How can I allocate memory for a data structure that contains a vector? - c++

If I have a struct instanceData:
struct InstanceData
unsigned usedInstances;
unsigned allocatedInstances;
void* buffer;
Entity* entity;
std::vector<float> *vertices;
And I allocate enough memory for an Entity and std::vector:
newData.buffer = size * (sizeof(Entity) + sizeof(std::vector<float>)); // Pseudo code
newData.entity = (Entity *)(newData.buffer);
newData.vertices = (std::vector<float> *)(newData.entity + size);
And then attempt to copy a vector of any size to it:
SetVertices(unsigned i, std::vector<float> vertices)
instanceData.vertices[i] = vertices;
I get an Access Violation Reading location error.
I've chopped up my code to make it concise, but it's based on Bitsquid's ECS. so just assume it works if I'm not dealing with vectors (it does). With this in mind, I'm assuming it's having issues because it doesn't know what size the vector is going to scale to. However, I thought the vectors might increase along another dimension, like this?:
Am I wrong? Either way, how can I allocate memory for a vector in a buffer like this?
And yes, I know vectors manage their own memory. That's besides the point. I'm trying to do something different.

It looks like you want InstanceData.buffer to have the actual memory space which is allocated/deallocated/accessed by other things. The entity and vertices pointers then point into this space. But by trying to use std::vector, you are mixing up two completely incompatible approaches.
1) You can do this with the language and the standard library, which means no raw pointers, no "new", no "sizeof".
struct Point {float x; float y;} // usually this is int, not float
struct InstanceData {
Entity entity;
std::vector<Point> vertices;
This is the way I would recommend. If you need to output to a specific binary format for serialization, just handle that in the save method.
2) You can manage the memory internal to the class, using oldschool C, which means using N*sizeof(float) for the vertices. Since this will be extremely error prone for a new programmer (and still rough for vets), you must make all of this private to class InstanceData, and do not allow any code outside InstanceData to manage them. Use unit tests. Provide public getter functions. I've done stuff like this for data structures that go across the network, or when reading/writing files with a specified format (Tiff, pgp, z39.50). But just to store in memory using difficult data structures -- no way.
Some other questions you asked:
How do I allocate memory for std::vector?
You don't. The vector allocates its own memory, and manages it. You can tell it to resize() or reserve() space, or push_back, but it will handle it. Look at
How do I allocate memory for a vector [sic] in a buffer like this?
You seem to be thinking of an array. You're way off with your pseudo code so far, so you really need to work your way up through a tutorial. You have to allocate with "new". I could post some starter code for this, if you really need, which I would edit into the answer here.
Also, you said something about vector increasing along another dimension. Vectors are one dimensional. You can make a vector of vectors, but let's not get into that.
edit addendum:
The basic idea with a megabuffer is that you allocate all the required space in the buffer, then you initialize the values, then you use it through the getters.
The data layout is "Header, Entity1, Entity2, ..., EntityN"
// I did not check this code in a compiler, sorry, need to get to work soon
MegaBuffer::MegaBuffer() {AllocateBuffer(0);}
MegaBuffer::~MegaBuffer() {ReleaseBuffer();}
MegaBuffer::AllocateBuffer(size_t size /*, whatever is needed for the header*/){
if (nullptr!=buffer)
size_t total_bytes = sizeof(Header) + count * sizeof(Entity)
buffer = new unsigned char [total_bytes];
header = buffer;
// need to set up the header
header->count = 0;
header->allocated = size;
// set up internal pointer
entity = buffer + sizeof(Header);
delete [] buffer;
Entity* MegaBuffer::operator[](int n) {return entity[n];}
The header is always a fixed size, and appears exactly once, and tells you how many entities you have. In your case there's no header because you are using member variables "usedInstances" and "allocatednstances" instead. So you do sort of have a header but it is not part of the allocated buffer. But you don't want to allocate 0 bytes, so just set usedInstances=0; allocatedInstances=0; buffer=nullptr;
I did not code for changing the size of the buffer, because the bitsquid ECS example covers that, but he doesn't show the first time initialization. Make sure you initialize n and allocated, and assign meaningful values for each entity before you use them.
You are not doing the bitsquid ECS the same as the link you posted. In that, he has several different objects of fixed size in parallel arrays. There is an entity, its mass, its position, etc. So entity[4] is an entity which has mass equal to "mass[4]" and its acceleration is "acceleration[4]". This uses pointer arithmetic to access array elements. (built in array, NOT std::Array, NOT std::vector)
The data layout is "Entity1, Entity2, ..., EntityN, mass1, mass2, ..., massN, position1, position2, ..., positionN, velocity1 ... " you get the idea.
If you read the article, you'll notice he says basically the same thing everyone else said about the standard library. You can use an std container to store each of these arrays, OR you can allocate one megabuffer and use pointers and "built in array" math to get to the exact memory location within that buffer for each item. In the classic faux-pas, he even says "This avoids any hidden overheads that might exist in the Array class and we only have a single allocation to keep track of." But you don't know if this is faster or slower than std::Array, and you're introducing a lot of bugs and extra development time dealing with raw pointers.

I think I see what you are trying to do.
There are numerous issues. First. You are making a buffer of random data, telling C++ that a Vector sized piece of it is a Vector. But, at no time do you actually call the constructor to Vector which will initialize the pointers and constructs inside to viable values.
This has already been answered here: Call a constructor on a already allocated memory
The second issue is the line
instanceData.vertices[i] = vertices;
instanceData.vertices is a pointer to a Vector, so you actually need to write
The third issue is that the contents of *(instanceData.vertices) are floats, and not Vector, so you should not be able to do the assignment there.


C++ array of vectors of pointers initialization

I want to allocate an array of vectors in a function. Every vector should be initiated with a size of 0. Afterwards I want to push pointers to objects T to my vectors. Finally I want have a grid with a list of references in every cell. I am stuck at the initialization of the vectors. It seems that they are not allocated ?
typedef std::vector<T*> GridCell;
GridCell* mGrid;
int gridSize = 5;
mGrid = new GridCell[gridSize];
mGrid[gridSize] = { GridCell() }; //runtime error here
This might be possibly duplicated to other posts, but I couldn't find one that solves this issue 100%.
mGrid = new GridCell[gridSize];
This line not only allocates an array, but it default constructs all of the entries too!
This is an out of bounds error; as the array has length 5, the only valid indices are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. Trying to access an element at index 5 is undefined behavior.
vector<GridCell> mGrid(5);
// vector<GridCell> mGrid(5, GridCell()); // Same thing as the line above
This is what you should have done instead. With modern C++, it's pretty rare that you should ever have to use new; there are standard objects that serve most of the purposes people once used new for (e.g. using vector instead of dynamically an array), there are smart pointers for most of the remaining cases, and for the few cases still remaining, you're usually better served by writing your own custom class whose purpose in life is to be a wrapper around whatever you're doing with new.

CUDA C++: declare a vector with length

I recently found this won't work in my global CUDA C++ code that I plan to compile and later to be called in Matlab:
int M = 10; float V[M];
or if I were to import M value from the matlab host code.
But this works:
float V[10];
I was told there exists a function called new that I can use to avoid this problem, but I read online and am still quite confused how to use this new function, and it seems only to apply to host code, is that right? If so, it won't apply to my case then, since my host code is in matlab. Is this a way to get around this, so that I don't have to change vector lengths one by one? Thank you!
I don't know anything about MATLAB or CUDA, but your problem is in C++. Arrays declared like that must have sizes fixed at compile-time.
Solution 1: Fix the size
Declare your variable M const. These are equivalent:
int const M = 10;
const int M = 10;
The compiler would then know that it can assume these variables will always have the same value no matter how you run the program.
Solution 2: C-style dynamic allocation
Dynamic allocation with new and delete. Arrays allocated on the abstract section of memory called the "free-store" (rather than on the "stack", like those arrays you have) can determine their sizes on the fly. You use it like this:
float * V = new V[M]; //V is a pointer to some freestore memory
//You use it and pass it like you would a normal array:
V[2] = 5.5;
int x = some_func(V);
//But after you're done, you should manually free the memory
delete [] V; //don't forget the [], since you used [] in the allocation
I don't recommend this, because of the possiblity of forgetting to delete the memory.
Solution 3: Automatic memory management with C++'s vector
In C++, the work of memory management can be hidden behind structures called classes.
using std::vector;
vector<float> V(M); //V is a vector of floats, with initial size M
//You use it like a normal array
V[2] = 5.5;
//But to pass it as an array, you need to pass a pointer to the first element
int x = some_func(&V[0]); //read as &(V[0]): pass in the address of V[0]
Solution 3b: CUDA-compatible vector
Thrust is a C++ template library for CUDA based on the Standard Template Library (STL). Thrust allows you to implement high performance parallel applications with minimal programming effort through a high-level interface that is fully interoperable with CUDA C.
If you're using fixed sizes, I recommend solution 1. If you're using sizes determined during runtime, I recommend vector.
(By the way, when you pass an ordinary array to a function, you are actually passing a pointer to the first element, NOT the array. The name of the array is automatically converted to a pointer type.)

Arrays Or Vectors? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
When would you use an array rather than a vector/string?
What is the difference between std::array and std::vector? When do you use one over other?
I always use vectors (dynamic arrays) for everything, I never use normal arrays, is there any downside to this, for example, will there ever be a time when a vector will not suit, and a normal array will suit a function?
According to Bjarne Stroustrup, you should use vector over Array unless you have a really good reason to use an array.
In nearly all situations, vector is preferable. Its memory is allocated from the free store (designed for large allocations) and managed automatically; and you can easily get a pointer to the array itself if you need it.
You would use an array (either built-in or std::array) if:
The array size is known at compile time and not so large that it might blow the stack; and
The array has a fixed scope; and
Dynamic allocation is causing issues such as excessive run-time cost or heap fragmentation, and you don't want to use custom allocators to address these issues.
Vector is a dynamically growing array. Whereas arrays are static. You have to define a array at the beginning and cannot be reallocated.
With vectors you do not have the limitation of declaring a fixed size. You can start with a empty vector and keep it growing as long as you want.
Till date I have never found any situation where array is more suited. In fact I have found using vectors solves many of many problems which I face with an array.
I think its a very good practice to use vectors always.
Keep doing it!!!!
Use whatever best fits your situation, I have outlined one of my favourite benefits of a fixed size array below with a little example.
If you have an unknown size or may require an increase in storage at runtime you would be looking for a vector.
If you have a predetermined size you can use a std::array or even a raw C array (int foo[256]) which has benefits in code simplicity and speed. One of the best benefits here is if the data to be stored in the array is known then you can use a C style initialiser list removing any of the setup costs which would occur with a vector and open up space for the optimizer to make things faster while also being simpler to debug:
struct KeyPair { int key; string name; };
const KeyPair kFoo[] = { { 0, "0" }, { 1, "1" }, { 2, "2" } };
const string& getName( unsigned int key )
assert( key < (sizeof(kFoo)/sizeof(*kFoo)) ); // Check key is a valid index
assert( kFoo[key].key == key ); //< Sanity check - useful is key is an enum which could change
return kFoo[key];

Initializing and maintaining structs of structs

I’m writing C++ code to deal with a bunch of histograms that are populated from laboratory measurements. I’m running into problems when I try to organize things better, and I think my problems come from mishandling pointers and/or structs.
My original design looked something like this:
// the following are member variables
Histogram *MassHistograms[3];
Histogram *MomentumHistograms[3];
Histogram *PositionHistograms[3];
where element 0 of each array corresponded to one laboratory measurement, element 1 of each corresponded to another, etc. I could access the individual histograms via MassHistograms[0] or similar, and that worked okay. However, the organization didn't seem right to me—if I were to perform a new measurement, I’d have to add an element to each of the histogram arrays. Instead, I came up with
struct Measurement {
Histogram *MassHistogram;
Histogram *MomentumHistogram;
Histogram *PositionHistogram;
As an added layer of complexity, I further wanted to bundle these measurements according to the processing that has been done on their data, so I made
struct MeasurementSet {
Measurement SignalMeasurement;
Measurement BackgroundMeasurement;
I think this arrangement is much more logical and extensible—but it doesn’t work ;-) If I have code like
MeasurementSet ms;
Measurement m = ms.SignalMeasurement;
Histogram *h = m.MassHistogram;
and then try to do stuff with h, I get a segmentation fault. Since the analogous code was working fine before, I assume that I’m not properly handling the structs in my code. Specifically, do structs need to be initialized explicitly in any way? (The Histograms are provided by someone else’s library, and just declaring Histogram *SomeHistograms[4] sufficed to initialize them before.)
I appreciate the feedback. I’m decently familar with Python and Clojure, but my limited knowledge of C++ doesn’t extend to [what seems like] the arcana of the care and feeding of structs :-)
What I ended up doing
I turned Measurement into a full-blown class:
class Measurement {
Measurement() {
MassHistogram = new Histogram();
MomentumHistogram = new Histogram();
PositionHistogram = new Histogram();
~Measurement() {
delete MassHistogram;
delete MomentumHistogram;
delete PositionHistogram;
Histogram *MassHistogram;
Histogram *MomentumHistogram;
Histogram *PositionHistogram;
(The generic Histogram() constructor I call works fine.) The other problem I was having was solved by always passing Measurements by reference; otherwise, the destructor would be called at the end of any function that received a Measurement and the next attempt to do something with one of the histograms would segfault.
Thank you all for your answers!
Are you sure that Histogram *SomeHistograms[4] initialized the data? How do you populate the Histogram structs?
The problem here is not the structs so much as the pointers that are tripping you up. When you do this: MeasurementSet ms; it declares an 'automatic variable' of type MeasurementSet. What it means is that all the memory for MeasurementSet is 'allocated' and ready to go. MeasurementSet, in turn, has two variables of type Measurement that are also 'allocated' and 'ready to go'. Measurement, in turn, has 3 variables of type Histogram * that are also 'allocated' and 'ready to go'... but wait! The type 'Histogram *' is a 'pointer'. That means it's an address - a 32 or 64 bit (or whatever bit) value that describes an actual memory location. And that's it. It's up to you to make it point to something - to put something at that location. Before it points to anything, it will have literally random data in it (or 0'd out data, or some special debug data, or something like that) - the point is that if you try to do something with it, you'll get a segmentation fault, because you will likely be attempting to read a part of data your program isn't supposed to be reading.
In c++, a struct is almost exactly the same thing as a class (which has a similar concept in python), and you typically allocate one like so:
m.MassHistogram = new Histogram();
...after that, the histogram is ready-to-go. However, YMMV: can you allocate one yourself? Or can you only get one from some library, maybe from a device reading, etc? Furthermore, although you can do what I wrote, it's not necessarily 'pretty'. A c++-ic solution would be to put the allocation in a constructor (like init in python) and delete in a destructor.
When your struct contains a pointer, you have to initialize that variable yourself.
struct foo
int *value;
foo bar;
// bar.value so far is not initialized and points to a random piece of data
bar.value = new int(0);
// bar.value now points to a int with the value 0
// remember, that you have to delete everything that you new'd, once your done with it:
delete bar.value;
First, always remember that structs and classes are almost exactly the same things. The only difference is that struct members are public by default, and a class member is private by default.
But all the rest is exactly the same.
Second, carefully differentiate between pointers and objects.
If I write
Histogram h;
space for histogram's data will be allocated, and it's constructor will be called. ( A construct is a method with exactly the same name as the class, here Historgram() )
If I write
Histogram* h;
I'm declaring a variable of 32/64 bits that will be used as a pointer to memory. It's initialzed with a random value. Dangerous!
If I write
Histogram* h = new Histogram();
memory will be allocated for one Histogram's data members, and it's constructor will be called. The address in memory will be stored in "h".
If I write
Histogram* copy = h;
I'm again declaring a 32/64 bit variable that points to exactly the same address in memory as h
If I write
Histogram* h = new Historgram;
Histogram* copy = h;
delete h;
the following happens
memory is allocated for a Histogram object
The constructor of Histogram will be called (even if you didn't write it, your compiler will generate one).
h will contain the memory address of this object
the delete operator will call the destructor of Histogram (even if you didn't write it, your compiler will generate one).
the memory allocated for the Histogram object will be deallocated
copy will still contain the memory address where the object used to be allocated. But you're not allowed to use it. It's called a "dangling pointer"
h's contents will be undefined
In short: the "n.MassHistogram" in your code is referring to a random area in memory. Don't use it. Either allocated it first using operator "new", or declare it as "Histogram" (object instead of pointer)
Welcome to CPP :D
You are aware that your definition of Measurement does not allocate memory for actual Histograms? In your code, m.MassHistogram is a dangling (uninitialized) pointer, it's not pointing to any measured Histogram, nor to any memory capable of storing a Histogram. As #Nari Rennlos posted just now, you need to point it to an existing (or newly allocated) Histogram.
What does your 3rd party library's interface look like? If it's at all possible, you should have a Measurement containing 3 Histograms (as opposed to 3 pointers to Histograms). That way when you create a Measurement or a MeasurementSet the corresponding Histograms will be created for you, and the same goes for destruction. If you still need a pointer, you can use the & operator:
struct Measurement2 {
Histogram MassHistogram;
Histogram MomentumHistogram;
Histogram PositionHistogram;
MeasurementSet2 ms;
Histogram *h = &ms.SignalMeasurement.MassHistogram; //h valid as long as ms lives
Also note that as long as you're not working with pointers (or references), objects will be copied and assigned by value:
MeasurementSet ms; //6 uninitialized pointers to Histograms
Measurement m = ms.SignalMeasurement; //3 more pointers, values taken from first 3 above
Histogram *h = m.MassHistogram; //one more pointer, same uninitialized value
Though if the pointers had been initialized, all 10 of them would be pointing to an actual Histogram at this point.
It gets worse if you have actual members instead of pointers:
MeasurementSet2 ms; //6 Histograms
Measurement2 m = ms.SignalMeasurement; //3 more Histograms, copies of first 3 above
Histogram h = m.MassHistogram; //one more Histogram
h.firstPoint = 42;
m.MassHistogram.firstPoint = 43;
ms.SignalMeasurement.MassHistogram.firstPoint = 44; you have 3 slightly different mass signal histograms, 2 pairs of identical momentum and position signal histograms, and a triplet of background histograms.

Delete parts of a dynamic array and grow other

I need to have a dynamic array, so I need to allocate the necessary amount of memory through a pointer. What makes me wonder about which is a good solution, is that C++ has the ability to do something like:
int * p = new int[6];
which allocates the necessary array. What I need is that, afterwards, I want to grow some parts of this array. A(n flawed) example:
int *p1 = &p[0];
int *p2 = &p[2];
int *p3 = &p[4];
// delete positions p[2], p[3]
delete [] p2;
// create new array
p2 = new int[4];
I don't know how to achieve this behavior.
EDIT: std::vector does not work for me since I need the time of insertion/deletion of k elements to be proportional to the number k and not to the number of elements stored in the std::vector.
Using pointers, in the general case, I would point to the start of any non continuous region of memory and I would keep account of how many elements it stores. Conceptually, I would fragment the large array into many small ones and not necessarily in continuous space in the memory (the deletion creates "holes" while the allocation does not necessarily "fill" them).
You achieve this behavior by using std::vector:
std::vector<int> v(6); // create a vector with six elements.
v.erase(v.begin() + 2); // erase the element at v[2]
v.insert(v.begin() + 2, 4, 0); // insert four new elements starting at v[2]
Really, any time you want to use a dynamically allocated array, you should first consider using std::vector. It's not the solution to every problem, but along with the rest of the C++ standard library containers it is definitely the solution to most problems.
You should look into STL containers in C++, for example vector has pretty much the functionality you want.
I'd advise against doing this on your own. Look up std::vector for a reasonable starting point.
another option, besides std::vector is std::deque, which works in much the same way, but is a little more efficient at inserting chunks into the middle. If that's still not good enough for you, you might get some mileage using a collection of collections. You'll have to do a little bit more work getting random access to work (perhaps writing a class to wrap the whole thing.