help as I am stuck here.
This cannot be done. You will have to follow the payload definition which is defined in the Post request.
Even if you try to import a Swagger file in API Manager publisher, still you need to manually change the API name, throttling policies and etc when creating the API.

WSO2 Create API and deploy published through API Manager

I have installed WSO2 EI and WSO2 API Manager and create a REST API in Eclipse wso2 developer studio and create local server and redeploy it and when i am login through serverip:9443/carbon it is showing my APIs and working fine now what i need i do not want to deploy here finally i want to published it through API Manager.
I need help how to do that
My API Manager is running on serverip:9446/carbon
you start with reading documentation (RTFM)
basically - log into the API Publisher https://serverip:9446/publisher and create an API

WSO 2 AM User Management API

I'm currently building an app that consume data from WSO2AM Restful API. I'm using WSO2AM 2.1.0
From what I see from, there is no API end point for User Management, and the thing is I need that one.
So after doing some google, I found this but in that link it's clearly says that it's for WSO2IS
My questions are:
Is there available user management API for WSO2AM (doesn't matter if it's Restful or SOAP-WSDL)
Is this WSO2IS user management API can be used on the WSO2AM ?
Thank you in advance
All WSO2 products are built on a single platform, therefore components of each product are mixed in other products such as user management component is used by all of the WSO2 products even though it is developed as an identity component. Hence you can use the following steps to access the user management soap service in WSO2 API Manager.
Set the "HideAdminServiceWSDLs" element to "false" in /repository/conf/carbon.xml file.
Restart the API Manager Server.
If you have started the server in default configurations, use the following URL in your browser to see the WSDL of the admin service: https://localhost:9443/services/RemoteUserStoreManagerService?wsdl.

Custom Webservice for wso2 identity server

I need to extend org.wso2.carbon.user.mgt.stub.UserAdminStub to contain an additional method which allows me to obtain the AD attributes of other users.
Is it possible to create a custom webservice for Identity Server 4.5. We are not using any other wso2 products. Wso2 IS only will ship with the solution distribution.
There is a separate API for user management functions which is called as "RemoteUserStoreManagerService" service. This service exposes all user management function as a web service.... "UserAdmin" is also user management web service that has been implemented specially for WSO2 Carbon UI.
You have methods in the "RemoteUserStoreManagerService" to retrieve AD attributes (user attributes)
Please find the java client from here. There is a readme file also there