I would like to have some basic sample how to use DryIoC for WebForms application with BasePage (base for all pages) and IRepository and Repository for connection with database (via NHibernate)
At the moment it is made using application property containing NHibernate session. I would like to make it with DryIoC in order to use Repository for database operation everywhere . What is the best way for that?
I am setting up a architecture for a new project. For this project we are using Sitecore 7 CMS. As you may know, Sitecore supports a multi-site environement. This means that 1 IIS instance can be used for multiple sites because Sitecore resolves them to use the right code and content.
For this project I will have the following hierarchy:
Core (generic, site unspecific logic)
Website A
Website B
We should be able to add as many sites as we want. Every site has a Data, Business and Presentation layer.
I also want to use a IoC container such as Castle Windsor, Ninject or Unity. I want a generic container/kernel for the core and then I would like to be able to register class for specific sites. So the classes I register for Website A should not be resolved for Website B
In Unity I guess you could child containers. I did not find a good way to force the application to use the child container when the Sitecore Context meets a certain requirement.
In Ninject I found stuff on contextual bindings, named scopes and modules which I liked very much. I thought I create a NinjectModule with Contextual Bindings and on resolving I would check the context. I did not find a nice and generic way of doing this.
However, after hours of googling I did not find a good example or tutorial on how this could be achieved and how this should be done in the best way.
For now I do not have a preference for which framework I want to use.
Hope some one would shed some light for my problem so that I can make some progress.
Thanks in advance
Look in to Windsor's Handler Selectors. They're a nice solution to multi-tenant applications. Also, Mike Hadlow has a couple of posts about using Handler Selectors in a multi-tenant environment.
I resolved it by using Multi-tenancy in Autofac: https://code.google.com/p/autofac/wiki/MultitenantIntegration
The idea is to call a method from a website(in php) to my application (in Grails). The application will serve data in json format.
The website and the application are hosted in two different servers. The website is on Yahoo and the application is on Rackspace.
Now, I want to create a web service in my Grails application which serves list of cities in json format.
City Class
class City {
String name
String code
How do i write the web service method?
Try the grails jaxrs plugin (https://github.com/krasserm/grails-jaxrs) which will do excactly what you want without any hassle.
Simply install it, create a Resource object with the introduced create-resource command and create and annotate the methods as you wish. all other things are managed by the plugin so you don't have to worry about Controller or UrlMapping...
You need only the annotation #Resource(uri='/cities') on your domain and call the url/cities.json (but, its'n RESTful)
You will want to use a few tools, first you will create a controller that deals with the requests and pushes them off to your service layer.
You can use URL Mappings to make it more RESTFul check out the doc that way all the http methods will be mapped to actions in your controller.
Also if you will be doing a fair bit of json I would recomend starting with the gson plugin it has a fuller feature set then the built in JSON support.
The link from the comment above is a great resource to read as well.
I have found that I most of the time want to support the accept header as well in which case you will need to update your config with the following code. See withFormat doc for more info.
grails.mime.use.accept.header = true
I am still trying to totally understand BDD and I am facing some doubts.
From my little experience, I have been using it to automate user acceptance test and I would like to know if it's possible to use it to test a web API, without UI.
In the past I've used BDD using the given-when-then jargon and mapping the steps to UI interactions. I've done this with Specflow in ASP.NET or cucumber/capybara in ruby on rails.
So for example we could have scenarios like this:
Given I am in the home page
When I click login button
Then I should see the login page
The current project I am working at is different. We are implementing an API based in web service which would be consumed by different type of clients. Like an iphone app, android app and an asp based web client. So our main focus is based in the back-end and just that.
In this case, the tests can't be faced from the UI point of view. So our end-to-end tests are based in our service endpoints. We pass some input arguments to a service calls and check the outputs.
Can we do this using BDD? Is this right?
or maybe it would be better to use a different thing like FitNesse?
Hmm.. is using FitNesse doing BDD?
I think you can do what your writing about in BDD. I'm not sure if those 2 links about testing of webservices with SpecFlow will help you but take a look on them if you haven't seen it yet.
Have a look at Karate, web service testing framework by Intuit. It's recently being open sourced. It has the capability of handling API dealing with HTML, JSON, XML, GraphQL queries and is built on top on cucumber.
Simple intro here : https://medium.com/blueprint-by-intuit/karate-web-services-testing-made-simple-366e8eb5adc0#.qnpy5gagt
I have a fairly conventional Grails application. It's monolithic; although it's somewhat split into plugins along functionality lines, it is built into a single war for deployment. Due to company architectural constraints, I need to consider isolating the app's persistence into a web service (or series of web services). What's the best approach to dividing a Grails application into a persistence service and a presentation application?
Put your domain classes in a Grails plugin, and have two distinct Grails applications, one for your web front-end and one for your web service. Both access the database directly, but code for persistence is not duplicated.
Here is a blog post that have some more details on how to realize that.
I don't have an out-of-the-box solution for your problem, and I don't believe there is one. I'll just explain the solution I use and what I would consider in your case.
In my organisation, our approach is to separate our applications in a Grails back-end and a front-end in Flex. The reason is that we have many ready-to-use Flex components that would take too much time to re-implement using pure web technologies, but here's not my point.
Creating a REST back-end in Grails is quick, as views are scaffolded when appropriate, controllers are straightforward, and input validation is greatly simplified by Domain constraints.
The drawback of this split is that definition of domain objects have to be duplicated in the front-end. You might includes objects validation in the front-end or not, but if you omit them, it will have an influence on UI responsiveness (requests to the REST back-end in AJAX calls for real-time validation to get the errors). At the end, our application is quite cumbersome because modifying objects in the back-end implies modification in the front-end. Furthermore, we do validation in both the front-end AND the back-end, and this code is not shared, so it must stay in phase and maintained at two places.
Our applications are split in a way that's similar to two completely distinct Grails applications that would share no code. A solution that would work in your case but is not what you are looking for, for sure.
In your case, I see two viable solutions for the web front-end:
use the Groovy REST client library to fetch and send back your domain objects directly from your controller. If needed, pack them in command objects that reflect your domain objects, so that you can share validation code with the back-end.
create some kind of REST GORM that replaces Hibernate with queries to your REST web service. You could look at the GORM for Mongo Plugin as an example of how to create such a GORM replacement.
I like the last idea, it would be a useful public plug-in. It doesn't exist yet, unfortunetly.
I have got a web application which is speparated in a GUI (JSF 2.0, Orchestra, Spring) and service (Spring, JPA, Hibernate,...) project. Due to network issues between the web server and the database server, I neet to split the application completely, between the layers and deploy them on two different tomcats, for the service part close to the database server. I have generated allready a webservice and a webservice-client with the Eclipse WTP CXF Plugin.
My Problem is: For the client it generates a copy of the domain model classes, so I can't use them directly in my gui project and would need to introduce an conversion layer, between the web service client and the gui layer. Wich is cumbersome and error prone.
Is there a possibility to generate the web service client (out of the existing web service module and the wsdl) using the shared domain model (model classes are in an separate project, wich both - service and gui - projects depend on)?
desperatly looking for a solution, as the deployment deadline is close...
To generate a copy of the domain model classes (DTOs) is a good practice when you have two physical layers : Your Hibernate POJOs need to be deproxyfied before being sent to an other physical layer. Maybe you could use Dozer to do it, to avoid to spend too much time doing it.
Maybe you should use RMI instead of Web Services if you need performances.
If you're absolutely determined to use your domain objects in the presentation layer, you should look about Gilead (formerly known as Hibernate4GWT).
Pure DTOs, DTOs with Dozer, and Gilead use are described in details here :