How to test if browser supports cookies in a Django app? - django

I am building a django app which requires user authentication for users to surf the web site. I read through many docs and tutorials which say to use set_test_cookie(), test_cookie_worked() and delete_test_cookie() functionality to test whether client's browser supports cookie management.
However this approach requires two requests and views to verify if cookie management is supported in client's browser or not. My question is how to implement Facebook like functionality in cookie management here. Here's how FB handles cookie check -
1) If I am not logged in and I have disabled cookie support then I am not allowed to log in prompting that I must enable cookie support to access my page.
2) Suppose I was logged in before and cookie was set up but I now disable cookie support then if I access then it logs me out in just one request and asking me log in again. But if I log in again then it is same as the first case.
3) If I am on my timeline and browsing facebook then without closing that tab if I disable cookie support in browser, I get automatically logged out prompting that cookie support should be enabled.
How does Facebook (same as gmail) know without my sending request that cookie support is disabled in the mid and I get logged out? Does it continuously make Ajax calls to the server? How do I implement this functionality in my django app?


Send Ajax request with cookie from 3rd Party Iframe - Safari 14+

I have a server side application that uses cookies for session management. The browser has some script that sends an ajax request to add information to the session. This is working well and in production.
The business wants to be able to insert this application in other companies' websites via iframes. ie is in an iframe in and when the user clicks a button in the application in the iframe launched from, it sends a request with a cookie that contains the session id to update the user's session on the server.
For the browser to be able to send a cookie, 3rd party cookies needs to be enabled by setting the cookie options of SameSite=None and Secure. This works for all browsers except Safari.
Safari no longer accepts 3rd party cookies.
The only solution I can come up with is to use session ids in the URL but this is a little cumbersome.
Can anyone suggest a better option or perhaps a good implementation of session ids in the url?
I used hidden html fields to pass the session id and expiration.
My server side code checks for a cookie if it cannot find it, looks for the session id and expiration in the hidden fields.
This avoids security issues with passing the id in the url. It is a little clumsy to implement but it works.

Cookies filtered out only in chrome

I have a chrome extension which use Oauth to authenticate users. This authentication create cookies which are shared to detect authentication on my other applications.
So when i'm authenticated by oAuth on my extension, i can go on another app and then if i refresh i'm connected without getting login process. This because cookies created by my OAuth process are shared and detected on others app.
This works fine on browser like Mozilla or Opera but don't works on Chrome cause cookies are filtered out with that info message :
this cookie was blocked because its path was not an exact match for or a super directory of the request url's path.(shown on screen by cookies with question mark (AUTH and KEYCLOAK prefixes)
Cookies with AUTH and KEYCLOAK on yellow are filtered out
How could i manage Chrome to accept those cookies ? But more, how could i manage this programmatically on request which have created cookies cause i can't tell my users to modify their Chrome configuration ?

jsessionid saved in cookies in wicket can they be used to login again be making them persistent cookies , if so how to do it?

Wicket saves jsessionid (actually tomcat does that) , now can I make those jsessionid cookies as persistent cookies and can I use them to make the user login next time he/she visits my page .
The idea behind 'JSESSIONID' cookie is to track a live user session.
Once this session is expired at the server side, i.e. inside Tomcat, the cookie becomes useless. The browser will send it to the web server and there it will be ignored.
What you ask for is "RememberMe" cookie. This cookie usually brings encrypted information about the user. If the user session is expired then the application will forward you to the login page. During this process the application may check for such RememberMe cookie and use it to auto-login this user without asking for her credentials.
Apache Wicket provides DefaultAuthenticationStrategy with support for RememberMe cookie. See wicket-auth-roles and the source code for to see how it works. You could also use Spring Security, Apache Shiro, Stormpath, etc. for the same functionality if you decide so!

How to create a cookie on a Google site?

I created a Google site page with 5 links on it. Is it possible to create on my site a script or something that stores in a cookie the link on which the user has clicked, and then the next time he will connect to the page, he will be automatically redirected to the link he clicked on ? For information, the user connect to the site with his Google email account.
How can I do that please?
Thank you very much in advance for your help
While it is possible to read cookies and redirect using JavaScript inside a Google Page (using widgets), browsers will not allow you to set cookies for a completely different domain for obvious security reasons.
How to set a cookie for another domain
Cross-Domain Cookies
What's your favorite cross domain cookie sharing approach?
You could theoretically try and send an AJAX request from the Google Page with a "where should I direct this user to?" and expect a URL or a null.
CORS $.ajax session cookies (access-control-allow-credentials & withCredentials=true)
Cross domain POST request is not sending cookie Ajax Jquery
But overall, your task is not as straightforward as it may seem. The browser will, fortunately, not play along.

Rails HTTP_REFERER is empty after paypal redirection.

I am building a rails paypal integration, I am ussing the sandbox
and after the purchace I am redirecting the user on a "Your transaction has been completed"
I want to prevent though users to directly access the page.
So I am trying to trace HTTP_REFERER but is not been set
I suggest doing it another way. Trusting the referrer is not a very secure way to prevent users from accessing pages as it can be easily manipulated by the user and it is unreliable.
Typically, if you're re-directing from HTTPS to HTTP, it will be empty as I suspect this is the case.
I would use either sessions or the PayPal token to prevent users from accessing the page. If an order session number is set, and payment is completed through PayPal (PayPal will send you details back that the payment is a success, token etc.), then display the payment completion page.