Dovecot Object Storage Plugin [closed] - amazon-web-services

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I know this isn't a very technical question; but where can I find the high-latency object storage addon for amazon s3? The official Open-Xchange site link gives a 404 to the 'Dovecot Store'.
I've been restlessly trying to have this done for quite few months to no avail, even emailed dovecot co-founder Mikko Linnamäki who told my project isn't big enough, and to ask the "open source community".
Any help is greatly appreciated.

If you're looking to download the object storage plugin, you're out of luck as it's a commercial plugin that only works with the commercial dovecot pro.
Optimized usage of Dovecot with Cloud technologies, such as Windows Azure, Amazon S3, Scality and Dropbox.
The Dovecot Object Storage Plugin enables your Dovecot email service to store the email data into a Cloud. end Maildir end Maildir
About S3QL
S3QL is a file system that stores all its data online using storage services like Google Storage, Amazon S3, or OpenStack. S3QL effectively provides a hard disk of dynamic, infinite capacity that can be accessed from any computer with internet access.
S3QL is a standard conforming, full featured UNIX file system that is conceptually indistinguishable from any local file system. Furthermore, S3QL has additional features like compression, encryption, data de-duplication, immutable trees and snapshotting which make it especially suitable for online backup and archival.
S3QL is designed to favor simplicity and elegance over performance and feature-creep. Care has been taken to make the source code as readable and serviceable as possible. Solid error detection and error handling have been included from the very first line, and S3QL comes with extensive automated test cases for all its components.


Which Google cloud instance should I use to deploy a simple dynamic website [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm currently working on Google cloud platform. Periodically, I plan to execute a function which will insert and update positioning data on my Google cloud storage.
Then, I want to make these data available through a simple website with an URL. I see on Google cloud platform ( some way to make website (WordPress on Compute Engine, LAMP stack on Compute Engine, Cloud run, Compute engine, App engine and firebase hosting) but I didn't understand well which solution will be better for me.
Can you enlighten me?
GCP has different products for different use cases which in most cases are designed for building more complex solutions which are scalable horizontally and vertically.
Based on the application you want to build you have to choose each building block taking into account it's properties and your requirements.
To cut the long story short if you want to host simple static page I suggest you:
Create a bucket on GCS
Add permission for allUsers to Storage Object Viewer
Edit websiste configuration for the bucket setting up index.html and 404.html
Of you go, your bucket is available publicly to everyone, cost you whatever space and traffic you will use above the free tier.
Here you will find detailed info about the steps you need to take from goodle:
Cloud Run, GKE, App Engine leave for the moment when you know that you need them for some reason.
Google App Engine (GAE) is a PaaS (Platform as a service).
In simple terms, it is like someone giving you a functioning computer where everything has been configured and all software has been installed (OS, memory, hard disk, etc) and the person is also responsible for maintaining it (adding more memory when it becomes slow, adding more hard drive when the storage becomes full, etc).
All you have to do is run your program on the machine.
Google Compute Engine (GCE) is an IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service).
In simple terms, it is like someone dumping all the different hardware and software needed to assemble a computer on a table. You are then responsible for figuring out what you need (how much storage you need, how much memory you need, which OS you need, etc) and picking those from the table and assembling a computer to run your program.
After you have assembled the computer and your program is running, you also have to monitor it and determine if more hardware or memory is needed and then add those.
Based on what you have described, I would recommend going with GAE. Your use-case looks like a simple situation of a front end (website) to display data from storage. Also, the fact that you asked this question, gives me the impression that you're not extremely knowledgeable about Google Cloud products (i mean no disrespect) so you want to use something that is simple and straight-forward (i.e. a solution where Google handles all the heavy lifting).

How do I contact Google to request special permissions on GCP? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I was wondering how do I contact Google to negotiate a deal. I wanted to burst coin mine on GCP. As said in the ToS it says that Free Trail doesn't allow to do that. So I upgraded but found that paid accounts can only mine if they have written permission from Google. Which is why I am here now. I was wondering if there was an email or someone at Google I can talk to about allowing me to burst the coin. Burst coin is a cryptocurrency that uses storage to mine instead of all those fancy machines. I only plan to use storage and not do dual miner(some miners do that). If needed I can run another and connect hard disks over the internet. I just didn't want to start doing something without asking for permission.
Edit: I have bad grammar. I basically said I need permission to use their cloud storage and/or their compute engine to mine burst coins. If I can't use their compute engine but their cloud storage I am willing to host hardware myself I just need storage to be a host since I don't have Terabytes of storage on hand.
You can contact GCP through their contact page over here. I would say that you should contact the compliance team, nevertheless, there is no guarantee that they will be willing to let you use the infrastructure for cryptocurrency mining.
Additionally, do not try to do this before their response as it is a violation of the terms of service, and may lead to a suspension on the service:
4.2 Other Suspension. Notwithstanding Section 4.1 (AUP Violations) Google may immediately Suspend all or part of Customer's use of the Services if: (a) Google believes Customer's or any Customer End User's use of the Services could adversely impact the Services, other customers' or their end users' use of the Services, or the Google network or servers used to provide the Services, which may include use of the Services for cryptocurrency mining without Google's prior written approval;
Hope you find this useful.

AWS setup cloud infrastructure for Java Project [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Well, I want to know the basic of cloud infrastructure for Amazon cloud.
Can anyone help me how I can move ahead with this? and what would be the best for me?
Below mentioned is my requirement:
Project: Java EE based architecture
Deployment Server: Tomcat
DataBase: MySQL
Instance: Amazon ec2 and AWS Elastic Beanstalk (However I'm not sure what is
good for Java related project)
Space: 100 GB for now and it should be salable on the based on instant requirement.
Hosting Server: Linux
Here I want to know every possible things which can be good for initial setup for my production server.
Also, I would like to know what are the services that I need to purchase based on my requirement, and suggest me for the same, also guide me the best prices as well for the specific service.
Looking forward to hear from you everyone guys,
Have a nice time ahead!
I would recommend you to start with Amazon EC2. For mysql, you can use Amazon RDS as well as it handles all the maintenance activity for DB. Also, you can start with m3.xl machines initially and can upgrade based on requirement.
As per storage is concerned, start with 100GB SSD EBS first . You can anytime attach more storage as needed.
Here are some useful links regarding machine types and costing:!4422!3!154807442051!p!!g!!ec2%20instance&ef_id=WG8jbAAAAIccH41L:20170703093155:s

Recommended Web Service Architecture Books/Sites? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm in the position where I may be creating a new web service from scratch - without much pre-existing infrastructure to have to contend with. What resources are there that talk about the architectural aspects of deploying a web service? [Clarification: I'm not talking about an Enterprise SOA orientation here - rather setting up one family of services for the public.]
A first list of topics that I'd like to see covered are:
Relational Database Backed vs. SimpleDB backed vs. ?
Models for restricting access
Models for throttling access
What would you recommend?
I would recommend Restful Web Services. It's weel written, very complete and vendor agnostic. Also it has a fairly good coverage of both REST (with comparison to SOAP/WS-*), HTTP scaling, resource formats (JSON, XHTML, Atom, XML), security and service modeling.
If you have any specific scaling needs, then you might also want to read Building Scalable Web Sites. It will teach you everything worth knowing about etags, proxies, caching, edge computing and so forth. However if you are just starting out, then the Rest book I mentioned earlier will properly cover most people needs.
If you decide to use Microsoft technology (WCF) then you could check out the Microsoft Patterns and Practices group's online library of guidance.
They have a library located here as part of MSDN which deals with Web Service security, Enterprise Buses (obviously not applicable to you scenario) and PAG's own Web Service Software Factory.
Their main page is located here.
Otherwise, assuming you choose WCF it might be worth checking out further reading such as Juval Lowy's book on WCF, although I fear it may cover the implementation more than the theory and design facets.
Do you know roughly what technology platform you'll be working from?

File sharing service with an API? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is there a file sharing service akin to Dropbox or SugarSync that would offer an API? I would like to add a file sharing service to a website, but the full Dropbox interface is still too complicated for my users, so that I’d like an API to build a dead-simple list of files integrated to the website. There is a Dropbox API project on Google Code, but it seems to be dead.
Update: I need a service with a desktop client at least for Windows, so that the more technical website users could easily upload and organize the stored data. Extra points if the service has a free plan.
A quick search on ProgrammableWeb brings up about 50 API results.
Out of the lot, I could only say that I have had experience with the website. I've had no trouble in the past, and they have rather acceptable limits for the free account (25 MB per file; 1 GB of storage).
I'm sure that with a little poking around you'll find something that fits your needs, but I wouldn't expect to find something that offers you a business-scale solution for free, you might have to be prepared to make an investment, and in that case some of Amazon's Web Services might be better suited to your needs.
Edit: Since I answered this question 6 years ago, the landscape for storage solutions with APIs has changed somewhat. There are now free or affordable services with mature developer APIs offered by Dropbox, Google Drive, Amazon S3, Rackspace CloudFiles, Microsoft Azure and for mobile, iCloud.
We are a file sharing company that has recently released a fully functioning RESTful API. You can add users, groups, permissions, files, dynamic links and even searching in real-time. Unlike dropbox and sugarsync it was designed for business, thus giving you multi-user access.
We would love your feedback.
I used and it works like a charm.