Why does set_position fail in this code - python-2.7

When I build this same ui in Glade (the program) the resulting code is flawless, when I code it by hand everything works except one thing, the set_position(670) is ignored and the resulting window comes up at about 1" square on my screen.
My goal is to get the left hand pane to instanciate at 670 px wide. I am not concerned about locking the width.
I have tried placing the call to set_position(670):
where it is shown now
2 lines further down
After the self.top.show_all()
Just before the self.top.show_all()
Just after call to pack1
Searching google has lead to no usefull results, and there are no useful answers here that I have found so far.
The pyGtk site indicates that the call can be placed almost anywhere.
The gtk site lists no restrictions.
Most things I have found seem to indicate it is due to the resize/shrink attributes of one of the other widgets, but after numerous attempts at altering the values of everything in the left pane, I am still at a loss. (Note that value changes were tried one or two at a time.)
import gtk
import gobject
class Source(gobject.GObject):
def _emit_signal(self, button, value):
self.emit('choice_changed', self, value)
def __init__(self):
# packing treee
# top
# main
# inst_align
# inst_window
# instructions
# opt_align
# opt_buttons
# opt_0 (through opt_5)
# doit_box
# doit
self.top = gtk.Alignment(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0)
self.main = gtk.HPaned()
# Build left side components
self.inst_align = gtk.Alignment(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0)
self.inst_window = gtk.ScrolledWindow(None, None)
self.inst_window.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
self.instructions = gtk.TextView(None)
"Very long (1200 char) string snipped.")
#pack pane 1
self.main.pack1(self.inst_align, True, False)
# build right side components
self.opt_align = gtk.Alignment(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
self.opt_buttons = gtk.VButtonBox()
self.opt_0 = gtk.RadioButton(
"Label 0",
self.opt_1 = gtk.RadioButton(
"Label 1",
self.opt_2 = gtk.RadioButton(
"Label 2",
self.opt_3 = gtk.RadioButton(
"label 3",
self.opt_4 = gtk.RadioButton(
"Label 4",
self.opt_5 = gtk.RadioButton(
"Label 5",
self.doit_box = gtk.HButtonBox()
self.doit = gtk.Button("Do It !", None, True)
self.doit.expand = False
self.doit.fill = False
self.doit.set_alignment(0.5, 0.0)
# Put the buttons in the box and while were at it, bind their
# released, and pressed options
for i in range(0, 6):
s = "self.opt_" + str(i)
self.opt_buttons.pack_start( eval(s), True, False, 0 )
s1 = s + '.connect("released", self._emit_signal, i)'
s2 = s + '.connect("pressed", self._emit_signal, i)'
self.doit_box.pack_start(self.doit, True, False, 0)
self.opt_buttons.pack_start(self.doit_box, True, False, 0)
self.main.pack2(self.opt_align, True, False)
gobject.TYPE_NONE, (Source, gobject.TYPE_INT))
if __name__ == "__main__":
def cb_test(widget, event, value):
print "widget is", widget
print "Value is ", value
test = Source()
win = gtk.Window()
test.connect('choice_changed', cb_test)

You have to set a window with greater than the position of the HPane divider. Here is a stripped down example:
import gtk
class Source(gtk.Window):
def __init__(self):
super(Source, self).__init__()
label1 = gtk.Label("The first label")
label2 = gtk.Label("The second label")
paned = gtk.HPaned()
self.set_size_request(800, 400) # needs sufficient width here
self.connect('delete-event', gtk.main_quit)
if __name__ == "__main__":
test = Source()


Tkinter button doesn't respond (has no mouse over effect)

I'm writing a game that has info that is communicated from client to server and from server to client. One specific (non-playing) client is the monitor, which only displays the game board and players. This works fine, the only thing that doesn't work is the quit button on the GUI. A minor thing, but I would like it to work. :) Plus I think that there might be something pretty wrong with the code, even though it works.
I tried all kind of different commands (sys.exit, quit...) and nothing fixed it.
There's no error message, nothing happens with the button at all. No mouse over effect, nothing if I click it. Relevant code (I removed matrix and server logic because I think it's irrelevant - if it isn't I'll post it):
class Main():
def __init__(self, master):
self.frame = Frame(master)
# Has to be counted up by server class
rounds = 0
# Has to be communicated by server class. If numberwin == numberrobots,
# game is won
numberwin = 0
numberrobots = 2
def draw(self):
if hasattr(self, 'info'):
if hasattr(self, 'quit'):
print "Main should draw this matrix %s" % self.matrix
[...] lots of matrix stuff [...]
# Pop-Up if game was won
# TODO: Make GUI quittable
if self.numberwin == self.numberrobots:
self.top = Toplevel()
self.msg = Message(self.top, text="This game was won!")
self.quittop = Button(
self.top, text="Yay", command=self.frame.destroy)
# TODO: Quit GUI
self.quit = Button(self.frame, text="Quit", command=self.frame.destroy)
# Information on the game
self.info = Label(
self.frame, text="Rounds played: {}, Numbers of robots in win condition: {}".format(self.rounds, self.numberwin))
def canvasCreator(self, numberrows, numbercolumns):
# Game board
self.canvas = Canvas(
self.frame, width=numbercolumns * 100 + 10, height=numberrows * 100 + 10)
class Agent(Protocol, basic.LineReceiver):
master = Tk()
main = Main(master)
# So first matrix is treated differently from later matrixes
flagFirstMatrix = 1
def connectionMade(self):
msg = dumps({"type": "monitor"})
print "Sent message:", msg
def dataReceived(self, data):
# Decode the json dump
print "Data received: %s" % data
data = loads(data)
self.main.matrix = np.matrix(data["positions"])
self.main.goals = np.matrix(data["goals"])
self.main.next_move_by_agent = data["next_move"]
self.main.rounds = data["rounds"]
self.main.numberwin = data["win_states"]
if self.flagFirstMatrix == 1:
self.main.numberrows, self.main.numbercolumns = self.main.matrix.shape
self.main.numberrows, self.main.numbercolumns)
self.flagFirstMatrix = 0
First there is no indentation for class Agent, second for the quit button's "call back" self.frame.destroy is never defined so it doesn't do anything. If you meant tkinter destroy method try self.frame.destroy() or try explicitly defining it. You can also try calling either fram.pack_forget() or fram.grid_forget()
Add master.mainloop() to your last line in terms of the entire lines of code

Tkinter forgetting to finish the function

I am again asking a question on this progressbar project; although this should just be a clarification question.
My code causes for a progressbar to be created to track the creation of a file. The user selects the type of file they want to create and then hits "go" which causes for the file to begin changing and for the progressbar to appear. Progressbar works great. File writing/manipulation works great.
Problem: When the user selects several files to manipulate, despite the progressbars being created correctly, they do NOT update correctly. At first I thought that clicking on a button multiple times causes for tkinter to forget the root.after() function it was doing previously but after playing with a (much simpler) sample code I realized that this is not the case.
Question: How do I make sure tkinter doesn't stop implementing the first function even when the same function is restarted with different parameters?
Below are parts of my code to describe what I am doing.
progbarlock = False # start with the prograssbar marked as not occupied
class guibuild:
def __init__(self):
self.root = root
guibuild.progbarlock = False
global theframe
theframe = Frame(root)
job_name = e.get()
label = Label(theframe,text = job_name).pack(side=LEFT,padx =2)
self.progbar = Meter(theframe) #makes the progressbar object
self.progbar.set(0.0) #sets the initial value to 0
self.counter = 0
self.i = float(0) #i is the value set to the progressbar
def stop_progbar(self):
def begin(self):
def interval(self):
if guibuild.progbarlock == False:
guibuild.progbarlock = True
def update(self):
the_file = open('running_file.json')
data = json.load(the_file)
curr = data["current_line"]
total = data["total_lines"]
if self.i == 1.0:
rint "100% - process is done"
elif curr == self.counter:
self.root.after(5000, self.interval)
elif curr == self.counter+1:
self.i += 1.0/total
self.progbar.set(self.i) #apply the new value of i to the progressbar
self.counter += 1
self.root.after(5000, self.interval)
elif curr > self.counter+1:
self.i += 1.0/total*(curr-self.counter)
self.progbar.set(self.i) #apply the new value of i to the progressbar
self.counter = curr
self.root.after(5000, self.interval)
print "something is wrong - running.json is not available"
self.root.after(5000, self.interval)
guibuild.progbarlock = False
def start_process():
makeRequest() #this is defined much earlier in the code and includes all the file creation and manipulation
button4 = Button(root,text="GO", command = start_process).pack()
NOTE:makeRequest() depends entirely on user input and the user input changes each time "go" is pressed.

Pygame midi prevents other input

I wish to have real-time midi input, in order to control some wx.Sliders. I have been able to achieve this, however it prevents interaction with the sliders via the mouse or keyboard and causes the application to crash.
This is the code I have at the moment.
import wx, pygame, pygame.midi
class windowClass(wx.Frame):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(windowClass, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def basicGUI(self):
panel = wx.Panel(self)
self.slider = wx.Slider(panel, -1, 2, 0, 128, pos=(10,25), size=(250,-1), style=wx.SL_AUTOTICKS | wx.SL_LABELS)
sliderText = wx.StaticText(panel, -1, 'Slider 1 ', (8,8))
self.slider2 = wx.Slider(panel, -1, 2, 0, 128, pos=(10,110), size=(250,-1), style=wx.SL_AUTOTICKS | wx.SL_LABELS)
sliderText = wx.StaticText(panel, -1, 'Slider 2', (8,88))
self.Bind(wx.EVT_SLIDER, self.sliderUpdate)
self.SetTitle('Sliders Window!')
inp = pygame.midi.Input(1)
running = True
while running:
if inp.poll():
dataset = inp.read(1)
control = dataset[0][0][1]
if control > 8:
if control == 1:
value = dataset[0][0][2]
if control == 2:
value = dataset[0][0][2]
def sliderUpdate(self, event):
value1 = self.slider1.GetValue()
value2 = self.slider2.GetValue()
print value1, value2
def main():
app = wx.App()
What is causing pygame.midi to take all resources? I have a feeling it is regarding while running = True, however my attempts at trying to close the instance don't seem to work.
How can I have the sliders being controlled by the midi and the mouse calling sliderUpdate? Thanks for any help.
You have a loop that never exits, so your program never reaches the parts that deal with anything except the midi input
I would move the code that is currently in that loop into a function, remove the loop, and add a timer to the panel, e.g.
def basicGUI(self):
... panel stuff
timer = wx.Timer(self, -1)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.OnTimer)
timer.Start(10, False)
def OnTimer(self, event):
inp = pygame.midi.Input(1)
if inp.poll():
dataset = inp.read(1)
control = dataset[0][0][1]
if control > 8:
if control == 1:
value = dataset[0][0][2]
if control == 2:
value = dataset[0][0][2]

value of radio button and option menu value in Tkinter

def fresh():
t = Toplevel()
t.geometry("%dx%d%+d%+d" % (600, 400, 0, 0))
rad1 = StringVar(t)
opt1 = StringVar(t)
opt1.set("School Board")
opt2 = StringVar(t)
form = Frame(t)
for (ix, label) in enumerate(fieldnames):
lab = Label(form, text=label)
ent = Entry(form)
lab.grid(row=ix, column=0)
ent.grid(row=ix, column=1)
entries[label] = ent
r1=Radiobutton(form, text="M", variable=rad1, value="M")
r2 = Radiobutton(form, text="F", variable=rad1, value="F")
r2.grid(row=5, column=1)
student.gender = rad1.get()
l = OptionMenu(form, opt1, "CBSE", "State Board","SB-TN","SB-KA","SB-KL","SB-AP","SB-RJ","SB-MH" )
l.grid(row=6, column=1)
student.SB = opt1.get()
l2 = OptionMenu(form, opt2,"AE","CH","CI","CSE","ECE","EEE","EIE","ME" )
l2.grid(row=7, column=1)
student.dept = opt2.get()
The value for radio button remains NULL value.
opt1 and opt2 value is also not getting changed other than default value.
kindly help.
They're changing, you're just not tracing the change. When you're setting them with these lines:
student.gender = rad1.get()
it's only getting set when the control flow passes over them. So, those values are going to be the values on initiation of the code.
You can trace a variable class instance with the trace method. Here's a small example:
root = Tk()
def callback(*args): # function called when var changes
print var.get() # this is where you'd set another variable to var.get()
var = StringVar()
Radiobutton(root, text='M', variable=var, value='M').pack()
Radiobutton(root, text='F', variable=var, value='F').pack()
var.trace('w', callback) # this will call a function when var changes
Alternatively, you can set a command to a callback in the Radiobutton options. Or, if you don't need the values updated in real-time, you could make a button that handles all of the processing of the fields at once.

Horizontal scrolling won't activate for ttk Treeview widget

I'm using the ttk Treeview widget to implement a folder/path selection dialog. It's all working as expected except that my horizontal scrollbar won't activate. No matter how wide the folder path goes horizontally, and no matter how narrow the window, the horizontal slider never appears. Vertical scrolling is working perfectly though.
I'm figuring it's either some kind of limitation when you only use one column in the treeview, or just a newbie mistake with configuring and connecting the widgets. I'd bet on the latter.
Example with dialog widened to show full folder depth:
Dialog narrowed to the point where horizontal scrolling should activate (but doesn't):
Here's my GUI layout code:
winDirSel = tk.Toplevel()
winDirSel.title('Select Test Directory...')
tvwDirSel = ttk.Treeview(winDirSel,
lblTestDir = tk.Label(winDirSel, relief=tk.SUNKEN,
justify=tk.LEFT, anchor=tk.W,
scbHDirSel = ttk.Scrollbar(winDirSel,
scbVDirSel = ttk.Scrollbar(winDirSel,
OK, after some playing with minwidth and stretch, I think I have a better handle on it. The horizontal scrolling is triggered by the column-edge going out of the window's bounds, not the content of the column. So you can use these parameters to force the column to be wider and thus force the scrolling.
The problem though is that you then lose the automatic adjustment of the column width to suit the width of the tree itself. You either have to force it very wide to accommodate any (assumed) likely folder depth, or you live with folder names getting truncated at the right boundary of the column.
So bottom line: it's just a limitation of the widget itself. (At least with respect to its behavior on my platform, MS Windows.)
Here's what I finally came up with to display a TreeView of files which are lazy-loaded (thanks to this answer) which is inside a PanedWindow (SplitterWindow in wxPython terms) along with a Notebook. The scrollbars are auto-displayed/hidden as needed, thanks to this example.
import os
import Tkinter as tk
import ttk as ttk
from ScrolledText import ScrolledText
class App(object):
def __init__(self, master, path):
splitter = tk.PanedWindow(master, orient=tk.HORIZONTAL)
# left-side
frame_left = tk.Frame(splitter)
self.tree = ttk.Treeview(frame_left, show='tree')
ysb = ttk.Scrollbar(frame_left, orient='vertical', command=self.tree.yview)
xsb = ttk.Scrollbar(frame_left, orient='horizontal', command=self.tree.xview)
# right-side
frame_right = tk.Frame(splitter)
nb = ttk.Notebook(frame_right)
page1 = ttk.Frame(nb)
page2 = ttk.Frame(nb)
text = ScrolledText(page2)
# overall layout
splitter.pack(fill=tk.BOTH, expand=1)
# left-side widget layout
self.tree.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='NSEW')
ysb.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky='ns')
xsb.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='ew')
# left-side frame's grid config
frame_left.columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
frame_left.rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
# right-side widget layout
text.pack(expand=1, fill="both")
nb.add(page1, text='One')
nb.add(page2, text='Two')
nb.pack(expand=1, fill="both")
# setup
self.tree.configure(yscrollcommand=lambda f, l:self.autoscroll(ysb,f,l), xscrollcommand=lambda f, l:self.autoscroll(xsb,f,l))
# use this line instead of the previous, if you want the scroll bars to always be present, but grey-out when uneeded instead of disappearing
#self.tree.configure(yscrollcommand=ysb.set, xscrollcommand=xsb.set)
self.tree.heading('#0', text='Project tree', anchor='w')
self.tree.column("#0",minwidth=1080, stretch=True)
# add default tree node
abspath = os.path.abspath(path)
self.nodes = dict()
self.insert_node('', abspath, abspath)
self.tree.bind('<<TreeviewOpen>>', self.open_node)
def autoscroll(self, sbar, first, last):
"""Hide and show scrollbar as needed."""
first, last = float(first), float(last)
if first <= 0 and last >= 1:
sbar.set(first, last)
def insert_node(self, parent, text, abspath):
node = self.tree.insert(parent, 'end', text=text, open=False)
if os.path.isdir(abspath):
self.nodes[node] = abspath
self.tree.insert(node, 'end')
def open_node(self, event):
node = self.tree.focus()
abspath = self.nodes.pop(node, None)
if abspath:
for p in os.listdir(abspath):
self.insert_node(node, p, os.path.join(abspath, p))
if __name__ == '__main__':
root = tk.Tk()
app = App(root, path='.')
import tkinter as tk
import tkinter.ttk as ttk
import tkinter.font as tk_font
class TreeListBox:
def __init__(self, master, root, dict_group):
self.master = master
self.root = root
self.dict_group = dict_group
self.level = 0
self.build_tree(self.root, '')
def setup_widget_tree(self):
container_tree = tk.Frame(self.master, width=250, height=300)
container_tree.pack(side="left", fill='y')
self.tree = ttk.Treeview(container_tree, show="tree", selectmode='browse')
fr_y = tk.Frame(container_tree)
fr_y.pack(side='right', fill='y')
tk.Label(fr_y, borderwidth=1, relief='raised', font="Arial 8").pack(side='bottom', fill='x')
sb_y = tk.Scrollbar(fr_y, orient="vertical", command=self.tree.yview)
sb_y.pack(expand='yes', fill='y')
fr_x = tk.Frame(container_tree)
fr_x.pack(side='bottom', fill='x')
sb_x = tk.Scrollbar(fr_x, orient="horizontal", command=self.tree.xview)
sb_x.pack(expand='yes', fill='x')
self.tree.configure(yscrollcommand=sb_y.set, xscrollcommand=sb_x.set)
self.tree.pack(fill='both', expand='yes')
def build_tree(self, parent, id_stroki):
self.level += 1
id = self.tree.insert(id_stroki, 'end', text=parent)
# -----------------
col_w = tk_font.Font().measure(parent)
if col_w > 1000:
col_w -= 400
elif col_w > 500:
col_w -= 200
elif col_w > 300:
col_w -= 100
col_w = col_w + 25 * self.level
if col_w > self.tree.column('#0', 'width'):
self.tree.column('#0', width=col_w)
# -----------------
for element in sorted(self.dict_group[parent]):
self.build_tree(element, id)
self.level -= 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
dict_group = {'Nomenclature': ['ABC1', 'ABC2'],
'ABC1': ['ABC3', 'ABC4'],
'ABC2': ['ABC5'],
'ABC3': ['ABC______________________________________6'],
'ABC4': ['ABC--------------------------------------8'],
'ABC5': ['ABC######################################9'],
'ABC______________________________________6': [],
'ABC--------------------------------------8': [],
'ABC######################################9': []
root = tk.Tk()
myTest = TreeListBox(root, 'Nomenclature', dict_group)