Using the result of a promise in Ember.RSVP.hash - ember.js

I've been pulling out my hair with this for a few hours now so I thought I'd just ask :)
In the model hook of my route, I'm grabbing the account ID from the session store. I'm also returning an Ember hash of layouts using a (presently) hard-coded ID:
model: function() {
var accountId = this.get('session.currentUser').then(function(user) {
return user;
}).then(function(user) {
return user.get('account');
}).then(function(account) {
var accountId = parseInt(account.get('id'));
console.log(accountId); // outputs 2
return accountId;
return Ember.RSVP.hash({
layouts:'layout', { account_id: 2 })
/* {{log layouts}} in the template returns the correct list of layouts */
However, when I try and use the value of the first promise in the hash, as follows:
return Ember.RSVP.hash({
layouts:'layout', { account_id: accountId })
I get the following error:
You must pass a resolver function as the first argument to the promise constructor
TypeError: You must pass a resolver function as the first argument to the promise constructor
I can almost understand this, as perhaps the accountID promise isn't resolved before the hash function is called.
But then I tried:
var _this = this;
var accountId = this.get('session.currentUser').then(function(user) {
return user;
}).then(function(user) {
return user.get('account');
}).then(function(account) {
var accountId = parseInt(account.get('id'));
console.log(accountId); // outputs 2
return accountId;
}).then(function(accountId) {
console.log(accountId); // outputs 2
return Ember.RSVP.hash({
layouts:'layout', { account_id: accountId })
This does not give any errors, but {{log layouts}} in the template returns 'undefined'.
Can anyone help, please?

Instead of returning the hash at the end, structure your promise the other way around:
var _this = this;
return Ember.RSVP.hash({
layouts: this.get('session.currentUser').then(function(user) {
return user;
}).then(function(user) {
return user.get('account');
}).then(function(account) {
return parseInt(account.get('id'), 10);
}).then(function(accountId) {
return'layout', { account_id: accountId });


Why is "id" null in updateRecord() of my custom Ember Data adapter?

I'm trying to learn more about creating custom adapters in Ember so I started one where I want to create and update records in sessionStorage. I have the createRecord method working, but in the updateRecord method, the id is always null. Any idea why? For the id of models, I am just using a timestamp.
export default DS.Adapter.extend({
createRecord(store, type, snapshot) {
var data = this.serialize(snapshot, { includeId: true });
return new Ember.RSVP.Promise((resolve, reject) => {
var comments = {}, id =;
if (window.sessionStorage.getItem('comment')) {
comments = JSON.parse(window.sessionStorage.getItem('comment'));
} = id;
comments[id] = data;
window.sessionStorage.setItem('comment', JSON.stringify(comments));
updateRecord(store, type, snapshot) {
var data = this.serialize(snapshot, { includeId: true });
var id =;
console.log('updating', id); // id is null. Why???
return new Ember.RSVP.Promise((resolve, reject) => {
I am aware that I need to create a few other methods like findAll(), findRecord() etc, but would not having those cause this issue? I'm not sure what I am missing. Thanks in advance!

Emberjs - setProperties from a Promise

I'm trying to set a variable in my router from the inside of a promise, but it seems that it is not set properly.
I have create a small example to show you :
App.ApplicationRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
myVar: null,
model: function() {
var data = getData();
console.log(myVar); // = null
return data;
getData: function() {
var self = this;
return new Ember.RSVP.Promise( function(resolve, reject) {
self.setProperties({ myVar: 42 });
When I try to display myVar, it still at null even when it was waiting for the promise to resolve...
Do I need to do something special ? or I'm doing it wrongly ?
I believe you are looking for something like this:,css,js,output
I'm not entirely sure what you are going for here, so there is also some other commented code that may have been your intention.
I think maybe the problem was when you were console logging, as well as the fact that you weren't using your getters and setters properly, and the way you were calling getData()
Here is the code:
App.ApplicationRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
myVar: null,
model: function() {
var data = this.getData();
console.log(this.get('myVar')); // = null
return data;
getData: function() {
var self = this;
return new Ember.RSVP.Promise( function(resolve, reject) {
self.setProperties({ myVar: 42 });
}).then(function (value) {
//self.setProperties({ myVar: value });
}, function(reason){

How to return a deferred promise and create a model with Ember.Deferred?

I'm trying to create a User.current() in my application, which pulls data from my server using $.getJSON('/users/current', function(data) { ... });. I am using the Singleton method that Discourse uses, which does the following:
Dashboard.Singleton = Ember.Mixin.create({
// See
current: function() {
if (!this._current) {
this._current = this.createCurrent();
return this._current;
createCurrent: function() {
return this.create({});
And in my User singleton model, I've rewritten createCurrent as follows:
Dashboard.User.reopenClass(Dashboard.Singleton, {
createCurrent: function() {
return Ember.Deferred.promise(function(p) {
return p.resolve($.getJSON('/users/current').then(function(data) {
return Dashboard.User.create(data);
User is a normal Ember object model:
Dashboard.User = Ember.Object.extend({
This does request the data from the server, but the function is not setting User.current() correctly - when I inspect it, User.current() has none of the properties that should be set, such as name.
How can I return and set the current user using Ember's deferred and promises?
That's cause you're returning the promise in place of the user.
Why don't you create the user, then fill in the properties later.
Or use the Promise Proxy pattern that Ember Data uses (the promise can be used as the object once resolved)
DS.PromiseObject = Ember.ObjectProxy.extend(Ember.PromiseProxyMixin);
function promiseObject(promise) {
return DS.PromiseObject.create({ promise: promise });
Since $.getJSON('/users/current') returns a promise, might as well use that.
createCurrent: function() {
return $.getJSON('/users/current').then(function(data) {
return Dashboard.User.create(data);
Then you need to keep in mind that createCurrent returns a promise, not the object itself so you will need to:
current: function() {
if (!this._current) {
var that = this;
this.fetching = true;
this.createCurrent().then(function(val) {
that.fetching = false;
that._current = val;
return this._current;

Building Model object from multiple rest calls

I have a route like following where it builds the data from multiple rest calls.
App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
var id = 1; //will get as url param later
var modelData = {ab:{},ef:{}};
return ajaxPromise('https://url1/'+ id +'?order=desc').then(function(data){
modelData.ab = data.items[0];
return ajaxPromise('https://url2/'+ id +'/?order=desc').then(function(data){
modelData.ab.x = data.items;
return modelData;
My ajaxPromise function is as follows:
var ajaxPromise = function(url, options){
return Ember.RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var options = options || {
dataType: 'jsonp',
jsonp: 'jsonp'
options.success = function(data){
options.error = function(jqXHR, status, error){
Ember.$.ajax(url, options);
Now the issue is i know that i can use RSVP.all with promise instances but the data returned from these url has to be set to model object like above.
Also there may be few more rest calls which require data from other rest call. Is there any other way i can handle this promises.
PS: data is required right away for a single route
App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
var id = 1; //will get as url param later
return Ember.RSVP.hash({
r1: ajaxPromise('https://url1/'+ id +'?order=desc'),
r2: ajaxPromise('https://url2/'+ id +'/?order=desc')
setupController:function(controller, model){
model.ab = model.r1.items[0];
model.ab.x = model.r2.items;
this._super(controller, model);
If you have two that have to run synchronously(second depends on first), you can create your own promise, which eon't resolve until you call resolve.
model: function() {
var promise = new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject){
var modelData = {ab:{},ef:{}};
ajaxPromise('https://url1/'+ id +'?order=desc').then(function(data){
modelData.ab = data.items[0];
ajaxPromise('https://url2/'+ id +'/?order=desc').then(function(data){
modelData.ab.x = data.items;
return promise;

Delete associated model with ember-data

I have two models:
App.User = DS.Model.create({
comments: DS.hasMany('App.Comment')
App.Comment = DS.Model.create({
user: DS.belongsTo('App.User')
When a user is deleted, it also will delete all its comments on the backend, so I should delete them from the client-side identity map.
I'm listing all the comments on the system from another place, so after deleting a user it would just crash.
Is there any way to specify this kind of dependency on the association? Thanks!
I use a mixin when I want to implement this behaviour. My models are defined as follows:
App.Post = DS.Model.extend(App.DeletesDependentRelationships, {
dependentRelationships: ['comments'],
comments: DS.hasMany('App.Comment'),
author: DS.belongsTo('App.User')
App.User = DS.Model.extend();
App.Comment = DS.Model.extend({
post: DS.belongsTo('App.Post')
The mixin itself:
App.DeletesDependentRelationships = Ember.Mixin.create({
// an array of relationship names to delete
dependentRelationships: null,
// set to 'delete' or 'unload' depending on whether or not you want
// to actually send the deletions to the server
deleteMethod: 'unload',
deleteRecord: function() {
var transaction = this.get('store').transaction();
deleteDependentRelationships: function(transaction) {
var self = this;
var klass = Ember.get(this.constructor.toString());
var fields = Ember.get(klass, 'fields');
this.get('dependentRelationships').forEach(function(name) {
var relationshipType = fields.get(name);
switch(relationshipType) {
case 'belongsTo': return self.deleteBelongsToRelationship(name, transaction);
case 'hasMany': return self.deleteHasManyRelationship(name, transaction);
deleteBelongsToRelationship: function(name, transaction) {
var record = this.get(name);
if (record) this.deleteOrUnloadRecord(record, transaction);
deleteHasManyRelationship: function(key, transaction) {
var self = this;
// deleting from a RecordArray doesn't play well with forEach,
// so convert to a normal array first
this.get(key).toArray().forEach(function(record) {
self.deleteOrUnloadRecord(record, transaction);
deleteOrUnloadRecord: function(record, transaction) {
var deleteMethod = this.get('deleteMethod');
if (deleteMethod === 'delete') {
else if (deleteMethod === 'unload') {
var store = this.get('store');
Note that you can specify via deleteMethod whether or not you want to send the DELETE requests to your API. If your back-end is configured to delete dependent records automatically, then you will want to use the default.
Here's a jsfiddle that shows it in action.
A quick-and-dirty way would be to add the following to your user model
destroyRecord: ->
I adapted the answer of #ahmacleod to work with ember-cli 2.13.1 and ember-data 2.13.0. I had an issue with nested relationships and the fact that after deleting an entity from the database its id was reused. This lead to conflicts with remnants in the ember-data model.
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Mixin.create({
dependentRelationships: null,
destroyRecord: function() {
return this._super()
.then(function (model) {
return model;
unloadRecord: function() {
deleteDependentRelationships: function() {
var self = this;
var fields = Ember.get(this.constructor, 'fields');
this.get('dependentRelationships').forEach(function(name) {
deleteRelationship (name) {
var self = this;
self.get(name).then(function (records) {
if (!records) {
var reset = [];
if (!Ember.isArray(records)) {
records = [records];
reset = null;
records.forEach(function(record) {
if (record) {
self.set(name, reset);
Eventually, I had to set the relationship to [] (hasMany) or null (belongsTo). Else I would have run into the following error message:
Assertion Failed: You cannot update the id index of an InternalModel once set. Attempted to update <id>.
Maybe this is helpful for somebody else.