File sharing service with an API? [closed] - web-services

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is there a file sharing service akin to Dropbox or SugarSync that would offer an API? I would like to add a file sharing service to a website, but the full Dropbox interface is still too complicated for my users, so that I’d like an API to build a dead-simple list of files integrated to the website. There is a Dropbox API project on Google Code, but it seems to be dead.
Update: I need a service with a desktop client at least for Windows, so that the more technical website users could easily upload and organize the stored data. Extra points if the service has a free plan.

A quick search on ProgrammableWeb brings up about 50 API results.
Out of the lot, I could only say that I have had experience with the website. I've had no trouble in the past, and they have rather acceptable limits for the free account (25 MB per file; 1 GB of storage).
I'm sure that with a little poking around you'll find something that fits your needs, but I wouldn't expect to find something that offers you a business-scale solution for free, you might have to be prepared to make an investment, and in that case some of Amazon's Web Services might be better suited to your needs.
Edit: Since I answered this question 6 years ago, the landscape for storage solutions with APIs has changed somewhat. There are now free or affordable services with mature developer APIs offered by Dropbox, Google Drive, Amazon S3, Rackspace CloudFiles, Microsoft Azure and for mobile, iCloud.

We are a file sharing company that has recently released a fully functioning RESTful API. You can add users, groups, permissions, files, dynamic links and even searching in real-time. Unlike dropbox and sugarsync it was designed for business, thus giving you multi-user access.
We would love your feedback.

I used and it works like a charm.


Dovecot Object Storage Plugin [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I know this isn't a very technical question; but where can I find the high-latency object storage addon for amazon s3? The official Open-Xchange site link gives a 404 to the 'Dovecot Store'.
I've been restlessly trying to have this done for quite few months to no avail, even emailed dovecot co-founder Mikko Linnamäki who told my project isn't big enough, and to ask the "open source community".
Any help is greatly appreciated.
If you're looking to download the object storage plugin, you're out of luck as it's a commercial plugin that only works with the commercial dovecot pro.
Optimized usage of Dovecot with Cloud technologies, such as Windows Azure, Amazon S3, Scality and Dropbox.
The Dovecot Object Storage Plugin enables your Dovecot email service to store the email data into a Cloud. end Maildir end Maildir
About S3QL
S3QL is a file system that stores all its data online using storage services like Google Storage, Amazon S3, or OpenStack. S3QL effectively provides a hard disk of dynamic, infinite capacity that can be accessed from any computer with internet access.
S3QL is a standard conforming, full featured UNIX file system that is conceptually indistinguishable from any local file system. Furthermore, S3QL has additional features like compression, encryption, data de-duplication, immutable trees and snapshotting which make it especially suitable for online backup and archival.
S3QL is designed to favor simplicity and elegance over performance and feature-creep. Care has been taken to make the source code as readable and serviceable as possible. Solid error detection and error handling have been included from the very first line, and S3QL comes with extensive automated test cases for all its components.

API for a Google Keep app? [duplicate]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is there a API for Google Keep? I want to make a windows 8 app for Google Keep, so that it synchronizes with your phone.
I looked into the Drive SDK because Google Keep is a extension of Google Drive, but I couldn't find it.
UPDATE: yes, Google released a public REST API for Keep. Here's the public documentation.
No there's not and developers still don't know why google doesn't pay attention to this request!
As you can see in this link it's one of the most popular issues with many stars in google code but still no response from google! You can also add stars to this issue, maybe google hears that!
I have been waiting to see if Google would open a Keep API. When I discovered Google Tasks, and saw that it had an Android app, web app, and API, I converted over to Tasks. This may not directly answer your question, but it is my solution to the Keep API problem.
Tasks doesn't have a reminder alarm exactly like Keep. I can live without that if I also connect with the Calendar API.

Private Microblogging/Twitter-like Service [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Are there any cloud based private Twitter-like services out there?
I am working for a client who needs a service like this implemented, but we don't have the time or budget to create one from scratch.
I am looking for something with a REST api where I can create an account on it from the master server, set an account to follow another account, post updates for accounts, and then get a feed of posts (sorted by date) from accounts that another account is following (like a facebook wall, or twitter feed). It would be great if it could automatically scale out to hundreds of thousands of users, with perhaps 50 000 daily posts being made.
I had thought about implementing this myself, but it seems like there are some tricky areas when it comes to having an account following a few thousand other accounts, or being followed by 10s of thousands of accounts, and generating the feed in somewhat realtime as posts come in.
I have found some services such as and but I'm not sure if they can do what I need, and they seem to be very focussed on having a website. This is for a mobile app so that is not required.
There are a few open source projects out there, but they would all require setting up/maintaining hosting (not a huge problem) and I'm not certain how scalable they are (the client requires it scale up to at least 100k users).
I'm sorry for the late reply. I hope it will be useful to others looking at this.
I had pretty much the exact same need as you, and ended up creating a full-featured solution after finding no other resources. The service is called Collabinate ( It provides a RESTful API that focuses on simplicity and ease of use, and currently leaves the UI completely up to you. It uses a graph database and algorithms in the backend, and scales quite well for your situation.
Maybe private team inbox can fit in your solution too...
there is not a following feature in this but if this is an internal company need...
you can create chat rooms for departments and in general ... maybe the chat rooms can be the following feature for you
Looks like there isn't a good solution here.
I have found jaiku which looks incredibly complex and doesn't seem to run on the latest app engine sdk.
There is also diaspora which could be modified and run on your own server to do what is needed.
In the end, I have decided to just implement this myself on Google App Engine. It seems the best way to do what is needed. Using the fan-out pattern seems to be the best way. The Fantasm library seems to provide an easy to use way to do this, so I am going to try that.

Recommended Web Service Architecture Books/Sites? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm in the position where I may be creating a new web service from scratch - without much pre-existing infrastructure to have to contend with. What resources are there that talk about the architectural aspects of deploying a web service? [Clarification: I'm not talking about an Enterprise SOA orientation here - rather setting up one family of services for the public.]
A first list of topics that I'd like to see covered are:
Relational Database Backed vs. SimpleDB backed vs. ?
Models for restricting access
Models for throttling access
What would you recommend?
I would recommend Restful Web Services. It's weel written, very complete and vendor agnostic. Also it has a fairly good coverage of both REST (with comparison to SOAP/WS-*), HTTP scaling, resource formats (JSON, XHTML, Atom, XML), security and service modeling.
If you have any specific scaling needs, then you might also want to read Building Scalable Web Sites. It will teach you everything worth knowing about etags, proxies, caching, edge computing and so forth. However if you are just starting out, then the Rest book I mentioned earlier will properly cover most people needs.
If you decide to use Microsoft technology (WCF) then you could check out the Microsoft Patterns and Practices group's online library of guidance.
They have a library located here as part of MSDN which deals with Web Service security, Enterprise Buses (obviously not applicable to you scenario) and PAG's own Web Service Software Factory.
Their main page is located here.
Otherwise, assuming you choose WCF it might be worth checking out further reading such as Juval Lowy's book on WCF, although I fear it may cover the implementation more than the theory and design facets.
Do you know roughly what technology platform you'll be working from?

Best framework for a subscription-based web service business/site? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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We're developing a new web service that will be free for low-volume users and subscription-based for higher volume users. Most users will probably invoke it via a plugin for their cms or blog system, and some will use api toolkits for various programming languages. The web service, itself, is straightforward to expose to users, but a full-featured web application needed to configure and manage access to it using a subscription-based business model is more complicated.
We need to build, buy or find a solution that powers a self-service website which lets people:
sign up for free or paid accounts
select and configure service options
enter payment credentials
edit their account and billing profiles
review their service usage and billing history
suspend or cancel their accounts
From an admin perspective, we would also like the system to let us:
monitor and manage service status
log user activity and service consumption
review and manage user accounts
manage recurring billing, flag problem accounts
manage message templates for communicating with users
configure service packages, options and discount codes
perform other, similar administrative activities
This seems like standard stuff that any web-based, self-service subscription system might need. I'm wondering whether anyone out there knows of a package that provides most or all of these features? We're open to considering various programming languages and platforms, although it will be most convenient to deploy and run this on a linux system.
If there's not a solid, open-source solution out there, then we might be interested in sponsoring the creation of one. I'm looking forward to hearing insights form the community. Thanks!
Subscription management and billing operations are a pain to implement yourself. I would suggest checking out Zuora. Even though there's some cost there, they have a nice API for their cloud service.
Not sure if that would fit with the model you have in mind, but they do take away a headache.
Go with FastSpring ,
It rocks it addresses all things you mentioned + more.
METRO sounds like a suitable choice to me considering your preferred server OS:
Wikipedia has a great comparison table for web service frameworks. This may be a good starting point: