Adding users to tenant using REST API - wso2

According to this documentation I can add users to specific tenant, is there REST API to do this?

You can use the SCIM 2.0 API to add users.


WSO2 AM API DOCS - Is there a way to use swagger as API Documentation in DevPortal?

The company that i work for is developing an API to allow an integration with our applications. We're using WSO2 AM as our gateway. I hava to document the API and they want me to use WSO2 devportal to do so. But the problem is that they also wanna use Swagger to create this documentation. Is there a way to add Swagger in the API Docs?
One workaround would be, you can add document type of Markdown and add the swagger content as code.
So it can be viewed from Devportal as shown below:

Use Twitter as Identity Provider in AWS Cognito

I'm want to implement social-sign in with twitter in Cognito and test it using the build in UI page but I cannot find any relevant guidelines to do this.
My use case is to authenticate user with twitter credentials and obtain user information like firstname, lastname, email, country.
I've found this relatively old post:
But it seems that the native support for twitter was removed from Cognito? Because in Cognito under Identity Providers there is no twitter option.
Does anyone know what happened regarding this?
From what I've found in the twitter documentation regarding using twitter as a IdP it seems that it is not using OpenID Connect specification but some OAuth1 custom extension (I'm not sure if what I stated is correct):
But I did not find any OpenId Connect endpoints for twitter like the ones from Microsoft for example (
Is there any way that I can implement sign-in with twitter in cognito? And also to test this using the cognito build-in login UI?
As far as I know Twitter's current sign-in mechanism is based on OAuth 1.0 which is not OpenID Connect. So I would suggest you building some custom Auth Mechanism using OpenID (there might be already open source solutions), link it to Cognito and inside this custom auth app you authenticate with Twitter OAuth 1.0. So in other words, build a bridge between Cognito and Twitter via custom OpenID app.

Documentation for admin services in WSO2

Is there full description for all methods of admin services with input and output parameters available at one place?
You can find admin services in
These admin service APIs are SOAP APIs, and most of the methods are self-descriptive.
As Abimaran Kugathasan said... these Admin service API are SOAP services, you could access but can't see the WSDL, but IS does provide you an option in /repository/conf/carbon.xml file to enable it by setting element "HideAdminServiceWSDLs" to false.

How do I use WSO2 Identity Server to authenticate users from an existing database?

I want to authenticate users from an exiting database. Are there any examples of trivial Identity Providers to form a starting point?
You can find the details from here.
So in short, you will have to write a custom UserStoreManager in Java to customize the authentication logic.

Non authenticated API in WSO API Manager 1.9?

I am using WSO2 API Manager 1.9 version .I created many APIs and all working fine.As per the requirement now i need a non authenticated API.How to create in API manger ,any suggestion ?
When you create an API, in the Manage tap, you can select No Authentication for an API resource, as shown below.